Monday 24 June 2019

The Power of Unity

Glory to God!

The power of unity transpired to be the theme of our joint church service with 3 churches on Sunday! KLF, Christliches Zentrum Frankfurt and Quelle des Lebens came together to celebrate God's faithfulness to the churches that meet at Eastsite 15, to declare the unity we have in Christ and to seek God's face for a fresh outpouring of His Spirit to revive the Church and awaken our city! There was a wonderful buzz as over 300 people gathered and each church participated in the meeting. After the service we continued our celebration with food, summer drinks, loads of fun for the children, and spending time together, getting to know the other churches. It was a brilliant day and most likely to become an annual event. We praise God for all the people who invested time and energy to serve the Body of Christ and make this significant day so special.

Two weeks ago we had the privilege of having Edgar Mayer with us again. Edgar is senior pastor of Living Grace Church in Toowoomba, Australia, a church that is living in and experiencing the Holy Spirit and God's renewing work. This year we asked Edgar to spend time with our leaders to encourage them and share principles of leadership in the context of renewal. We had a powerful evening as Edgar inspired us and refreshed us with testimonies and revelation from God's Word. On the Saturday, Edgar spoke to us about how to hear God's voice, followed by a short session of hearing God together. In the evening session, Edgar spoke to us about how God leads us and how important it is that we continue to trust God even when things don't turn out as we expect them to. On Sunday, Edgar shared a message about Christ's compassion and how God uses our emotions to bring about miracles, signs and wonders. You can listen to the messages here:

Hearing God in 5 - 10 minutes
Guidance along the way
Emotions breaking through

We praise God for Edgar and his powerful, sensitive and inspiring ministry and are excited about hearing God afresh, being led by Him and putting love into action. Hallelujah!

Upcoming Events

30.06: KLF service at EFG Frankfurt Nordwest in Haeberlinstr.3 (no meeting at CZF)

Tuesday 11 June 2019

No other Name!

Glory to God!

We had a full house on Sunday as we celebrated the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. After another powerful time of worship we dedicated two of our children and blessed their parents. Ngozi had made another stunning cake for Lainey and Hannah Marie that she based on the children's book, "Guess how much I love you!" by Sam McBratney and Anita Jeram. 

As part of celebrating Pentecost, Ulli had the idea of getting different people to read the account of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 in their own language and at the same time. It was quite an amazing experience to hear the different languages simultaneously and it gave us an idea of what it must have been like when the disciples all spoke in various languages at the same time at Pentecost.

Richard then share a message entitled, "No other Name" in which we looked at what happened after Pentecost in Acts 2 - 4. After Peter and John had healed a cripple in the name of Jesus, they were brought before the religious leaders to explain their actions. In his subsequent sermon, Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, made it known that the name of Jesus is powerful, that Jesus is the Cornerstone, that the name of Jesus is exclusive, unique, a gift and necessary to be saved (see Acts 4:8-22). Richard then explained that the name of Jesus to each one of us will only be as powerful as the revelation of Christ is to us (see Acts 4:13; Mt 16:13-19). In response to the message, words of knowledge and prophecy were given and many came forward for prayer! We praise God for the power of the Gospel and the gift of the Holy Spirit! Hallelujah!

Upcoming Events

15.06: 16:00/ 19:00 Conference with Edgar Mayer
16.06: Sunday service with guest speaker, Edgar Mayer
23.06: Eastsite Celebration - joint meeting with CZF and Quelle des Lebens at 10:30
followed by a Sumer party for everyone (no afternoon meeting)
30.06: KLF service at EFG Frankfurt Nordwest in Haeberlinstr.3 (no meeting at CZF)

Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Moving with God

Bye-bye Bockenheim. Hello Hausen!

Glory to God!

In this year of transformation, the Lord is speaking to us about growth and what it means for each one of us and for the Church. In his message two weeks ago, Alex spoke to us from Psalm 132:13-17 in his sermon entitled, "Zion - it starts with choice," which you can listen to here. Alex showed us that God's desire and will for Zion is what He desires for the Church. Zion is God's chosen habitation, where He is enthroned, where there is abundant blessing, where there is salvation and joy, where there is victory and godly influence. For our lives to be transformed, we must recognise God's will for us, have revelation of who we are in Christ and what that means for us and walk in the reality of our new lives in Jesus, and align ourselves to God's truth. Alex then showed us that just as King David had to grow in three places before he was established as king, so the believer must realise his or her season of growth and the fruit God seeks to produce in us.

On Sunday we had another powerful time of worship after which we were ministered to by Eva and Simon in song. It was wonderful. After sharing communion together, Alex spoke to us about being a fruitful people in his message entitled, "A right mindset for personal growth" which you can listen to here. In his message, Alex spoke from John 15, showing us that it is God's will that His people be fruitful as they remain in Christ. Alex pointed out that for the believer to grow, s/he must have the right mindset. Unless we have a conviction that we are to grow and produce fruit, are committed to growing, are willing to go the lonely road of not conforming to the world but walking in secret obedience, are willing to take time for growth and identify any areas where we seem to be stuck and take responsibility for our lives, we will not grow. God wants us to be fruitful and we praise Him that as we remain in Christ, we will produce the fruit that glorifies Him. Hallelujah!

Last week we moved out of our office space in Bockenheim. We will be moving into our new office situated in Alt-Hausen 34, in June where we will continue to have regular Bible study, prayer meetings and other mid-week meetings. Sunday meetings will continue at Eastsite 15, Salzschlirferstr.15. We praise God for His faithfulness to us and for providing us with everything we need to build His Kingdom! Hallelujah!

Upcoming Events

15.06: 16:00/ 19:00 Conference with Edgar Mayer
16.06: Sunday service with guest speaker, Edgar Mayer
23.06: Eastsite Celebration - joint meeting with CZF and Quelle des Lebens at 10:30
followed by a Sumer party for everyone (no afternoon meeting)