Monday 24 September 2007

Making it Happen!

Praise be to God!

What an exciting journey we're having with our glorious King! This past week's meetings have been amazing! In particular IMPACT! had an awesome time on Friday evening as we continued to learn the difference between the natural man, the spiritual man and the wordly or fleshly man. We spent time proclaiming God's truth over our lives and each others' lives - a very powerful exercise indeed! Looking at Ephesians 5:15-20 we also learned the following:

  1. Living wisely is living a life according to the will of God and not our own will - heavenly wisdom vs earthly wisdom (5:15-17)
  2. We need to keep on being filled with the Holy Spirit by not giving into the flesh's desires (drunkenness) but keeping our minds fixed on God with psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, and music in our hearts as well as giving thanks to God. All these will keep us God-conscious and flowing in the Holy Spirit rather than self-conscious and led by the natural man that quenches the Holy Spirit! (5:18-20)

This is awesome truth that our young adults are already grasping! Hallelujah! These youngsters are learning to move with the Holy Spirit and are also using their gifts in music to produce their own worship songs with their band called THE UPSTREAM! Soon we'll have a sample of their songs on our website!

We are preparing a seminar/workshop on PROPHECY as well as a workshop for children on HEARING THE VOICE OF GOD that will take place on the 20 October. There is such an anointing already on the preparation that we know it's going to be a wonderful and Spirit-filled day! We will soon have more details about this on the upcoming events section of the web.

We are excited about the upcoming conference with Bill Johnson to be held in Speyer as well as meeting with Jonathon Dyke and Wes Sternberg from Kingdom Faith (Horsham, England) over the weekend of the 5-7 October. Kingdom Life is a covenant member of Kingdom Faith.

Yesterday's church meeting was truly dynamic once again! The worship is literally out of this world! We are experiencing God's presence and power as we join with the heavenly realm in singing songs of deliverance (Psalm 32:7) and worshipping the Lord in spirit and truth. There's an overwhelming sense that our worship is penetrating the kingdom of darkness and bringing forth sounds of heaven over the city of Frankfurt! The manifestation of the power of praise is evidenced in physical healings taking place during our meetings! Hallelujah!

God's word to us yesterday concerned entering His rest (Hebrews 3,4) and we learned the following:

  1. We need to make every effort to enter God's rest (4:11)
  2. Entering God's rest means ceasing to work and knowing that the work has been accomplished (4:10)
  3. God's rest applies to salvation (not trying to earn one's salvation through works - Rom. 5:1,2), sanctification (not trying to live a pure life through the natural man - an attempt that will continue to fail - Romans 7, but resting in the fact that the Holy Spirit is renewing us - 2 Cor. 4:16), and service (not trying to do the works of Jesus in our own strength but working with the Holy Spirit - Col. 1:29; Gal. 3:5).
  4. We must enter God's rest by faith (3:19; 4:2,3)
  5. We must choose to believe today! (3:7, 15; 4:7)
The Lord also gave us a very encouraging and powerful prophetic word. He showed us that we as His people, filled with Him as the habitation of God, are carriers of HOLY FIRE and that Kingdom Life, by the the Holy Spirit, will not only "fan into flame" others that accompany us on this amazing journey but we will also equip the saints to bring revival wherever they have come from! The Lord showed us that we are not only a match stick but also a match box so that God will use us to not only impart fire but also impart the means for people to ignite revival fire! Hallelujah! The Lord is showing us how to make it happen!

Making it happen means entering God's rest by faith and releasing salvation, sanctification and service by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Quote of the week:

"Who dares to believe God? Who dares to claim his rights? What are your rights? 'Now we are children of God.' This is a position of absolute rest, a position of faith. It is a place of perfect trust and perfect habitation where there are no disturbances. You experience peace like a river. Look at the face of God. Hallelujah!" Smith Wigglesworth

Monday 17 September 2007


Praise God!

This past week has been another week of fresh revelation and impartation. Hallelujah! On Tuesday morning at McPrayer, the Lord spoke to us about how important it is to Him that we recognise and declare that He alone is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Revelation 4:11 says,

"You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being." (emphasis mine)
The Lord showed us how this throws a lot of light on man's sinful desire to explain creation through natural means (evolution) and satan's desire to detract from the glory that only belongs to God, as Lord and Creator!
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened." Romans 1:20,21
Tuesday's prayer meeting was very powerful once again and the women had a great meeting at Starbucks on Wednesday as well.
On Friday evening Impact! met for an exciting time exploring the difference between the spirit, soul and body as well as the difference between "the natural person", the "spiritual person" and the "fleshly person."
Yesterday's meeting was awesome once again! The Lord is encouraging us to understand and grasp that this is the "year of jubilee" and that it is time for us as His people to reclaim that which has been stolen from us!
Our times of worship in song are "deepening" every week as the Lord is leading us into spontaneous new songs by His Spirit. I praise God for the anointing upon our musicians and how is leading us deeper and deeper into the spiritual realm through our worship!
The Lord is speaking to us about faith and yesterday we saw in the letter to the Hebrews that:
Faith is sure and certain. (11:1)
Without faith we cannot please God. (11:6)
We must believe that God exists. (11:6)
We must believe that He rewards. (11:6)
The Lord is also showing us the difference between natural "faith" that is based on experience and spiritual faith that is based on who God is and what God says. Further we saw that Jesus demonstrated perfect faith. Looking at John 11 we saw how Jesus would explore the will of the Father (11:4), exclaim the will of the Father (11:4,11,23), execute the will of the Father (11:39, 43) and expect the Father to act (11:41,42).
As we begin to exercise true spiritual faith we will see God's glory (John 11:40)!
Quote of the week:
"Faith takes us beyond our understanding into the supernatural realities of God's truth!" Colin Urquhart

Monday 10 September 2007

At the Source!

Glory to God!

The Lord is speaking to us about the River of Revival and He is showing us how to step into it! Beginning at the Source, the very presence of God, the Lord is revealing to us how we are to enter in and worship Him. Continuing our study in John 4, the Lord is teaching us that:
  1. We can worship anywhere at anytime (vs 21)
  2. We must worship what we know - not what we only know about (vs 22)
  3. We can only worship in spirit if we are saved and have received the Holy Spirit (vs 22)
  4. We must worship in spirit - songs that minister to the soul are not worship (vs 23)
  5. We must worship in spirit because God is spirit (vs 24; Phil.3:3)
  6. We must worship in truth - sincerely and God's way according to His Word (vs 24)
  7. We must understand that God is seeking true worshippers (vs 23)

We also looked at the difference between the spirit, the soul (mind, will and emotions) and the body (1 Thess. 5:23) and we saw that it is the Word of God that helps us to distinguish what is of us (the soul) and what is of the Spirit (Heb. 4:12) so that we learn to walk in the Spirit and worship in the Spirit.

"The Christian life is all about the soul being sanctified by the Spirit so that we reveal the Father's heart, the mind of Christ and the will of the Holy Spirit!"

We are also greatly encouraged by the amazing truth that through faith in Jesus, the veil has been removed so that we have access by the Spirit to behold and reflect the glory of God! (2 Cor. 3:16-18)

The Lord is continuously confirming what He is saying to KLF through other people. This past week a number of pastors and leaders from different churches and organisations met for prayer in an old water tower that overlooks Frankfurt. The Lord was speaking through different people about how it's time for the water to flow and how it is not to be only stored up for personal use. He is speaking to the churches about getting into the world and sharing the Living Water!

Yesterday evening we joined Treffpunkt Leben in providing spiritual and physical food for the poor and homeless. God is bringing more and more people but we need more space! We estimate that there must have been over 80 people present that we had to feed in shifts so that everyone could get a seat and be satisfied. We're praying for a larger location where people can come and find rest and have the opportunity to share their life stories and burdens with us so that we can minister God's presence, His power and His love to them.

Quote of the week:

"But thinking is not enough. Men are made to worship also, to bow down and adore in the presence of the mystery inexpressible. Man’s mind is not the top pea, of his nature. Higher than his mind is his spirit, that something within him which can engage the supernatural, which under the breath of the Spirit can come alive and enter into conscious communion with heaven, can receive the divine nature and hear and feel and see the eneffable wonder that is God…." A.W. Tozer


Monday 3 September 2007

Touching the Throne and touching the world

Glory to God!

This past week has been a week of touching the world and touching the throne of God! Hallelujah! A few of our people went onto the streets of inner city Frankfurt to "Risk for His Glory!" They simply made themselves available to be used of God to touch the lost. By offering prayer for the sick (both rich and poor!), and providing food and items of urgent need (like nappies for a 3 month old baby!) for the homeless, Kingdom Life is touching the world with God's presence, power and love - we are touching the kingdom of this world with the Kingdom of God!

Here is a short testimony:

"On Tuesday of this week Stephanie and Maureen, led by the Holy Spirit approached and spoke to several men and women with various obvious physical needs. Wheelchairs, amputations and walking sticks etc. All but a couple were happy to be prayed for when offered. They shared brief and pleasant times in conversation with them about their personal circumstances and how Jesus can and wants to answer all their needs. On Wednesday at NWZ (shopping mall) again they were led to pray with a lady in a wheelchair. There was ground claimed for Christ and much prayer and praise of God released into the streets of Frankfurt ...and in Starbuck's at NWZ!"

Yesterday's meeting was amazing! The Lord is teaching us about worship and the kind of worshippers He seeks. Looking at John 4, we saw that:

1. We can worship anywhere (vs 21)
2. We worship what we know and not just what we know about (vs 22)
3. We must worship in spirit and in truth (vs 23)
4. God is spirit and so we must worship by the Spirit (vs 24; 1 Cor. 3:9-14)

We also saw that man is made up of spirit, soul and body (1 Thess.5:23; Heb. 4:12) and that to worship in spirit we need to learn to distinguish between what is soul and what is spirit.

After some exciting testimonies and teaching, we spent the remainder of our meeting, worshipping the Lord. God is truly anointing our people to be led by His Spirit so that new songs are being written and spontaneous new songs are being sung during our worship. It's simply awesome!

We praise God for His favour upon us and for teaching us to move with Him. If revival is the breathing of life into the Body then it's happening! God is breathing and releasing His Spirit in us so that we experience spiritual life to touch the world. Freely we have received, freely we must give (Matt. 10:8).

Quote of the week:

"The book of Acts was written only because the apostles acted." Smith Wigglesworth