Tuesday 19 December 2017

Get Ready!

Photo by Ray Grau on Unsplash

Glory to God!

During this Advent season, as we look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus, the Lord has been speaking to us about getting ready for His return. The Holy Spirit has been showing us that we must know whether our faith is genuine; that we have a real enemy whom we are to resist and that we know whether we are ready for Christ's return.

2 Sundays ago Antje shared a message entitled, "The lion and the lamb" which you can listen to here. In her sermon, Antje showed us that the believer has a very real enemy of the soul who prowls around like a lion ready to devour us (1 Pt 5:6). She showed us the reality, nature and purpose of satan so that the Church is not unaware of his schemes but that she resist him by fixing her eyes on the true Lion and use the weapons God has entrusted her with to overcome. 

On Sunday, Frances spoke to us about getting ready for Christ's return in her sermon entitled, "Be prepared!" which you can listen to here. In her message, Frances showed us that when Jesus returns, He will be looking for a people of faith, a people continuously filled with the Holy Spirit, a people without spot or blemish and a people who produce fruit.

We are looking forward to our Christmas Eve Service this Sunday at 10:30 at CZF and our New Year Celebration on the 31st of December from 19:00 - 01:00 at the Awake Café.

We wish all our readers a blessed Christmas!

Upcoming Meetings    

24.12 - Christmas Eve Service at 10:30 at Salzschlirferstr.15 
31.12 - New Year Celebration from 19:00 - 01:00 at Awake Café (No meeting at CZF)


15.01 - Allianz Worship and Prayer meeting at Salzschlirferstr.15 
30.01 - Prophetic Encounter with André Bronkhorst
16 - 18.02 - EQUIP with Bengt Wedemalm
25.03 - Healing Service
18 - 21.05 In the Secret Place with Steve Porter
22 - 24.06 Journey with the Holy Spirit with Edgar Mayer

Monday 4 December 2017

The Secret Box

Glory to God!
Image by yodiyim used with permission from freedigitalphotos.com

On Saturday we had our quarterly Welcome Coffee where people who are new to KLF had the opportunity to meet some of our members and leaders and for us to get to know them. It is always a special time as we reflect on the journey the Lord has taken us on as a church and as we share what is important to us and where we believe God is taking us. It is also encouraging to hear the testimonies of those who have recently joined us who related how their lives have been impacted by God since attending KLF. We praise God for His faithfulness and goodness to us!

Yesterday the Lord moved powerfully already before the meeting during our pre-service prayer as the Holy Spirit filled us and moved us to pray in the Spirit, in authority and in power. We are seeing how God is using this prayer time to prepare His people to enter into a greater revelation of His presence and His Kingdom. Just as the the Lord carried Elijah up into glory with a whirlwind, so we are seeing how God is carrying His people up in a spiritual whirlwind to higher realms of revelation to not only have the Lord's perspective but also to prophetically proclaim heaven on earth. We believe God is raising the Church to bring about a spiritual shift that will bring about significant change in the Body of Christ as well as in our city and nation. Hallelujah!

Looking at Matthew 6:1-21, Richard shared a message entitled, "The Secret Box" which you can listen to here. Focusing on Matthew 6:4 where Jesus says, "Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you," Richard explained how every believer should have a secret box that is the life of faith that is lived before the Father as we believe that God sees us and that we will be rewarded for our obedience in secret. The believer's secret b.o.x. is therefore made up of our Belief, Obedience and eXpectation of eternal reward. Jesus had a problem with the Pharisees because they demonstrated a religious life to be seen by man but their hearts were far from God. By telling His disciples to do their good works in secret, just to be seen by the Father, Jesus was showing them how to make the necessary shift from fearing man to fearing God, from outward hypocrisy to secret obedience and from looking for honour and applause from man to looking ahead to heaven's reward (see 2 Cor 4:17; Eph 6:8; Heb 11:26; Rev 22:12)!

Upcoming Meetings    

Tuesday from 19:00 - 21:00: Discipleship Evening - Leipziger Str.60 (L60) 
Last Wednesday of every month from 19:30 - 21:00: Worship and Prayer Evening  at L60 
24.12 - Christmas Eve Service at 10:30 at Salzschlirferstr.15


15.01 - Allianz Worship and Prayer meeting at Salzschlirferstr.15 
30.01 - Prophetic Encounter with André Bronkhorst
16 - 18.02 - EQUIP with Bengt Wedemalm
25.03 - Healing Service
18 - 21.05 In the Secret Place with Steve Porter
22 - 24.06 Journey with the Holy Spirit with Edgar Mayer

Monday 27 November 2017

Fatherhood, fire and faith

Glory to God!

Two weeks ago, Richard shared a message entitled, "The Father's purpose in Christ" which you can listen to here. Looking at why the Father sent His Son, we noted that Jesus came to reveal the Father (Jn 1:18; 17:6,26) so that we can be reconciled to the Father (Eph 2:18; Jn 14:6; Gal 4:4-7) in order that the image of the Father is restored to us, in us and through us (2 Cor 3:18; 4:6; Col 4:9,10). It was a powerful meeting as the Father ministered to us and brought healing and restoration as we forgave our earthly fathers and asked the Father to remove any distortion of true fatherhood and replace it with the revelation of the Father from whom all fatherhood derives its name (Eph 3:15). Hallelujah!

Yesterday we had an amazing time as we began the meeting in prayer, which led into worship in song and the Holy Spirit then ministering healing to many of us as we prayed for one another. Tobias then shared a message entitled, "Fire and faith" which you can listen to here. Tobias shared how Jesus came to baptise with the Holy Spirit and with fire in order for the Church to continue the works of Jesus. We noted how the fire of God falls on the altar of sacrifice (1 Ki 18:38; Rom 12:1) and how Jesus, the perfect Sacrifice made the way for those who have faith in Him to be on fire for Him and His purposes. Tobias showed us that the believer must appropriate the fire by faith and that we are called to live a life of faith that pleases the Father (Heb 11:1,2,6) as we act on what we believe.

Upcoming Meetings    

Tuesday from 19:00 - 21:00: Discipleship Evening - Leipziger Str.60 (L60) 
Last Wednesday of every month from 19:30 - 21:00: Worship and Prayer Evening  at L60  
Saturday 02.12: Welcome Coffee at L60
24.12 - Christmas Eve Service at 10:30 at Salzschlirferstr.15


15.01 - Allianz Worship and Prayer meeting at Salzschlirferstr.15 
16 - 18.02 - EQUIP with Bengt Wedemalm
15.03 - Healing Service
18 - 21.05 In the Secret Place with Steve Porter
22 - 24.06 Journey with the Holy Spirit with Edgar Mayer

Monday 13 November 2017

Knowing God

Glory to God!

The apostle Paul's prayer for the Church is that she would receive spiritual revelation so that she would grow in her knowledge of God (Eph 1:17). It is God's will that we should grow in our knowledge of Him and these past 2 weeks the Lord has been encouraging us to encounter Him, experience Him and overflow with Him.

In his message entitled, "I want you to know me," Richard shared how God's desire is that we grow in our knowledge of Him so that we grasp and experience His pleasure (Eph 1:3-9; Mk 1:11; 2 Pet 1:3); our union with Him (Jn 14:9-14, 20); His glory, holiness and mercy (Is 6:1-8); and God's will for our lives (Col 1:9-13; Eph 4:17-24; 2 Pet 1:3). It is as we receive spiritual revelation of God that we can grow in our knowledge of Him and make Him known. Hallelujah!

On Sunday, Frances spoke to us about the essence of Christianity. In her message entitled, "A greater love," we looked at the apostle Paul's prayer for the Church in Ephesians 3:16-19 where he prays that the believers be rooted and established in God's love (Eph 3:17), grasp the magnitude of God's love (Eph 3:18) and be filled with the fullness of God (Eph 3:19).

Frances showed us how important it is to be rooted and established in Christ's love in order to grasp the extent of God's love so that we are filled to the measure of all the fullness of God! We saw how being rooted and established in Christ's love means trusting in His unconditional love for us and being secure in that love despite one's circumstances. It is in God's love that we find acceptance, security and significance despite what we go through in our lives. We then looked at the nature of God's love and noted that His love is merciful (1 Pet 4:8; Pr 10:12; Rom 5:8), sacrificial (Jn 3:16; Jn 15:13) and compassionate (Jn 3:17). Frances showed us that the believer should be motivated by Christ's love (2 Cor 5:14) instead of fear, selfish ambition, need or duty and that it is only as the believer is filled with God's love through revelation, faith and giving that s/he will overflow with Christ's love.

We praise God for revealing Himself to us and helping us grow in our knowledge of Him so that we can make Him known.

Upcoming Meetings    

Tuesday from 19:00 - 21:00: Discipleship Evening - Leipziger Str.60 (L60) 
Last Wednesday of every month from 19:30 - 21:00: Worship and Prayer Evening  at L60  
Saturday 02.12: Welcome Coffee at L60
24.12 - Christmas Eve Service at 10:30 at Salzschlirferstr.15


15.01 - Allianz Worship and Prayer meeting at Salzschlirferstr.15 
16 - 18.02 - EQUIP with Bengt Wedemalm
15.03 - Healing Service
18 - 21.05 In the Secret Place with Steve Porter
22 - 24.06 Journey with the Holy Spirit with Edgar Mayer


Tuesday 31 October 2017

Running the race

Glory to God!

This month the Lord has been drawing us ever closer to Him and calling us to a life of reverential worship; a life of gratitude; a life settled, sealed and strengthened in Christ and a life of true sonship in the spirit of forgiveness. Here is what God has been saying to us:

"A life of reverential worship" - Prem spoke to us about true worship and fellowship in the fear of the Lord.
"The power of gratitude" - Richard showed us that gratitude is a form of worship; a weapon against the enemy; the way of peace and the path to contentment.
"Stop wobbling" - Richard spoke to us about God's desire for us to stop wandering, wavering and wobbling but settling our decision for Christ; sealing our commitment to following Christ and strengthening our lives in Christ.
"From revealtion to restoration" - Alexander showed us how a life of true forgiveness in response to God's redeeming love is the key to restoration.

On Sunday our 2 marathon runners, Elizabeth and Richard as well as our relay team runners, Wesley, Jane, Uli, Danni, Muriel, Andreas and 6 others ran the Frankfurt Marathon to RUN for BUTUAN - a project to raise money for street children, orphans and children in need in Butuan City in the Philippines. It was a great opportunity to accomplish personal breakthrough as well as involve family, colleagues and friends outside the church to participate in running for a good cause.

Upcoming Meetings    

Tuesday from 19:00 - 21:00: Worship and Prayer Meeting - Leipziger Str.60 (L60) 
Wednesday, 01.11 from 19:00- 22:00 at Salzschlirferstr.15: Prophetic Encounters with Ed Traut
Last Wednesday of every month from 19:30 - 21:00: Worship and Prayer Evening  at L60  
Saturday 02.12: Welcome Coffee at L60

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Contemplating Christ

Glory to God

The Lord is continuing to draw us into closer fellowship with Him so that we know Him and become like Him. On Sunday we looked at Hebrews 2:5-3:1 and "considered Jesus, our apostle and High Priest." In his message entitled, "Who is this King?" which you can listen to here, Richard reflected on Christ, showing us that,

Jesus is supreme. Heb 2:5-9
Jesus is the perfect Saviour. Heb 2:9,10
Jesus identifies Himself with us. Heb 2:11-14
Jesus takes us into His fellowship with the Father. Heb 2:12,13; (Jn 17:6,26)
Jesus goes ahead of us. Heb 2:14,15; (Heb 6:19,20)
Jesus is our great High Priest. Heb 2:16-17
Jesus empowers us to overcome. Heb 2:18

We had a very special and powerful time as we contemplated Christ and after reflecting on each aspect of who Jesus is and does, we were led in prayer by Liz, Uwe, Sarah, Prem, Sabine, Antje and Jane respectively. We then shared communion together and enjoyed fellowship with Jesus in the revelation He gave us during the meeting. Hallelujah!

Upcoming Meetings    

Tuesday from 19:00 - 21:00: Discipleship Group - Leipziger Str.60 (L60) 
Last Wednesday  every month from 19:30 - 21:00: Worship and Prayer Evening  at L60 
01.11: Prophetic Encounters with Ed Traut
Saturday 02.12: Welcome Coffee at L60

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Touching Jesus


Glory to God!

As we continue our journey into revival, the Lord is speaking to us about responding to His call and aligning our lives to His will. Two Sundays ago Alexander shared a message entitled, "Get over it and move on!" which you can listen to here. Looking at the examples of Solomon, Gideon, Jeremiah, Rahab and others, Alexander showed us how God wants His children to adopt His perspective on their lives and to align their lives to Him accordingly. We saw how God works through people despite their failures and imperfections and how the Lord never wastes an experience. Alexander challenged us and encouraged us to not allow our view of ourselves and our negative experiences to limit what God wants to do in us and through us.

"A revelation of God settles the matter!"

We praise God for stirring us up to take hold of God's perspective and walking in it.

On Sunday Richard spoke to us about encountering Jesus in such a way as to be changed by Him. In his message entitled, "Get rid of the ashes" which you can listen to here, Richard showed us the difference between the presence of God and the sense of the presence of God and how the believer must learn to meet with God by faith and not depend on an experience to know whether God is present or not. Looking at Luke 4:18-21 and Isaiah 61:1-3, Richard encouraged us to encounter Christ in His anointing to minister to us as we receive His good news, restoration, freedom, favour, comfort, provision, a crown of beauty, the oil of gladness, a garment of praise, His righteousness and are planted to reveal His glory! As we spent time in fellowship with Jesus, we touched His robe by faith and received from Him. Halleluja!

Upcoming Meetings    

Tuesday from 19:00 - 21:00: Discipleship Group - Leipziger Str.60 (L60) 
Wednesday from 19:30 - 21:00: Worship and Prayer Evening  at L60 
01.11: Prophetic Encounters with Ed Traut
Saturday 02.12: Welcome Coffee at L60