Tuesday 17 December 2019

The greatest Gift!

Glory to God!

As we continue on our 180 days of prayer for 180° reversal, God is reminding us and deepening our understanding of the truth of who He is, who we are in Christ and what His purposes are for our lives as believers and as the Church. To help us pray during these 180 days, Richard is sending out an inspiring, daily devotional that you can also subscribe to by contacting pastor@kingdomlife-frankfurt.com.

A few weeks ago, Alexander spoke to us about the nature of true worship in his sermon entitled, "What is authentic worship?" Looking at John 4:19-24, Alexander showed us that worship is not determined by who we are, where we are and how we are. Instead, true worship is our response to the revelation of God as we seek to be authentic in our worship, walk and witness.

Two weeks ago, Richard spoke to us about what he believes God is leading the Church into in 2020. In his brief introduction, entitled, "Psalm 122" we reflected on Psalm 122 as Richard showed us how to understand the significance of the Psalm as it relates to the past (for those it was written about), the present (for us as it applies to our lives now) and the future (the prophetic message of the Psalm as it applies to God's purposes in the coming age). It is already apparent that the Lord has our city on His heart and that studying Psalm 122 will help us understand His strategy for God's people to reach the city and be part of the Lord's transforming work and purposes.

On Sunday we had a wonderful Christmas celebration! The house was full and there was great excitement and participation as everyone helped to prepare for the family service and celebration. Our people brought presents and food to share and everyone had more than enough. Together with Heidi, Andreas and Tobias, Natalie invited the children to the front to share the truth about what the greatest Gift is that we can ever receive. After we reflected on Christ our Light, our Comforter and our Saviour,  the team went off with the children to prepare a short Christmas presentation and dance for the end of the service.

After another powerful time of worship, Richard shared a message entitled, "The greatest Gift" in which he showed us that those who give their lives to Jesus, receive more than they can possibly ask for or imagine! Richard shared how the believer is blessed in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ and that Jesus solves our past (Rom 3:22-25), settles our present (Mt 1:23; Heb 13:5; 1 Cor 13:12) and secures our future (John 3:16; Col 1:27). Jesus solves our past because He does only forgive us and wash away our sins but uproots the very cause of sin, the power of sin! Jesus settles our present because even though we are in this world, He is with us and knows us fully. Jesus secures our future because He dwells in us as our hope of glory and gives us the assurance of eternal life! In response we encouraged the Church to pray together with those who wanted to receive the greatest Gift. God's presence was wonderful and people testified afterwards to having been ministered to as God touched us deeply with His presence and truth. The children then, together with Mary and Joseph then came on stage in costumes and performed a dynamic dance and song that the whole church family cheered and joined in with. It was a lot of fun and an explosive finale to a wonderful service. Afterwards we all joined together in the bistro for an international buffet accompanied by fun activities such as a Christmas photo booth, Christmas Karaoke, great conversations and fellowship. A huge thank you to all who organised, helped and contributed to make KLF's 2019 Christmas celebration another memorable day! Hallelujah!

Upcoming Events

24.12.2019: Christmas Eve Service at 16:00 at Alt-Hausen 34 

13.01 - 02.02.2020: Church Prayer and Fast
14.01.2020: Joint Worship evening at 19:30 at Salzschlirferstr.15 with YWAM, Frankfurt Betet and KLF as part of the Frankfurt Alliance Prayer week.
15.01.2020: Joint worship and prayer meeting with CZF, Quelle des Lebens and KLF at 19:30 at Salzschlirferstr.15.

Photo by Mel Poole on Unsplash