Monday 28 May 2018

Smile! God loves you

Glory to God!

This past month the Lord has been teaching us about the Holy Spirit and helping us to know and experience Him. In her sermon entitled, "What do you smell of?" Antje spoke to us about who the Holy Spirit is, how we need to honour Him and how the believer needs to be filled with Him in order to manifest His presence in his or her life.

On Mothers' Day we had a brilliant afternoon as we celebrated motherhood and the gift of children. It was a joy to dedicate one of our precious children and to honour our mothers and pray for them. The children's ministry team, the children and youth then performed a powerful drama and dance, portraying the crucifixion of Christ, the victory gained and the keys given to the Church to further God's Kingdom in the power of the Holy Spirit. In response to the presentation of the Gospel and the message of peace in Christ, we saw several people surrender their lives to Jesus. Hallelujah!

On the weekend of Pentecost we had the privilege of having Steve and Dianna Porter with us from Rochester NY in the States. Over 4 sessions from Friday to Sunday, Steve led our conference entitled, Deep calls to deep in which he spoke powerfully on,

"A fresh hunger for God" - God's invitation for us to know Him and desire more of Him.
"From pain to power" - God uses the broken, the despised and the rejected to reveal His glory.
"The ready Bride" - Jesus desires to enter into unceasing fellowship with His bride so that she will be ready for His return.
"A fresh touch of the Holy Spirit" - Knowing, honouring and experiencing the third Person of the Trinity.

With many powerful testimonies and examples of encounters with God, Steve led us into his journey of going deeper with the Lord and showed us the reality of God's presence, love and power. His ministry has left us with a greater desire for the Lord and an urgency to be ready for Jesus when He comes again. We praise God for Steve and what the Lord is doing in his life together with Dianna and we look forward to seeing them again in the future. The Porter's books are available online.

On Saturday we participated in the Global Outreach Day (G.O.D.) as our children's ministry team set up children's activities, games and dance in the park in Frankfurt Bockenheim. Together with a couple of people from Treffpunkt Leben Frankfurt, we turned the Kurfürstenplatz into a smiley zone as the children had fun and the parents were served refreshments. It was a brilliant afternoon as we used the opportunity to witness to people, pray for them and help them encounter the love of God! We are so grateful to Elizabeth and Danni who organised the event and helped us make an impact on Bockenheim!

"When the king smiles, there is life; His favour refreshes like a spring rain" Proverbs 16:15

On Sunday we heard testimonies from our G.O.D. project and rejoiced in God speaking into people's lives, saving and healing them! Hallelujah! Richard then spoke to us about how the Father seeks true worshippers and the characteristics of a true worshipper as seen in the life of king David. Looking at Psalm 63, we noted the following:

  1. A true worshipper belongs to God and God to him.
  2. A true worshipper seeks God early.
  3. A true worshipper seeks to be satisfied in God alone.
  4. A true worshipper responds to the revelation of God.
  5. A true worshipper chooses to worship God.
  6. A true worshipper lives in God-consciousness.
  7. A true worshipper depends on God.
In response to the call to be a true worshipper, we spent time in God's presence, worshipping and loving Him. We praise God for teaching us what it means to be a true worshipper and for the journey the Lord is taking us on in the love of the Father, the grace of our Lord Jesus and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!

Upcoming Events

02.06 - Welcome Coffee at 15:00 in Leipziger Str.60
09.06 - Men's Bike Ride
10.06 - Baptismal Service at the EFG Frankfurt-Nordwest in Haeberlinstr.3 at 15:00
16.06 - Church BBQ on the Lohrberg
22 - 24.06 - Revival Fire with Edgar Mayer