Monday 17 February 2014

Set apart for God and man

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Glory to God!

Yesterday's meeting was awesome! As we worshipped God "in the spleandour of his holiness" (Ps 29:2), God took over the meeting and began to minister His presence and power to us. Many were touched by God and experienced His manifest presence. Hallelujah!

God was confirming His Word as Richard Morschel spoke on The purpose of holiness and showed us the following:

  • God is holy and beyond compare. Isaiah 40:25
  • God's holiness is His otherness that is beyond creation. Isaiah 55:8,9
  • God's holiness is His perfection, wholeness and purity that is inaccessible to sinful man. Romans 3:23
  • Through faith in Christ, the believer is joined to God and therefore joined to God's holiness. 1 Corinthians 6:17
  • The Church was birthed in holiness as the believers were filled with the Holy Spirit and received the gift of holiness. Acts 2:38-47
  • Just as the instruments and articles of clothing in the temple were made holy through the sprinkling of blood and the anointing with oil, so the believer is made holy through the blood of Jesus and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Leviticus 8:30
  • God's people are therefore holy and set apart for the Master's use, having been changed from being "common" to being holy. Ezekiel 22:26; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1; 2 Timothy 2:21
  • The gift of holiness is for the believer's sake so that s/he can enjoy intimacy with God and fulfill His purposes for him or her. 1 Peter 2:9,10
  • God commands His holy people to live holy lives for His glory and for the benefit of others. 1 Peter 1:14-16; Ephesians 4:24; Hebrews 12:14; Romans 12:1,2
  • Those who live to become holy for their sake become self-righteous, critical and legalsitic. Matthew 23:5,6
  • Those who live holy lives because they are holy, live to please God and impart God's otherness to others. Colossians 1:10; 3:12-14
  • Holiness is not a process. Rather, it is the believer's choice to put on Christ. Colossians 3:1-14; 1 Peter 1:14-16
  • Jesus lived a holy life by revealing God's otherness in His dealings with man. John 8:1-11
  • Likewise the believer is called to reveal the otherness of God as s/he produces the fruit of holiness. Galatians 5:22
  • The purpose of holiness, therefore, is not so that the believer looks good before man for his or her sake, but to reveal and impart God's otherness for God's glory and for the benefit of others.
  • The purpose of holiness, as seen in the temple, is to bring man in touch with God. 
  • Likewise, the Church, as the temple of God's holiness, is called to bring man in touch with God for the Lord's glory and the benefit of man. 1 Corinthians 6:19,20; Ephesians 2:21,22; 5:8-10

The believer is chosen in Christ to live a holy life.

In response to God's Word, believers were invited to the front to be anointed with oil to establish and proclaim the truth of their holiness in Christ. Hallelujah!

 Upcoming events

14,15.03.  Recovering Lost Ground Conference with Richard Maybery

Monday 10 February 2014

KLF Church Day

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Glory to God!

KLF Church Day

On Saturday we had our KLF Church Day where we spent time together as a church family, looking at our vision and values; our organisational structure, introducing our various leaders who in turn shared who they are, what they are responsible for, what is on their hearts for their respective ministries and what their needs are. We also looked at our finances and what we are planning for 2014 and concluded our meeting with a Q&A session. It was a great time to be together and to hear what God is doing with us and where He wants to take us.

Our Vision

To be a people who live the Kingdom life wherever we are!

Our Values (B.R.I.D.E.)

Belong. FAITH (Alignment) - living from spiritual reality.
Relationship. LOVE (Purpose) - living to love God, His people and His salvation purposes.
Identity. In CHRIST (Union) - living from our new identity in Christ as children of God and the Body of Christ.
Devotion. WORSHIP (Service) - living to serve God with our lives as we live holy lives for Him and serve one another.
Expectation. HOPE (Kingdom) - living in the assurance of what is not seen but will be revealed and fulfilled.

6 Pillars for Health and Growth

Yesterday Frances Morschel spoke about 6 Pillars for Health & Growth as part of our series on Live C.H.U.R.C.H. Looking once again at Ephesians 4:15,16, we noted that unless we are aligned to Christ with every area of our lives, we will not be healthy and grow. Frances showed us 6 areas or pillars that the believer needs to be aware of that need to be healthy in order for the believer, and consequently the church, to grow. These pillars are like the teeth of a cogwheel that are needed for the whole machine to function effectively as each cog is aligned to one another and to Christ. The 6 pillars are:

  1. Spiritual - the believer must be filled with spiritual food to remain and grow spiritually healthy. Col 3:1-3; Eph 1:17-19 
  2. Mental - the believer is transformed by the renewing of his or her mind and must be aware of thoughts that are not aligned to God's truth and make them obedient to Christ. Rom 12:2; Phil 4:8; 2 Cor 10:4,5
  3. Emotional - the believer's default position is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Guilt, shame, unforgiveness, bitterness, anxiety, etc are toxic emotions that must be dealt with to return to one's default position in Christ. Rom 14:17; Phil 4:6,7
  4. Physical - the believer is to be a good steward of his or her body. We cannot expect to thrive in the other areas of our lives if we neglect caring for our physical condition. 1 Cor 10:23
  5. Relational - the believer's relationships reflect his or her relationship to God. Relationship is central to God's purpose for our lives since He is a relational Being! 1 Jn 4:19-21
  6. Material - the believer's relationship to material possessions must be healthy. God entrusts us with material things to be good stewards of them and for us to reveal His generous nature. Rather than being possessive and finding security in material things, God wants His children to be generous stewards of what He entrusts us with. 2 Cor 9:6-15

Understanding that each pillar affects the others helps the believer ensure that all 6 pillars are not neglected so that the believer, and consequently the church, can be healthy and grow in life.
Upcoming events

15.02.  Flag/Banner Seminar from 10:00 - 16:00 at Salzschlirferstr.15
08.03.  Knigge Seminar with Marion Klug from 10:00 - 16:00 at Großse Seestr.29
14,15.03.  Recovering Lost Ground Conference with Richard Maybery

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Francois Botes

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Glory to God!

Our Resonating Heaven Conference with Francois Botes was awesome! We truly had a weekend of hearing and experiencing the Father's heart. You can listen to Francois' teaching here.

On Sunday we continued to look at what it means to Live C.H.U.R.C.H:
  • To be a community that lives Christ-centred lives.
  • To be a community that lives holy lives.
  • To be a community that lives in unity.
  • To be a community that lives in relationship.
  • To be a community that co-labours.
  • To be a community that lives healthy lives.
 We then noted the following,
  • Jesus Christ is the head of His body, the Church. Ephesians 4:15,16
  • As a Christ-centred community, the church must submit to the authority, will and wisdom of Christ if she is to be like Him in this world. 1 John 2:6
  • Jesus must become the believer's new reality so that his or her life is viewed and experienced completely in Christ. Galatians 2:20
  • The apostle Paul lived with Christ as his reality. For him, to live was Christ so that Christ became his life. Likewise the believer must learn to live with Christ as his or her reality. Paul writes,
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20
“Christ, who is your life..” Colossians 3:4
“To live is Christ.” Philippians 1:21
“Christ is all and is in all.” Colossians 3:11
“And he died for all so that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” 2 Corinthians 5:15
“The found in Christ.” Colossians 2:17
“Christ in us, the hope of glory” Colossians 1:27
  • The believer is one with Christ. Consequently, the believer can view his or her past, present and future in Christ.
  • Christ is the Medium through which the believer exists and lives for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 8:6
  • God is omnipresent and therefore always present to us. Psalm 139:5-12
  • To live a Christ-centred life is to be present to God. James 4:8

As the Church lives in the reality of Christ and is present to Him, she lives a Christ-centred life.

In response to God's Word to us, we prayed the Truth together to be present to Jesus. You can read the prayer here. We praise God for revealing His truth to us and for helping us to live C.H.U.R.C.H.!

This Saturday we will have our Church Day together. It will be a fun time together as we hear what God is doing with KLF and where He is taking us. It will also be an opportunity to find out more about what takes place behind the scenes at KLF.

Upcoming events

08.02. Church Day from 15:00 - 18:00 at Salzschlirferstr.15
15.02.  Flag/Banner Seminar from 10:00 - 16:00 at Salzschlirferstr.15
08.03.  Knigge Seminar with Marion Klug from 10:00 - 16:00 at Großse Seestr.29
14,15.03.  Recovering Lost Ground Conference with Richard Maybery