Monday 28 December 2009

Family Time

Glory to God!

Yesterday we had a wonderful time together as a church family as everyone participated in the meeting.

God's Word to us was brought through the children's talk as the Lord spoke to us about the Gift of the Holy Spirit and how the believer can only truly experience God if s/he opens the Gift and tastes and sees that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8)! After encouraging the children to enjoy the fellowship of the Holy Spirit every day in prayer and reading God's Word, they were also given a key to fully experiencing God's presence and power by "risking for His glory" - stepping out to do what only God can do. We then asked everyone in the meeting with a need for healing to go to the front so that the children could lay hands on them and heal them. After the children laid their hands on the sick, those that could test whether they had been healed did so and testified to feeling significantly better as well as to being healed! We praise God for His faithfulness and we give Him all the glory for His wonderful presence and power in our meetings.

After witnessing God's power at work through our young Kingdom builders, we spent time with an "open mic" for anyone to publicly give thanks to God for His work in their lives in 2009. This precious time when our people testified to God's faithfulness, God's miraculous healing, provision and restoration has been included on our weekly podcast which you can listen to here...

We are looking forward to an exciting 2010 as we continue to move with God! On the 17 January we will be having our KLF Vision Day - a time to hear what's on God's heart for KLF for 2010 and how we as a church will respond to His direction.

Quote of the week:

"Taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8


Monday 21 December 2009


Glory to the God!

The Lord is speaking to us about 2010 being a year of restoration. It is His will for His people to walk in wholeness and fullness of life, both individually and corporately. The Lord is showing us that the restoration process takes place as we align ourselves with His Truth and walk by faith and in obedience to His will. As we do so, we will see God's grace released for the restoration of health, relationships and resources as well as the unveiling of God's assignments, purposes and strategic direction for us.

Yesterday the Lord spoke to us about Divine Exchange and this is what He showed us:

  • Jesus became man in order to completely identify with us. Phil. 2:5-8
  • Jesus can identify with us when we are tempted because He was tempted. Heb. 2:14-18; 4:15
  • Jesus can identify with the consequences of our sin because He endured the pain and suffering of our sin on the cross. Isaiah 53
  • Jesus clothed Himself with humanity so that we could be clothed with Divinity! 2 Cor. 8:9; 2 Peter 1:4
  • The appropriation of the Divine Exchange occurs as we trust in God and He renews and restores us. Is. 40:31

"...those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength" Isaiah 40:31

  • To "wait" is to be entwined in God.
  • To "renew" is to exchange.

The Lord then showed us how to be entwined in Him and how to be restored with the following:

  1. Fix your eyes on Jesus and not on your circumstances or pain.
  2. Worship the Lord and enter into His presence.
  3. Allow God to envelop you with His presence.
  4. Entwine yourself in God.
  5. Exchange your imperfection for His perfection (your sin for His forgiveness; your pain for His healing; your sorrow for His joy; your anger for His grace etc)
  6. Thank God for the exchange and for what you have now received.
  7. Meditate on what He has graced you with.

We praise God for teaching us how to appropriate the Divine Exchange and how we can walk in wholeness and fullness of life! Hallelujah!

Quote of the week:

"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich." 2 Cor. 8:9


Monday 7 December 2009

KLF Training Days

"To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honour and glory and power for ever and ever!" Rev. 5:13

This past weekend KLF had the privilege of having Mike and Kay Chance as guest speakers at our KLF Training Days. These Training Days are designed to equip the saints by being anchored in God's Truth! Over 3 days we explored the Book of Revelation and received insight into God's plan for these Last Days and what is to come. Mike and Kay are anointed teachers of God's Truth and are instrumental in bringing God's Word to the Body of Christ both in Germany and in England where they are regular speakers at Kingdom Faith College in Horsham. We are excited about the Christ-exalting message they brought this weekend that has led us into a greater revelation of Christ's majesty and authority! The teaching sessions will be available here...

Yesterday evening we had another opportunity to share God's love with the homeless and needy at our monthly homeless mission. It is always exciting to bring the lost into God's presence and watch the Holy Spirit do His work amongst them. We are seeing more and more people begin to trust us and give us permission to speak into their lives to bring healing and hope in often desperate situations. Glory to God!

Quote of the week:

"Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean was given her to wear." Rev. 19:6-8

Monday 30 November 2009

Unpacking God's Gift

"Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift" 2 Cor. 9:15

The Lord is continuing to reveal the truth of His grace to us, and yesterday He showed us the following:

  • In Christ the believer has received grace upon grace. John 1:16
  • In Christ the believer has received fullness of life. John 10:10; Col. 2:10
  • In Christ the believer has received every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm. Eph. 1:3
  • God wants the believer to walk in the fullness s/he has received, now. 2 Cor. 6:1,2
  • God wants the believer to walk in His fullness so that s/he will minister His grace to others.
  • God has given the believer His Spirit so that s/he will understand what s/he has freely received. 1 Cor. 2:12
  • The fruitfulness of the gospel depends on the revelation the believer has of God's grace! Col.1:6
  • What the believer has freely received, s/he is to freely give as a minister of God's grace. Mt. 10:8; 1 Cor. 11:23; Acts 3:6; 1 Peter 4:10,11
  • God has made the believer competent as a minister of His Spirit and grace. 2 Cor. 3:6
  • For the believer to be an effective minister of God's grace, s/he must believe s/he has received and s/he must humble him/herself for grace to abound. God gives grace to the humble. James 4:6

Faith and humility are the keys to overflowing with God's grace.

  • Humility "has no confidence in the flesh." Phil. 3:3
  • Humility is confidence in God and no confidence in self apart from God. John 5:19; Phil. 4:13

In response to God's amazing revelation, we spent time ministering God's grace to one another in His power and in the confidence that He is able to make all grace abound to us (2 Cor. 9:8). Hallelujah!

Some highlights of the week have been the start of our study in the Letter to the Hebrews at our Tuesday Bible study; our worship team supporting Voice in the City at their Arise Shine! meeting on Saturday and hearing the testimonies of lives being changed by God's grace in the church and outside the church. Hallelujah!

This weekend we will have our KLF Training days with Mike and Kay Chance. Check here for details...

Quote of the week:

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10


Monday 23 November 2009

Experiencing God!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ!

Nothing compares to the surpassing greatness of knowing Jesus Christ our Lord! We are continuing to discover and experience the wonderful truth of being "In Christ" and yesterday the Father encouraged us with the following:

  • Jesus came to give us fullness of life. John 10:10
  • The believer has received fullness in Christ. Col. 2:10
  • Grace is God's unconditional gift to man. Eph. 2:8,9
  • God's grace abounds and overflows. 2 Cor. 9:8
  • The believer has received everything to reign in fullness of life! Rom. 5:17
  • However, many believers are not experiencingGod's fullness because of unbelief or displaced belief.
  1. Unbelief prevents the believer from entering into the fullness of grace and rest. Heb. 3:7-4:11
  2. Displaced belief is when the believer trusts in other things more than God's promises.
  • Location: Believers can believe that the fullness of God must be received elsewhere. However every believer can receive where they are. Psalm 139:5-12
  • Timing: Believers can believe that God wants them to wait for His fullness. However every believer can receive God's fullness now! 2 Cor. 6:1,2
  • Form: Believers can believe that they have to do something in a particular way to receive the fullness. However every believer can receive God's fullness by simply trusting in God and His Word. Gal. 3:3
  • Worthiness: Believers can believe that they have to "improve" before they can receive God's fullness. However every believer is worthy to receive because s/he is the righteousness of God in Christ! 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 10:10,14
  • Man: Believers can trust in God moving through a person rather than receiving directly from the Lord and trusting in Him. John 7:37,38; 14:1

Every believer can experience God's fullness if s/he simply trusts in God and His Word. James 1:5-8

In response to God's Word to us, we spent time entering into His rest and His fullness so that we could overflow with the grace He has poured into our lives.

Upcoming events:

28 November: Arise Shine! meetings with Voice in the City. Check here for details...
4-6 December: KLF Training Days! with Mike and Kay Chance. Check here for details...

Quote of the week:

"God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Cor. 9:8


Monday 16 November 2009


Glory to God!

The Lord is restoring us! As He continues to reveal Truth to us, we are being healed - spirit, soul and body. Yesterday the Lord spoke to us about being healed spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically as we align our thinking and our lifestyle to the truth of His Word. The Lord showed us how we need to be made whole from the inside out so that we reveal the wholeness God intends for His Kingdom people. We praise God that it is His will to heal us through and through and that we can enter into wholeness by faith and obedience. Hallelujah!

Quote of the week:

"'...I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the Lord." Jeremiah 30:17


Monday 9 November 2009


Praise be to the Lord!

The Lord is continuing to reveal the extent of His love to us. By the Holy Spirit we are receiving revelation of what we have been freely given (1 Cor. 2:12) and it's mind-blowing! Hallelujah! Yesterday the Lord spoke to us about True Freedom and this is what He showed us:

  1. In Christ the believer has received everything s/he needs for life because s/he has received the fullness of God. Col. 1:19; 2:9,10
  2. God has done everything for mankind to be able to receive fullness of life in Christ Jesus. Rom. 5:6-8
  3. This awesome gift of Life is received by believing in the finished work of the cross. Eph. 1:13,14
  4. Salvation is God's work. 1 Cor. 1:26-30
  5. Hunility is confidence in God.
  6. Everything man needs is found in Jesus. Christ is the believer's wisdom, righteousness, holiness and redemption. 1 Cor. 1:30
  7. The way for man to have life and to walk in righteousness, wisdom etc is to believe in, and trust in the Righteousness, Wisdom, and Life who lives in the believer.
  8. The gift of Christ, who is the believer's Life, is received by faith. Eph. 2:1-9
  9. The believer has been given the fullness of God and s/he can rest in the completed work of Christ.
  10. The believer's life begins by faith and should continue by faith in Christ! Gal. 3:3
  11. When a believer lives his or her life under rules and regulations, s/he becomes legalistic and places him/herself under law - trying to attain a righteousness apart from Christ (self-righteousness). Gal. 5:4
  12. Law activates the flesh and results in condemnation!
  13. Alternatively believers treat God's gift as a license to do whatever they like which leads to a life controlled by selfish desires. Gal. 5:13; Rom. 6:1,2
  14. Both legalism and liberalism are not freedom.
  15. True freedom is found by walking according to the leading of the Spirit. 2 Cor. 3:17
  16. The Holy Spirit primarily uses the conscience of the believer to direct him/her. Rom. 14; 1 John 3:19-24
  17. The road to true freedom (sanctification) is all God's work - by grace through faith.
  18. Jesus is the Author and Finisher of the believer's faith! Heb. 12:2
  19. The believer lives in true freedom when s/he lives by the Spirit; free from the control of the law and free from the control of the flesh.
  20. God is faithful and it is Christ in the believer who works all things. 2 Cor.1:21; 1 Thess. 5:23,24
  21. To continue to walk in true freedom, the believer simply needs to trust in Christ to do His work in and through him/her. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life! John 14:6

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! 2 Cor. 3:17

We praise God for His amazing grace and love and for revealing the depth of His grace and love to us by His Spirit!

Quote of the week:

"You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?" Gal. 3:1-3


Monday 2 November 2009

God's love!

Praise be to our God of grace and love!

On Friday KLF met for a powerful evening of prayer and worship as we stood in the Truth and established Christ's lordship in our lives and in our city. We had an awesome time praying the Word and proclaiming the Truth as the Holy Spirit led us. We were particularly blessed to have Phil Gorman visit us from Harpurhey Community Church in Manchester who joined KLF's worship team leader, David Rowe in leading us in worship. It was a brilliant evening and the presence of God was wonderful. You can find the teaching notes from the evening on "Ready 4 Battle?" here...

On Saturday KLF and Treffpunkt Leben organised a Narnia Party for children to have an alternative to the halloween parties held over the weekend. We believe that the Church should provide godly alternatives and initiatives to bring Life to the world rather than be a condemning voice that just criticizes and judges the world! The theme was C.S. Lewis' Narnia story and all the games, costumes and activities revolved around the first Narnia film. The party was a great success and the children (and adults) were richly blessed.

Yesterday's meeting was very powerful once again as the Lord gave us an even deeper revelation of His love. Already during worship in song, God was working deeply in us to bring healing and affirmation to His children as He revelaed more and more of His love to us. The Lord then spoke to us about what salvation is and this is what He showed us:

"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery - but I am talking about Christ and the church." Eph. 5:31,32

  • The marriage vow can be compared to the believer's confession of Christ that both lead into a covenant - an agreement between two parties to remain faithful to one another.
  • The marriage relationship represents the relationship God has with His children.
  • In light of how the marriage relationship can be compared to the believer's relationship to Christ we can note the following:
  1. A marriage relationship is not based on a marriage contract alone! It would be ridiculous to say that a couple is married that live their lives independently and seperately. The person who continues to live his or her life apart from, and independently of his or her spouse and says s/he is married is deceived.
  2. A marriage relationship is not based on fulfilling "marital rules." It would be ridiculous to base one's marriage on trying to fulfill certain marital rules. The couple that lives by following marital rules to maintain their marriage lives a life that is conditional and is not based on love.
  3. The marriage relationship is a covenant of unconditional love. The covenant is made on the basis of love and the fulfillment of that covenant is a relationship based on unconditional love.
  4. Therefore, "to be saved" is to enter into a covenant of unconditional love with God in Christ.
  5. Salvation is therefore the fulfilling of that covenant of unconditional love through the believer's union with God in Christ Jesus.
  6. The believer's relationship to God is therefore not based on a formula, nor on living under law, but it is based on being united to God in Christ because of our dependence on His love for us and remaining in His love.
  7. The believer is saved by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8) - in other words, we are saved by trusting and relying on God's unconditional love for us and abiding in that unconditional love (grace = undeserved gift of love).
  8. Salvation is union with God in Christ Jesus and is based on love.

"This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." 1 John 4:10

Yesterday evening we had another opportunity to demonstrate God's love to the world as we spent some time with the homeless and needy. It is such a blessing to be able to pass on what we have freely received. Hallelujah!

Quote of the week:

"We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Saviour of the world. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God. And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." 1 John 4:13-16 (emphasis mine)


Monday 26 October 2009

Living the Truth

Glory to God!

It has been another exciting week! God is making Himself known to us more and more so that we can know Him more and make Him known more! Hallelujah!

Yesterday the Lord spoke to us about how "the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth" (1 Tim. 3:15), is to prophetically demonstrate the truth by standing firm in it and living it! The Lord showed us how the enemy tries to move the Church away from the truth in order to be able to do his work (see 1 Tim. 4:1-5). If the enemy manages to get believers to move out of grace and into independence and self-righteousness (trying to accomplish righteousness apart from God) then he will have room again to accuse the believer. When believers continue to stand in grace (Rom. 5:2), the enemy has no opportunity to accuse because the believer stands in Christ's righteousness. Every teaching that moves believers out of grace must be rejected as it is false teaching that comes from "deceiving spirits and things taught by demons" (1 Tim. 4:1).

God wants the Church to have full revelation of what He has freely given her. 1 Cor. 2:12; Eph. 2:7; Col. 1:6!

The Lord then immersed us into the truth as we received revelation of what happens to person who has faith in Jesus Christ. Looking at the letter to the Colossians, the Lord showed us the following:

If you have faith in Christ Jesus (1:4)...

  • you have been qualified to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. 1:12
  • you have been rescued from the dominion of darkness. 1:13
  • you have been brought into Christ's kingdom. 1:13
  • you have been redeemed. 1:14
  • you have forgiveness of sins. 1:14
  • you have been reconciled to God. 1:21
  • you are holy. 1:22
  • you are without blemish. 1:22
  • you are free from accustation. 1:22
  • Christ is in you, the hope of glory. 1:27
  • you have received in Christ all the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge. 2:3
  • you have received Christ. 2:6
  • you have received fullness in Christ. 2:10
  • you were circumcised in Christ. 2:11
  • you were buried with Christ. 2:12
  • you were raised with Christ. 2:12
  • you were made alive with Christ. 2:13
  • all your sins are forgiven. 2:13
  • you have been set free from the law. 2:14
  • you have been set free from the power of the enemy. 2:15
  • you have triumphed over the enemy. 2:15
  • you are connected to the Church of which Christ is the Head. 2:19
  • God causes you to grow in Him. 2:19
  • you died with Christ to the pattern of this world. 2:20
  • you have been raised with Christ. 3:1
  • your life is hidden with Christ in God. 3:3
  • Christ is your life. 3:4

Since you are in Christ and Christ is in you...

  • you are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms. Eph. 2:6
  • you are seated with Christ "far above all rule and authority, power and dominion." Eph. 1:20,21
  • The Church, which is His body, is the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way. Eph. 1:22,23

Salvation is therefore union with God in Christ Jesus!

We praise God for His revelation to us by His Spirit, who leads us into truth and reveals the Father and the Son to us. Hallelujah!

God's revelation to us is equipping us to stand firm in the truth and establish Christ's lordship in the city of Frankfurt. This Friday we will be meeting together for an evening of worship and prayer to proclaim Christ's supremacy over this city and over this nation. On Saturday we are joining TPLF for a Narnia party for kids aged 6 - 12 years to provide an exciting alternative to halloween! On Sunday we will have another opportunity to share God's love with the homeless and needy.

Quote of the week:

"...God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming agaes he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in the kindness to us in Christ Jesus." Eph. 2:6,7


Tuesday 20 October 2009

Receiving the Truth!

Praise be to God!

Since the Church has received Christ Jesus as Lord, God wants the Church to continue to live In Christ and be rooted, built up and established in Him (Col. 2:6). For the Church to realise the truth of her identity in Christ, she must have a conviction of the truth and realise the truth in order to demonstrate the truth. Only if the Church carries the conviction of being in Christ, will she rise up and be seated in the place of authority and power that she has received in Christ (Eph. 1:18-23; Col. 2:6 - 3:4)! Kingdom conviction is the faith that realises, reveals and releases the Truth. The Lord then showed us how the believer can receive Kingdom convictions. This is what He showed us:

  • The believer needs to be exposed to the truth for it to influence him/her. Rom. 10:17

  • The believer needs to receive the truth by first trusting it, even if s/he does not understand it.
  • To trust the truth is to submit to it.
  • To receive the truth is to be vulnerable and allow God's truth to do whatever He desires in one's life.
  • The believer must learn to receive the truth in His spirit before it is filtered by the natural mind.
  • Spiritual revelation of the truth is received in the spirit and then in the heart and mind. 1 Cor. 2:14

  • Once the truth is received, the believer needs to "search the scriptures" to ensure that there are two to three witnesses of the truth. Acts 17:11

  • God created by speaking. Gen. 1:3; John 1:1-3
  • For Kingdom convictions to be formed or birthed in the believer, s/he must speak the truth over her life.
  • The believer's utterance has the power to create. Pr. 18:21

  • The believer must dwell on the truth and allow the truth to dwell in him/her. John 15:7; Ps. 119:11

  • The believer must receive spiritual understanding of the truth for it to become a conviction that bears fruit. Mt. 13:11,23
  • The believer must depend on the Holy Spirit for spiritual understanding of the truth. John 16:12,13; 1 John 2:27

  • If the believer has received the truth and understands the truth it will become a conviction that will determine his/her way of life (culture).
  • Convictions are only convictions when they affect the believer's lifestyle. Conviction without action is only an opinion!

We praise God for revealing His Truth to us so that Kingdom convictions are formed in our lives that determine our way of life to form Kingdom culture.

Quote of the week:

"The one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown." Matthew 13:23


Monday 12 October 2009

Living from the truth

Glory to God!

The Lord is continuing to speak to us about the convictions He wants us to have that will affect our way of life. God is showing us that faith is having convictions based on the truth that change the believer's way of life. Just as faith without works is dead (James 2:26) so are "convictions" without action. True convictions will always be visible. The fruit of the believer's convictions will be evident in his/her daily life. When the Word of God is received and becomes a conviction in the life of the believer, s/he becomes a demonstration of the truth and the Kingdom of God (1 Thess. 1:2-10). The Lord is exposing every "form of godliness" (2 Tim. 3:5) and leading the Church to live from the truth and not from church culture. God is stripping the Church of all superficiality and raising her up to sincerely live from the truth and be the witness of the Kingdom He has called and set her apart to be (1 Peter 1:15,16).

Yesterday we had another opportunity to minister grace and love to the poor and needy at our monthly soup kitchen. The place was packed and yet the peace of God reigned and lives were being touched with God's presence, power and love. Everyone left satisfied, having eaten well and having been in God's presence. We praise God for opportunities such as these to bear the fruit of our convictions! Hallelujah!

Quote of the week:

"But as for you, continue in what you have learned and become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Tim. 3:14-16 (emphasis mine)


Monday 5 October 2009


Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

God wants to revive His people! At Kingdom Faith leaders' conference last week it became very clear to us that God wants the Church to live in revival - revival not only for a season but revival for a generation that will continue from generation to generation, turning the tide of a Godless society! The Holy Spirit is speaking clearly to the Church to both encourage her and to convict her. The encouragement is that God has graced His people to do the work only He can accomplish but He is calling the Church to reveal and release what she has received to glorify God and to save the lost.

The Lord is saying the same thing to KLF. God is building His Kingdom and He has chosen and graced the Church to co-labour with Him (2 Cor. 6:1). To build God's Kingdom is to develop Kingdom culture - the way of life that is determined by Kingdom influence and Kingdom convictions.

Yesterday the Lord showed us a further Kingdom conviction that the believer must have to build Kingdom culture. This is what He revealed to us:

  • In the beginning God created man to be like Him - to be God-like or godly. Gen. 1:26-28
  • When man disobeyed God, he became independent of God and separated himself from His union with God, therefore becoming ungodly. Eph. 2:12
  • When man tries to be like God apart from God, he develops a form of godliness without God and therefore without power and still remains ungodly. 2 Tim. 3:1-5
  • Jesus came to die for the ungodly in order to restore man's union to God and therefore make man godly again. Rom. 5:6-8
  • Salvation is union with God.
  • The unbeliever is dead, independent, seperated from God and ungodly.
  • The believer is alive, dependent on God, joined to God and godly.
  • The 4th conviction God wants KLF to have is that "I am godly."
  • God has given the believer everything s/he needs for life and godliness in Christ Jesus. 2 Peter 1:3
  • The believer has received every spiritual blessing by grace to reveal God and release His power. Eph. 1:3; 2:6
  • God created man to be like Him and to bear fruit. Gen. 1:28
  • God has graced the believer to do good works that can only be done out of his/her union with God. Luke 18:18,19
  • Apart from God the believer cannot do good works or bear lasting fruit. John 15:5
  • Jesus could not do good works or bear lasting fruit apart from the Father. John 5:18
  • Good works are the evidence of the believer's union with God.
  • God has graced every believer to reveal His glory - His personality, power and presence.
  • The fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit are the evidence of our union with God. Gal. 5:22; 1 Cor. 12; John 14:10-12
The believer is God's workmanship (God's poem) created in Christ Jesus as a new creation to be like God and do His work in His power to reveal His glory.

God is giving us spiritual revelation to quicken us with His Truth so that we are revived. A revived people are a godly people who influence the ungodly with God's presence, power and personality in order to reconcile them to God. Praise God for His awesome power that is at work in us (Eph. 3:20)!

Quote of the week:

"For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life." Eph. 2:10 (NRSV)


Thursday 1 October 2009


Glory to God!

We are encountering God in our meetings and enjoying true fellowship with Him. On Sunday the Lord spoke to us about a further Kingdom conviction He wants us to have that will affect our way of life to produce Kingdom culture. This is what He showed us:

  • God has created every person to uniquely reveal God in a way that only that individual can.
  • God wants to reveal Himself through the believer so that all that God has placed in the believer is made manifest through him/her.
  • The believer can only reveal God to the degree that s/he has received revelation of God.
  • God wants to reveal Himself through the believer but not replace the uniqueness of the believer's personality! Psalm 139:13-18
  • The Kingdom conviction God wants us to have is: God thinks I am wonderful!
  • When you have the conviction that God thinks you are wonderful, you will stop trying to be someone else to please man or to impress God.
  • Masks are put up when we try to be someone different and hide our true identity and therefore the revelation of God.
  • Walls are erected to protect ourselves from harm and criticism but self-erected walls isolate us from God's revelation and from revealing Him to others.
  • God wants these walls to come down to reveal the Spirit within us for He is our Wall and our Defence. Psalm 91

When we have the conviction that "God thinks I am wonderful" we won't put up masks or walls but will uniquely reveal God in us.

From Monday to Wednesday the leaders of KLF attended another dynamic and Spirit-filled Kingdom Faith leaders' conference in Horsham, England where we encountered God very powerfully and received life-changing revelation and teaching that will take us even further in our relationship with God as a leadership team and as a church. On Wednesday, Richard and Frances were ordained and anointed as pastors of KLF by pastors Clive and Colin Urquhart. Being in covenant relationship with Kingdom Faith means that Kingdom Life is covered by the apostolic anointing on Kingdom Faith and apostle Colin Urquhart. This ordination is a very significant step for KLF as the spiritual leadership of Richard and Frances is established not only in KLF but also in the city of Frankfurt and the nation of Germany. God's order is being established in the Church so that His power and purposes can be unfolded and released through His Body. Hallelujah! We praise God for our relationship with KF and the anointing that is flowing in and through KLF because of our spiritual unity!

Quote of the week:

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well...How precious to me (concerning me) are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!" Psalm 139:13,14,17


Monday 21 September 2009

True Worship

Praise be to God!

We are so excited about the life-changing revelation God is giving us not only on a Sunday but also throughout the week at our various meetings. Hallelujah! The men have their own men's prayer breakfast blog to keep the guys updated on what the Lord is doing with the men every Friday at MPB. Check it out here...

Yesterday was a very special meeting. We had to meet at a different location and are blessed to be able to meet at the Baptist church in Eschersheim when we occasionally have to find an alternative place to meet. Before we entered into a time of worship, the Lord spoke to us about what worship is really all about. You can listen to the teaching here...

This is what He showed us:

  1. True worship is a heart that responds to God. This is the essence of all worship.
  2. God is more concerned about the believer's heart than the way he responds.
  3. The manner or form of worship is less important than the fact that the believer is responding with a sincere heart. Heb. 10:22
  4. God looks at the heart! 1 Sam. 16:7
  5. Worship songs are a form that are an expression of a worshiper's heart.
  6. Worship songs should help the worshiper to encounter God in the same way that caused the song-writer to write the song. If the believer just sings the songs without sincerely seeking and responding to the revelation of God, s/he is maintaining form without truly worshiping - form without essence.
  7. Any written response to the revelation of God, whether it be the Word of God or worship songs must always lead us into an encounter with God! John 5:39,40
  8. True corporate worship is when everyone is responding to the same revelation of God together in one spirit rather than individuals each responding to their own revelation of God at the same time in the same place.

Following this revelation we then entered into worship. We began without written songs and simply worshiped God from our hearts (essence) in whatever way (form) we chose. The presence of God was awesome and as we then worshiped with written songs we jointly encountered God as one body in one spirit - it was amazing!

After meeting with God in worship, the Lord then spoke to us about another Kingdom conviction He wants us to have. You can listen to the sermon here...

This is what He spoke to us about:

  1. There are many convictions God wants us to have but He is highlighting particular Kingdom convictions that He wants us to have.
  2. The first conviction is: I am God's home - God has prepared my life in Christ Jesus to be His habitation (see previous blog posting).
  3. The second conviction is: There is more!
  4. God's Kingdom is one of increase and abundance. Matt. 13:11,12,23
  5. Jesus endured all suffering even to the point of death on the cross because He was convinced that there is more - the joy that was set before Him! Heb. 12:2
  6. The apostle Paul, even though he saw the most amazing things and had incredible encounters with God, still pressed on because he knew there is more - he lived to gain Christ. 2 Cor. 12:1-4; Phil. 3:1-15
  7. All the great men and women of God in history and today have the conviction that there is more. Heb. 11:24-27
  8. Revival (God's people being saturated with God and overflowing with Him) comes about when believers carry the conviction that there is more and do not give up until the "more" comes!
  9. Believers who have the conviction that there is more are moved from the ordinary to the extraordinary; from the natural to the supernatural; from the familiar to the secrets of God.
  10. The conviction that there is more will change prayerlessness to prayerfullness and will move the believer to search the Scriptures daily to receive fresh revelation of God to know Him and experience Him more!

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen" Eph. 3:20,21

We praise God for His hand upon us and for helping us to build Kingdom culture that reflects heaven on earth!

This Saturday, Voice in the city will be having another exciting and dynamic afternoon and evening at their Arise Shine meetings. Check out the following link for more info...

Quote of the week:

"'No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him' - but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit." 1 Cor. 2:9,10


Monday 14 September 2009


Praise be to God!

We've had another brilliant week with God! The Lord has been speaking to us about Kingdom Culture and yesterday He revealed a Kingdom conviction to us that He wants us to have that will radically change our way of life if it truly becomes a Kingdom conviction - an unshakable, compelling and conquering belief based on God's truth.

The Kingdom conviction God spoke to us about is the fact that the believer is a Kingdom residence! This is what the Lord showed us:

  1. The believer is the temple of the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 3:16,17; 6:12-20; 2 Cor. 6:14-17
  2. The believer's body belongs to God. 1 Cor. 6:19,20
  3. God has made the believer's body a suitable dwelling place for His presence. In Christ, the believer is righteous, holy and perfect so that God can dwell in His house. 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 10:1-14
  4. The believer's body is God's house that He has prepared in order to make the believer His home! John 14:23
  5. The believer has been sealed with God's presence because he is righteous in Christ. Eph.1:13,14; 4:30
  6. When a believer sins, his relationship with God is not destroyed but fellowship with God is hindered. God still owns the house and has placed His name, as well as his "eyes and his heart" there. 1 Kings 9:3
  7. Since the believer is righteous, holy and perfect in Christ, he must live a holy life to maintain fellowship with God and to grow in intimacy with Him. Eph. 5:8; 2 Cor. 7:1
  8. The believer's relationship with God is based on God's grace and mercy in Christ Jesus. Rom. 5:1,2
  9. The believer's fellowship with God is based on the believer's obedience and desire for intimacy with God. James 4:7,8; John 15:10
  10. The believer is the temple of God, the habitation of the Lord, the home of God, the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit because of the relationship the believer has with God in Christ Jesus.
  11. It is the believer's repsonsibility to live a holy life in order not to grieve God's presence in His house. Eph. 4:30
  12. The believer is not a guest house that belongs to the believer, that God visits occasionally, and that needs to be prepared for God to visit.
The believer is God's home that God has prepared for Himself to live in.

We praise God for His awesome, liberating revelation to us!

Quote of the week:

"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Cor. 5:21


Monday 7 September 2009

Changing the culture

Glory to the King of kings!

It has been another awesome week with God! The Lord is imparting more and more spiritual revelation to us in our meetings and we are excited about our King and His Kingdom and the life-changing truth He is making known to us by His Spirit!

On Tuesdays we meet for Bible study and prayer and at present are studying the letter to the Romans and receiving powerful insight into God's Word. At our weekly prayer meeting, the Lord is showing us how to use His Word to worship Him and how to pray over our own lives and intercede for one another as well as the Church, the city and whatever else the Holy Spirit leads us to pray over!

The women and the men meet on Thursdays and Fridays respectively and have wonderful times of fellowship with God and one another. The youth (IMPACT!) meet on Saturdays at Subzone in central Frankfurt and are influencing the city with their presence and joy!

Yesterday the Lord continued to speak to us about Kingdom Culture and this is what He showed us:

  • Culture is a way of life that is determined by what influences you and the convictions you have.
  • Influence is what we allow to flow into our lives that affects us.
  • Convictions are the unshakable, compelling and conquering beliefs we have that affect our way of life.
  • There are 3 approaches to living in a foreign culture:
  1. Cultural Chameleons: someone who is able to adapt and conform to whatever culture they find themselves in. This person simply allows the culture they're in to influence them so that they become one with the culture.
  2. Cultural Cliques: someone who joins others of the same culture and isolates him/herself with them to form a seperate culture within the culture they are living in.
  3. Cultural Conquerors: someone who influences and changes the culture in which s/he lives because of the unshakable, compelling and conquering convictions s/he has.
Looking at 1 Thess. 1:3-10 we saw that the Thessalonians were cultural conquerors because of the unshakable (1:6), compelling (1:3) and conquering (1:8,9) convictions (1:5) they received by the Holy Spirit.

Kingdom culture is a way of life that is determined by Kingdom influence and Kingdom convictions!

We praise God that He has given us everything we need to live Kingdom culture and to conquer the kingdom of darkness with Kingdom convictions. Hallelujah!

Yesterday evening we had another wonderful opportunity to put our convictions into action as we ministered to the poor and needy with God's love. Many came and entered into Kingdom Culture as we served them and fed them and simply enjoyed God's presence and love together with them.

Quote of the week:

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2 (emphasis mine)


Friday 28 August 2009

More than conquerors!

Glory to God!

The Lord is speaking to us about Kingdom Culture and this is what He showed us yesterday:

Culture is a way of life that is determined by what influences us and the convictions we have.

  • Our way of life is everything we are and do that is determined by what influences us.
  • Influence means "flow in" (Latin) and applies to that which flows into one's life that is affecting one's way of life - the way we think, behave, speak, dress, etc.
  • Our way of life is also determined by the convictions we have.
  • Convictions are the unshakable, compelling and conquering truths that determine one's way of life.
  • Conviction = belief (Acts 28:24)
  • Convictions are only convictions when they are affecting one's way of life. "Convictions" that are not determining one's way of life, are just opinions and not convictions.
  • Convictions are unshakable. James 1:5-8
  • Convictions are compelling. 2 Cor. 5:14
  • Convictions conquer. Rom. 8:37,38

Kingdom Culture is developed as the believer is consistently influenced by the Kingdom and convictions are established that are based on Kingdom Truth.

To help determine what is influencing you and what convictions you have, check out the "Defining Kingdom Culture" worksheet here...

This Sunday we will be ministering to the poor and needy at our monthly Homeless Mission where we seek to build God's Kingdom by revealing His nature and releasing His power. Hallelujah!

Quote of the week:

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: 'For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.' No, in all these things we are more thanconquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:35-39 (emphasis mine)


Monday 24 August 2009

Les and Dot Mitchell

Praise be to our awesome King!

We've had a brilliant time with our visitors from Kingdom Faith London, pastors Les and Dot Mitchell. On Friday and Saturday evening they led us into greater intimacy with the Father at our KLF Training Days - Prayer Workshop, as we pressed into God's presence until we truly encountered Him and met with Him. Hallelujah!

Yesterday the Lord spoke to us about our First Love (Rev. 2:4) and how He wants every believer to ensure that He is the "one thing" (Psalm 27:4) we desire so that everything we are and everything we do flows out of an intimate relationship with Jesus. Pastor Les showed us how important it is that we build our relationship with the Living Word, Jesus, and not just with the written Word that actually points us to Him (John 5:39,40)!

We praise God for an amazing weekend with the Mitchells under whose anointing we could be partakers of what God is doing in their lives and has imparted to them. We believe that our relationship with the Mitchells and Kingdom Faith London is bringing even greater spiritual breakthrough in our cities and we look forward to seeing even more fruit from this significant connection between London and Frankfurt.

Our website is continuously being updated and improved and we are excited about now having a link to the videos we produce of various aspects of Kingdom Life Frankfurt. Take a look here...

Quote of the week:

"One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple." Psalm 27:4


Monday 10 August 2009

We're back!

Glory to the King of kings!

We're back! 33 of us attended this year's Faith Camp in Peterborough, England where between 5000 to 6000 people gathered together for a week of camping, worshipping, teaching, fellowship and lots of fun! We had a brilliant time and have returned filled and excited about what God imparted into our lives and is going to do this next half of the year! See pictures here...

On Saturday many believers joined together from Frankfurt and many other cities in Germany to march for Jesus at the annual International Jesus March. It was another great opportunity to proclaim the name of Jesus over our city and demonstrate the unity of the Church in seeing Jesus glorified in our city and country!

It was wonderful to meet again yesterday after our two week summer break. We are excited about how God confirmed at Faith Camp what He has been saying to us previously and we are confident that we are continuing to walk according to His will and purpose for us. Yesterday the Lord spoke to us about Kingdom Culture and this is what He showed us:

  1. The Kingdom of God is a present reality that is being established on earth as it is in heaven, now! Col. 1:15; Matthew 13:11,41; Luke 12:32; 17:21
  2. Believers are "sons of the Kingdom." Matthew 13:38
  3. Believers are responsible for producing the fruit of the Kingdom. Matthew 21:43

The Kingdom of God is like yoghurt...

  1. Yoghurt is a live culture that gives life to the "dead" milk it is immersed in. Similarly we have received Kingdom culture that has given us life that enables us to impart life. 2 Peter 1:3,4
  2. Yoghurt changes the appearance of the milk it is immersed in. Similarly we are changed by Kingdom culture and are responsible for developing Kingdom culture wherever we are so that a visbile change in appearance is achieved (behaviour, attitude, etc). Matthew 5:13-16
  3. Yoghurt restricts the growth of food poisoning bacteria. Similarly Kingdom culture will restrict the work of the devil's kingdom!
  4. Yoghurt produces a characteristic flavour in the milk. Similarly Kingdom culture has a particular flavour that must be produced in us and wherever we seek to develop Kingdom culture.
  5. Yoghurt is produced in a sterile container. Similarly Kingdom culture is developed in vessels that remain pure and holy!
  6. Only 10% yoghurt culture is needed to change milk completely into yoghurt. Similarly only a few who carry Kingdom culture can influence many to produce Kingdom culture. Matthew 13:31-33
  7. The Yoghurt/Milk mixture needs to incubate until it is set. Similarly believers must continue to develop Kingdom culture until there is visible change.
  8. The yoghurt that has been developed can be used to make more yoghurt. Similarly Kingdom culture can be multiplied but it must be made from an orginal "batch." The believer must develop his own Kingdom culture directly from the Source and not try to copy another culture.

As sons of the Kingdom of God, we are called to produce the fruit of the Kingdom now as we allow God's Kingdom (His rule and reign) to transform us, and as we reveal and release God's Kingdom through us, to produce Kingdom culture wherever we are (home, church, work, world, etc)!

This Friday and Saturday, we have the privilege of having pastors Les and Dot Mitchell from Kingdom Faith London with us. They will be teaching us on prophetic intercession as we learn to pray God's will on earth as it is in heaven. Both meetings will be held at Treffpunkt Leben (Kurfürstenstr.14, Frankfurt-Bockenheim) at 7.30pm and 6.00pm respectively.

Quote of the week:

"Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit." Matthew 21:43


Saturday 18 July 2009

The power of the testimony

Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. Psalm 145:3

This has been another exciting week! The Brazilian dance group, Tribus, led an amazing 3-day dance workshop at CZF and many were blessed as they learned to worship in dance! Tribus will be performing at CZF on the 1st August. Check here for more details...

On Saturday a group of us hit the streets with Tribus to reach people with the Good News! As Tribus and others danced on the pedestrian zone in the middle of Frankfurt, we had opportunities to witness to interested people and reveal God's glory! We praise God for the spiritual impact we made and for the many lives that were touched with God's presence, power and love! Hallelujah!

The Lord is continuing to speak to us about revival and yesterday He showed us the following:
  1. Revival is when people are saturated with God and overflow with Him.
  2. To be saturated with God we need to see His glory - His presence, personality and power.
  3. When God reveals His glory to us, we become witnesses of that revelation of God.
  4. The revelation of God that we witness becomes our testimony.
  5. The testimony of God is the spirit of prophecy. Rev. 19:10
  6. Because God is unchanging, the testimony of God becomes a present reality when accompanied by faith. Heb. 4:2-6
  7. Every testimony of God's glory is powerful - whether it be the Old "Testimony", the New "Testimony" or present day testimonies!
  8. Faith takes hold of all the testimonies of God!
  • 3 things happen when we value and honour the testimony:
  1. The testimony will strengthen our faith. Psalm 77; Heb. 2:1
  2. The testimony stirs us to worship God. Psalm 145
  3. The testimony motivates us to testify and bear witness. Psalm 145
  • Faith in the testimony leads to an encounter with God. John 5:37-40
  • We are called to be witnesses of God who have encountered Him and not advocates who just know about Him!

We are called to seek God's glory and become witnesses of God's presence, personality and power so that we can reveal His glory through our testimony!

We praise God for continuing to reveal His presence and power in our meetings! People are being healed, saved and delivered as they witness the revelation of God's glory! Hallelujah!

Exciting upcoming events and important dates:

27th July - 10th August: No church meetings - most of KLF will be at Faith Camp in Peterborough, England. More details here...
15th August: Jesus March in Frankfurt. More details here...
21st - 23rd: Prayer Workshop with Les and Dot Mitchell, pastors of Kingdom Faith London @ Treffpunkt Leben. More details here...

Quote of the week:

"All you have made will praise you, O Lord; your saints will extol you. They will tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might, so that all men may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of your kingdom." Psalm 145:10-12 (emphasis mine)


Wednesday 15 July 2009


Praise be to God!

On Sunday we had a brazilian dance group called TRIBUS join us at our meeting. We were blessed to have them with us and be inspired to worship in dance. Tribus is leading an exciting dance-workshop from the 15th - 17th July at CZF from 9am - 4pm. You can find out more about these passionate worshippers here...

On Sunday we experienced great freedom in our worship and the Lord spoke to us about looking to Abraham as our example of a worshipper after God's own heart (Isaiah 51:1,2). Looking at Genesis 22:1-19, the Lord showed us that true worshippers are:

  • an obedient people. Gen. 22:3
  • a people of faith. Gen. 22:4
  • a sacrificing people. Gen. 22:10

Further, the Lord showed us that times of testing are an opportunity to receive an even deeper revelation of God! We praise God for His awesome revelation and for teaching us to be passionate worshippers.

Faith Camp '09 is approaching quickly and over 30 of us will be attending this exciting week of worship, teaching, community, revelation, encountering God, connecting with others from all over the world and loads of fun. Check here for more info...

After our Summer Break from 27 July - 10 August we will have pastors Les and Dot Mitchell with us to lead and train us in prayer at Treffpunkt Leben on the 21st and 22nd August. Check here for more info...

Quote of the week:

"Abraham believed God..." Romans 4:3


Monday 6 July 2009

Revealing God's Glory

Glory to the God of miracles, signs and wonders!

We are excited! Last week God revealed His glory to us in many different ways and many different settings. Hallelujah! On Monday a group of us went to the streets of Frankfurt-Bockenheim, looking for opportunities to overflow with God by praying for the sick, speaking to the lost about God's love, caring for the poor and simply being available for the Holy Spirit to do His work through us. We praise God for the people He touched with His love and power!

On Monday and Tuesday evening part of our worship team joined Roy Fields for his 2 meetings in Frankfurt. The meetings were very powerful and many were saved and healed. Glory to God!

On Wednesday, a small group went to Frankfurt Airport to do a Bible study on "Gates" after which they prayed for the gates and spiritual portals of Frankfurt. God is calling us to take spiritual authority over the various gates and to prepare the ground for His glory.

"Lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in." Psalm 24:7

Yesterday we had another New Life Celebration to baptise a new life in Christ. Our Kingdom Kids also performed a powerful dance and gave testimonies about being "Knights of God's Kingdom." You can see the dance and pictures of the baptism here...

The Lord spoke to us yesterday about revealing His glory through our testimonies of the revelation of His glory - His presence, is power and His personality. This is what He showed us:

  1. When God reveals His glory to us, we become witnesses of His glory.
  2. That which we have witnessed of God's glory (His presence, power and personality) becomes our testimony (the word testimony comes from the Latin word, testis, meaning witness).
  3. God's revelation to us stirs us to worship Him (Rom. 11:33-36) and be witnesses of His revelation to us (Acts 22:1-21).
  4. The Bible is a testimony of God's personality and power and is divided into the old testimony and the new testimony.
  5. The Holy Spirit quickens the testimony of God and makes it a present reality because God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb.13:8).
  6. The testimony of God is the spirit of prophecy. Rev.19:10
  7. When we testify of God's revelation of His glory to us, we release the power of God with the potential to change people's lives if people believe - faith realises God's past revelation and makes it a present reality!

We praise God for the people who have received healing, salvation and deliverance because they believed our testimonies of God's revelation of His glory to us! Hallelujah!

Yesterday evening we had another opportunity to overflow with God as we ministered to the poor and needy at our monthly homeless mission. Glory to God for the lives that are being changed because they are being touched with God's glory through us! Thank you Lord!

Quote of the week:

"... the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Rev. 19:10


Monday 29 June 2009

More of His Glory!

Praise the Lord!

God is continuing to teach us about seeing His glory and He is revealing Himself to us more and more. On Sunday God spoke to us about encountering Him in the fullness of His glory - His love, His compassion, His faithfulness, His forgiveness, His mercy (Ex. 33,34) to allow Him to replace any distorted views of Him that are based on our own experiences in life rather than on His revelation of Himself. Where we have experienced unfaithfulness and failing love in our relationships, a barrier of fear is formed that hinders us from seeing God's true faithfulness and unfailing love. Therefore the Lord encouraged us to seek His glory in order to remove any hindrances of fear so that we will walk in confidence and boldness in His love and faithfulness. We praise God for the many lives that were touched and healed as we encountered God's love and faithfulness! Hallelujah!

We are very pleased and blessed to have two students from Kingdom Faith College (Horsham, England) with us. They are a great team supporting the exisiting ministry of KLF and also being part of some other exciting ventures that have included street evangelism, prayer walking in Frankfurt, helping the poor and needy, and simply being a great blessing to us and this city! We praise God for Kingdom Faith College and the excellent work they are doing.

This week part of our worship team joined Roy Fields for 2 meetings held at CZF, organised by Healing rooms Deutschland e.V. The meetings were very well attended and many were blessed by God's presence and power.

This Sunday @ 3pm we will be meeting in the Evangelisch Freikirchliche Gemeinde Frankfurt-Nordwest for another New Life Celebration! Please click here for more info...

Exciting upcoming events and important dates:

5th July: Homeless mission - an opportunity to feed the poor spiritually and physically and to overflow with the love of God.
4th July: International Family Day - a fun day out for everyone on the Lohrberg from 14h00 - 20h00 with food, games, face-painting, entertainment and more!
5th July: New Life Celebration - we will be meeting together and baptising believers at the Baptist church in Eschersheim (Haeberlinstr.3) on that Sunday.
27th July - 10th August: No church meetings - most of KLF will be at Faith Camp in Peterborough, England. More details here...
15th August: Jesus March in Frankfurt - more details here...
21st - 23rd: Prayer Workshop with Les and Dot Mitchell, pastors of Kingdom Faith London @ Treffpunkt Leben.

Quote of the week:

"God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear..." 1 John 4:16-18


Monday 22 June 2009

Stirring the Spirit of Faith

Glory to God!

The Lord is taking us from glory to glory and He is doing awesome things in us and through us! Yesterday's meeting was very powerful as God spoke to us about how to see His glory. This is what He showed us:

  1. To be saturated with God we need to see His glory.
  2. To see God's glory we only need to believe. John 11:40
  3. To believe God is to trust Him and have faith in Him. John 14:1
  4. Faith is therefore trust.
  5. Trust is something (substance - Heb. 11:1 KJV) that is given to us (2 Peter 1:1) that does not need to be added to but strengthened (Rom. 4:20).
  6. Trust is strengthened as the believer receives revelation from God of His glory (Matt. 16:13-17: His personality, presence and power) by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 2:10).
  7. Trust that is strengthened by revelation fuels obedience. Isaiah 6:1-8; 2 Cor. 5:11, 14
  8. Revelation stirs the spirit of faith unto obedience. 2 Cor. 4:13

In response to God's Living Word, the church trusted God's word in Luke 11:9-13 and everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah! We praise God for the healings, the revelation, the infilling, the Glory, the stirring and the abundantly more than we can ask or imagine that He is gracing us with! Glory to the King of kings!

Quote of the week:

"Then Jesus said, 'Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?'" John 11:40


Monday 15 June 2009

Reflecting the Glory!

Praise be to the God of glory!

It's been another awesome week with God! Hallelujah!

The Lord is binding us together as a people and on Saturday IMPACT! (KLF youth) and Kingdom Kids (KLF children) had a wonderful day away together at an amusement park. Relationships are being formed and strengthened, establishing us as a church family more and more. Praise God!

Yesterday the Lord spoke to us about how to be saturated with Him to overflow with Him and this is what He showed us:

  1. If we are to be saturated with God, we must see His glory.
  2. Moses saw God's glory. Ex. 33:12-23
  3. God's glory is everything He is; His nature, His power and His presence. Ex. 33:19; 34:6,7
  4. Moses was saturated with God and overflowed with Him as he reflected God's glory. Ex. 34:29
  5. King David saw God's glory. Ps. 63:2
  6. David saw God's glory and received a revelation of God's love. Ps. 63:3
  7. Jesus saw the Father's glory. John 1:18
  8. Jesus could reveal the Father because He saw the Father's glory. John 17:6
  9. Stephen saw God's glory. Acts 7:55,56
  10. Stephen overflowed with God's nature because He had a revelation of God's glory. Acts 7:60
  11. The Apostle Paul saw God's glory. Acts 9:3
  12. Paul lived from God's revelation to Him. Gal. 1:11,12,16; 2:2
  13. God wants us to see His glory! John 17:25,26

The Lord then showed us why we can see His glory:

  1. In Christ, God knows us by name and His favour is upon us!
  2. In Christ we have acces to the throne of glory! Heb. 4:16
  3. By God's Spirit we have access to the spiritual realm. Rev. 1:10
  4. The door in heaven is open to enter. Rev. 4:1
  5. We no longer fall short of God's glory! Rom. 3:23; Ps. 24
  6. God reveals Himself to us by His Spirit whom we have received! 1 Cor. 2:10
  7. God wants to reveal His glory to us so that we will reflect His glory! 2 Cor. 3:18; 4:6

In order to see God's glory:

  1. We must believe. John 11:40
  2. We must pray for spiritual revelation. Eph. 1:17; 3:14-21
  3. We must fix our eyes on Jesus and worship Him in spirit and truth. John 4:24; Heb. 3:1; 12:2
  4. We must seek revelation of the Living Word as we absorb the Word of God and reflect on it. John 5:37-40; 2 Tim. 2:7

After the Lord spoke to us about seeing His glory, we entered into a profound time of worship as we encountered Him. Hallelujah!

Having been saturated with God, we then ministered to the poor and needy at our monthly homeless mission where we could overflow with God's glory - His presence, power and love! Praise God!

This week two students from Kingdom Faith College will be joining us for their five week student placement. We are blessed to be connected spiritually and practically with Kingdom Faith in England! Click here for more info on Kingdom Faith and Kingdom Faith College...

Quote of the week:

"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." 2 Cor. 3:18


Monday 8 June 2009

True Revival

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ!

These are awesome times of refreshing! God is revealing Himself to us through spiritual understanding, wisdom and knowledge so that we are filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Hallelujah!

Yesterday the Lord showed us what true revival is and He revealed to us that:

Revival is God saturating His people with Himself.

  • When the Spirit of God drenches man with His presence, power and love; man responds in his spirit, soul (mind, heart and will) and body.
  • Revival is God's connecting heaven and earth.
  • God's people are revived as they release God's Spirit within them to be connected to heaven (Gen. 7:11; Mt 3:13-17; Acts 19:1-6).
  • Faith connects heaven and earth.

Consequently, a revived people overflow with God and reveal His nature and release His power. Hallelujah!

The Lord confirmed His Word yesterday as everyone was drenched in the Holy Spirit and saturated with God! Praise be to our wondeful King who has lavished His love upon us!

Exciting upcoming events and important dates:

14th June & 5th July: Homeless mission - an opportunity to feed the poor spiritually and physically and to overflow with the love of God.
4th July: International Family Day - a fun day out for everyone on the Lohrberg from 14h00 - 20h00 with food, games, face-painting, entertainment and more!
5th July: New Life Celebration - we will be meeting together and baptising believers at the Baptist church in Eschersheim (Haeberlinstr.3) on that Sunday.
27th July - 10th August: No church meetings - most of KLF will be at Faith Camp in Peterborough, England.
15th August: Jesus March in Frankfurt - more details here...
21st - 23rd: Prayer Workshop with Les and Dot Mitchell, pastors of Kingdom Faith London.

Quote of the week:

"If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." John 7:37,38
