Monday 28 December 2015

Christmas Reflections

Image courtesy of Prawny at

Glory to God!

As we come to the end of this year, having celebrated the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and reflecting on God's faithfulness throughout 2015, the Lord has been encouraging us to reflect on the reality of who Jesus is and reflect on our own lives as we allow the Holy Spirit to examine our hearts. Two Sundays ago, Alexander shared a message entitled, Christmas: an issue of worship, in which he showed us the importance of responding to the reality of who Christ truly is in order to influence others around us. Comparing how our culture celebrates Christmas and the truth of Christ's birth and surrounding events, Alexander demonstrated how one can lose sight of the glorious inauguration of God's Kingdom through Christ's birth and how the people responded to Jesus in worship at the time. Alexander challenged us to re-evaluate our apprehension of Christ's greatness in order to be the worshippers God is looking for.

On the last Sunday of the year we always take time to give God glory and thanks for His faithfulness to us in the past year. Yesterday we heard testimonies of God's supernatural provision, salvation, healing and liberating power. It was awesome and very encouraging indeed! Richard then shared a message entitled, The God scan, in which he showed us the importance of allowing God to search our hearts and examine our lives. Looking at Psalm 139, we saw how we can trust God to scan us thoroughly in love because He knows us (139:1-4), He is with us (verse 139:5-12), He made us (139:13-16), He thinks about us (139:17,18), He causes us to hate what He hates (139:19-22), He examines us (139:23) and He will lead us (139:24).

We praise God for His revelation to us and for His faithfulness to us this past year. We are looking forward to an amazing 2016 in which we trust God to continue to do what He began this year in us and through us for His glory and for the advancement of His Kingdom! Hallelujah!

Monday 14 December 2015

The transforming revelation of Jesus

Glory to God!

We did it! On Sunday we completed our 42,195 day spiritual marathon! By God's grace, this marathon has taken KLF to a new level in God - people testified about experiencing greater intimacy with God, breakthrough in prayer, healing in and through them, greater revelation, clarity of spiritual vision, powerful anointing during worship, renewed passion for God's Word, and boldness to share the Gospel. We give God all the glory for what He has been doing among us and for where He is taking us! We believe that this spiritual marathon is just the beginning of God unstopping the wells of revival and that we will see an increase of what He has begun in us over the past 42,195 days. Hallelujah!

The Lord has been speaking to us about losing ourselves in Christ so that Jesus is all in all and yesterday, Richard showed us the following in his message entitled, Losing ourselves in Jesus:

  • True faith loses itself in Christ so that Jesus is all in all. Gal 2:20
  • God wants us to know Him intimately and not just know about Him. 1 Jn 5:20
  • We need spiritual revealtion of Jesus to truly know Him. Eph 1:17
  • The revelation of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Rev 19:10
  • The revelation of Jesus precedes the manifestation of His glory in us and through us.
  • Jesus reveals Himself to us to transform us into His image. 2 Cor 4:6; Col 3:10; 1 Jn 4:17
  • Jesus reveals Himself to us so that we enter the possibilities of God. John 11:23; 38-44; 14:8-12
  • Jesus reveals Himself to us so that we will do His will. Rev 2:1/ 2:4; 2:8/2:10; 2:12/2:14; 2:18/2:18
  • God calls us to set the Lord always before us so that we see the transforming revelation of Jesus. Ps 16:8

The revelation of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy - as Jesus reveals Himself to us we can know Him and understand what He wants to do in us, through us, and what He wants us to do.

Monday 7 December 2015

Hoisting the Sails!

Glory to God!

We reached day 36 of our 42,195 day spiritual marathon on Sunday! One week to go and already so much is happening. God is so gracious to us and is taking us deeper and deeper into Him through spiritual revelation of His Word, through corporate prayer with one heart and one spirit, through powerful encounters with Him in worship and true communion with Him in our meetings. People are being saved, healed, set free and are experiencing personal revival. It is wonderful to witness the excitement, enthusiasm, devotion and breakthrough in people's lives! Kingdom Life is stepping into a new level of spiritual experience and growth in the Lord and we are convinced that this is just the beginning of God fulfilling His Word to us, given to us through our late friend and spiritual father, Richard Maybery concerning KLF's unstopping the wells of revival in Frankfurt. Hallelujah!

Yesterday's meeting was very powerful indeed. The presence of God was tangible during worship in song, the Lord's supper, the preaching of His Word and the ministry time in response to God's Word where people experienced the healing power of Jesus. In his message entitled, "Stop rowing and put up your sails!" which you can listen to here, Richard showed us that the believer's righteousness, holiness and the manifestation of power must be by faith in Christ. It is by dependence upon Jesus that the believer must approach God, walk in godliness and do the works of Jesus so that Christ is glorified. Looking at Galatians 3:1-5 and 2:20, we saw how the believer can slip back into trying to be righteous, holy and do the works of Jesus in his own strength for his own glory rather than completely depending on Christ in order to boast in Him alone. Rowing symbolises man's own effort to reach his goal rather than putting up his sails to be driven by the wind of God's enabling for the Lord's glory.

Faith loses itself in Christ so that Jesus is all in all!

We praise God for His revelation to us and for confiming His Word with the manifestation of His power!

Upcoming events

Tuesdays from 19:30 - 21:00: God's Reviving Word @ Leipziger Str.60
Fridays from 07:00 - 08:00: Praying in Power @ Leipziger Str.60

Monday 30 November 2015

Preparing for Revival

Glory to God!

Having reached day 29 of our 42,195 day spiritual marathon, we are seeing God do wonderful things in our midst. The presence of God is "thick" in our meetings and people are encountering the Lord in His power and glory. As our people are pressing into deeper fellowship with God, we are seeing the church draw closer in fellowship with one another! Hallelujah!

As part of getting our house in order and preparing for revival, our senior leaders, Richard and Frances have been meeting up with our various ministry teams to establish and encourage the teams and to help every part of the church to identify how they can be a significant part of the fulfillment of KLF's vision. Having looked at the difference between an event-focused, fellowship-focused and discipleship-focused church and having looked at the various personalities needed within each team on our Church Day in October, Richard and Frances helped our ministry teams identify how they can fulfill KLF's vision by being discipleship-focused within their teams and ministries as well as how each person is needed for the various teams to function well. It has been such a blessing to see the enthusiasm, devotion and love for God and His people as we have met with the the varous teams!

God's vision for KLF is to be a Kingdom Community that lives the Kingdom life wherever we are. As a Kingdom community, we are called to be a spiritual, relational, maturing, healing, generous, serving, outward-focused, creative and multiplying people. Creating a culture of discipleship will help each part of the church become a significant part of the fulfillment of God's vision for us!

Yesterday we had another powerful meeting as we worshipped God and He ministered to us with His healing presence. We also had an opportunity to hear Lilly Rowe's testimony, who is presently with YWAM in Australia, and to pray for her and her generation. You can follow Lilly's journey on her blog, by clicking here. Prem then shared a message from Exodus 12:7-11, entitled Walking with the Passover Lamb. In his message, Prem showed us the significance of the passover lamb, how it foreshadowed Jesus and how the believer can live in the fullness of what was accomplished through Christ's sacrifice. We praise God for continuing to reveal the depths of His grace through Jesus to us .

Upcoming events

Tuesdays from 19:30 - 21:00: God's Reviving Word @ Leipziger Str.60
Fridays from 07:00 - 08:00: Praying in Power @ Leipziger Str.60
Friday 04.12 from 19:30 - 21:30: Stepping into the Glory - an evening of powerful worship, prayer and encounter @ Salzschlirferstr.15

Monday 23 November 2015

Developing Kingdom Culture

 Image courtesy of nenetus at

Glory to God!

On Sunday we reached day 22 of our 42,195 day spiritual marathon - we have "run" a half-marathon already! It is so exciting to see what God is doing with and through these 42,105 days! We are seeing lives being touched by God's grace, people being set free from addictions, people coming back to the Lord and His people, people being revived by God's presence and His Word, people coming back to their First Love, people seeing visions, people being woken up in the night by God to pray and many other wonderful things! We praise God for His kindness toward us and the anointing that is flowing from Him over us as His Body (Psalm 133)!

The Lord has been speaking to us about His glory and the call for the Church to be influential in this world. In his message entitled, Transformed by God's Glory, which you can listen to here, Richard showed us the following yesterday,

  • God's glory is the manifestation of His holiness - His otherness. Ex 33:19; 34:6,7
  • God's glory is beyond the boundary (huperballo) and therefore beyond anything man can imagine. Eph 3:20; 1 Tim 6:16
  • God's glory governs His Kingdom - the culture of God's Kingdom is the expression of His glory.
  • The believer has received the culture of God's Kingdom within. Lk 17:21
  • The culture of the Kingdom within, influences our lives as we provide the ideal conditions for it to grow (similar to a joghurt culture in milk).
  • Through the death and life of Jesus, the believer has access to the glory of God. Heb 10:19-22
  • As the believer contemplates the glory of God, s/he is changed from glory to glory. 2 Cor 3:18
  • It is as the believer enters in and contemplates the glory of God that the culture of God's Kingdom expands and influences within!
  • God has done everything for man to be reconciled to Him and to live in His glory so that man will once again reflect God's glory and bring God's Kingdom culture into the world.

We praise God for the depths of the riches of His revelation to us and for the exciting journey we are on with Him! Hallelujah!

Upcoming events

Tuesdays from 19:30 - 21:00: God's Reviving Word @ Leipziger Str.60
Fridays from 07:00 - 08:00: Praying in Power @ Leipziger Str.60
Friday 04.12 from 19:30 - 21:30: Stepping into the Glory - an evening of powerful worship, prayer and encounter @ Salzschlirferstr.15

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Times of Refreshing

Glory to God!

On Sunday we reached day 15 of our 42,195 day spiritual marathon and we are already experiencing a move of the Holy Spirit that is stirring us up to draw near to God, to examine ourselves, and to align ourselves to God. Consequently our meetings have taken on a fresh dynamic of faith and our people are encountering God in an exciting and powerful way!

On Tuesday we looked at how God's Word has the power to revive us (Psalm 19:7) as we learn to approach it and allow it to comfort, convict and counsel us. We had a powerful evening together as the Lord gave us spiritual revelation of the "deep things of God" (1Cor. 2:10) that began to minister to each one of us.

On Wednesday mornings the Eldership is meeting for prayer and last Wednesday they entered a level of power and authority that was quite extraordinary. There was a real sense of God anointing them in their priestly and prophetic role as shepherds of KLF as they prayed together in unity (Psalm 133)! We are convinced that as we intercede together in unity that God is pouring out His Spirit to move us as a church into times of refreshing (Acts 3:19)! Hallelujah!

On Friday mornings we have replaced our regular men's prayer breakfast with a time of prayer open to anyone in KLF. Last Friday's prayer meeting was very powerful as many joined together to intercede for KLF, the Church, our city and Germany. 

On Friday evening we met for a time of worship and prayer as we stepped into God's glory! Richard shared a message on God's glory and how God has prepared everything for the believer to enter into His presence and glory through Jesus. You can listen to the message entitled, Entering the Glory, here. In response to God's invitation, we entered His presence and many began to experience the weight of God's glory. It was amazing! Words cannot describe the electric atmosphere we experienced as we responded to God in worship and silence! The Lord then took us through the prophetic realm into the seer realm where many began to receive visions and revelation of heavenly things. We then encouraged everyone to share what God had revealed to them and responded by taking the revelation and praying it over one another and the Church. We were greatly encouraged by God's grace and excited to move into the deeper things of God!

On Sunday we had a very powerful meeting as we worshipped and as God led us into a time of prophetic intercession for the people of Paris, France and the nations. A spirit of faith arose that took hold of Psalm 2 and we spent time coming against the spirit of fear and establishing Christ's authority, reign and purpose over France and Germany and their leaders. As a people who are led by the Holy Spirit, we do not live in reaction to the kingdom of darkness but in response to the leading of the Holy Spirit and the truth of God! Alexander then shared a message on the Hallmarks of a Spiritual Community which you can listen to here. Looking at Christ's teaching in Matthew chapters 5 and 13, Alexander showed us that we are all important and that we are called to be light, salt, yeast and mustard seeds as we trust in God's strength (2 Chron. 6:19) and influence the kingdom of darkness with God's Kingdom!

We praise God for what He is doing amongst us and we are excited to see where He is taking us!

As a reminder, we have the following meetings during the week that all are welcome to attend:

Tuesdays from 19:30 - 21:00: God's Reviving Word @ Leipziger Str.60
Fridays from 07:00 - 08:00: Praying in Power @ Leipziger Str.60
Friday 04.12 from 19:30 - 21:30: Stepping into the Glory - an evening of powerful worship, prayer and encounter @ Salzschlirferstr.15

Monday 9 November 2015

Dancing with God

Glory to God

There is a tangible rise in the spiritual temperature in KLF! As we continue our spiritual marathon together over the 42,195 days (01.11-13.12), we are sensing God stir our hearts by His Spirit to press deeper and deeper into Him. For this purpose we are meeting on Tuesday evenings to be revived by God's Word, on Friday mornings to pray as the Holy Spirit leads us and on Friday the 13.11 & 04.12 to worship and encounter Him.

Last Tuesday we looked at the nature and expression of true worship and in response many broke through into a new level of encountering God as we worshipped the Lord in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). On Friday morning we had a powerful time of prayer as the Holy Spirit helped us to pray for the Church and our city!

On Sunday there was a real buzz in the place as we met and worshipped together. There seems to be an increasing measure of faith, love and joy in the church - God is reviving His people! Hallelujah! Richard spoke to us about The Joy of Your Salvation, which you can listen to here. In his message, Richard showed us the following:

Jesus is our perfect High Priest whose priesthood is forever because He lives forever. Heb. 7:24-8:2
Jesus lives to intercede for us so that we might be saved completely. Heb. 7:24,25
Salvation (Sozo) includes being forgiven, restored, healed and delivered.
Salvation deals with our past, present and future.
We take hold of God’s salvation by:
  • faith in the finished work of Christ. Heb. 4:9-11
  • allowing Jesus to convict us. Heb. 4:12,13
  • depending on Christ’s compassion. Heb. 4:14,15
  • receiving Christ’s mercy. Heb. 4:16; 1 John 1:9-2:2
  • finding grace to strengthen us and envelop us in God to overcome and live from glory to glory. Heb. 4:16; 13:9; 2 Tim. 2:1
We rejoice in this amazing salvation that sets us free to enjoy God forever and to delight Him with our lives. What a privilege it is to be able to dance with God as we keep in step with Him! Hallelujah!

Monday 2 November 2015

Spiritual Training

Glory to God!

A couple Sundays ago, David Rowe shared a message from 2 Timothy 3, entitled Genuine Faith, which you can listen to here. Challenging us to examine ourselves in light of Paul's warning to Timothy concerning the last days, David showed us the danger of living as an imitation (a form of godliness) rather than living as genuine believers in the reality and power of Christ. The message was a clear call to return to authentic faith that moved many to repentance and a renewed desire to have a form of godliness that is the true expression of genuine faith in Jesus!

Two Sundays ago Richard Morschel, Elizabeth Nehring and David Smith participated in the Frankfurt Marathon. In conjunction with facing the challenge of running the race, our KLF team ran to raise money for Hermon Living Water Ministries and Kingdom Life Butuan. Both Richard and the relay team (Elizabeth and David), completed the Marathon and are grateful to all who sponsored them to be able to contribute toward these two ministries.

Yesterday's meeting was quite a happening as we encountered God in worship, celebrated communion together and prayed for one another, listened to Elizabeth's powerful and encouraging testimony about overcoming and finishing the race, were ministered to by Junior Robinson in song, and were taught the 9 principles for running a spiritual marathon.

From the 1 November to the 13 December, KLF is doing a 42.195 day spiritual marathon - a time devoted to seeking the Lord and training in godliness (1 Tim. 4:8). During this time we will have the following events available for the church to get together for prayer, worship and studying God's Word:

Tuesdays from 19:30 - 21:00: God's Reviving Word @ Leipziger Str.60
Fridays from 07:00 - 08:00: Praying in Power @ Leipziger Str.60
Friday 13.11 & 04.12 from 19:30 - 21:30: Stepping into the Glory - 2 nights of powerful worship, prayer and encounter @ Salzschlirferstr.15

In his message, entitled Spiritual Marathon, which you can listen to here, Richard explained the principles that apply both to physical training as well as to spiritual training from Hosea 10:12 where we read,

"Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unploughed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers righteousess on you."

Richard showed us that in order to train well and to reach one's goal, the believer must understand the following principles:

Invest: to sow is to invest time and energy in what will benefit the believer and glorify God. We reap what we sow!
Support: sowing together helps believers be supported, by being accountable to one another and being encouraged by one another to reach the goal.
Goal: the believer must have a clear goal and must know what s/he wants to reap. The goal should determine the journey - the journey should not determine the goal!
Discipline: discipline is choosing to consistently do what is good for you. Only by regular, disciplined behaviour will unploughed ground be broken up.
Time: the best time to begin is now!
Focus: the believer must be focused as s/he seeks the Lord and presses on toward the goal.
Persevere: the believer will only reach his or her goal if she does not give up. We are encouraged to seek the Lord until He responds!
Reward: the result of persevering until the end should motivate us to keep going. God promises us that He will come and shower His righteousness/goodness over us.
Enjoy: spiritual training can be a lot of fun as one delights in small victories and in increasing strength that inspire one to press on until the end!

We are excited to see KLF move to another level as we run our spiritual marathon for the next 42,195 days!

Monday 19 October 2015

Divine Love

Glory to God!

God's vision for the Church is a community of love, set apart and purified that produces the fruit of God's Kingdom. John writes,

"God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." 1 John 4:16

In order to live in God's love and to reveal His love, Richard showed us on Sunday how the believer needs spiritual revelation of the nature of God's love. In his message entitled, Without measure, full and boundless, which you can listen to here, Richard showed us the following:

  • The Church needs to grasp the dimension of God's love. Ephesians 3:17-19
  • God gives us His Spirit so we can understand His love. 1 Corinthians 2:9-12
  • The revelation and the experience of the fullness of God's love is one of the characteristics of every true revival.
  • God's love is beyond every limitation. Ephesians 3:19
  • God's love pursues us relentlessly. Song of songs 8:6 (Psalm 23:6; James 4:4,5)
  • God's love consumes us. Song of songs 8:6 (Hebrews 12:39)
  • God's love is unquenchable. Song of songs 8:7 (Romans 8:35-39)
  • God's love is unconditional. Song of songs 8:7 (Romans 5:8; Ephesians 2:4-7)

We praise God for the revelation of His inexpressible love and for ministering His love to us on Sunday.

This Sunday is the Frankfurt Marathon that takes place once a year in our city. Three of our people will be running the race of 42,195 kilometres to raise money for our daughter church, Kingdom Life Butuan as well as for Hermon Living Water Ministries, a ministry in India that reaches out to the poorest of the poor. Kingdom Life will also be doing a marathon from the 1.11 - 13.12: 42,195 days to train spiritually. Paul writes,

"Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come." 1 Timothy 4:8, NLT

As part of our vision to live the Kingdom life wherever we are individually and to be God's Kingdom community corporately, we are called to be a spiritual people, a people who depend on God, live for God and are governed by God. For this purpose we are setting aside 42,195 days to focus on our relationship with God and our walk with Him.


Tuesday 13 October 2015

The Fruit of the Kingdom

Image courtesy of satit_srihin at

Glory to God!

It is always exciting to see how God speaks to each of us individually and then confirms His word to us corporately. On Sunday some people brought bunches of grapes on the vine, which were also used to decorate our communion table and as we celebrated the Lord's Supper, we were encouraged to discern the Body of Christ before participating in the Lord's table (1 Cor. 11:23-32).

Richard then shared a message from John 15:1-17 about the Vine and the branches, entitled, "God's vision for the Church" which you can listen to here. This is what he showed us:
  1. The Church is the context for fruitfulness.
  2. Christ must be our Source for fruitfulness.
  3. We cannot produce fruit unless we remain in Christ and His Word remains in us.
  4. For the Word to remain in us we need to receive it, own it, allow it to convict and purify us, and obey it.
  5. We have been chosen and appointed to bear lasting fruit.
  6. The result of our fruitfulness will be that:
  • God is glorified
  • Our prayers will be answered
  • We will experience overflowing joy
  • Jesus will confide in us as His friends
  • We reveal that we are Christ's disciples 
God's vision for the Church is a community of love, set apart and purified, producing the fruit of the Kingdom.

Monday 5 October 2015

Church Day

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono at

Glory to God!

As an international, multicultural group of people with many different backgrounds, it is an exciting challenge to unite our diversity to be a people with one heart, spirit and purpose (Phil.2:1-2). Our KLF Church Day on Saturday was an opportunity for the church to come together and to find out how everyone can be a significant part of the fulfilment of KLF's vision. For this purpose, our senior leaders Richard and Frances, spoke to us about the difference between essence and form; the different mind-sets one can have concerning church that govern one's expectations and behaviour; the vision of KLF to be a spiritual, relational, maturing, healing, generous, serving, outward-focused, creative and multiplying Kingdom community that lives the Kingdom life wherever we are; and the four different personality types that are each needed for the church to function well. We praise God for joining us together to be passionately committed to His purpose for KLF and for working through us to build His Kingdom in Frankfurt and beyond! Hallelujah!

On Sunday we again heard testimonies of God's goodness and power in people's lives and spent time in worship and praying for one another. It was a special time as the Father ministered to people and set them free from depression and fear. Richard then shared the second part of his message entitled Sealed with the Spirit which you can listen to here. Looking at the 5 seals that represent a guarantee, authenticity, authority, ownership and privilege, Richard showed us that although we have been sealed with the Spirit, our faith in the reality of what God has sealed us with will be tested. We looked at how trials and temptations are tests that prove the authenticity of our faith in God's "yes" that is sealed in our hearts (2 Corinthians 1:20-22; James 1:2-4; 1 Peter 1:3-7). In response to God's Word to us, we rose up with a spirit of faith, standing firm and proclaiming God's truth over our lives. Hallelujah!

Upcoming events

6 October: KLF Prayer Meeting at Leipziger Str. 60 from 19:30-21:00
17 October: Prophetic Workshop for Dream Interpretation with Alexander Blair at Leipziger Str.60

Monday 28 September 2015

God's Seal

Glory to God!

Yesterday we had a powerful time of worship as we encountered God in His majesty and power and as He ministered to us and filled us with His presence! We got a taste of God's desire to fill the Church, His temple and to reveal His holiness and glory among the nations. Hallelujah!

KLF has supported Hermon Living Water Ministries over the past 8 years, a ministry to poorest of the poor in India. Yesterday we had the privilege of having the leaders and founders of the ministry with us who shared with us what the ministry is presently doing, the trials they are facing and the great things God is doing among the Dalits. You can find out more about Hermon Living Water Ministries here.

After a powerful time of prayer for the nation of India and for HLWM, Richard shared part one of his message entitled,"Sealed with the Spirit" which you can listen to here. Speaking about the significance of seals, Richard showed us how seals are used to demonstrate a guarantee, authority, authenticity, ownership and privilege. In the same way the believer is sealed with the Spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing his or her inheritance, who empowers the believer with the authority of God, who testifies to the authenticity of the believer's faith, who establishes the believer as God's possession and gives the believer the privilege of acces to God. We praise God for sealing us with His Spirit and for His solid foundation that remains standing, bearing this seal, 'The Lord knows those who are his.' (2 Tim.2:19).

We are looking forward to our Church Day this Saturday where we will spend time together looking at the vision for KLF and how everyone can be significantly part of the fulfilment of the vision.

Upcoming events

3 October: KLF Church Day at Salzschlirferstr.15 from 10:00 - 15:00
6 October: KLF Prayer Meeting at Leipziger Str. 60 from 19:30-21:00
17 October: Prophetic Workshop for Dream Interpretation with Alexander Blair at Leipziger Str.60

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Be Prepared!

Glory to God!

As the Church remains rooted and established in Jesus, she must prepare herself for persecution, revival and the return of Christ. On Sunday, Frances shared a message entitled "Be Prepared" which you can listen to here, in which she showed us how we can prepare properly before trials come our way and what hinders believers from preparing in advance. Frances explained how ignorance, denial, comfort and lethargy can hinder believers from preparing for difficult times and that believers must prepare themselves by growing in their awareness of God's presence; growing in their awareness of the Kingdom of Heaven; growing in their knowledge of the Word of God; taking hold of God's truth and promises and aligning their lives accordingly and by growing in their sensitivity to what the Holy Spirit desires.

Upcoming events

3 October: KLF Church Day at Salzschlirferstr.15 from 10:00 - 15:00
6 October: KLF Prayer Meeting at Leipziger Str. 60 from 19:30-21:00


Monday 14 September 2015

Victory in Christ

Glory to God!

"Christ is our new reality!" Looking at Colossians 2:6-17, Richard showed us yesterday how we are to walk in victory as we live in the truth of who Christ is and what He has accomplished through His death and resurrection. You can listen to Richard's message entitled Stinking Thinking here, where he explains how our thinking can hinder us from walking in the victory that is ours in Christ. This is what he showed us:

The Victory Cycle

Be Rooted: Having received Christ as Lord, the believer must be rooted in Christ. Jesus must become the believer's new reality - the One we live for, live in and depend on. Col. 2:6,7

Expose: Any thought that is contrary to the truth of the believer's reality in Christ must be exposed. Any thinking that is based on the lies of the enemy and the deception of wordly wisdom must be taken captive and made obedient to Christ. Col. 2:8

Realise: The believer must understand and realise (bring into reality) the truth of what s/he has received in Christ: God's wisdom, power and authority! Col. 2:9,10

Appropriate: The believer must take possession of the truth of what Christ has done for him or her, having been buried with Christ and raised to new life through faith in the power of God. Col. 2:11.14

Conquer: Christ has triumphed over the enemy and has been raised to the highest place of authority. The believer must trust in the victorious One who dwells in him or her to overcome and conquer any thought that seeks to take the believer captive and is opposed to the believer's reality in Christ.

We praise God for His revelation to us and for helping us to walk in victory as our minds are renewed according to our reality in Christ. Hallelujah!

Upcoming events

3 October: KLF Church Day at Salzschlirferstr.15 from 10:00 - 16:00
6 October: KLF Prayer Meeting at Leipziger Str. 60 from 19:30-21:00
18 October: Outreach Meeting in Frankfurt at 15:00

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Waiting on God

                                              Image courtesy of maya picture at

Glory to God!
Two weeks ago Prem spoke to us about "The godly fear of Jesus," which you can listen to here. In his message, Prem showed us how Jesus walked in the fear of the Lord and the principles we can learn from Christ's example. Looking at Hebrews 5:7; 10:4 and Matthew 26:37-46, we noted the following:

  • The fear of the Lord is not about being afraid of God but of being afraid of being seperated from God and destroying the intimacy the believer enjoys with the Father.
  • The fear of the Lord is about being honest before the Father when the will of the believer differs from that of God.
  • The fear of the Lord is about positioning oneself before the Father to receive the strength to align one's will to His.
  • The fear of the Lord is about being resolute in our convictions and obedient to God's will despite the influence of those around us who seek to move us away from God's will.

On Sunday we rejoiced with those who testified about how God had healed them the previous week during the meeting. We praise God for His healing presence in our meetings and for the powerful work He is doing in our lives!
Richard shared a message entitled "Waiter, waiter" which you can listen to here. In his message, Richard showed us that to worship God is to serve Him (2 Cor. 5:14,15; Heb. 9:13,14; 1 Thess. 1:8-10), to wait on Him (Rom. 8:5) and to serve His people (Heb.6:9; Phil. 2:19-21). He described how God calls us to wait on Him as a waiter waits on the one he serves. We noted that a good waiter is:

  • One who is present and available to serve
  • One who is ready to serve
  • One who meets the needs of the one he serves
  • One who is committed to serve
  • One who serves with a joyful attitude

We praise God for the intimate relationship we can share with Him as we walk in godly fear and live to serve Him and His people.

Upcoming events

3 October: KLF Church Day from 10:00 - 16:00 at Salzschlirferstr.15

Monday 24 August 2015

Set apart for God

Glory to God!

The Lord is speaking to us about being an influence for His Kingdom as we learn to pray prophetically, as we put our beliefs and values into action and as we live holy lives, set apart for God's Kingdom purposes.

Alexander spoke to us a few weeks ago about praying prophetically (you can listen to the message  here), showing us that in order to pray prophetically, the believer must pray: according to God's Word, according to God's Kingdom purposes, according to God's times and seasons and according to an understanding of the present time. Alex showed us how Daniel prayed (Daniel 2:19-22; 9) and encouraged us to pray focused, passionate, prioritised and honest prayers that push through until we see God's will done on earth as it is in heaven!

Two weeks ago David spoke to us about putting our beliefs and values into action (you can listen to the message here), showing us that what we believe informs what our values are, which in turn leads to how we act. Looking at Daniel 3:1-20, David challenged us to live Kingdom lives in a culture that doesn't believe in God, where there is no absolute truth and everything is tolerated as long as it does not harm another person. Recognising that society tries to persuade the believer to act differently to what s/he believes, David challenged us to ask ourselves the following questions:

  • What areas of my life have I compromised?
  • What things in God's Word am I avoiding because I don't want to change my behaviour?
  • What actions do I need to adjust to align to God's Word as opposed to the world's values?

After their two-week trip to the Philippines, our missions team gave a brief report on Sunday on some of the things they experienced. It was exciting to hear what God did during their visit and to hear the testimonies of people being saved, healed, and set free. Accompanied by a collage of photos and impressions from their visit, the team shared how they experienced the presence of God very powerfully in many of the meetings and how God was touching the children to worship Him in spirit and in truth! We praise God for Kingdom Life Butuan, a vibrant, growing,
young church under the leadership of pastors Julius and Roszel Regala, that is doing a significant work in reaching out to the local street children, orphans and children in remote villages. God is raising up KLB to be a healing centre in Butuan and the team was privileged to witness a powerful move of God at KLB during their visit as many were healed, restored and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Richard then spoke to us about being a holy people, set apart for God's Kingdom purposes (you can listen to the message here.) Looking at 1 Peter 1:13-23, we noted how God calls us to renew our thinking and to live holy lives according to the reality of the hope we have in Christ, our new identity in Christ as His redeemed and sanctified people born of imperishable seed and to live as God's people, set apart to reveal His love as we walk in obedience and holiness.

Upcoming events

3 October: KLF Church Day from 10:00 - 16:00 at Salzschlirferstr.15

Monday 3 August 2015

God's saving grace

Image courtesy of iosphere at

Glory to God!

This week our missions team of six people will be going on a 14-day trip to Butuan in the Philippines to visit our church plant, Kingdom Life Butuan to support, equip and encourage them and to work together with them, ministering to orphans, street children and to various other ministries and churches in the area. On Sunday, KLF sent the team out by praying and prophesying over them and we are looking forward to seeing what God will do on this exciting journey to further His Kingdom.

Richard then spoke to us about The full Gospel, which you can listen to here. This is what he showed us:

Unless we understand the bad news, we will not appreciate the Good News!
Peter's sermon at Pentecost, given by the Holy Spirit, led to the conversion of about three thousand people! Acts 2:14-41
Peter's message is significant in that it contains the essential message of the whole Gospel and the appropriate response:

The outpouring of God's Spirit is the fulfillment of what Joel prophesied concerning the last days.
Jesus died and rose again.
Jesus is the One who was prophesied about.
Jesus is both Lord and Christ.


Repent and be baptised for the forgiveness of sins.
Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.

Peter warned the people and pleaded with them to save themselves from this corrupt generation.
The word, corrupt is from the Greek word, skolios which means bent.
A generation that rejects God is bent away from God and into themselves.
The bad news is that God's wrath is being revealed against this bent, "against all the godlessness and wickedness of men" by His giving people over to their bent - to the sinful desires of the the heart, to shameful lusts and to a depraved mind! Rom. 1:18-32
Man's bent leads to spiritual death - eternal separation from God. Eph. 2:1-3

The full Gospel must be preached!
The Good News of God's grace will only be truly appreciated when we understand what we have been saved from (Eph. 2:8); what we are being saved from (1 Pet. 1:8,9; Titus 2:11-14) and what Christ will come to save us from (1 Pet. 1:13).
Salvation involves being saved by grace, standing in grace and expecting God's grace to be revealed when Christ comes again. 1 Pet. 1:18; Rom. 5:1,2; 1 Pet.1:13
Jesus is calling the Church to remember what she has been saved from so that she will continue to depend on God's grace to walk in intimacy with God and to live godly lives in confident hope in the grace to be revealed! Rev. 2:5; 2 Pet. 1:3-9
As the Church understands the truth of God's grace, she will produce the fruit of the Gospel! Col. 1:6

"This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God's wonderful grace." Col. 1:6

Upcoming events and notices

03.10. Church Day from 10:00 - 15:00 at Salzschlirferstr.15

Please note that during the Summer break:
  • there is no KLF prayer meeting on the 04.08 and on the 01.09
  • there is no Children's Sunday School.

Monday 27 July 2015

The Father Revealed

Glory to God!

The Gospel is good news! It is the message of God's amazing love for His creation and what He has done to enable man to be reconciled to Him. On Sunday, Richard spoke to us about how man was originally created in God's image to know God and be like Him. After the Fall, man became separated from the knowledge of the image of God and began to seek his identity in the created rather than in the Creator and he began to form gods in his own image. Jesus came not only to reveal the image of the Father but also to reveal what God originally intended for man - an intimate relationship with the Father, living to be like Him and doing what pleases Him. Through faith in Christ, man is restored to the knowledge of the image of God, renewed according to the revelation of God's image and is empowered by the Holy Spirit to reflect the glory of God (2 Cor. 4:6; Col. 3:10; 2 Cor.3:18). The amazing truth is that Jesus continues to reveal the Father to the believer so that s/he can experience the full extent of God's love and walk with the Father just as Jesus did (John 17:20-26). You can listen to Richard's message entitled, "Restored to God's image" here.

Upcoming events

4 August - 19:30, KLF Prayer Meeting @ Leipzigerstr.60