Tuesday 30 December 2014


Glory to God!

Our Christmas musical, "Chosen!" was a huge success! It was wonderful to see 3 churches in Frankfurt come together to produce such a creative, dynamic, powerful and inspiring musical that was written, composed, danced, sung and performed by all our own people. Hallelujah! Even with the 4 performances at the 3 churches, we did not have enough space to accomodate all those who would have liked to see the musical and sadly many could not be admitted into the buildings because of security risks. The place was packed at our KLF performance and the atmosphere was electric. The performance was outstanding and the message was clear. As part of the event we took up a special offering to be able to put on a Christmas party for needy children in Butuan City in the Philippines that was to be organised by our sister church, Kingdom Life Butuan. Through the generosity of those present, we were able to bless more than 200 children with a wonderful party where they were given t-shirts, food, gifts and a whole lot of fun. It is such a blessing to bring joy to these precious children! Hallelujah!

On the 24th in the afternoon we had a special Christmas Eve celebration in our newly renovated church offices where we spent time together enjoying some traditional Weihnachts Stollen, worshipping God, giving thanks to Him and reflecting on the significance of Christ's birth. It was lovely to have both the adults and the children together as everyone contributed to our time together.

On Sunday Richard spoke to us about The Hope of Perfection which you can listen to here. Looking at 1 Corinthians 13:8-12 and 1 Peter 1:3-9, we looked at the following:

  • The Kingdom of God is perfect and everything in heaven or from heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:38; Romans 12:2; Hebrews 12:23; James 1:17; 1 John 4:18
  • The world in which we live is imperfect and has been subjected to imperfection until Christ comes again and all things are made new and perfect. Romans 8:18-27; Revelation 21:1-4
  • The believer lives in the tension of living in the imperfect but hoping for the perfect to be manifested both in the present and in the future. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
  • When the believer has an unbalanced view of either the present hope or the future hope, s/he will either lose hope and consequnetly joy because perfection is not manifesting in the present or s/he will not expect perfection to manifest in the present until Christ comes again. Both extremes are unhealthy and can lead to either disappointment with God or a life without any expectation of the supernatural.
  • The apostle Paul dealt with the reality of the perfect in the context of imperfection by humbly recognising that we know in part but will one day know fully as we are fully known! 1 Corinthians 13:12
  • The assurance of not experiencing perfection in its fullness yet, is that we are known fully by God and have a certain hope for an inheritance that is perfection itself! 1 Peter 1:3-9
  • The believer's greatest joy should come from the hope of salvation, the hope of perfection when the old order of things passes away and God makes all things new! 1 Peter 1:8,9; Revelation 21:1-4
  • Glimpses of perfection in our imperfect world also give us great joy and the assurance of greater things to come but we must not depend on these glimpses for our faith to be strengthened. We walk by faith and not by sight. Our hope is in the present and future reality of perfection even if we don't see it. 2 Corinthians 5:5-7; Hebrews 11:39,40

We praise God for the glimpses of perfection He has granted us in 2014 and for even more in 2015 but most of all we praise God for the certain hope we have as believers who have received the Hope of Glory, the Hope of perfection, the Lord Jesus Christ!

Our Kingdom Life family prays you will have a blessed and fruitful year 2015 as you remain in Him!

Upcoming events

06.01. KLF Prayer Meeting @ Leipziger Str.60

Monday 15 December 2014

Abiding in the Father's love

Glory to God!

Yesterday's meeting was amazing! There is a distinct buzz of excitement amongst our people surrounding the preparation for this weekend's Christmas musical entitled, "Chosen!" After a powerful time of worship, we had the privilege of having Junior Robinson, a very well known gospel singer and song writer from England, minister to us with his own song, describing our dependency on the Vine to be all God has made us to be. Junior Robinson is in Frankfurt to prepare the singers from different churches in Frankfurt for the gospel choir that is part of the musical. It is such an exciting Kingdom project that is connecting the churches in Frankfurt to produce "Chosen!" to reach people with the message of the Father's love and to do it excellently, together for His glory!

David Rowe and Alexander Blair visited the Father's House Christian Fellowship in October. FHCF was led by the late Richard Maybery who was instrumental in the lives of many of our members and in the establishing of KLF. David and Alexander gave us a report of their visit, the people we are connected to and the ministries FHCF is supporting. These include Resilient Kids and Mercy Aids
as well as the Berean College in India which Richard Maybery founded. We are excited to see how God wants us to further be a part of what He is doing in and through the Father's House and to be connected across the globe to expand God's Kingdom.

Prem Christopher then brought a message on the Father's nature and love, looking at the parable of "The revelation of the Father's heart" as Prem called it, in Luke 15:11-32. Prem showed us the importance of understanding how the Father sees His children, how the greatest blessing is in
the abiding presence of the Father, how richly we are blessed in Christ and in the inheritance of all the Father has for us and that God wants us to celebrate with Him because we are now alive in Him! You can listen to Prem's anointed and very powerful message here.

Upcoming Events

21.12. Chosen - A Christmas Musical at 3pm at KLF (Eastsite 15).
24.12  Christmas Eve Reflection at 16:00 at Leipziger Str.60

Monday 8 December 2014

Birthing a Kingdom Community

Glory to God!

On Saturday our KLF leaders spent the day together at the Seminar Zentrum in Rückersbach. It was a great opportunity to encourage one another, have fun together and be further equipped to lead God's people.  We are so blessed to have such a great group of devoted lovers of God!

As one looks at what God has been saying to us these past weeks and months, it is clear that the Lord is preparing us as His people to birth a Kingdom community. On Sunday, Richard shared what a Kingdom community looks like. You can listen to the message here.

A Kingdom community is:

1.  A relational community
  • Everyone connected
  • Everyone in a caring relationship
  • Everyone feeling part of the whole - a sense of belonging
2.  A spiritual community
  • People of prayer, worship and the Word
  • People dependent on and led by the Spirit
  • Prophetic people
3.  A maturing community
  • People growing in the knowledge of God and Christ-likenesss
  • People growing in faith and love
4.  A healing community
  • A community of grace, acceptance, forgiveness and love
  • A community where people experience miracles, signs and wonders
  • A community where people receive healing 
5.  A generous community
  • People helping one another and going the exra mile
  • People giving beyond expectation with their energy, time and resources
  • People investing in the Kingdom
6.  An outward-focused community
  • People sharing the Good News and reaching the lost
  • People looking after the poor and orphans
  • People visiting prisoners
  • People praying for and reaching out to the Jewish people
7.  A creative community
  • People using their gifts to glorify God through drama, art, media, music, dance, literature, etc
8.  A serving community
  • People practically helping others in the church and the local community
9.  A multiplying community
  • Planting small groups and churches
  • Training leaders
  • Birthing and establishing God's Kingdom wherever we are
Understanding what God wants to birth in and through KLF, we are looking forward to this coming season as we continue to work together with God to become the Kingdom community He wants us to be. Hallelujah!

Upcoming Events

21.12. Chosen - A Christmas Musical
24.12  Christmas Eve Reflection at 16:00 at Leipziger Str.60

Monday 1 December 2014

Building the House of God


Glory to God!

On Saturday we had our open house day at our newly renovated KLF office in F-Bockenheim. It is a blessing to have such a centrally located meeting place for our mid-week meetings as we seek to influence the city of Frankfurt with God's Kingdom. The office floor now has a cosy coffee area, an inspiring larger room for prayer meetings, seminars and small group meetings, three offices, a kitchen and a rest room. It was fun having people pop round for coffee and cake and a chat on Saturday and we are looking forward to using the premises to full capacity as our people make the most of God's provision to us.

On Sunday, Richard began the meeting by sharing a few principles concerning worship. This is what he shared:

  • Worship does not begin with the worshipper. When we struggle to worship God, it is probably because we are trying to initiate worship.
  • Worship begins with God and is the worshipper's response to who God is, what He has done, is doing and will do.
  • The Father seeks worshippers and so He expects His children to worship Him with their lives.
  • The Sunday meeting is another opportunity to express one's response to God.
  • Worship cannot be passive. True worship always involves an engagement with God.
  • At KLF we expect people to engage with God in whatever manner they feel free to respond to God, whether seated, lying on the floor, standing, pacing, dancing, with arms raised or bowed down, etc. - the way we worship is not important but THAT we worship is important!

As we reflected on God's love for us and what He has done for us, we very quickly entered into a spirit of worship that truly honoured the presence of our King!

Worship in song flowed naturally as we responded to God's love and goodness which then led into a spirit of intercession as we responded to the Holy Spirit's guidance to pray for one another. It was a powerful time that the Holy Spirit was using to prepare us for the message that Alexander would bring. God's Word to us was encouraging, convicting and clear as Alexander spoke to us about our being a house of prayer (Mark 11:17). Alexander showed us that we must understand God's purpose for our lives, what we are called to be and do and to be obedient to these. It was a call to prayer, not because we must but because we are the house of prayer, the temple of the Holy Spirit, the habitation of our great Intercessor and High Priest, Jesus Christ! God is calling KLF to be fervent in prayer both individually and corporately. Let us be obedient to His call.

Preparations are well under way for our Christmas musical entitled, Chosen. The production will be performed on the 21.12 at CZF at 10:30 and at KLF at 15:00. Further performances will take place on the 24.12 at 14:30 and 16:30 at the FCG (Eckenheimer Landstr.180). All are welcome to come and are encouraged to bring neighbours, friends, colleagues and the like to not only experience an excellent Christ-centred production but have an opportunity to hear the Gospel in a way that is fun, convicting and powerful.

Upcoming Events

02.12. KLF Prayer Meeting at Leipziger Str.60
21.12. Chosen - A Christmas Musical
24.12  Christmas Eve Reflection at 16:00 at Leipziger Str.60

Wednesday 26 November 2014

God's inspiring Gifts

 Image by Keerati from freedigitalphotos.com

Glory to God!

Over the past few weeks, we have been looking at the five gifts (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher) listed in Ephesians 4:11 and how this fivefold ministry relates to the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the purpose of the Church and the five gifts. You can listen to the sermons here:

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit - Richard Morschel
The Fivefold Ministry of the Church - Frances Morschel
God's inspiring Gifts - Richard Morschel

Frances showed us how the Church is called to be apostolic - a people birthing and establishing God's Kingdom wherever they are; prophetic - a people who communicate the heart of God; evangelistic - a people who are ready to give the reason for the hope they have in Christ; pastoral - a people who care for others by empathising with them but leading them into the truth; teachers - a people who teach the essence of God's truth.

After the joy of dedicating four of our precious little children and blessing them, Richard looked at the five gifts listed in Ephesians 4:11 and showed us why the five gifts are given to the Church, how they operate and how we can recognise them.  

The Apostle
  • Births the Kingdom and establishes the Kingdom
  • Helps people to be Kingdom-minded
  • Equips people to be ambassadors of the Kingdom
  • Inspires Kingdom living.
The Prophet
  • Reveals the heart of God
  • Helps people respond to God
  • Equips people to communicate God’s heart
  • Inspires God-consciousness
The Evangelist
  • Points to Jesus an exalts Him
  • Helps people to know the Gospel and how to communicate the Gospel
  • Inspires love for the lost
The Pastor
  • Keeps watch/ oversees to feed, protect and lead God’s flock
  • Helps people care for one another
  • Equips people to bring others to the Shepherd
  • Inspires trust in God and love for the Church
The Teacher
  • Communicates essence (why) – the truth
  • Lives the truth -  incarnate
  • Helps others know the truth, live the truth and how to communicate truth in love
  • Inspires confidence in God’s truth and His Word

"God inspires His people to be an inspiration to others!"

Upcoming Events

29.11. (11:00 - 17:00) Open House at Leipzigerstr.60
21.12. Chosen - a Christmas Musical

Sunday 16 November 2014

Time for Revival

Time for Revival was the theme for two evenings set aside for worship, prayer, teaching and moving with the Holy Spirit. We had an awesome time as we worshipped the Lord and He manifested His presence. The Holy Spirit confirmed the truth as people encountered and experienced the truth of who He is and what He does. It was a very special time of fellowship and intimacy with the Holy Spirit who led us into a deeper knowledge of His person and His ministry.

Looking at what true revival is, Richard showed us that revival happens when people come under the influence of the person of the Holy Spirit. Looking at who the Holy Spirit is and what He is sent to do, we learned the importance of growing in our relationship with the Holy Spirit and submitting to His presence, His nature and His will for us in order for us to be revived. You can listen to both messages here:

The Person of the Holy Spirit
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Here is an outline of what Richard shared:

The person of the Holy Spirit
  • To be filled with the Holy Spirit is to come under His influence. Ephesians 5:18
  • The Holy Spirit is a person and not just a force.
  • The Holy Spirit has emotions (Ephesians 4:30), desires (Romans 8:5), thoughts (1 Corinthians 2:10-14) and is jealous for our affection (James 4:4).
  • The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of life who seeks to give life to God's people as they live under His influence. Romans 8:1-17
  • Those who submit to the person of the Holy Spirit, live under His influence and are revived.
  • A revived people manifest the influence of the Holy Spirit in their lives, bear the fruit of His nature and are moved to fulfill His ministry and purpose. Galatians 5:22; Romans 8:14

The ministry of the Holy Spirit
  • The Spirit leads us into truth. John 16:13
  • The Spirit reveals all that belongs to the Father. John 16:14
  • The Spirit gives us access to the intimate union between the Father and the Son. John 14.20,21; 17:26
  • The Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are sons of God and can experience true sonship, knowing and experiencing God as "Abba, Father." Romans 8:15
  • The Spirit gives us access to the Father to encounter Him and intercede for others as Jesus does out of the intimate union of sonship. Ephesians 2:18; John 16:26,27; Romans 8:26,27
  • The Spirit empowers God's children to release Heaven on earth out of the intimate union we have with the Father. John 14:12-14
  • The Spirit moves God's people to fulfill His fivefold ministry of being sent to birth and establish God's Kingdom (apostolic); of passing on what He receives from the Father (prophetic); of testifying about Jesus, of convicting the world of guilt and of making the good news of God's grace known (evangelistic); of walking alongside and comforting God's people (pastoral) and of leading people into God's truth and teaching people the truth (teacher).   
"Revival happens when people come under the influence of the person of the Holy Spirit."

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Kingdom Relationships

 Image courtesy of bplanet at freedigitalphotos.net

Glory to God!

As an apostolic people, sent to birth and establish God's Kingdom wherever we are, Kingdom Life Frankfurt seeks to be a Kingdom influence locally, nationally and internationally. For this purpose God has connected us through significant relationships with other churches and ministries to colabour together to further His Kingdom. One of these significant relationships has been with Dr Richard Maybery, who was senior pastor of The Father's House Christian Fellowship in Cape Town, South Africa before his untimely death in June. In order to strengthen our relationship with FHCF and to explore God's purpose in connecting us with them, David and Alexander spent two weeks in Cape Town, serving the church in her various ministries and being part of the Father's House church life. On Sunday, Alexander gave a brief report about their trip and what God did in the two weeks they were there. We are excited to be part of the apostolic networking that was part of Richard Maybery's vision to see the nations touched with the Father's love and God's Kingdom birthed and established internationally.

Looking at Romans 8:28-39, David then shared a message on Reconciliation and showed us how God is able to redeem and reconcile any broken relationship. In response to God's Word many came forward for prayer and were ministered to. You can listen to David's message here.

This weekend we will have two special evenings entitled, Time for Revival - a time to seek God together, to worship, to pray and to learn the true meaning of revival. The meetings will take place in Salzschlirferstr.15 and begin at 19:30 on Friday and 19:00 on Saturday.
Upcoming events

14.11. (19:30) & 15.11. (19:00): KLF Revival Meetings at Salzschlirferstr.15
29.11. (11:00 - 17:00) Open House at Leipzigerstr.60
21.12. Christmas Musical

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Running the Race

Glory to God!

The manifestation of God's glory is the revelation of His holiness - His otherness. Jesus revealed the glory of the Father as He manifested God's presence, character and power. Now, as the Head of the Church, Jesus continues to glorify the Father as He empowers and enables the people of God through the Holy Spirit to reveal God's presence, character and power. Jesus calls His people to remain in Him and to be continuously filled with His Spirit so that the Church can glorify God.

A few weeks ago Alexander spoke to us about the Jubilee Anointing from Luke 4:18 and 19. He showed us how the same anointing that was upon Jesus is upon the Church to continue God's redemptive work of reconciling the lost, healing the sick and setting the captives free. The grace and anointing of God that is upon the Church is the ridiculous favour that takes God's people beyond the boundaries of the natural realm into the supernatural possibilities of God's otherness! You can listen to the message here.

The following week, Elizabeth shared a powerful message on the unity of God. She showed us how God wants to reveal the unity of the God-head through the Church as God's people receive revelation of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit - one God but three Persons. God's unity is manifested through the Church as His people live in unity and keep the unity through the bond of peace (Eph 4:3). Elizabeth shared how God's power is manifested through the spirit of reconciliation and unity within the Body and urged us to ensure that our relationships are in order and to live in the unity Christ purchased with His blood. You can listen to Elizabeth's message here.

On Sunday Richard spoke to us about Running the Race. Having completed the Frankfurt Marathon the previous weekend, Richard compared his preparation for the race and his experience of the marathon to the believer's journey with God and the race we are called to run. The apostle Paul writes that physical training is of some value but that spiritual training is very important (1 Tim 4:7,8). Richard then showed us some of the principles that apply both to physical training and spiritual training and what is required to run the race well. You can listen to the message here.

Unconditional commitment: anyone who decides to run a marathon or follow Jesus must first count the cost and then make an unconditional commitment to complete the race. Only then will the runner be willing to identify with what he or she is planning to do and the believer be willing to identify him or herself with Jesus. Our identification with something or someone is in direct proportion to the degree we are committed to that thing or person! 

Support: in order to keep going and not give up, the runner and the believer need people behind them who encourage, support and believe in them. The Holy Spirit runs alongside the believer to do just that whilst Jesus lives to intercede for the believer to keep him or her blameless to the end.

Focus: keeping one's eye on the goal is essential for both the runner and the believer. The runner must stay focused by being mindful of where s/he is headed and how s/he will get there. Likewise the believer must fix his or her mind on things above and train himself or herself in God-consciousness by reading the Bible, prayer, worship and meditating on the things of God. When the believer loses focus, s/he can become spiritually lazy!

Discipline: without discipline the runner or the believer will not be able to run the race well. Discipline is the outworking of one's unconditional commitment that is not dependent on circumstances or feelings. Discipline is the submission of one's will to sow proper seed (Gal 6:7-10).

Perseverance: the runner and the believer must learn to push through hardship in order to create a greater capacity to run better and for more of God. Perseverance is about patiently enduring hardship and continuing despite difficult circumstances. God commends those who persevere by faith because they see Him who is invisible and look forward to their final reward (see Hebrews 11).

Enjoyment: there is great joy in overcoming obstacles and beating one's own personal records. The small victories create joy and hope for even greater victories. Likewise, the believer can rejoice whenever he or she faces temptation and trials because s/he can overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit and enjoy the small victories in life (see James 1:2-4)!

Motivation: training for a marathon is hard work and requires continuous motivation. Reading the success stories of other runners, enjoying the small victories, keeping one's mind on the goal and receiving encouragement from others helps one stay motivated. As believers, we can stay motivated in the same way, by reading the testimonies of the saints, both in the past and the present, by enjoying the small victories over sin and temptation, by staying focused and by being encouraged by other believers.

These past two weeks, David and Alexander visited the Father's House in Cape Town, previously led by Richard Maybery, to connect with the church and establish what God's will is for our two churches in the future. As part of the apostolic call upon Kingdom Life, we recognise that God has orchestrated key relationships and connections with leaders, churches and ministries across the globe that the Father is using to further His Kingdom.

Our office space in Bockenheim is taking shape as we are now renting more space and renovating the rooms for our purposes. Having a meeting place centrally located at the heart of Frankfurt is a significant step for us as a church to increasingly influence the city with God's presence and Kingdom.

Upcoming events

04.11. KLF Prayer Meeting at Leipzigerstr.60

14 & 15.11 KLF Revival Meetings at Salzschlirferstr.15  
21.12. Christmas Musical

Tuesday 14 October 2014

The Holy Spirit's Fivefold Ministry

image courtesy of Keerati at freedigitalphotos.net
Glory to God!

As an international church, we are blessed to have people with us from many different nations in the world. On Sunday we had people attending either from or with backgrounds from Cameroon, Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Serbia, Russia, Armenia, Vietnam, India, West Indies, Germany, UK, Italy, Paraguay, and America! God is using KLF to touch the nations! Hallelujah!

This year we planted Kingdom Life Butuan in the Philippines. On Sunday, Frances gave us an exciting presentation of what God is doing through KLB, showing us pictures and giving us information about the senior leaders, pastors Julius and Roszel Regala and their ordination, the inauguration of this young, dynamic church, their meetings, their ministries and our networking with the local pastors, and government leaders, through pastor Berwyn Villadares. It is so exciting to be part of God's work locally, nationally and internationally!

Richard then spoke to us about the fivefold ministry of the Holy Spirit (click on the titel to listen to the message) and this is what he showed us:

The apostolic ministry of the Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit is sent by the Father to birth His life and Kingdom in the life of the believer. John 3:3-5
  • This sending out as an ambassador of God's Kingdom to establish the Lord's Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven is the Holy Spirit's apostolic ministry. John 15:26
  • As the habitation of the Holy Spirit, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, the Church is called to be an apostolic people. John 17:18; Acts 1:8
The prophetic ministry of the Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit makes God known to us and tells us what will happen in the future. John 16:14,15; Rev 1:9
  • The prophetic ministry is about receiving from God and passing it on to man. 1 Cor 11:23; 14:3
  • As the habitation of the Holy Spirit, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, the Church is called to be a prophetic people. 1 Cor 14:31
The evangelistic ministry of the Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit is given to testify about Jesus. John 15:26,27
  • The Holy Spirit convicts of guilt. John 16:8-11
  • The Holy Spirit reveals the Good News of God's grace. 1 Cor 2:12,13
  • As the habitation of the Holy Spirit, under the influence of His purposes, the Church is called to be an evangelistic people. Acts 1:8
The pastoral ministry of the Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit is sent as the Paraklete - intercessor, advocate, comforter, advisor, counselor - who walks alongside His people to guide them into all truth. John 14:16
  • As the habitation of the Holy Spirit, under the influence of the Paraklete, the Church is called to be a pastoral people. 
The teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit is sent to lead people into all truth. John 14:26; 16:13; 1 John 2:27
  • As the Habitation of the Spirit of Truth, the Church is called to be a people who teach the truth.
The Spirit-filled Church
  • If the Church is filled and moved by the Holy Spirit, she will pursue the fivefold ministry of the Holy Spirit. Phil 2:13
  • To help the Church mature and walk in the fullness of the Spirit, God gives apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Eph 4:11
  • These functions or offices in the Church are given to equip the Body of Christ to fulfull the ministry of the Holy Spirit so that the Church is apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral and a teacher of truth.
  • When the Church is filled with the Holy Spirit, she will be an influence locally, nationally and internationally. Acts 1:8
We are excited about God's revelation to us and for the gift of His Spirit who calls and enables us to fulfill His fivefold ministry

Upcoming events

04.11. KLF Prayer Meeting at Leipzigerstr.60

14 & 15.11 KLF Revival Meetings at Salzschlirferstr.15  
21.12. Christmas Musical

Tuesday 7 October 2014

In the roar of His waterfall

 Image from freedigitalphotos.net

 "Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls." Psalm 42:7

 Glory to God!

These past weeks have been very exciting, inspiring, challenging and encouraging. It was a great pleasure to have Bengt Wedemalm minister to us a few weeks ago with a message about how Jesus was indeed the One whom John the Baptist expected and whom we can expect today to heal the sick, to deliver those oppressed by the enemy and to save the lost! Bengt also emphasised that in Christ, the believer has received everything s/he needs! The Messiah has come and is at work today because He is the same yesterday, today and forever! You can listen to Bengt's message here.

A couple of Sundays ago, Francois Botes ministered to us and spoke to us about the End Times, looking at what the signs of Christ's return are. Francois ministered prophetically to us and together we responded to God's Word in song and proclamation. God's Word to us through Francois was clear: "Now is the time. No more waiting." You can listen to Francois' message here.

Last week our KLF leadership team spent two days away to pray and hear what is on God's heart for the church. As a team, we used the time to strengthen our relationships, seek God together, prophesy over one another and simply enjoy our fellowship together. We also spent time looking at God's purpose for KLF and how we are organising ourselves as a church to fulfill God's call. It was a very powerful time together and we sense God has taken us to a new level as a team and as a church to move with what God is doing through us locally, nationally and globally.

On Sunday we had an amazing meeting. Worship in song turned into a battle cry that broke down walls and removed obstacles in people's lives as we declared and ministered Christ's victory over each other. Richard then spoke to us about our need to depend on God both when we feel weak as well as when we feel strong. We looked at what it means to have fellowship with the Holy Spirit and how to be filled with Him to be like Jesus. The Lord showed us that He is the God who always proceeds because He is eternal. It became clear that God was calling us to go deeper with Him and so in response to His Word, we entered the waterfall of His ever-proceeding presence to be drenched with His Spirit. It was a very powerful time as we prayed for one another and the Father ministered to His children. It was as though the room was filled with liquid love! You can listen to Richard's message here.

We praise God for His faithfulness and that He is preparing us for Christ's return! Hallelujah!

Upcoming events

07.10. KLF Prayer Meeting at Leipzigerstr.60

14 & 15.11 KLF Revival Meetings at Salzschlirferstr.15  
21.12. Christmas Musical

Monday 15 September 2014


(image from freedigitalphotos.net)

Glory to God!

It is always exciting when one sees the unity of the Spirit within the church as people bring words, impressions, pictures, scriptures and revelation from God that fit together perfectly with the sermon (see 1 Cor 14:26). The Lord is speaking to us about true worship and we once again looked at the worship cycle where worship begins with God's revelation and the believer responds with repentance, responding in action, and remaining in Christ to reflect Him.

Richard showed us that the true worshipper's response to who God is and what He does should be a heart of gratitude. Thankfulness glorifies God (2 Cor 4:15), is at the heart of worship (Rev 11:6,7), is God's will for us (1 Thess 5:18), is the means to supernatural peace (Phil 4:6,7), is the means to overcome the enemy (2 Chr 20:21,22), is the means to contentment (Phil 4:4-12) and is the fruit of humility (Heb 12:28). Gratitude is the worshipper's response to the Unseen Real and is not dependent on the temporary. The believer can be thankful in every circumstance because his or her gratitude is based on who God is and what He does!

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his love endures forever" 1 Chr 16:34

Looking at the Sermon on the Mount we saw how the beatitudes (supreme blessing) are based on belonging to Christ and His Kingdom (Matt 5:3-12) despite the temporary, earthly struggles we may face. For this reason, the believer can be thankful in every circumstance, having received every spiritual blessing in Christ (1 Thess 5:18; Eph 1:3; 2:6,7)! We also looked at what corrupts gratitude and saw that familiarity, pride, envy, and focusing on the temporary and negative things destroy a heart of gratitude.

In order to develop a heart of gratitude, Richard showed us that it begins with receiving revelaton of who God is and what He has freely given us, then repenting of ingratitude, then responding to God by giving thanks in every circumstance, then remaining in the reality of God's abundant grace causing us to overflow with thankfulness that reflects God's goodness and grace (2 Cor 4:15).

We praise God for His revelation to us and give thanks to Him for He is good and His love endures forever!

 Upcoming events

21.09. Bengt Wedemalm will be our guest at KLF
28.09. Francois Botes will be our guest at KLF

21.12. Christmas Musical


Monday 8 September 2014

God's holy people

Glory to God!

Sunday's meeting was awesome as we spent an extended time of worship in song and communion, lifting up the name of our risen and victorious Lord Jesus. The presence of God was tangible and there was a wonderful sense of His majesty and authority in the room.

After blessing the school children as they enter the new school year this week, Sophie Rowe shared a message on holiness and how God sanctifies all those who believe in Jesus, making them holy, blameless and pure in His sight. Sophie spoke about how a holy God can only have a relationship with a holy people and therefore provided a way through the blood of Jesus for man to become holy in Christ. Having been made holy through our union with the Holy One, we no longer need to strive to become holy by doing good works but must learn to live as God's holy people. After Sophie's message, Richard Morschel spoke about God's purpose in making the believer holy in Christ. He showed us that God created man for His pleasure (Revelation 4:11) and that God set the Church apart as His holy people for His pleasure (1 Peter 2:9). Richard showed us that although God loves everyone unconditionally, the believer is called to find out God's will to please Him (Romans 12:1,2; 2 Corinthians 5:9; Ephesians 5:8-10). The Holy Spirit is at work in every believer to will and to act for God's pleasure (Philippians 2:12,13). God makes the believer holy so that s/he can be holy and reflect Him (1 Peter 1:15,16). You can listen to Sophie and Richard's messages here.

The true worshipper lives a life set apart for God's pleasure! 

We praise God for His revelation to us that causes us to worship Him as His holy people, set apart for His pleasure! Hallelujah!

 Upcoming events

21.09. Bengt Wedemalm will be our guest at KLF
28.09. Francois Botes will be our guest at KLF

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Entering God's Best

 (picture used with permission from freedigitalphotos.net)

Glory to God!

The Lord is continuing to speak to us about how true worship is our response to the revelation of God. On Sunday, Alexander spoke to us about the freedom we have in Christ to make right choices that will help us enter into all that God has for us. Alexander showed us the consequences of poor choices as well as the traps that the enemy sets that stop us from entering our inheritance. Using the analogy of remaining in an airport instead of just passing through to board one's plane, he showed us how we can remain in a spiritual wilderness if we don't move forward! The 3 traps the enemy sets are fear, staying in our comfort zone and resistance to change. In order to enter into our inheritance, Alexander showed us that we need to be intentional, bold and unattached to the past and the things that hinder us from moving forward. You can listen to Alexander's message entitled "I don't want to miss God's plane!" here.

Upcoming events

02.09. KLF prayer meeting at 19:00 at Leipzigerstr.60
21.09. Bengt Wedemalm will be our guest at KLF
28.09. Francois Botes will be our guest at KLF

Monday 25 August 2014

True Worship

Glory to God!

One of the greatest privileges of every redeemed believer is access to the glory of God. The Lord invites His children to His throne of grace and mercy to encounter Him, to worship Him and to enjoy Him forever. As God reveals Himself to us, we have a choice to respond to Him or exchange the truth of God for a lie (Rom 1:20-25). The true worshipper responds to the revelation of God in repentance by aligning him or herself to his or her knowledge of God.True repentance always leads to action as the believer responds to God, and depends on God to reflect Him. God created man in His image to reflect His glory!

Unless our knowledge of God affects our lives, we are not true worshippers.

As we worshipped God yesterday, the Lord revealed Himself to us and His presence became tangible, causing many to bow down before Him in repentance and adoration. It was an amazing time and the depth of worship was profound. Worship in song led into encountering God in the reading of His Word as Richard and Antje read the testimonies about people of God who encountererd the glory of God and how they responded in repentance, reverence and fear. The passages we looked at were: Exodus 34:5-9; Isaiah 6:1-8; Ezekiel 1:25-28; Daniel 10:4-11, 15-19; Luke 5:4-11; Luke 7:36-38 and Revelation 1:10-18. You can listen to the reading with Rony's instrumental accompaniment followed by the sermon entitled Show me your glory! here.

Upcoming events

02.09. KLF prayer meeting at 19:00 at Leipzigerstr.60
21.09. Bengt Wedemalm will be our guest at KLF
28.09. Francois Botes will be our guest at KLF

Monday 18 August 2014

Returning to Essence

Glory to God!

The Lord is taking us back to the essence of what it means to be God's children who live the Kingdom life. Two Sundays ago Frances spoke to us about faith, hope and love and showed us how faith and love spring from the hope we have and that all three of these Kingdom essentials look like something (see Col 1:3-5; 1 Thess 1:3; 1 Pet 3:14,15). You can listen to the message here.

On Sunday we experienced a powerful time of worship that led into praise and proclamation to destroy every obstacle in our lives that was hindering our moving forward with God. The Holy Spirit led us to stand together and proclaim God's truth over our lives resulting in the enemy's strongholds being torn down and people being set free. Hallelujah!

After some of our people shared powerful testimonies of reconciliation, healing and the power of praise, Elizabeth and Renate shared the wonderful news of the publication of their new book entitled "Cross-Over." We are so excited about seeing our people use their gifts for God's glory and for boldly moving with God's Word to them until fruition!

Richard then shared a message on True Worship and showed us the difference between essence and form. Looking at John 4:23,24 where Jesus tells the Samaritan woman that the Father is looking for true worshippers, we noted how the essence of worship concerns our internal reality and response to God rather than how or in what form we worship (see Isa 29:13). We then briefly looked at the Worship Cycle which illustrates the essence of worship as the believer responds to the revelation of God. You can listen to the message here.

The Worship Cycle

Revelation: worship begins with God's revelation of Himself. Mt 16:13-17; Rom 1:20-23; Rev 1:17
Repent: in response to the revelation of God, a true worshipper will align him- or herself to the revelation and knowledge of who God is to be like Him. Isa 6:5; Mt 11:20,21; Eph 4:24, 5:1 
Respond: true repentance produces the fruit of repentance that is a visible response to God as the believer changes the way s/he lives to serve God with his or her life. Mt 3:8, 4:10; Rom 12:1,2; Heb 9:14; 1 Thess 1:9
Remain: to worship God is to depend on God as the believer lives in Him. Jn 15:4; Acts 17:28
Reflect: to worship God is to reflect the Lord as the believer keeps his or her mind and heart on things above and is transfigured by the Holy Spirit. 2 Cor 3:18; Col 3:1,2
We praise God for His revelation to us and for helping us understand the essence of worship.

Upcoming events

02.09. KLF prayer meeting at 19:00 at Leipzigerstr.60
21.09. Bengt Wedemalm will be our guest at KLF
28.09. Francois Botes will be our guest at KLF

Monday 4 August 2014

Living for the King and His Kingdom

Glory to God!

These past weeks God has been speaking to us about calling - the call to worship Him unreservedly, the call to find rest in Him and the call to live for the Audience of One. You can listen to the sermons here:

"What's higher than world cup praise?" Alexander Blair
"Come to Jesus and find rest" Aris Maniatis
"For the audience of One" Richard Morschel

Yesterday's meeting was a great family time as we worshipped and fellowshipped together. Richard and Frances have returned from their 2 week trip to the Philippines and gave us a brief report about what they did and in particular about the inauguration of our first church plant, Kingdom Life Butuan. This exciting faith-venture is part of expanding God's Kingdom in the Philippines by touching individuals to reach a nation. You can find out more about Richard and Frances' trip on the Kingdom Life Butuan blog here.

Yesterday Richard spoke to us about the God who sees me and living for the audience of One. Looking at the account of Hagar's experience with God and how she named Him, the God who sees me (Gen 16:13), as well as King David's expression of his experience of God in Psalm 139, we saw that they knew God as the God who sees us and knows us intimately. Knowing that the Father sees us and that our ways are not hidden from Him should move us to live for Him alone - for the audience of One. Rather than living for the approval of many, Jesus tells His disciples to live for the approval of the Father alone. In Matthew 6, Jesus shows us how we are to live a life of secret obedience for the audience of One. Developing this secret relationship with God increases the believer's awareness of God in everyday life to the point that he or she can entrust himself or herself entirely to God despite the opinions or injustice of man. Jesus endured injustice and false accusations by living for the audience of the Father alone (1 Peter 2:19-23).

"Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matthew 6:4

Monday 14 July 2014

Created in Christ to Run!

Glory to God!

Two Sundays ago we celebrated two new lives in Christ, baptising them and rejoicing with them. It is always a joy to see people surrender their lives to God and choose to follow Christ, laying down their lives to walk in newness of life. Looking at Acts 8, Alexander Blair spoke on Embracing God's Call, showing us how pursuing God's call can be costly. You can listen to the message here.

Last Sunday, Richard Morschel spoke to us from Ephesians 2:1-10 on being Created in Christ to Run and this is what we noted:
  • The believer is saved by grace through faith.
  • Having being united to God through Christ, the believer is seated with Him in heavenly places.
  • The believer is created in Christ to do good works.
  • Having been saved, the believer is called by God to do His will (general call and specific call).
  • The believer's race that s/he is to run is obeying the call, doing the good works which God has prepared in advance for him or her to do.
  • God's call is for His glory and the sake of others.
  • The Christian believes for his or her sake but runs the race for the sake of others.

I believe for my sake. I run for your sake!

  • When believers run for their sake, they live a religious life, trying to earn God's love and impress others.
  • When believers run for the sake of others, they do it for God's glory and the benefit of others.
  • Having understood that we are created to run the race by obeying God's call, we made a note of some of the things that God calls every Christian to be and do. Richard then gave us 5 questions to ask ourselves to ensure that we run the race:
  1. What has God called me to?
  2. What does that look like fulfilled?
  3. What am I doing to reach that goal?
  4. What is hindering me from wholeheartedly pursuing the goal?
  5. What changes do I need to make to fulfill the goal?

Every believer should find out what God has called him or her to do, both generally and specifically. Once God's call becomes clear, the believer is called to obedience in order to run the race for God's glory and the sake of others. We praise God for helping us understand His general and specific will for our lives and for the grace to do the good works which He has prepared for us to do.

After the meeting, the church surprised pastor Richard and presented him with a birthday present and then we enjoyed our church BBQ together. It was a very special day!

This week Richard and Frances will be travelling to the Philippines for their two week visit to inaugurate Kingdom Life Butuan, to train and equip local leaders, to visit various churches, to speak on the local radio, to feed the homeless children, to evangelise and to help and support the new church plant. Following their visit, Amanda Allen will be travelling to Butuan to help and support the new church plant for a month.

Monday 30 June 2014

Embracing the Call

Glory to God!

The Lord is speaking to us about communion, commitment and calling and on Sunday Frances Morschel shared how everyone has a call and that no one is disqualified. You can listen to the message here. Having been conceived perfectly in the heart of God (Jer 1:5), the Father creates everyone with a purpose and a call. Nothing in the life of the believer need hinder the fulfillment of that call because God will always help the believer overcome obstacles, challenges and disabilities. Frances showed us that no one is disqualified to fulfill the call of God upon their lives. Looking at the examples of Moses and the apostle Paul, we saw how God's purposes are always fulfilled in His people as they depend on Him. God always finds another way!

We also saw that, although we are to pursue the ideal, we shouldn't wait for the ideal before pursuing God's call upon our lives. God wants His children to step into the call upon their lives despite the circumstances and obstacles. The call of God is for His glory, His people and His salvation purposes. It is not primarily for the benefit of the believer (see Acts 9:16; Rom 8:17; 1 Pet 2:21)! Frances also showed us that in order to recognise one's specific call, every believer must pursue God's general call as His people commit themselves to serving God. As those who have turned from dead works to serving the living God (Heb 9:14), we are called to serve God in the local church and as the Church! It is in serving that the believer begins to recognise God's specific call upon his or her life. God is looking for people who will embrace the call and say "yes" to it, making an unconditional commitment to it that will glorify God, benefit His people and fulfill His salvation purposes.

Upcoming events

06.07: Prophetic sound-check at 13:30 and Baptismal service at 15:00 at Haeberlinstr.3 in F-Eschersheim.

13.07: Church meeting and BBQ at Salzschlirferstr.15, F-Fechenheim

Monday 23 June 2014

Called by God

Glory to God!

Yesterday's meeting was very powerful as we encountered God in worship and received revelation of Him and His purposes through prophecy and the preaching of His Word. It is so wonderful to meet with the King and hear His voice! Hallelujah!

Pastor Richard spoke on the purpose of salvation, showing us that God saved us to have communion with Him, to commit our lives to Him and to fulfill the calling the Lord has for our lives. You can listen to the message here. Looking at what the call of God means, we noted the following:

God's calling is essentially His will for our lives that is both general (applying to all believers) and unique (applying to each believer individually). God's general call includes being called to love one another, to holiness, to suffer, to persevere, to feed the poor, to submit to one another, to honour one another, to be ambassadors, to be witnesses, to give an answer for the hope we have, etc...

God's specific call applies to each believer individually and is unique. For example, the apostle Paul was called to be an apostle to the Gentiles while Peter was called to be an apostle to the Jewish people.

God's unique call for each believer is either direct or indirect. God's direct call is when God speaks directly to the believer and makes His specific will known to that person. For example, God spoke to Moses directly as well as to Paul, revealing His will for their lives that they were to fulfill.

God's indirect calling is revealed through various aspects in the believer's life that include the following:

  1. Prophecy. God's word to us through others. 1 Tim 1:18
  2. Gifting. God's gracing upon our lives. Rom 12:4-8
  3. Skills. Learned abilities that can be used for God's glory and purposes.2 Chr 2:7
  4. Service. God reveals His purposes for our lives as the believer is faithful in the little.Mat 25:21
  5. Desire. God places desires and dreams in our hearts that reveal what God has called us to. 1 Tim 3:1
  6. Passion. That which we love to do and that energises us is what we are passionate about and can also reveal what God has called us to. 1 Cor 9:16
  7. Context. God calls us in the context we are in relationally. God's unique call is always in relation to the Body of Christ and the relationships that we are in. God does not cause division. Rom 12:4,5
  8. Fruit. The fruit of our lives demonstrates whether we are pursuing God's call. Paul told Timothy and Titus to look at the fruit of men's lives before appointing them to be elders in the church. 1 Tim 3:1-5
  9. Counsel. God helps us discover the call on our lives through people around us who speak the truth in love and identify the grace that is upon our lives.

We are excited to see how God has called us individually and corporately and to understand how He has put us together to fulfill His purposes in Frankfurt, Germany and the nations. It is wonderful to know that every one of us is important and needed to fulfill God's will and purposes in our generation.

Upcoming events

06.07: Prophetic sound-check at 13:30 and Baptismal service at 15:00 at Haeberlinstr.3 in F-Eschersheim.

13.07: Church meeting and BBQ at Salzschlirferstr.15, F-Fechenheim

Monday 16 June 2014

Running the Race

Glory to God!

What did God save you for?

Looking at the apostle Paul's example on Sunday, we saw how he left us a pattern for Kingdom living that reveals God's purpose in saving us (Phil 3:17).

Communion - Phil 3:7-11
The apostle Paul's greatest desire was to know Christ and be like Him.
Paul lived to increasingly know Christ to such an extent that he could identify himself with Jesus in His life, suffering, death and resurrection.
The believer is saved to know Christ and be like Him. 

Commitment - Phil 3:12-14
As one who had said "yes" to Jesus, Paul lived a life unconditionally committed to Christ.
Paul was committed to pressing on to take hold of that for which God had saved him.
The believer is saved to live unconditionally for Christ.

Calling - Phil 3:14
The apostle Paul had a clear goal and knew what God had saved him for.
Paul lived to fulfill the task given to him in Christ. Acts 20:24
The believer is saved to fulfill God's purpose for him or her in Christ. Eph 2:10

Having been saved through faith in Christ, the believer is called to run the race to get a crown that will last forever. Unless the believer has a clear understanding of what God has called/saved him or her for, he or she will run aimlessly and not be concerned about living a holy life. 1 Cor 9:25-27

Upcoming events

06.07: Baptismal service at 15:00 at Haeberlinstr.3 in F-Eschersheim.

13.07: Church meeting and BBQ at Salzschlirferstr.15, F-Fechenheim

Monday 9 June 2014

The Fruit of Pentecost

Our dear friend, mentor and spiritual father, Richard Maybery passed away on Tuesday morning after suffering from cerebral malaria. We are all still in shock at his sudden death and miss him very much. Richard has played a significant role in our lives and in the establishing of Kingdom Life Frankfurt. On Sunday we paid tribute to this wonderful man of God and spent time remembering his life and the things we learned from him. Richard Morschel showed us the characteristics of the work of the Holy Spirit and shared how Richard Maybery bore the fruit of Pentecost in his life. You can listen to the message here.
Looking at Acts 2 we noted the following evidence of the Holy Spirit's work:

The Holy Spirit convicts of sin and reveals the deep things of God which move the believer to repent of old attitudes, thoughts and behaviour in order to live in the revelation of God.

Those who are filled with the Spirit of God live their lives devoted to God, His Word and His people.

Naturally Supernatural
People who are filled with the Spirit live their everyday lives supernaturally in the consciousness of God's presence. 
Being spiritual is not put on but lived naturally out of constant communion with the Holy Spirit.

People who are filled with the Holy Spirit are selfless and are willing to share their lives with others.

Those who are filled with the Spirit have compassion for the lost and the broken and a genuine love for others.

Fear of God
The Holy Spirit makes God's presence real to the believer so that he or she lives in the awareness of God's awesome presence.
Those who are filled with the Spirit do not become familiar with God's presence and work but live in awe of Him and what He does.

People who are filled with the Spirit walk in dependence upon Him.

Those who are filled with the Spirit enjoy the favour of God and of people.

People who are filled with Spirit become more concerned with what God desires than with what people think about them.

Those who are filled with the Holy Spirit know how to keep on keeping on, out of their dependency on God, despite opposition, disappointment and negative circumstances.

We praise God for the testimony of Richard Maybery's life that inspires us to seek God's face and to be obedient to His call. What Richard has imparted to our lives will remain as lasting fruit for the glory of Abba, Father. We will miss Richard very much but God will make sure that His purpose for Richard's life will be fulfilled in his and our own generation. We are grateful to be part of that fulfillment.

"The Holy Spirit is the most important person on earth." Richard Maybery
Upcoming events

06.07: Baptismal service at 15:00 at Haeberlinstr.3 in F-Eschersheim.

13.07: Church meeting and BBQ at Salzschlirferstr.15, F-Fechenheim

Monday 2 June 2014


Glory to God!

God is calling us to intimacy with Him. Over the past few weeks, the Lord has been speaking to us about how He desires to be known by His children as we wait on Him, hunger for Him, take up our cross to follow Him, and seek God in the secret place. You can listen to the sermons here:

Waiting upon the Lord - Rodrick Gilbert
Christ is enough for me - Alexander Blair
Intimacy with God - Frances Morschel

This is what Frances spoke to us about on Sunday:
  • Intimacy is at the root of our relationship with God for He Himself is an intimate, triune God.
  • God created us for intimacy with Himself and invites us to know Him intimately.
  • Intimacy is a journey of discovery in getting to know the other person as they really are as well as allowing oneself to be known as we really are.
  • How we view God affects the way we view ourselves and our circumstances. Deu 1:27; Num 13:31-33 compared to 1 Sam 17
  • Every person is first and foremost conceived in the heart of the Father. Jer 1:5; Ps 139
  • The believer's true identity is found in the heart of God as He knew us before we were conceived.
  • The believer's deep need for acceptance, security and significance is only truly satisfied in God.
  • Intimacy is a place where you are loved unconditionally.
  • Intimacy is a place where you don't have to seek approval by trying to be what you think the other person wants you to be.
  • Intimacy is a place where you can share your deepest, darkest secrets without fear of being rejected.
  • Intimacy is a place where you can be you and are accepted just as you are.
  • Intimacy is a place where you can open up your heart without fear of being hurt.
  • Intimacy is a place where you can share your deepest thoughts, feelings and desires without being corrected, criticised or judged.
  • Intimacy is a safe place where you can be vulnerable.
  • Intimacy is a place where you can share your weaknesses, struggles and failures and still be valued and respected.
  • Intimacy is a place where you don't have to perform to be significant.
  • Intimacy is between two parties and is two-way. Intimcay only works when both parties love and accept one another unconditionally; where both parties feel safe and can be vulnerable with one another; where both parties are valued and respected no matter what. 
  • God is drawing us deeper as we dare to be real, vulnerable and don't stop short of responding to the deep call of God (Ps 42:7).
Upcoming events

03.06: KLF Prayer Meeting at 19:00 at Leipzigerstr.60, F-Bockenheim

06.07: Baptismal service at 15:00 at Haeberlinstr.3 in F-Eschersheim.

13.07: Church meeting and BBQ at Salzschlirferstr.15, F-Fechenheim

Monday 19 May 2014

Rodrick Gilbert

Glory to God!

On Sunday we had a visiting speaker from India, Rodrick Gilbert. It was a joy to have him and his lovely family with us.  Rodrick has been used of the Lord to plant thousands of house churches in India and he has a passion for discipleship, reaching out to the lost and seeing them grow to maturity in the Lord. Rodrick spoke to us about the secret to true fruitfulness, explaining that in one's own effort, the believer will not accomplish much but that through true intimacy and comunion with God, the believer will bear much fruit and fruit that will last. After sharing his own testimony, Rodrick showed us what it means to wait on the Lord. You can listen to the message here. This is what we looked at,

God calls us to wait upon Him. Isa 40:31
To wait (Qava) is to bind together by twisting; to weld; to commune; to wait eagerly with patience.
Waiting on God binds us to the Lord in such a way that we experience the union of Spirit to spirit.
The believer's waiting on God becomes the knowing that conceives.
Examples of God's call to wait upon Him:
  • Be still and know that I am God. Ps 46:10
  • God commanded Moses to wait for receiving the Law. Ex 24: 13
  • Will not be put to shame. Ps 25:3
  • Shall inherit the land. Ps 37:9
  • Wait, keep His ways. He will exalt you. Ps 37:34
  • I waited, He inclined His years, and heard my cry. Ps 40:1
  • One Spirit with Him. I Cor 6:17   
God renews our strength as we exchange our weakness for His power!
As the believer spends time in God's presence, s/he is anointed and empowered for service and influence. Examples:
  • Moses - Beaming face. Ex 34:29; Mal 4:2
  • Elijah – Stood before the Lord. 1 Kings 17:1, Duet 10:8 (Stand to minister)   
  • Jesus – Was led into the wilderness, filled with the Holy Spirit but left in he power of the Holy Sprit!. Lk 4:1 - 4:14
  • Peter's open vision - Acts 10:9-10   
  • Paul- In third heaven. 2 Cor 12
Waiting on God means that He will carry the believer on His wings like an Eagle. Examples:
  • God bore His people on His wings. Ex 19:4
  • Stirs up the nest to lift its young on his wings to carry them. Deut 32:11,12
  • The believer's youth is renewed like eagles. Psa 103:5
  • Like an eagle, the believer begins to sense the warm air (Holy Spirit), stretch their wings, lock their bones (remain in Him) and the wind soars them up (carried by the Spirit of God).
After Rodrick's powerful message to us, we responded in prayer as Rodrick prayed for many to be filled and empowered by God.

Upcoming events

20.05: Intimacy with God - Developing one's quiet time with God. The meeting will be held at 19:00 at the KLF office rooms in Leipzigerstr.60 in Bockenheim.

24.05: Creative Women's Meeting. An afternoon to meet together and create together. The meeting will be held at 14:00 at the KLF rooms at Leipzigerstr.60 in Bockenheim.

06.07: Baptismal service at 15:00 at Haeberlinstr.3 in F-Eschersheim.