Monday 28 April 2014

Julius Regala

Glory to God!

These are exciting times! This year, KLF is planting her first church in Butuan City in the Philippines - Kingdom Life Butuan, led by pastors Julius and Roszel Regala. In July, pastors Richard and Frances will be travelling to Butuan to officially inaugurate KLB and ordain Julius and Roszel. This week we are pleased to have Julius with us to spend time with us for us to get to know him and for him to get to know us. On Sunday Julius shared the vision, purpose and activities of KLB and showed us how they are able to touch the lives of street children to give them a hope and a future and to meet their immediate physical needs. We believe that we are called to establish God's Kingdom in Butuan and the Philippines and to be part of God's work in breaking poverty and a poverty mind-set as people are saved, healed and delivered and receive Christ's fullness of life (John 10:10). The purpose of KLB is to rescue street children from poverty and to provide for their needs, including their education, so that they can prosper. Together with KLB, KLF will be building a children's sponsor programme that will enable us to support individual children personally. Our desire is to build a family and to build meaningful relationships with those we support and are part of KLB. You can listen to pastor Julius' report here.

Richard then spoke on God's hilarious generosity, encouraging us to reveal God's generous heart. This is what he shared:

  • To live the Kingdom life is to reveal the nature of the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
  • We either live from our natural means or the Kingdom's supernatural means.
  • Peter and John used the resources of heaven to change the lame man's life. Acts 3:6
  • If we want breakthrough, we need to break through our limited, earthly perspective and operate from a Kingdom perspective.
  • God gives beyond any limitation and desires to pour out abundantly so that the nations recognise that He is a generous God who blesses His people! Malachi 3:6-12
  • God loves a cheerful giver. The Greek word for cheerful is the word hilaros from which we get the English word, hilarious. The root of the word, hilaros, means to be merciful. In other words, God gives beyond what we deserve and more and calls His children to reveal the same hilarious generosity. 2 Corinthians 9:6-14; Eph 3:20,21
  • It is God's hilarious generosity that breaks the poverty mind-set and releases heaven on earth.

Richard also gave us 20 reasons to give generously - principles taken from 2 Corinthians 8 and 9. You can view the article here.

On Friday and Saturday, from 19:00 - 22:00, we will have our two BREAKTHROUGH! meetings that will be led by Richard and Julius. It will be a time to worship and pray together to see breakthrough in our personal lives, our churches, our cities, Frankfurt and Butuan and our nations, Germany and the Philippines. The meetings will be held at Salzschlirferstr.15.
Upcoming events

02.05 and 03.05: Breakthrough! Two evenings of worship, teaching and prayer to breakthrough into the supernatural realm with Julius Regala (senior pastor of Kingdom Life Butuan, Philippines) and Richard Morschel (senior pastor of KLF) at KLF, Salzschlirferstr.15, Frankfurt.

06.05: KLF Prayer Meeting at 19:00 at Leipzigerstr.60

10.05:  Return to Glory - Kingdom Men Conference with Alexander Blair (leader and Life Coach at KLF) at the Seminarzentrum Rückersbach.

17.05 and 24.05: Creative Women's Meeting. Two afternoons to meet together and create together. The meetings will be held at the KLF rooms at Leipzigerstr.60 at 14:00.

Monday 21 April 2014

Pirates at Easter?

Glory to God!

What do Pirates have to do with Easter? Not much, really, but when you have someone as creative as Natalie Blair and a crew of people who are gifted actors, you get a drama set on a pirate ship that tells the story of Christ's substitutionary death on behalf of sinners, taking the punishment they deserve. It was a wonderful parable that expressed the Gospel in a fun way. It was a joy to see our people use their gifts for God's glory!

After sharing the Lord's Supper together and reflecting on God's amazing love toward us, demonstrated in Christ's death and resurrection, Richard Morschel spoke on how Jesus is the perfect Saviour. This is what he shared:

When someone has a problem that needs to be solved, s/he needs,
  1. someone who is qualified to solve the problem
  2. someone who is qualified to identify both the problem and its cause
  3. someone qualified to treat the problem
  4. someone qualified to prevent the problem from reoccurring

Jesus is the perfect Saviour because,
  1. He is qualified to solve mankind's problem of sin and death. Hebrews 7:16, 24-26
  2. He is qualified to identify sin and the cause of sin. John 3:16-20
  3. He is qualified to treat the problem and its cause effectively. Romans 4:25; Isaiah 53:3-6
  4. He is qualified to prevent the problem from reoccurring. Hebrews 4:14-16
We praise God that Jesus is able to save us completely; spirit, soul and body and that He is a perfect High Priest who lives to intercede for us. Hallelujah!

This week, Julius Regala, senior pastor of our church plant in Butuan (Philippines) will be visiting us for 2 weeks. As part of his visit he, along with Richard, will be leading 2 evenings of prayer and worship on the 2 and 3 May. He will also be spending time with the church, visiting our various small groups and being part of our church life. We are excited about the doors God has opened for us in Butuan and in the Philippines and that we can co-labour with Julius and his wife, Roszel, to build God's Kingdom there. As we continue to pray and fast as a church, we are expecting breakthrough this year to see God's Kingdom increasingly revealed and established in our lives and our cities.

Upcoming events

 08.04; 15.04; 22.04: KLF Prayer Ministry Training
02.05 and 03.05: Breakthrough! Two evenings of worship, teaching and prayer to breakthrough into the supernatural realm with Julius Regala (senior pastor of Kingdom Life Butuan, Philippines) and Richard Morschel (senior pastor of KLF) at KLF, Salzschlirferstr.15, Frankfurt.

10.05:  Return to Glory - Kingdom Men Conference with Alexander Blair (leader and Life Coach at KLF) at the Seminarzentrum Rückersbach.


Monday 14 April 2014

Breaking Through Together

Glory to God!

As we continue to pray and fast for breakthrough, the Lord is showing us what spiritual breakthrough really looks like. On Sunday, Frances Morschel spoke to us about The Journey to Breakthrough which you can listen to here. This is what the Lord showed us:

Breakthrough is more than an event or a blessing. Spiritual breakthrough is when the reality of the Kingdom of God breaks through into our reality and the two become one. God wants us to live in and from the reality of His Kingdom. Breakthrough is a journey that can be broken down into the following stages:

Wake Up! 

The journey to breakthrough begins with the realisation that one's present condition that is not in line with the truth of God does not need to remain that way (Is 52:1,2). At this stage we begin to have revelation of who God is, what He has done for us and our identity in Christ. We begin to grasp the possibilities of God according to the reality of His Kingdom.


The second stage of the journey happens when the truth of the Kingdom of God and of who we really are in Christ causes us to become dissatisfied with our condition. The two realities are in conflict with one another so that we become frustrated, confused, and even angry because on the one hand we see what God says but on the other hand our experience tells us the opposite.


The third stage is the point of decision. We must choose which reality we will allow to influence our lives. We can recognise the decision we have made based on what our hearts and minds focus on. Trusting what God has said builds hope in the life of the believer. Just as Abraham faced the reality of his and Sarah's unfruitfulness in the natural but chose to believe God and hope in the promise, so we must choose to hope in God and His promises to us, despite the circumstances (Rom 4:18-22). Worldly hope wishes that things could be different but spiritual hope knows that things can be different!


Spiritual hope is based on the reality of the Kingdom of God, on who God is and on what God has done for us. At this fourth stage, we need to establish this hope so that the Kingdom of God becomes an even greater reality and even greater influence in our lives by filling our hearts and minds with "things above" (Col 3:1). It is out of this hope that faith is strengthened (Rom 4:20; Heb 11:1).


The fifth stage on the journey to breakthrough is a place of rest, being fully convinced of the reality of the Kingdom. Striving, frustration and struggling have ceased. This is what true faith looks like (Mk 11:24). It is the place of rest in the full assurance that we have already received what God has promised us.


The sixth stage of this journey is about persevering in the assurance of the reality of God's truth. True faith perseveres regardless of how long it takes for the promise to be fulfilled. It is the fundamental trust in God's goodness and faithfulness that helps us to continue in the assurance of the fulfillment of the promise even beyond our lives (Heb 11:13)!


The final stage of the journey to breathrough is in God's hands. He is the One who will do what He has promised in His time.

Looking at the example of Jehoshaphat and the people of God and how they trusted God and went on the journey to breakthrough and saw God move on their behalf as they faced their enemy in full assurance of God's victory, we noted how the whole nation moved together on the journey to breakthrough (2 Chr 20:2-24).

God is encouraging us to move together on this journey to breakthrough. We recognise that each of us is at a different stage of this exciting journey and that we need to encourage one another at whatever stage we may find ourselves at so that we continue together until the reality of the Kingdom breaks through completely into all of our lives. Hallelujah!

Upcoming events

 08.04; 15.04; 22.04: KLF Prayer Ministry Training
02.05 and 03.05: Breakthrough! Two evenings of worship, teaching and prayer to breakthrough into the supernatural realm with Julius Regala (senior pastor of Kingdom Life Butuan, Philippines) and Richard Morschel (senior pastor of KLF) at KLF, Salzschlirferstr.15, Frankfurt.

10.05:  Return to Glory - Kingdom Men Conference with Alexander Blair (leader and Life Coach at KLF) at the Seminarzentrum Rückersbach.


Monday 7 April 2014

Trust God!

image courtesy of

Glory to God!

On Sunday, Alexander Blair led his monthly Prophetic Sound Check, that takes place on the first Sunday of every month from 13:30 - 14:15. For those who came for the Pre-Service Prayer that also takes place in the Mother-and-Child room from 14:15 - 14:45, it was evident that God was already present and revealing what was on His heart for His people.

This month KLF is fasting and praying for breakthrough in the lives of her people and for spiritual breakthrough in Frankfurt and Butuan in the Philippines. We believe that God is taking us into a season of breakthrough where we are going to see miracles, signs and wonders inside and outside the Church for God's glory. The climax of this period of fasting and prayer will be our Breakthrough! weekend when we will gather for two evenings from 19:00 - 22:00 on the 2 and 3 May for a time of worship and prayer that will be led by Julius Regala (senior pastor of Kingdom Life Butuan) and Richard Morschel. We are really excited about what God is doing already!

On Sunday our children's ministry leader, Sophie Rowe, shared the simple truth of our need to trust God. She showed us how God calls us to trust Him by praying; by giving up trying to do things in one's own strength and by refocusing on Jesus rather than on one's circumstances. It was a joy to catch Sophie's enthusiasm and spirit of faith that stirred many of us up to stop worrying and to simply trust God. You can listen to Sophie's message here.

Richard Morschel then led us into a time of ministry as he shared from Song of Songs 2:8-13. As we went through the passage of Scripture, the Father began to speak very personally to each of us, inviting us to trust Him and to go with Him to experience the new and to leave the old  behind. In response to the Father's invitation to arise and go with Him, people arose to share the Lord's Supper together to be joined with Him (John 6:56; 1 Cor 10:16,17). You can listen to Richard's prophetic word here.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 2:8

"Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me." Song of Songs 2:10

Upcoming events

 08.04; 15.04; 22.04: KLF Prayer Ministry Training
02.05 and 03.05: Breakthrough! Two evenings of worship, teaching and prayer to breakthrough into the supernatural realm with Julius Regala (senior pastor of Kingdom Life Butuan, Philippines) and Richard Morschel (senior pastor of KLF) at KLF, Salzschlirferstr.15, Frankfurt.

10.05:  Return to Glory - Kingdom Men Conference with Alexander Blair (leader and Life Coach at KLF) at the Seminarzentrum Rückersbach.