Wednesday 31 January 2018

Andre Bronkhorst

Glory to God!

Sunday was the last day of our 21 days of praying and fasting. It has been an amazing spiritual journey for many of us who used the time to refocus, prioritise and revolutionise our lives as we sought God's face and allowed Him to do a deep work in us in the "desert." Reflecting mainly on Hosea 2:14-20 and Isaiah 58:6-9, Richard sent the church a daily devotional to meditate on, pray into and apply to our lives. The 21 Day Devotional for Fasting and Prayer will be available on our website shortly.

Fasting and praying has sharpened our spiritual senses and quickened our spirits. God's presence in our meetings is tangible and many are being touched as we respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit. On Sunday Frances shared a message entitled, "Dig your own well!" Looking at the account of Isaac in Genesis 26, Frances showed us that believers must learn, not to rely on others for their spiritual supply, but must dig their own well, where they are supplied with Christ's life in drought or in abundance. God calls each one of us to be an oasis (literally a dwelling place), where we have dug our own well, are filled and overflowing with the Spirit of God and influence others around us wherever we are. Practically this means:
  • Taking responsibility over one's own walk and growth in the Lord
  • Ceasing from waiting for something to change or happen
  • Choosing one's ground
  • Digging (prayer, worship, Word, obedience, proclamation, etc)
  • Persevering even when the ground is hard until God's life, power and provision are released
We praise God for His clear call to join Him in the desert where He wants us to dig a well and be fruitful for His glory, for the sake of the Church and for the extension of His Kingdom! Hallelujah!

On Monday and Tuesday evening we had two special meetings with André Bronkhorst, from South Africa. André is a Prophet in the true definition of the office in that he not only is anointed to prophesy but is helping the Body of Christ across the world to maturity in Christ and in the things of the Kingdom and the supernatural activity of the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:11-13!). In our first session together, André shared a message, entitled, "Faith and Obedience." In his message, André spoke to us about going deeper with God and the need for us to put God first in our lives. With powerful testimonies of radical obedience to the voice of God, André showed us that unless we have God as our priority in life, we will not move into a life of miracles, signs and wonders. Addressing some hindrances such as idolatry (giving created things greater priority is one's life than God), impatience (not waiting on, and trusting God), consulting mediums (looking to anything other than God for truth) and "only" being filled with Spirit rather than overflowing with the Spirit or being immersed in Him, André showed us what needs to happen in the life of the believer to enable him or her to hear God's voice and obey Him. With great sensitivity and accuracy, André then ministered prophetically to us and many received great encouragement, exhortation and were built up in their faith. Hallelujah!

In our second session on Tuesday evening, we had another wonderful time of worship where we encountered God and entered into an atmosphere of truly honouring His presence. As we did so we also invited Andre's co-worker, Johandre Potgieter, a young, dynamic evangelist from South Africa who is joining Andre on his Europe trip, to share his testimony with us. The grace upon this young man's life is evident and the Lord was setting us up for His Word to us, His empowerment and impartation for the evening! Andre then shared a message entitled, "Lead by the Spirit," in which he spoke to us from Mark 6:1-6. He showed us the importance of honouring God and one another in our lives and how important relationships are to the Holy Spirit. Understanding that honour and obedience to the Holy Spirit are keys to unlocking the supernatural, Andre shared further powerful testimonies of how the Spirit moves when we honour His presence and obey His voice. After sharing his message with us, Andre began to minister to us with God's healing anointing. Words cannot describe the tangible presence of God and the resulting healings that took place. God began healing backs, body pain and releasing people from hindrances to walking in His provision and promises. It was a beautiful, powerful, sanctifying evening that has made a lasting impression on all who were present. We praise God for His faithfulness and for using His servant Andre and Johandre to ignite us with faith and a greater expectation for the manifestation of God's Kingdom in us, among us and beyond! Hallelujah!

Upcoming Events

09.02 - Men's Prayer Breakfast at Leipziger Str.60 at 7:00 
10.02 - Singles' Evening at L60 at 18:30
24.02 - Prayer meeting at L60 at 19:30
25.03 - Healing Service
18 - 21.05 Deep calls to deep Conference with Steve Porter
22 - 24.06 Journey with the Holy Spirit with Edgar Mayer

Monday 22 January 2018

Christ in us!

Glory to God!

God is faithful! He rewards those who earnestly seek Him and last week we experienced a greater measure of His grace and presence in our meetings. On Monday we hosted a worship and prayer evening as part of the Frankfurt Alliance Prayer Week and joined together with Crosswalk, YWAM, and the Frankfurt Gebetshaus Initiative to worship God and pray according to the Holy Spirit's leading. It was wonderful to see many people from different churches and ministries in Frankfurt come together to worship God in unity, with one spirit and one heart. It was a powerful meeting and a prophetic sign of God establishing the unity of the Church in Frankfurt that He purchased with the blood of Jesus. Hallelujah!

At the end of our second week of 21 days of prayer and fasting, we are seeing God increase the spiritual temperature and our expectation for God to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. Yesterday's meeting was very powerful. People came early to pray for the meeting and the Lord moved mightily in the meeting as we encountered Him in dynamic worship, during which many came forward to surrender their lives afresh to the Lord. With words of knowledge and prophetic words, God was healing and encouraging His people. Hallelujah!

Richard then shared a message entitled, "Christ, my life!" which you can listen to here. Looking at the letter to the Colossians, Richard explained what it means to have Christ in us. He showed us that the believer has received the life of Christ, the fullness of God and that we are called to live from Christ in us. Jesus is to be our life and not our agenda! Richard pointed out that when Christ is our life, we can learn to let His life flow through us just like the gifts, God has given us. We saw that life in Christ is not a struggle but learning to live from the fullness of God within as we are rooted and established in Eternal Life. Hallelujah!

Upcoming Events

24.01 - Prayer meeting at L60 at 19:30
29& 30.01 - Prophetic Encounter with André Bronkhorst at 19:30
25.03 - Healing Service
18 - 21.05 In the Secret Place with Steve Porter
22 - 24.06 Journey with the Holy Spirit with Edgar Mayer

Monday 15 January 2018

21 Days

Image used with permission by Jeremy Bishop at

Glory to God!

Last week we began our 21 days of prayer and fasting that we are doing from the 08.01 - 28.01. We believe the Lord is calling us into the desert for us to spend time with Him, to refocus, prioritise and revolutionise our lives. God's Word to us for these 21 days is from Hosea 2:14-20 where the Lord allures His bride into the desert to be with Him and to establish His relationship with her. With daily devotionals, Richard is encouraging the church to take hold of God's Word, meditate on it, pray it, declare it and expect it. In his message, entitled "Fasting" which you can listen to here, Richard explained what fasting is, why we should fast, how we can fast and what the benefits are of fasting. It is exciting to see that many are joining us on this significant 21 day journey and to witness the fruit of it already.

Yesterday the Holy Spirit led us into a time of extended worship that resulted in powerful encounter with God, intercession and the release of the prophetic. The Lord ministered the truth of Luke 4:18 to us, as the whole church was anointed with oil and received a fresh impartation of the reality that the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon us because He has anointed us to reveal the Father and do His work. Richard then shared a brief word of encouragement from Isaiah 58:1-9 which you can listen to here. In his message entitled, "The power of fasting" Richard showed us that the purpose of God's true fast is to set the captives free, heal the sick, provide for the poor and to see the glory of the Lord envelop His people! It is exciting to see the connection between the purpose of God's anointing upon our lives and God's true fast. Hallelujah!

These are exciting times and we are looking forward to seeing spiritual breakthrough in every area of our lives as we spend time in the desert, denying ourselves for the glory of God, the benefit of the Church and for the sake of the Lost!


15.01 - Allianz Worship and Prayer meeting at Salzschlirferstr.15 at 20:00
17.01 - Prayer meeting at L60 at 19:30
24.01 - Prayer meeting at L60 at 19:30
29& 30.01 - Prophetic Encounter with André Bronkhorst
18.02 - Bengt Wedemalm
25.03 - Healing Service
18 - 21.05 In the Secret Place with Steve Porter
22 - 24.06 Journey with the Holy Spirit with Edgar Mayer