Monday 25 May 2015

True Repentance

 Image courtesy of Manostphoto at FreeDigitalPhotos.Net
Glory to God!

The Father is calling us into greater intimacy with Him and is speaking to us about the need for true repentance for us to be able to enter His fullness and dwell in Him. Two Sundays ago, Frances shared a message entitled "Retrain Your Brain" which can listen to here. She showed us how repentance involves a renewal of the mind that takes time as the believer gradually replaces wrong thoughts with God's thoughts (John 8:32; Rom 12:2; 2 Cor 10:5). The believer needs to actively retrain his or her brain to form new associations and new pathways through concentrated and repetitive training before he or she will see results. Frances described the following process to develop a new mindset:
  1. Identify the wrong mindset
  2. Make a clear decision to turn away from the old mindset into the new
  3. Adopt the truth
  4. Be aware of what you are thinking
  5. Say 'No' to the lies
  6. Speak out the truth
  7. Keep repeating steps 4 - 6 until a new conviction is developed
On Sunday we had an amazing time of worship as we entered the Father's realm and joined in with the worship in heaven. Many subsequently testified to seeing visions of heaven and receiving words from God that were shared with the church. It was very special indeed! Richard then shared a message entitled "Repentance: The Key to Fullness" which you can listen to here. In his message, Richard showed us the following:
  1. In order to enter into God's fullness, the believer must repent of dwelling in an inferior reality (thoughts, mindset, attitude, behaviour etc) and turning 180° toward God and being immersed in God's superior reality. Acts 2:38,39
  2. Repentance is a gift from God - the divine enablement to turn from the inferior to enter into the superior. Acts 11:18; 2 Tim 2:25,26
  3. Repentance is a blessing from God. Acts 3:26
  4. Repentance leads us into the fullness of God - forgiveness (Acts 3:19), revival (Acts 3:19), revelation of God's glory (2 Cor 3:16,17), new purpose in Christ (1 Thess 1:9).
  5. Repentance is a process of: 
  • coming to one's senses about dwelling in an inferior reality (Luke 15:11-17)
  • moving from worldly sorrow for one's own sake to godly sorrow for God's sake (2 Cor 7:10,11; Luke 15:17-19)
  • entering God's superior reality wholeheartedly (Luke 15:20-24; Phil 3:7,8)
What you dwell on is what you dwell in and 
you become what you dwell in!

We praise God for His revelation to us and for helping us enter His fullness and dwell in the Father's realm.

Upcoming Events

02.06 - KLF Church Prayer Meeting @ Leipziger Str. 60 
05.07 - Baptism Service @ Haeberlinstr.3
17-19.07 - Hearing from Heaven with Francois Botes and Alexander Blair

Monday 11 May 2015

The Father's Realm

Courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Glory to God!

The Father is revealing more and more of Himself to us. Two Sundays ago, Prem spoke to us about the Father's desire to dwell in a community of people united together in Him, that He calls His own, whom He has made Holy, so that they will know Him intimately as their own loving Father, because He loves them so much. Prem showed us how the Father's desire for intimacy with man, that was broken through the fall, motivated the plan of reconciliation through Christ from beginning to end (Rev 13:8; Gen 3:8-10; Heb 9:12; Rom 8:15). Prem's message was a revelation of the Father's search for man and the work He did to enable man to be restored to the Father and enjoy intimacy with Him! You can listen to Prem's message, Revelation of the Father's Heart (Part 2), here.

Yesterday we honoured the mothers in the church and sealed them with the Father's approval as some of the fathers in the house anointed them with oil and each received a rose as a declaration of the Father's love for them. Richard then shared a message about Dwelling in the Father which you can listen to here. This is what Richard showed us:

God wants to be our dwelling place. Psalm 90:1; John 15:17,18
Jesus dwelt in the Father's bosom. John 1:17,18
The believer's life is hidden with Christ in God. Col. 3:3
Jesus demonstrated a life that dwelt in the Father. John 5:19-46
The one who dwells in the Father:
  • does what he sees the Father doing. John 5:19
  • receives revelation from the Father. John 5:20
  • is given responsibility. John 5:21-29
  • depends on the Father. John 5:30
  • lives to please the Father. John 5:30
  • depends on the Father's testimony. John 5:31,32
  • testifies that s/he belongs to the Father by his or her obedience. John 5:36
  • represents the Father. John 5:43
  • lives for praise from the Father. John 5:44
  • depends on the Father for life. John 5:46,47
When people were around Jesus, they encountered the Father's realm of grace and truth. John 1:17; Luke 7:36-50
The Father's realm is fullness of peace, joy, love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, acceptance, righteousness, justice, holiness, purity, truth and more. Ephesians 3:16-20
In order to enter in and dwell in the Father's realm, the believer must repent and turn to God. 2 Cor. 3:15-18
To dwell in God is not to visit but a wholehearted entering into the reality of the Father's realm and staying there.
We become what we dwell in! 2 Cor. 3:18
To dwell in God is to dwell on God with our thoughts and our hearts and to make sure our mouths, our attitudes and behaviour are a manifestation of the Father's nature and realm. John 1:17,18

We become what we dwell in!

 Upcoming Events

12,19,26.05 @ 19:30 - Introduction to Biblical Counseling @ Leipziger Str.60
02.06 - KLF Church Prayer Meeting @ Leipziger Str. 60 
05.07 - Baptism Service @ Haeberlinstr.3
17-19.07 - Hearing from Heaven with Francois Botes and Alexander Blair