Monday 30 June 2008

Activating The Supernatural!

Glory to God!

This past week was amazing! On Tuesday we met up with some others from different churches to worship God together in the middle of the "darkest" area of Frankfurt to usher in God's presence, power and love. The Lord is calling the Church to worship Him in the toughest areas of Frankfurt to break into the kingdom of darkness with His Kingdom of Light. Hallelujah! We are recognising the importance of placing watchmen at the gateways of Frankfurt and so we are positioning ourselves through prayer and worship in the Frankfurt airport and right in front of the main train station. We believe that by positioning ourselves this way, we are taking spiritual authority over what is permitted to enter and leave Frankfurt and Germany! God is able to do exceeding abundantly more than we can ask or imagine according to the power that is at work within us (Eph. 3:20)!

On Thursday IMPACT! went with our two student placements from Kingdom Faith into Frankfurt city to seek out the lost, the sick and the needy. They split up into two teams and approached whomever the Holy Spirit directed them to and ministered to them. We praise God for the lives that were touched and the healings that God graced the guys with. Glory to God!

Yesterday's meeting was wonderful! The Lord is teaching us to walk in the supernatural and yesterday He spoke to us about how to activate the supernatural. He showed us that:

1. Activating the supernatural requires humbling ourselves -
  • Naaman obeyed a command given through a servant! 2 Kings 5
  • Apollos was willing to be taught by tent makers! Acts 18:1-3, 24-26

2. Activating the supernatural requires sacrifice -
  • The widow had to give the little she had to receive the abundance God had for her! 1 Kings 17:7-16
  • God's supernatural Kingdom is released as we live our lives as living sacrifices and do His will! Romans 12:1,2

3. Activating the supernatural requires honouring what God has already given one -
  • Naaman would have missed his supernatural miracle if had not honoured the prophet's word to him! 2 Kings 5:14
  • The widow used what she had to release the supernatural! 2 Kings 4:1-7
  • God will release more of His anointing as we use the anointing He has given us! Rom. 12:6-8

4. Activating the supernatural requires receiving unconditionally -
  • Naaman had to learn to receive unconditionally by not being allowed to "repay" Elisha! 2 Kings 5:16
  • If we struggle to receive unconditionally in the natural, we will probably struggle to receive unconditionally in the supernatural!

Looking at Hebrews 4:16, we saw that,

  • The believer must activate the supernatural - "Approach the throne of grace"
  • The believer must humble himself to enter the supernatural - God won't come to us; we are to seek Him, His way! James 4:8
  • The believer must deny self (selfish desires, natural thinking, pre-conceived ideas about God) and approach God His way and allow God to renew the believer's mind! Isaiah 55:8; Eph. 3:20
  • The believer must approach God with the little he has to receive the abundance God has for us! "Approach....and receive"
  • The believer must learn to receive God's unconditional love, grace and mercy if he is to activate the supernatural!
The meeting concluded with our youngsters doing an awesome sketch on Saul's conversion and his supernatural encounter with Christ as described in Acts 9!

We praise God for teaching us by His Spirit and giving us supernatural understanding, knowledge and wisdom (1 John 2:27; Eph. 1:17; 1 Cor. 2:10-13)! We are thrilled with the way He is teaching us and encouraging us so that we are inspired to share Him with others. Freely we have received and so freely we want to give! Hallelujah!

We live to know and to make known!

This Sunday we will be celebrating new lives in Christ through baptism and we will be meeting in the Baptist church in Eschersheim at 3pm.


"It was such a blessing to visit your church on Sunday. It was great to be with a group of people who love the Lord so much. It felt like being home. Worship was wonderful. It seemed like everyone was worshiping from the heart, even before the music started. It was not about religion, but about love. The music was inspired and annointed. Even though I didn't know all the songs, it was so easy to enter in. The teaching was great, encouraging me to expect the Lord to use me not just in church, but in the every-day times of my life (like this business trip :) ). Indeed, a number of people at your church blessed me with words from the Lord that hit the mark. But, though they were doing a supernatural work, they did it in a very natural way. I saw no chains of performance, no weight of obligation, just a group of people passionately in love with Jesus Christ. What a blessing to visit with all of you." Bob, visiting from the U.S.A.

"...I have been standing in faith believing for my healing. And when you both laid hands on me on Impartation Sunday June 1, I laid on the floor with a great amount of heat going through my knee. I did not expect this as I came to receive the impartation for ministry. I had never before felt such heat in my knee and a hand came down on it and I could feel the fingers. I opened my eyes and of course no one was there. I was stunned really as it was definitely a hand I was feeling. I closed my eyes again and immediately I felt a hand on my left knee and fingers moving --- I could feel the actually fingers. I again opened my eyes and saw no one which I was so glad of. A few more minutes and the heat went away and the hands lifted. My knee still has metal in it but I can tell you something started that day. I do not know if I stopped the complete healing because I was so amazed by the hands or not. BUT I do know that my knee will turn back to flesh and bone-- because God said so. Just wanted to let you know where I am and to thank you for having that service. To God be all the GLory! AMEN" Karol, visiting from the U.S.A.

Quote of the week:

"Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor? Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him? For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen" Romans 11:33-36


Monday 23 June 2008

Making Room For The Supernatural

Glory to the King of kings!

This past week has been absolutely brilliant! We are thrilled to have two students from Kingdom Faith Church in Horsham, England who will be staying with us for 4 weeks. Our people are going on the streets to talk to people about Jesus and to meet together to pray and worship God in the middle of the "darkest" areas in Frankfurt. The Lord is calling the Church to build an altar of worship in the centre of Frankfurt to change the spiritual atmosphere of the city! Hallelujah!

On Saturday we joined several other churches for a day of fasting and prayer. We met together to repent for the city of Frankfurt and to take spiritual authority over the city. The meeting was the first step to restore what was once an official public holiday in Germany for a day of prayer and repentance. We have made an appeal to the German government to restore this very significant day for this nation to turn to God. The meeting concluded with a very powerful prophetic act as the European and German flags were placed on top of each other and as the flag for the city of Frankfurt was suspended over the two flags, oil and wine were poured onto the Frankfurt flag. The oil and wine then flowed down the Frankfurt flag and drenched the German flag and the European flag. This wonderful prophetic act symbolises how God is pouring out His Spirit and His redemptive blood on the city of Frankfurt so that as the Church is revived and the city awakened, we will see God's Spirit affect Germany and Europe. Hallelujah!

Yesterday's meeting was awesome. We are encountering God with greater intimacy as He reveals Himself to us more and more. The Lord is making the unsearchable riches of Christ known to us by His Spirit (Eph.3:8; 1 Cor. 2:10) and He is teaching us how to live supernatural lives. Looking at Acts 10, God showed us the following:

  • Both Cornelius and Peter made room for the supernatural by positioning themselves expectantly.
  • These men were able to hear God's voice because they were God-conscious (devout, God-fearing, generous and men of faith and prayer).

We praise God for giving us more and more spiritual revelation, wisdom and knowledge (Eph.1:17) so that we learn to develop our supernatural senses.

Quote of the week:

"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Col. 3:1,2 (Emphasis mine)


Monday 16 June 2008

Releasing The Supernatural!

Glory to the God of miracles, signs and wonders!

The Lord is continuing to teach us to walk in the supernatural and yesterday He spoke to us about being released in it. The Lord showed us the following,

  1. God, who has chosen to make the Church His habitation, is a supernatural God and therefore His people are a supernatural people! Eph. 2:21,22; 3:20; 1 John 4:13
  2. The Church was birthed supernaturally with a manifestation of the supernatural! Acts 2:1-4; 10:44-46; 19:6
  3. The believer enters a supernatural life at conversion! John 3:3-8; Col. 1:13
  4. God wants to saturate the believer's spirit, soul (mind, heart and will) and body with His supernatural presence and power. Eph. 1:17,18; 3:16; 5:18; Rom. 8:9
  5. God wants us to eagerly desire the supernatural. 1 Cor. 14:1
  6. God wants us to try to excel in the supernatural. 1 Cor. 14:12
  7. God wants us to release the supernatural in our lives. Eph. 6:18

"Pray in the spirit on all occasions." Eph.6:18

The Lord then showed us how to pray in the Spirit in order to release the supernatural in our lives. Hallelujah! We will have this important foundational teaching in the teaching section of our website with the accompanying notes.

We praise God for releasing more and more of us into "spiritual things" (1 Cor. 12:1) as people are receiving words of knowledge, dreams, spiritual language, healing, spiritual revelation and are "filled to go!" Consequently our people are touching broken, lost and oppressed lives around them in the "market place" and on the streets of Frankfurt!

This week two students from Kingdom Faith College (Horsham, England) will be arriving to support Kingdom Life and be involved in the life of the church for four weeks. We praise God for our covenant relationship with Kingdom Faith and how we can bless and encourage one another to be equipped to reach our cities and nations for Christ!

On Saturday we will be joining other churches for a day of prayer and fasting as we seek God's face in repentance and prayer for our city! For more information check out,

Quote of the week:

" yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit." Jude 20


Monday 9 June 2008

Building A Supernatural Church!

Praise God!

This past week has been another exciting adventure with God as He is revealing more and more of His glory in our meetings. Yesterday's encounter with God was another confirmation of what He is saying to us concerning His purpose for Kingdom Life. Richard Maybery gave us the following prophecy during his visit two weeks ago:

“I saw a kingly crown coming down from heaven and landing in the front. The King of glory has come down among you and He has anointed this church plant with His power and His kingly presence. This church has the stamp of kingly royalty upon it and it has kingly royalty that will attract the people that he has predestined for this church and it is His kingly royalty that will replace the rags of filth and rags of brokenness with robes of righteousness and healing!”

Abba, Father is releasing us to be the supernatural church He has made us to be in accordance with His "pleasure and will" (Eph.1:5); "the riches of God's grace" (Eph.1:7) and "the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will" (Eph.1:11). Hallelujah!

For us to realise our identity and purpose as God's supernatural people, we need spiritual wisdom and revelation and our hearts to be enlightened (Eph. 1:17,18). Then we will,

  • know God better (Eph.1:17)
  • know the hope to which he has called us (Eph.1:18)
  • know the riches of the glorious inheritance in the saints (Eph.1:18)
  • know his power for us who believe (Eph.1:19)

The Lord showed us from Ephesians 1:19-23 that,

  • God's power is incomparable
  • God's power is His mighty strength
  • God's power raised Jesus to the heavenly realm
  • God's power gave Jesus authority over every authority, rule and dominion now!
  • God's power gave Jesus the highest title
  • God's power placed all things under Jesus' feet

This awesome power is at work in those who believe and is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine as we release it by faith! It is according to the power that is within us that God wants to align the natural according to the supernatural and bring His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven! Glory to God!

We praise God for wonderful testimonies of people being saved and healed. Yesterday one of our people testified to being healed of neck pain due to a deformity that she had had caused by polio! God is giving us words of knowledge, spiritual revelation and wonderful encounters with Him during the worship, the preaching of the Word, ministry and prayer. Thank you Father!

We give the Lord all the glory and the praise for blessing us with the riches of His grace!

Quote of the week:

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:20,21


Monday 2 June 2008


Glory to the living God!

Yesterday was awesome! We came together hungry and expectantly to our IMPARTATION meeting, ready to receive the fire of God. Mark Stibbe calls it, "The Father's Impartation for Revival through Evangelism - F.I.R.E!" The Lord is pouring out His Spirit to encourage the Church to reach the lost, the sick and the oppressed with His glory - His presence, power and love!

The Lord showed us yesterday that,

  • God is imparting a spiritual gracing that is releasing the faith that is attracting the glory of the Lord. Romans 1:11; Lev. 9:23
  • Faith is the substance of Heaven that releases God's glory and anointing! Hebrews 11:1,6 (KJV)
  • The Spirit of God is releasing a greater measure of His glory. 2 Cor. 3:18
  • Jesus wants to reveal His glory to us. John 17:24
  • Just as Elisha had to tear his mantle in two to enter into a greater anointing as he clothed himself with Elijah's mantle, Jesus tore the veil for us to enter into The Anointing as we are clothed with Him! 2 Kings 2:12,13
  • To receive this spiriual gracing, God's people must come hungry, empty and weak (not by works but by faith) like jars of clay ready to overflow with the oil of the Spirit into the world. 2 Cor. 4:7; 2 Kings 4:1-7

During a very special time of ministry and impartation everyone received the F.I.R.E of God. Now we are called to walk in the anointing and to "part the waters" (2 Kings 2:14), i.e. release the faith that attracts the glory of God and brings Heaven on earth! Hallelujah!

We praise God for His faithfulness; for healing a man who came into the meeting with pain in his leg but left pain-free; for blessing us with His presence, power and love and for His awesome revelation to us! Thank you, Jesus!

Quote of the week:

"Then Jesus said to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so I send you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost." John 20:21,22 (emphasis mine)
