Monday 22 February 2016

Journey to Maturity

 Glory to God!

The Lord has been speaking to us about fruitfulness and the last two Sundays He has been addressing our need to mature as disciples of Christ in order to produce the fruit He expects from us. In his message entitled, Grow up! Prem spoke to us from Ephesians 4:13-24 which you can listen to here. Prem showed us how God desires that we mature by growing in our knowledge of what Christ has done for us, by growing in our knowledge of who God is (His character and will), by increasingly being like Jesus as we respond to our knowledge of Him and by learning to completely depend on Jesus to grow to fulness in Christ.

Yesterday's meeting was very powerful indeed! During worship the presence of God became so tangible that many responded in fresh surrender to Him and were deeply touched by the Lord's holiness and love. Frances then took us on a journey through the Song of Songs and showed us how the book reveals the believer's journey to maturity. You can listen to her message entitled, A journey through the Song of Songs here and for the accompanying notes click here. Frances encouraged us to study the Song of Songs as a prophetic revelation of the journey the Lord wants every believer to go on with Him. She emphasised that the Song of Songs is often neglected when it is only read in the natural but that once the believer receives revelation of the depth of God's desire to see His Bride mature in Him, the book becomes a powerful motivation for the believer to move beyond immaturity onto a journey of greater intimacy and power in Christ.

Upcoming meetings and events

Fridays from 7:00 - 8:00: Prayer Meeting at Leipziger Str.60
05.03., 04.06.,03.09., 03.12.: Welcome Coffee from 15:00 - 17:00 at Leipziger Str.60
23.04: KLF Church Day with Pastors Julius and Roszel Regala (Kingdom Life Butuan)
24.04. from 15:30 - 17:00: Church with the Homeless in Frankfurt at the Friedensbrücke

Monday 8 February 2016

Abiding in Christ

Glory to God

It is always encouraging and exciting when we come together "and everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation or an interpretation" (1 Cor. 14:26) for the strengthening of the church. Throughout yesterday's meeting God was speaking to us through the prayers, the sharing of His Word, the Lord's Supper, and revelation, communicating His desire for us to enter His presence and remain in Him.

The Lord is speaking to us about being a fruitful people and yesterday we looked at what it means to remain in Christ in order to bear lasting fruit (John 15:5). Richard shared a message entitled, The evidence of remaining which you can listen to here. In his sermon, Richard showed us how the believer can know that s/he is remaining in Christ. Looking at a section of Psalm 16, quoted by the apostle Peter in Acts 2:25-28, we saw the consequence or evidence of remaining in God. We can identify whether we are remaining in Christ when:

  1. We are aware of God's abiding presence. Acts 2:25
  2. We feel secure and are able to stand firm because we know God is near. Acts 2:25
  3. We are satisfied in God and content in Him. Acts 2:26
  4. We overflow with worship in response to God. Acts 2:26
  5. We abide in hope. Acts 2:26,27
  6. We know the way to fullness of life. Acts 2:28
  7. We are filled with joy in God's presence. Acts 2:28

Upcoming meetings and events

Fridays from 7:00 - 8:00: Prayer Meeting at Leipziger Str.60
05.03., 04.06.,03.09., 03.12.: Welcome Coffee from 15:00 - 17:00 at Leipziger Str.60
23.04: KLF Church Day with Pastors Julius and Roszel Regala (Kingdom Life Butuan)
24.04. from 15:30 - 17:00: Church with the Homeless in Frankfurt at the Friedensbrücke

Monday 1 February 2016

On the Road

Glory to God!

A people saturated with God are always stirred to action! On Saturday a group of our people met together in the centre of Frankfurt to speak to people on the street. Apart from having a lot of fun together as a group, it was a great experience for the adults, youth and children to overcome their fears and approach total strangers to share the Gospel and inform them about KLF. Yesterday the group shared testimonies with much joy and with the knowledge that seeds were sown for the advancement of God's Kingdom and for His glory! Halleluja!

As God continues to speak to us about fruitfulness, He is showing us how to bear much fruit that will last. Yesterday, Frances spoke to us about The Road to Freedom which you can listen to here. In her message, she showed us how the believer is set free in order to walk in freedom and be fruitful. As long as the believer is a slave s/he cannot be fruitful. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free and it is as we walk in freedom that we will be most fruitful (Gal 5:1)! Frances showed us how Christ has set us free from the power of death (Heb 2:14,15), the power of sin (Rom 6:6,7), the power of the world (Jn 17:16-19; Rom 12:2) and the power of the past (2 Cor 5:17). However, in order to realise the freedom that Christ has purchased for us, we need to grow in intimacy and obedience to Him.

We praise God for His revelation to us and for showing us the road to freedom and fruitfulness! Hallelujah!