Monday 31 December 2007

Rejoicing in present foundations!

Praise the Lord!

In this final week of 2007, the Lord has been speaking very clearly to us about His building a spiritual building, both individually and corporately. Looking at the various accounts of the building of the second temple recorded in Ezra, Haggai and Zecharia, the Lord showed us how the description of the construction of the temple is a shadow of the erecting of God's spiritual building (Eph. 2:21,22; 1 Cor. 6:19). The Lord revealed the following to us:

  1. God wants us to build His Temple for His pleasure and honour. Haggai 1:8
  2. The building of God's Temple must be our priority. Haggai 1:9
  3. We are called to build God's Temple despite the opinion or fear of man. Ezra 3:3
  4. We must rejoice in the laying of the foundation with praise and thanksgiving. Ezra 3:10,11
  5. We must not let the past distract us from present blessings. We must rejoice in what God is doing NOW! Ezra 3:12,13
  6. We must not despise small beginnings by focusing on unfulfilled desires. Zech. 4:10; Phil. 3:16

The Lord then showed us why we have every reason to rejoice in what God is doing with us NOW:

  1. The Lord rejoices in the work we've begun according to His will (God's PLUMB LINE). Zech. 4:10
  2. God empowers us by His Spirit to do the work. Zech. 4:6
  3. The Lord is preparing the way to establish us. Zech. 4:7
  4. When we enthrone Jesus, He will build His Church! Zech. 6:9-15
  5. The glory is greater! Haggai 2:7-9

As we enthrone Jesus as our Lord and submit to Him, God will change us personally and corporately as we keep in step with the Holy Spirit. God wants us to rejoice in, and work with what He is doing NOW and to exercise the faith and anointing He has given us NOW so that He can build us up for even greater works and greater glory. God will prepare the way for us to be established as His holy Temple - God's habitation for His presence, power, glory and love. God rejoices in us and He wants us to live as His people, His Church, His Temple so that He can continue to take pleasure in us and so that His Name is honoured. Hallelujah!


Yesterday evening we had our last soup kitchen for this year and we praise God for the many people who came and for the way they responded to His presence through His people, the worship, the love and the Word. We rejoice in the lives that were touched but especially in the salvation of Michael who gave his life to Jesus yesterday! Glory to God!

We praise God for what He has done with us this year; for raising up Kingdom Life; for digging deep foundations in us; for His revelation; for maturing us; for adding to our number; for His favour upon us; for opportunities to serve Him; for reviving us; for saving the lost; for setting people free; for healing the sick; for His presence, power and love; for His glory; for touching others through us; for new relationships; for TPL; for what He is doing NOW; for what He will do in 2008; for His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven and for so much more! Thank you Lord! All glory belongs to you!

Quote of the week:

"How unfortunate among the children of God that the deliverance many of them expect is a future deliverance; it may happen tomorrow or perhaps next year. Yet what God greatly wants His children to see is a deliverance already accomplished - one which needs no waiting for fulfillment. In the minds of many saints their victory is a thing of tomorrow. The answer to their hope, expectation or prayer lies in the future. But if we have revelation we shall see God's accomplished fact. Revelation unveils to us what the Lord has already done, not what He is going to do." Watchman Nee (emphasis mine)


Monday 24 December 2007

Good News!

Glory to God in the highest!

Yesterday we had a special time reflecting on God's Gift to mankind. We were reminded that there is a huge difference between a gift and a reward and that in Christ, the Lord freely offers to save us from the kingdom of darkness so that:

  1. we can live in the Kingdom of God (Col. 1:13,14)
  2. we can be free from the power of sin (Rom.6:7)
  3. we can be free from sickness - spiritual, emotional and physical (Luke 4:18)
  4. we can be free from the power of Satan (Luke 4:18)
  5. we can be free from the influence of the world (1 John 5:4,5)
  6. we can stand in God's grace and favour (Rom. 5:2; Luke 4:19)

Glory to God for his indescribable gift to us! (2 Cor. 9:15)

The Lord also reminded us that,

to be saved is to abide in Jesus, submitting daily to His Lordship as our King.

Yesterday evening we had the joyful and very moving privilege of being part of a Christmas dinner that was organised for the needy. A hotel provided a three course meal and service and over 100 needy people had more than enough to eat. Four churches joined together to make the evening a very special time indeed as we united in purpose and spirit to reach the spiritually and physically poor! Everyone received a filled and wrapped shoe box with all sorts of necessities and goodies as well as a gift from the hotel that provided the meal. The hotel also assured us of their commitment to provide next year's Christmas dinner and we are certain that it will need an even larger venue to cater for all those who will come. The Lord's love, peace and favour were upon us and it was wonderful to see many of our regular people there who attend KLF's soup kitchen and to see how pleased they were to see our familiar faces. I praise God for the relationships that are being formed - the Lord is building His Church!

Quote of the week:

"God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life." 1 John 5:11,12


Monday 17 December 2007



The Lord is continuing to speak to us about being united in spirit and purpose as He joins us together to become a dwelling in which He lives by His Spirit and Glory! Yesterday the Lord showed us from Psalm 133 that when the church is united in spirit:

  1. It is good and pleasant
  2. God anoints His people as a holy priesthood
  3. God refreshes and renews His people
  4. God blesses His people
  5. God gives life

The Lord also spoke to us about what anointing means and how oil was used in the Old Testament to consecrate objects and people for God's purposes (Leviticus 8:10-12) and how this oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit (1John 2:20,27).

The anointing is the Divine enabling of the spirit, soul and body

The Lord showed us that:

  1. the anointing enables the spirit to be sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit in and around one.
  2. the anointing enables the mind to know God's thoughts (spiritual understanding, knowledge and wisdom)
  3. the anointing enables the heart to share God's heart
  4. the anointing enables the will to be conformed to God's will
  5. the anointing empowers the body

The following are some guidelines the Lord gave us to discern whether we are anointed for a particular task:

  1. You will develop a passion for it. God enables the heart.
  2. You will be motivated to do it. God enables the will.
  3. You will be given creative ideas and insight. God enables the mind.
  4. You will develop a sensitivity to the work of the Holy Spirit in and around you. God enables the spirit.
  5. You will find it easy and be refreshed as you do it. God enables the body.
  6. You will produce fruit that will last.
  7. The church will confirm the anointing as the anointing is always in the context of the Body and never for oneself or independent!

We praise God for the anointing that is poured out when we live in spiritual unity!

Exciting news is that the Lord is releasing anointed workers to build our children's ministry so that soon we will be able to run regular meetings for the kids.

This Sunday we will be helping out with a Christmas dinner for the needy that should prove to be a great blessing for these dear people as they will be receiving filled shoe boxes as gifts as well as a 3 course meal provided by a local hotel!

We are looking forward to an awesome 2008 because the Lord has spoken to us and told us that it will be a year in which Kingdom Life will be established. Hallelujah!

Quote of the week:

"To the spiritual person the supernatural seems natural." Jackie Pullinger


Monday 10 December 2007

Zeal for God's House consumes us!

Glory to God!

This past week has been another exciting week as we sense the Lord preparing us for a greater revelation of His glory. Hallelujah!

Yesterday the Lord spoke to us about preparing the Temple for His glory as we looked at Ephesians 2:19-22; John 2:13-22 and Mark 11:17. From these Scriptures, we learned that:

  1. The spiritual Temple of God is both the individual believer as well as the church, the Body of Christ. 1 Cor. 3:16; Eph. 2:21,22
  2. God wants to clear out the church of all wordliness, self and evil. John 2:15,16
  3. God does not want the world in the church. John 2:14
  4. God is radical about holiness in His Temple. John 215,16
  5. Zeal for God's House must consume us. John 2:17
  6. God wants His people to be a people of prayer. Mark 11:17; Rom. 12:11,12

God's desire is to fill the Church with His manifest presence, power and love so that
His glory is revealed to the world through His people!

As we learned about what God's glory is, we looked at 2 Chronicles 5:7-14 and 2 Chronicles 7:1-3 where the Lord showed us that,

  1. God's presence is in the Most Holy Place/ the spirit of the believer. 5:7
  2. We, as a kingdom of priests, must consecrate ourselves. 5:11; Rev. 1:6; 1 Pet.2:9
  3. The church must join together in unity of spirit. 5:13
  4. The church must worship God. 5:12,13
  5. God will fill His Temple/ the church/ the soul and the body as well as the spirit. 5:13,14
  6. God's glory will be upon the church so that nations will bow down before Him. 7:1-3

We praise God for this exciting revelation and we expect the Lord to reveal more and more of His glory to us as we consecrate ourselves and seek His face! Hallelujah!

Yesterday evening we had a wonderful time blessing the needy and homeless as we worshipped together and fed them spiritual and physical food. Relationships and trust are steadily growing so that many more people are responding to God's love as they receive prayer and compassion. It is so moving to see our children and teens help at our soup kitchen and to see the love and care they demonstrate as they serve our needy people. Yesterday we had a team of 14 people that enabled great efficiency as everyone in the room was cared for and could sit peacefully as they were all served. We praise God for this opportunity to demonstrate His glory through word and action.

We are greatly looking forward to the Christmas dinner for the homeless and needy on the 23 December. We are preparing filled shoeboxes to give to the people and we are thrilled that a hotel chain has agreed to provide a 3 course meal and presents as well! Glory to God! What's also exciting is that 4 churches will be participating. God is indeed bringing His people together to glorify His Name!

We have finally managed to put the podcast and notes of our prophecy seminar on our website so please check that out under "teaching."

The Lord is blessing us and His favour is clearly upon us. He is deepening our walk in the River; He is adding to our number; He is healing people in our meetings and He is releasing and anointing workers among us to build up His people. Thank you Jesus!

Quote of the week:

"It is this spirit of dominion when restored to the Church of Christ that will bring again the glory triumph to the Church of God throughout the world, and lift her into the place, where, instead of being the obedient servant of the world, the flesh and the devil, she will become the divine instrument of salvation in healing the sick, in the casting out of devils, and in the carrying out of the whole programme of Jesus' ministry, as the early Church did." John G. Lake


Monday 3 December 2007

Building a spiritual House for God's Glory!

Glory to the King of Kings!

God is speaking to us about building spiritual walls and that as living stones (1 Peter 2:5) He is calling us to build walls of salvation (Isaiah 26:1) as a church that will influence and protect our lives and the lives of those around us. God is challenging us to understand the cost involved to be "Repairer(s) of Broken Walls" (Isaiah 58:12) as we seek to stand in the gap for the Church and this city. Consequently as KLF fasts for 21 days this month we will be interceding for the Church and the city of Frankfurt and praying for the glory of the Lord to be revealed in and through His Body and in Frankfurt (Ezekiel 43:1-12). The Lord is calling us to consecrate ourselves (1 John 2:15-17) so that He can glorify His Name through His people.

Yesterday the Lord showed us how the glory can depart and we saw from 1 Samuel 3; 4:12-22 that:

  1. We must never assume that God's glory will automatically be with us and become over familiar with His presence. We must guard and honour the Lord's glory at all times!
  2. Just as Eli's eyes grew dim we are not to allow our spiritual eyes to become dim by relying on past revelation rather than on fresh revelation.
  3. Eli was heavy and immovable but God wants His people to be ready and moving with Him all the time. The Church is never to be settled and comfortable but continuously on the move with God.
  4. Eli didn't raise up the next generation in the fear of the Lord so that his sons sinned against the Lord and were not trained in the ways of the Lord. Likewise Samuel wasn't taught how to recognise the voice of the Lord!

If we, as the spiritual House of God want to see God's glory, we must humble ourselves and seek the Lord's face. We are being called to vulnerability before God so that He will clothe us with His glory (Gen. 3:8). Hallelujah!
We believe that God is taking us to a new level in our relationship with Him and that our 21 day fast is the doorway to new and even more exciting things in 2008! Glory to God!
We praise God for 3 opportunities this month to feed the poor. On the 9th and the 30th we will have our regular soup kitchen and on the 23rd we are joining other churches to provide the poor with a Christmas dinner and celebration. For this purpose we and TPLF are making up 200 filled shoe boxes with lots of goodies in them to give to the needy.
Quote of the week:

"May the glory of the Lord be praised in His dwelling place!" Ezekiel 3:12

Sunday 18 November 2007

Flowing in love!

Praise the Lord!

The Lord is deepening our spiritual understanding of what it means to be a spiritual Body that is united in spirit and purpose. Today the Lord showed us how we must be rooted and established in Christ's love; a love that surpasses knowledge (i.e. spiritual revelation). We also saw the following:
  1. To grow together in the Spirit we must begin with the cross.
  2. The flesh/ self must be put to death if we are to be reconciled to God and to one another. Eph. 2:11-18
  3. The cross reveals God's love. John 3:16; 1 John 3:16
  4. If we are to be filled to overflow with God's presence and power we need a spiritual revelation of God's love. Eph. 3:16-19
  5. If we don't grasp how much we are loved, we will not love. Luke 7:36-50
  6. God is love and if we are filled with God, we will love. 1 John 4:7-12
  7. Love is denying self for the benefit of another. 1 John 3:16
  8. God wants us to love as Christ loves us. We must therefore:
  • Renew the attitude of our minds and have the same attitude as Jesus. Eph. 4:23; Phil. 2:1-11
  • Pay attention to the words we speak. Eph. 4:29-5:2
  • Love with action because our behaviour demonstrates what we believe. 1 John 3:16-18

As we learn to love by yielding to the will of God and live accordingly, we will be rooted and established in love and be filled to overflow with the Holy Spirit! Glory to God!

KLF will be doing a corporate fast for 21 days in the month of December. Our host, Treffpunkt Leben, will also be fasting so both churches will be fasting together. Today the Lord spoke to us through Isaiah 58 and Matthew 6:16-18 about the kind of fast He desires and how we should go about fasting as a church. He showed us that fasting is denying self to do God's will!

We praise God that He is adding to our number and that He is truly raising KLF to be a spiritual Body. We are encouraged to see some homeless and needy people who can speak English also attending our meetings and that they feel accepted and loved as they join us in worship.

Quote of the week:

"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." 1 John 3:16


Monday 12 November 2007

United in the River!

Praise be to God!

In these past 6 months the Lord has been speaking to us individually about how we can enter, stand and walk in the River of Revival. God’s fresh revelation to us has encouraged us to enter in by faith, realize the truth of God’s Word, yield to the Holy Spirit and see what a life looks like that has denied self and has yielded completely to the Holy Spirit.

Yesterday we sensed God begin a new phase in the life of Kingdom Life. The Lord is teaching us what it means to be a spiritual Body. Looking at Ephesians the Lord showed us the following:

  1. Jesus has been appointed to be the Head of the Church (1:22)
  2. Jesus has been given all authority and power over every other power and has been appointed as Head of the Church for the benefit of the Church! (1:20-23)
  3. We are being built together to become a spiritual building (2:21,22)
  4. The Lord appoints leaders to train and equip the Body so that the church reaches full maturity (4:11-16)
  5. When the Church is one in spirit and purpose, she will reveal the manifold wisdom of God to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realm (3:10.11)

In view of these truths, the Lord helped us to see what a spiritual Body isn’t and what it is. He showed us that there are 3 types of Bodies:

1. Physical-Body

A group of people that may look like a church but are really only connected by the fact that they are in the same place at the same time.

2. Soulish-Body

A group of people that are connected through the soul (mind, heart and will).

Everyone gets along as long as there is agreement in selfish mind-sets; selfish needs are met and selfish desires can be executed.

Superficial unity operates until there is an obstacle: disagreement of mind-set; selfish needs aren’t met and selfish desires are not given room to operate.

Once this soulish unity is challenged, the spirit of offense begins to poison the believers so that they must either repent and submit to God’s will, or they leave the local Body to find another soulish Body where they can fit in, or they cause division in the local Body as they poison others, or they remain passive and resort to operating like those in a Physical-Body.

3. Spiritual-Body

A gathering of people who lay down their lives for one another. These people recognize that the only thing that stops one from being one in spirit is self since there is only one Spirit and He doesn’t bring division or disagreement! So they lay down self in submission to one another so that they are one in spirit and purpose.

The Spiritual-Body recognizes that in order for the Body to reach full maturity, God appoints leaders to whom the Body must submit so that the people are equipped and order is in the house as the leader is led by the Holy Spirit to orchestrate the various anointings in the Body and “each part does its work.”

We praise God for what He is showing us and challenging us with.

God is faithful and we were greatly encouraged by reports of His faithfulness in healing people and for His provision. All glory to Him and may we continue to risk for His glory to manifest His presence, power and love wherever we go!

Yesterday evening we joined Treffpunkt Leben to feed the homeless and needy. God is stirring things up with these people and yesterday a Polish-German man gave his life to the Lord and will begin attending either TPL or Kingdom Life. Hallelujah!

Next month we will be providing food for the needy on 3 Sundays: 9, 23 and 30 December. For the Christmas dinner on the 23rd both TPL and KLF will be collecting approx. 200 shoe boxes and filling them with good things for the needy.

I praise God for the way He is truly fulfilling the vision He has given KLF to raise up a people after His own heart, marked by His presence, power and love who reach the lost by risking for His glory!

Quote of the week:

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit.” Ephesians 4:2-4


Monday 5 November 2007

Immersed in the River!

Praise the Lord!

We give God all the glory for what He is doing in the lives of the people of Kingdom Life! Yesterday we met in the Evangelisch-Freikirchliche Gemeinde Frankfurt-Nordwest to have a New Life Celebration. Five people were baptised and 3 people recommitted their lives to Jesus. Hallelujah! As the building of Treffpunkt Leben, where we usually meet, doesn't have a baptismal pool, TPL also meets in the EFG Frankfurt-Nordwest to baptise their people. After the baptisms and recommitments we prayed for the 8 people to be filled with the Holy Spirit and the Lord spoke to each person through prophetic words given to various people in the body. It was a very special time indeed!

After the meeting we gathered together at a local restaurant to celebrate KLF's 6 month "birthday" and to simply enjoy one another. What made the evening particularly significant was that everyone was invited to a meal but that everyone gave according to what they were able to. We therefore collected what everyone liked to contribute so that everyone could be blessed. Our desire is to cultivate a spirit of generosity in our people who share with one another according to what God has blessed them with. If we are generous in the church, we will be generous as the church in the world!

"Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.....All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had." Acts 2:45; 4:32

God's favour is upon us! He is opening up His Word to us in a most wonderful way through spiritual revelation (1 Cor. 2:10, Eph. 1:17). Yesterday the Lord showed us some amazing truth concerning the believer's walk in the Spirit. Looking at Luke 3 & 4 we saw the following:
  1. God loves, and is well pleased with those who have surrendered their lives to Him because He sees us as He sees His own Son, Jesus. Luke 3:21,22
  2. Through Jesus the believer becomes the righteousness of God, dearly loved by the Father. 2 Cor. 5:21; 1 John 3:1
  3. Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the desert where He was tempted by the devil. Luke 4:1,2
  4. The Father's will was for Jesus to be absolutely obedient to Him, in order for Jesus to reveal the Father.
  5. Satan tempted Jesus to serve self (the desires of the body and the soul - mind, emotions and will) so that Jesus would do His own will rather than the Father's will. Luke 4:3,6,7,9
  6. The 40 days are significant as they represent the spiritual walk of the believer. Luke 4:2
  7. The 40 days of the flood represent the destruction of the old to release the new and signify the release of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life. Gen. 7:11
  8. Both 40 day accounts speak of the same thing:

    as the believer denies self (Luke 4:1-12) and yields to the Holy Spirit,
    streams of Living Water will flow from within the believer (John 7:38,39) and without as the "springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens" are opened (Gen. 7:11) so that the believer walks in the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:14)!

Glory to God! Our prayer is that we, as Kingdom Life, will increasingly learn to deny self and yield to the Holy Spirit so that streams of Living Water will flow out of us to release God's presence, power and love! Lord have your way.

Quote of the week:

"We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may have new life." Romans 6:4 (emphasis mine)


Monday 29 October 2007

Releasing the River!

Glory to God!

This past week has been amazing! God is speaking very clearly to us in our meetings (Tuesday's men's meeting at McPrayer; Tuesday's prayer meeting and the women's meeting on Wednesdays)! The Holy Spirit is teaching us how we are to keep in step with Him and last Friday KLF's youth had an awesome time moving with the Holy Spirit's agenda. We found ourselves spending most of the time worshipping and declaring God's truth over our lives and then being led to prophesy over one another as the Lord spoke to each one of the Impactors individually about the desires of their hearts. It was a very powerful time as the Holy Spirit ministered to these young adults and words were given to them that encouraged and edified them (1 Cor. 14:3).

Yesterday's meeting was another profound encounter with our Lord. During the worship, the Lord impressed upon us that He wanted us to take communion by receiving the bread and wine kneeling before Him as a response to His Lordship over our lives. People therefore came to the front and knelt before the King of Kings as they received the bread and the wine. It was very powerful.

The Lord then spoke to us about how His heart's desire is for a people who will reveal His nature so that all men would be drawn to Him. We saw that the Church has been deceived into believing that the Christian life is all about the self being trained to become more like Jesus. God showed us and reminded us that the believer is the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:21) and that He has called us to reveal His nature. This has been His intention from the moment man was created in God's likeness (Gen.1:26)! The Christian life, therefore, is about denying self and yielding to the Holy Spirit so that His nature is revealed through us.

In conjunction with this, the Lord is teaching us what it really means to stand in grace (Romans 5:1) and how we must reckon ourselves dead to the power of sin (Romans 6:2), free from the penalty of sin (Romans 5:18) and free from the law (Romans 7:4) but alive to God. Hallelujah!

We praise God for what He is doing in us and through us. One of our teens testified to his school about God's healing miracle in his life with the result that the school used the testimony as part of a larger "collage" of testimonies to relate the students' "stories that should never be forgotten!" Our people are building relationships with the homeless on the streets and risking more and more for His glory with words of knowledge for complete strangers and seeing God touch their lives.

We are very excited about next Sunday as we will be celebrating new lives in Christ as we baptise 6 people, including one of our "homeless" friends. God is stirring people to commit their lives to Him and live only for Him. We will be meeting in the Evangelisch-Freikirchliche Gemeinde Frankfurt-Nordwest in the Frankfurt suburb of Eschersheim. Glory to God!

Quote of the week:

"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:20,21 (emphasis mine)

Monday 22 October 2007

Standing in the River!

Thank you Jesus - Lord of Life!

We praise God for the wonderful things He is doing in and through us! A particular highlight last week was our seminar for teens and adults on prophecy which was run parallel to a workshop for children on how to hear the voice of God. The church spent Saturday together meeting with God and learning from Him. There was a wonderful anointing on our meetings and everyone was greatly encouraged and equipped to hear God's voice and move in the prophetic. We are planning further seminars and workshops to equip KLF to excel in spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 14:12).

Our people are continuing to use opportunities to speak to people on the streets and provide them with food and minister to them. Gradually we are beginning to identify familiar faces and a level of trust is developing which will allow us to speak into the lives of the needy to help them. Spending time with these homeless people is opening our eyes to their very practical needs but particularly to their need for hope and love. We are praying for a premises to meet the needs of these people so that we can direct them to a place where they will find love and care as well as physical and spiritual food.

This week I am meeting with Tobias Von Stosch of Treffpunkt Leben who coordinates the Sunday soup kitchen for the various churches that participate. He and I will be praying and discussing how the Lord wants us to develop this ministry to the poor. We are thrilled to have a hall booked for the 23 December to provide a Christmas meal for the needy and we are excited about how God is stirring our people up to touch the broken and lost in the world!

Yesterday's meeting was very powerful! During the worship the Lord began to sweep across us in waves as He began to reveal His holiness to us. It was breathtaking! Our Lord is so gracious and He is leading us deeper and deeper into His presence every time we meet. God is continuing to speak to us about the River of Revival and yesterday He was showing us how we can stand in the River. Looking at Romans 5 and 6 we saw how, through Jesus we have been set free from the penalty of sin (5:8) and the power of sin (6:11). Hallelujah! The Holy Spirit showed us that the grace in which we now stand (5:2) is nothing other than the River of Life - we are standing in the river of grace! It is in this river of grace that we walk in the Spirit. Glory to God!

Quote of the week:

"God wants to show you that there is a place where we can live in the Spirit and not be subject to the flesh. We can live in the Spirit until sin has no dominion over us. We reign in life and see the covering of God over us in the Spirit. Sin reigned unto death, but Christ reigned over sin and death, and so we reign with Him in life." Smith Wigglesworth

Monday 15 October 2007

Stepping into the River!

Praise God!

The Lord is speaking very clearly to us about laying hold of what He has done for us and has made available to His children. Following on from the word God gave us the previous Sunday concerning the breaker anointing, there was a definite sense at our prayer meeting on Tuesday that the Lord wants us to take hold of His provision and bring heaven on earth!

We are very excited about what God is doing with our youth. He is releasing His creativity in them and they are beginning to discover the anointing in each of them to do abundantly more than they could possibly imagine. The Lord is teaching these young adults to truly be impactors as they submit to the Holy Spirit's leading in all situations of life to influence rather than be influenced. God is equipping them with spiritual revelation and faith to become the change agents the Lord is calling this generation to be! Hallelujah!

Yesterday's meeting was awesome. God is speaking to us about the River of Revival and He is showing us how to step in. Looking at Ezekiel 47, we saw that the river of life flows from the sanctuary in the Temple into the world to bring life wherever it flows. Likewise the Holy Spirit wants to flow from the sanctuary of the believer's spirit through the soul and body to touch the world with life (1 Cor.3:16; John 7:37-39). We are learning that the Holy Spirit wants to transform our souls (mind, will and emotions) to be conformed to His mind, His will and His heart and that sanctification is the process by which we increasingly lay down self (the soul and body) in order to submit to the work of the Holy Spirit. The description of Ezekiel being led deeper and deeper into the water is a graphic demonstration of the believer's spiritual growth as he submits himself increasingly to the Spirit so that eventually he is completely immersed in the flow of the Spirit to bring life to the world. Glory to God! We praise God that we can enter His rest by faith (Heb. 4:3) and depend on Him to save us, to sanctify us and to empower us to serve.

Last night we teamed up with the guys from Treffpunkt Leben to feed the poor with physical and spiritual food. It is becoming increasingly clear that we need to find another location in order to cater for the amount of people that are coming. It's also on our hearts to disciple those who come to Christ so we're looking for a facility that will provide us with the space to meet these needs.

We praise God for His favour upon us. He is growing us spiritually and numerically and we are already seeing the fruit of what God is doing in us. Our people are speaking to, and praying with, people on the streets, in restaurants, in the workplace, at school and everywhere else the Lord prompts us. People are risking for His glory and are excited about seeing the River of Revival flow in them and through them to bring life to the lost, the sick and the oppressed. Glory to God!

Quote of the week:

"Our rest lies in looking to the Lord, not to ourselves. In the degree that we look off unto Him to that degree are we delivered from self. We rest on the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, not on our own shifting experience. True spiritual life depends not on probing our feelings and thoughts from dawn to dusk but on 'looking off' to the Saviour!" Watchman Nee

Tuesday 9 October 2007

Covenant anointing!

Glory to God!

This past week was very exciting! Apart from a number of us having the opportunity to attend a conference with Bill Johnson and Kathryn Scott we were very pleased to have Jonathon Dyke and Wes Sternberg visit us from Kingdom Faith (Horsham, England) to encourage us and to get a taste of what God is doing with Kingdom Life. We have always had a kindred spirit and the team's visit established our covenant relationship with Kingdom Faith Church and our desire to see God's Kingdom manifested in our nations. The KF team met with various groups from KLF and certainly blessed us and encouraged us with powerful teaching and prophecy. We praise God for the covenant relationship we have with Kingdom Faith and the anointing that binds us together.

Sunday's meeting was very dynamic as the Lord spoke to us through Jonathon about God's favour upon the believer and how we can truly always rejoice as we walk by faith, believing in God's will for our lives.

The Lord also spoke to us about the breaker anointing from Luke 16:16 as well as Micah 2:13 where the Lord says,
"One who breaks open the way will go up before them;
they will break through the gate and go out.
Their king will pass through before them,
the Lord at their head."
We praise God for the breakthroughs we are having both in our circumstances and in the spiritual realm! Hallelujah!

Quote of the week:

"Jesus Christ is perfect theology!" Bill Johnson

Tuesday 2 October 2007

Realising the Kingdom


What another awesome week with God! His favour is upon us!

The Lord is speaking to us in all our meetings about who we are in Christ and how to apply His Word to our lives. He is teaching us to proclaim His truth in spiritual warfare and also over our lives so that we live according to the Spirit and not according to the natural (Romans 8:5).

What is particularly exciting is how the Holy Spirit is quickening His Word in us and blessing our people with spiritual revelation, understanding, knowledge and wisdom (Ephesians 1:17). The Lord is revealing truth to us that we are beginning to understand by His Spirit so that we know Him better and are able to apply His Word in His power! Out of this wonderful move of God, our people are writing songs, poetry and are growing in boldness of faith! Here is a precious sample of one verse from a poem written by one of our youth:

There's going to be a strange kind of Light,
in my bedroom at night.
Stay silent my fear,
He is near,
bringing Heaven down
A lady was gloriously saved last week as she approached a couple of our people on the street as they sought opportunities to risk for God's glory. She was asking for money but she received the riches of Heaven in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!
Yesterday's meeting was exciting once again. The Lord is continuing to release gifts to His children and yesterday He was releasing prophetic song and wonderful revelation by His Spirit. God's Word to us yesterday was that,
God wants us to REALISE His presence and power both WITHIN and WITHOUT!
The Lord wants us to lay hold of and apprehend clearly what He has accomplished for us in Christ Jesus. He wants us to receive spiritual truth by faith and walk in it. It's becoming increasingly clear to us that realising spiritual truth will not come about through our natural minds but only by faith. It is by faith that we understand (Hebrews 11:3)! The Lord is teaching us that just as the Word became flesh, so we must realise or "make real" by faith God's Word which the Holy Spirit quickens in us by revelation. He is showing us that the truth of His presence, love and power is beyond our natural understanding (Ephesians 3:17-20) and can only be apprehended by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit! Glory to God!
Yesterday evening KLF had the privilege of feeding the poor and homeless and providing clothing. Once again the people left blessed and filled (both spiritually and physically) and God's peace rested upon the whole meeting. We are planning a Christmas dinner for the homeless that will be scheduled for the 24th December. This will be a joint venture with Treffpunkt Leben and we are praying for a suitable location to feed 100 - 200 people.
We give God all the the glory for what He is doing in and through Kingdom Life! Thank you Lord!
Quote of the week:
"You will never reach ideal purposes in any way unless you become the living epistle of the Word by the power of the Holy Spirit. You become the living force of the revelation of God, the incarnation of the personality of His presence in the human soul. Then you know that you are His children." Smith Wigglesworth

Monday 24 September 2007

Making it Happen!

Praise be to God!

What an exciting journey we're having with our glorious King! This past week's meetings have been amazing! In particular IMPACT! had an awesome time on Friday evening as we continued to learn the difference between the natural man, the spiritual man and the wordly or fleshly man. We spent time proclaiming God's truth over our lives and each others' lives - a very powerful exercise indeed! Looking at Ephesians 5:15-20 we also learned the following:

  1. Living wisely is living a life according to the will of God and not our own will - heavenly wisdom vs earthly wisdom (5:15-17)
  2. We need to keep on being filled with the Holy Spirit by not giving into the flesh's desires (drunkenness) but keeping our minds fixed on God with psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, and music in our hearts as well as giving thanks to God. All these will keep us God-conscious and flowing in the Holy Spirit rather than self-conscious and led by the natural man that quenches the Holy Spirit! (5:18-20)

This is awesome truth that our young adults are already grasping! Hallelujah! These youngsters are learning to move with the Holy Spirit and are also using their gifts in music to produce their own worship songs with their band called THE UPSTREAM! Soon we'll have a sample of their songs on our website!

We are preparing a seminar/workshop on PROPHECY as well as a workshop for children on HEARING THE VOICE OF GOD that will take place on the 20 October. There is such an anointing already on the preparation that we know it's going to be a wonderful and Spirit-filled day! We will soon have more details about this on the upcoming events section of the web.

We are excited about the upcoming conference with Bill Johnson to be held in Speyer as well as meeting with Jonathon Dyke and Wes Sternberg from Kingdom Faith (Horsham, England) over the weekend of the 5-7 October. Kingdom Life is a covenant member of Kingdom Faith.

Yesterday's church meeting was truly dynamic once again! The worship is literally out of this world! We are experiencing God's presence and power as we join with the heavenly realm in singing songs of deliverance (Psalm 32:7) and worshipping the Lord in spirit and truth. There's an overwhelming sense that our worship is penetrating the kingdom of darkness and bringing forth sounds of heaven over the city of Frankfurt! The manifestation of the power of praise is evidenced in physical healings taking place during our meetings! Hallelujah!

God's word to us yesterday concerned entering His rest (Hebrews 3,4) and we learned the following:

  1. We need to make every effort to enter God's rest (4:11)
  2. Entering God's rest means ceasing to work and knowing that the work has been accomplished (4:10)
  3. God's rest applies to salvation (not trying to earn one's salvation through works - Rom. 5:1,2), sanctification (not trying to live a pure life through the natural man - an attempt that will continue to fail - Romans 7, but resting in the fact that the Holy Spirit is renewing us - 2 Cor. 4:16), and service (not trying to do the works of Jesus in our own strength but working with the Holy Spirit - Col. 1:29; Gal. 3:5).
  4. We must enter God's rest by faith (3:19; 4:2,3)
  5. We must choose to believe today! (3:7, 15; 4:7)
The Lord also gave us a very encouraging and powerful prophetic word. He showed us that we as His people, filled with Him as the habitation of God, are carriers of HOLY FIRE and that Kingdom Life, by the the Holy Spirit, will not only "fan into flame" others that accompany us on this amazing journey but we will also equip the saints to bring revival wherever they have come from! The Lord showed us that we are not only a match stick but also a match box so that God will use us to not only impart fire but also impart the means for people to ignite revival fire! Hallelujah! The Lord is showing us how to make it happen!

Making it happen means entering God's rest by faith and releasing salvation, sanctification and service by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Quote of the week:

"Who dares to believe God? Who dares to claim his rights? What are your rights? 'Now we are children of God.' This is a position of absolute rest, a position of faith. It is a place of perfect trust and perfect habitation where there are no disturbances. You experience peace like a river. Look at the face of God. Hallelujah!" Smith Wigglesworth

Monday 17 September 2007


Praise God!

This past week has been another week of fresh revelation and impartation. Hallelujah! On Tuesday morning at McPrayer, the Lord spoke to us about how important it is to Him that we recognise and declare that He alone is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Revelation 4:11 says,

"You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being." (emphasis mine)
The Lord showed us how this throws a lot of light on man's sinful desire to explain creation through natural means (evolution) and satan's desire to detract from the glory that only belongs to God, as Lord and Creator!
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened." Romans 1:20,21
Tuesday's prayer meeting was very powerful once again and the women had a great meeting at Starbucks on Wednesday as well.
On Friday evening Impact! met for an exciting time exploring the difference between the spirit, soul and body as well as the difference between "the natural person", the "spiritual person" and the "fleshly person."
Yesterday's meeting was awesome once again! The Lord is encouraging us to understand and grasp that this is the "year of jubilee" and that it is time for us as His people to reclaim that which has been stolen from us!
Our times of worship in song are "deepening" every week as the Lord is leading us into spontaneous new songs by His Spirit. I praise God for the anointing upon our musicians and how is leading us deeper and deeper into the spiritual realm through our worship!
The Lord is speaking to us about faith and yesterday we saw in the letter to the Hebrews that:
Faith is sure and certain. (11:1)
Without faith we cannot please God. (11:6)
We must believe that God exists. (11:6)
We must believe that He rewards. (11:6)
The Lord is also showing us the difference between natural "faith" that is based on experience and spiritual faith that is based on who God is and what God says. Further we saw that Jesus demonstrated perfect faith. Looking at John 11 we saw how Jesus would explore the will of the Father (11:4), exclaim the will of the Father (11:4,11,23), execute the will of the Father (11:39, 43) and expect the Father to act (11:41,42).
As we begin to exercise true spiritual faith we will see God's glory (John 11:40)!
Quote of the week:
"Faith takes us beyond our understanding into the supernatural realities of God's truth!" Colin Urquhart

Monday 10 September 2007

At the Source!

Glory to God!

The Lord is speaking to us about the River of Revival and He is showing us how to step into it! Beginning at the Source, the very presence of God, the Lord is revealing to us how we are to enter in and worship Him. Continuing our study in John 4, the Lord is teaching us that:
  1. We can worship anywhere at anytime (vs 21)
  2. We must worship what we know - not what we only know about (vs 22)
  3. We can only worship in spirit if we are saved and have received the Holy Spirit (vs 22)
  4. We must worship in spirit - songs that minister to the soul are not worship (vs 23)
  5. We must worship in spirit because God is spirit (vs 24; Phil.3:3)
  6. We must worship in truth - sincerely and God's way according to His Word (vs 24)
  7. We must understand that God is seeking true worshippers (vs 23)

We also looked at the difference between the spirit, the soul (mind, will and emotions) and the body (1 Thess. 5:23) and we saw that it is the Word of God that helps us to distinguish what is of us (the soul) and what is of the Spirit (Heb. 4:12) so that we learn to walk in the Spirit and worship in the Spirit.

"The Christian life is all about the soul being sanctified by the Spirit so that we reveal the Father's heart, the mind of Christ and the will of the Holy Spirit!"

We are also greatly encouraged by the amazing truth that through faith in Jesus, the veil has been removed so that we have access by the Spirit to behold and reflect the glory of God! (2 Cor. 3:16-18)

The Lord is continuously confirming what He is saying to KLF through other people. This past week a number of pastors and leaders from different churches and organisations met for prayer in an old water tower that overlooks Frankfurt. The Lord was speaking through different people about how it's time for the water to flow and how it is not to be only stored up for personal use. He is speaking to the churches about getting into the world and sharing the Living Water!

Yesterday evening we joined Treffpunkt Leben in providing spiritual and physical food for the poor and homeless. God is bringing more and more people but we need more space! We estimate that there must have been over 80 people present that we had to feed in shifts so that everyone could get a seat and be satisfied. We're praying for a larger location where people can come and find rest and have the opportunity to share their life stories and burdens with us so that we can minister God's presence, His power and His love to them.

Quote of the week:

"But thinking is not enough. Men are made to worship also, to bow down and adore in the presence of the mystery inexpressible. Man’s mind is not the top pea, of his nature. Higher than his mind is his spirit, that something within him which can engage the supernatural, which under the breath of the Spirit can come alive and enter into conscious communion with heaven, can receive the divine nature and hear and feel and see the eneffable wonder that is God…." A.W. Tozer


Monday 3 September 2007

Touching the Throne and touching the world

Glory to God!

This past week has been a week of touching the world and touching the throne of God! Hallelujah! A few of our people went onto the streets of inner city Frankfurt to "Risk for His Glory!" They simply made themselves available to be used of God to touch the lost. By offering prayer for the sick (both rich and poor!), and providing food and items of urgent need (like nappies for a 3 month old baby!) for the homeless, Kingdom Life is touching the world with God's presence, power and love - we are touching the kingdom of this world with the Kingdom of God!

Here is a short testimony:

"On Tuesday of this week Stephanie and Maureen, led by the Holy Spirit approached and spoke to several men and women with various obvious physical needs. Wheelchairs, amputations and walking sticks etc. All but a couple were happy to be prayed for when offered. They shared brief and pleasant times in conversation with them about their personal circumstances and how Jesus can and wants to answer all their needs. On Wednesday at NWZ (shopping mall) again they were led to pray with a lady in a wheelchair. There was ground claimed for Christ and much prayer and praise of God released into the streets of Frankfurt ...and in Starbuck's at NWZ!"

Yesterday's meeting was amazing! The Lord is teaching us about worship and the kind of worshippers He seeks. Looking at John 4, we saw that:

1. We can worship anywhere (vs 21)
2. We worship what we know and not just what we know about (vs 22)
3. We must worship in spirit and in truth (vs 23)
4. God is spirit and so we must worship by the Spirit (vs 24; 1 Cor. 3:9-14)

We also saw that man is made up of spirit, soul and body (1 Thess.5:23; Heb. 4:12) and that to worship in spirit we need to learn to distinguish between what is soul and what is spirit.

After some exciting testimonies and teaching, we spent the remainder of our meeting, worshipping the Lord. God is truly anointing our people to be led by His Spirit so that new songs are being written and spontaneous new songs are being sung during our worship. It's simply awesome!

We praise God for His favour upon us and for teaching us to move with Him. If revival is the breathing of life into the Body then it's happening! God is breathing and releasing His Spirit in us so that we experience spiritual life to touch the world. Freely we have received, freely we must give (Matt. 10:8).

Quote of the week:

"The book of Acts was written only because the apostles acted." Smith Wigglesworth

Tuesday 28 August 2007


Glory to God!

This past week has been very interesting and exciting! The men met at McDonalds for our weekly McPrayer and one of our guys came overflowing with revelation concerning the spiritual significance of the temple as described in Hebrews 9. We were greatly encouraged by the insight God was giving us through him. During our prayer time one of us began to prophesy over another guy, who was consequently greatly encouraged.

"But everyone who prophecies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort." 1 Cor. 14:3

Our prayer meeting last Tuesday was awesome. Even though we couldn't go into the room where we would normally pray, the Lord blessed our time together as we met in front of the building and prayed and worshipped! We believe it's God's call for us to begin moving out into the streets more and more.

The ladies met on Wednesday for their weekly meeting at Starbucks and Impact met again for their weekly meeting. They had a great time and are being taught to prophesy and to exercise this powerful gift on one another, to equip them to be used wherever the Lord wants to speak into the lives of those they encounter at school or in the street etc. (1 Cor. 14:24,25)!

Over the weekend we were blessed with meeting Munday, Jennifer and Samuel Martin for the first time. The Lord had prompted Munday to contact us from the United States and so we got together as they spent the weekend in Frankfurt on their way back to the U.S. on their return trip from Israel and invited them to visit our meeting on Sunday. The Lord encouraged KLF with a powerful prophecy that was given to Munday for us as well as through the message/teaching Munday brought, confirming God's will for us to be on the streets, using the gifts of the Holy Spirit to reveal God's heart to the people. We concluded the meeting with Munday ministering to us with prophetic words and prayer and we were delighted to have one of our members sing in the Spirit over us as the Lord touched the lives of our people in a very special way. Munday is clearly anointed to do prophetic evangelism and we are planning a week together later on this year to team up with Jennifer and him to reach people on the streets of Frankfurt with God's love and power. You can check their website and ministry here:

This past week has clearly been a week of prophecy and the Lord releasing our people in this powerful gift that builds up the church and convicts the unbeliever as God speaks through His people to reveal His heart to those whom He longs to encourage and touch. Many of us are being released in this gift and so we are planning some training sessions on the prophetic to teach, train, equip and release our people to encourage one another and to reach the lost with the gift of prophecy. We praise God for blessing us so richly with the gifts of the Spirit and the people to equip us!

The Lord is fulfilling the vision that has been given to Kingdom Life to raise up a people after His own heart who reach the lost and make disciples with the presence, power and love of God as they risk for His glory! Thank you Lord for your faithfulness!

Quote of the week:

"It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists,
and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service.." Ephesians 4:11, emphasis mine


Monday 20 August 2007

Entering in!

Thank you Lord!

This past week IMPACT! met together for an exciting time exploring God's Word and meeting with Him. We are working through Neil Anderson's Freedom in Christ Discipleship Course and last Friday we looked at session 5, dealing with the choices we make. The chapter covered the important teaching on the differences between the natural person, the spiritual person and the fleshly or wordly person as Paul describes in 1 Cor. 2. We learned that "although we still have urges that tend to pull us away from relying completely on God and following the promptings of His Spirit, we no longer have to give in to them but are free to choose."

Yesterday's meeting was yet another dynamic time with the Lord. He is beginning to free us even more in worship to flow with the Holy Spirit. He is giving us a greater sensitivity to His anointing and yesterday the Lord gave us a new song with which to worship Him. Prophetic songs and new songs are being given to our people and we are excited to increasingly learn how to move with the Holy Spirit and release His anointing in our times together with each other and with Him.

The Lord is speaking to us about the River of Revival and yesterday we looked at how God wants us to enter into His presence at the source. Studying Hebrews 10:19-24, the Lord showed us that we must enter His presence by the new and living way which is:

  1. With confidence
  2. By the blood of Jesus
  3. By the body of Jesus
  4. Through our great Priest
  5. With sincerity of heart
  6. With full assurance of faith
  7. With a cleansed heart and body
  8. With unswerving hope
  9. By God's faithful promise

We praise God that we can meet with Him in the Most Holy Place at the source of the River of Revival!

We are waiting for the recognition of KLF as a charity by the tax authorities after which we can then proceed with the application for a licence and for formal recognition as a charity organisation by the city. This may take 4 -6 weeks.

With the vision the Lord has given us we are well aware of the fact that we will need to move to a larger facility soon. We praise God for His provision and look forward to what He has in store for us. Thank you Lord that you withhold nothing from those whose walk is blameless! (Psalm 84:11)

Quote of the week:

"We are called to an everlasting preoccupation with God." A.W.Tozer


Monday 13 August 2007

River of Revival

Praise the Lord!

Yesterday's meeting was awesome! God is steadily adding to our number and He is speaking to us about the River of Revival. He is showing us that the Source of the River of Revival flows from His presence; that the River of Revival is the Holy Spirit and that the Destination of the River is the world.

Looking at Revelation 22:1-5 and Ezekiel 47:1-12, we were given a spiritual picture with which the Lord revealed a spiritual principle (Hebrews 9:1-8) to us concerning how He desires His spiritual people (John 7:37-39; 1 Cor. 6:19) to live to bring revival.

We are excited because people's lives are being visibly changed as they experience and encounter the Lord of Life as we meet together and pray for one another. People are experiencing newness of life both spiritually and physically (just last Friday a sister was healed completely from severe leg pain!) As we spend time at the Source, pressing in further in our worship of God and as we seek to understand, know and experience the River, we know that the Destination will be affected for His glory!

God is on the move and it is time for the whole Church to jump into the River so that we do things His way and not ours! Then, we will see immeasurably more than all we can possibly ask or imagine, according to HIS POWER that is at work in us! (Ephesians 3:20, emphasis mine)

Quote of the week:

"We are changing from being a spiritually dry, consuming Church that relies on the ministry of others to find their destiny, to becoming a living, breathing army of people who are productive and anointed." Graham Cooke

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Kingdom Faith

From 28th July - 4th August many of us attended Faith Camp, an exciting week of Spirit-filled worship, preaching, teaching and camping with approx. 5000 other crazy campers! This year's theme was THE OVERCOMING KINGDOM and the Lord spoke to us about Christ being over us, in us and through us as we overcome the kingdom of darkness and further God's Kingdom. The messages all echoed what the Lord is speaking to Kingdom Life about and we were even more encouraged when at the leader's meeting, the leaders of Kingdom Faith Church spoke to us about being what we call the church as a force (see article by Jerry Cook on our website)! So for us it was not only an awesome time of meeting with God but also a wonderful time of confirmation for us as a people of God seeking to further His Kingdom. Our people were greatly blessed and there have been testimonies of salvation, healing, release in spiritual gifts, renewal, visions, and powerful prophecies for Kingdom Life. Thank you Lord!

Kingdom Life has entered into a covenant relationship with Kingdom Faith as we jointly seek to further God's Kingdom. We are very excited to be part of God's powerful work in and through Kingdom Faith and we look forward to seeing how God will use us together to impact the nations for His glory!

God is clearly on the move and seeking a people who will obey Him, in dependence upon the Holy Spirit, to further His Kingdom and to glorify His name! There is a call for the Church to wake up from her religious, comfortable slumber and to rise up in her true identity, authority and power in Jesus!

"Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you!" Ephesians 5:14

Monday 23 July 2007

Receiving the Kingdom!

Hallelujah! Your Kingdom come, your will be done!

Our time with the Lord at our prayer meeting last Tuesday was very powerful indeed! The Lord is giving us a greater glimpse of the spiritual realm and He is revealing His Kingdom to us. This shouldn't really surprise us as "we have come to mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God" and "we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken!" (Hebrews 12:22,28).

Yesterday the Lord spoke to us through Hebrews 12:14-29 and revealed that:

  1. We must live holy lives!
  2. We must be careful not to "fail from grace" but to “have grace” and walk in what we have received!
  3. We must not despise God’s favour, grace, blessing and rights as firstborn children of God as Esau did! (Genesis 25:34)
  4. We have come to, and entered into, God's Kingdom! (Col. 1:13)
  5. We are receiving His Kingdom!
  6. We must invest in that which cannot be shaken! We are to live for the Kingdom and to reveal the Kingdom!
  7. We are to worship the Lord with reverence and awe for He is a consuming fire!

We praise God for revealing more and more of Himself and His Kingdom to us!

The next two Sundays we will not be meeting as the majority of us will be at Faith Camp in Peterborough, England (an exciting Christian camp organised by Kingdom Faith in Horsham, England!)

Quote of the week:

"The Kingdom of God is both a present reality and a future hope!"


Sunday 15 July 2007

All For His Glory!

To God be all the glory!

Our Tuesday prayer meeting was very powerful again. The sense of God's presence and His holiness was overwhelming. We praise God for the power of prayer and for the things He is showing us! Thank you Lord!

Impact! (KLF's youth) met again on Saturday and we looked at the different world views that exist from animism to post-modernism. We had a great discussion on the world's view of tolerance and how it relates to the Biblical world-view which reveals absolute truth.

Today's church meeting was glorious! The Lord is speaking to us about how we must live for His glory and how unbelief and disobedience veil His glory. Jesus lived to reveal the Father's glory through His words and works and God is calling His Church to do the same! Looking at Ezekiel 36:22-28, we saw that God will reveal His holiness and glory through His people to glorify His Name!

The Lord revealed to us that we are to live godly lives, not primarily to please Him but to unveil His glory in us so that He is glorified. Our motivation for holiness must always be for His glory.

I praise God for revelation given to us by the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:17) and our prayer is that He will glorify His Name as we risk for His glory!

Quote of the week:

"We are not ambassadors to please the King. We are ambassadors to REVEAL the King!"

Monday 9 July 2007

Moving in Grace & Glory!

Glory to God!
This past week has been very eventful and exciting! On Tuesday the founding members of KLF met to set up KLF as a charity organisation. We now need to wait until we are registered as a charity organistation to be recognised as an "e.V." (registered charity).
On Saturday IMPACT! got together again and we had a great time looking at session 3 entitled, "Choosing to believe the truth" of Neil T. Anderson's excellent discipleship course called "The freedom in Christ discipleship course." Our young people are growing in their faith and are excited about doing God's work to further His Kingdom and making an impact in this world!
Yesterday we had another wonderful time with the Lord. He is continuing to speak to us through Psalm 84 about the kind of people He wants us to be. Yesterday the Lord spoke to us about how a people who know His provision and protection will live for His glory to be revealed in them and through them. In particular we were encouraged to imitate the apostle Paul's perspective in 2 Corinthians 3:6-5:10 where we see that:
  1. Paul saw his life in the context of eternity.
  2. Paul was heavenly minded.
  3. Paul lived to glorify God.
  4. Paul lived from glory to glory.
  5. Paul knew God's provision and protection.
  6. Paul understood spiritual warfare.
  7. Paul looked forward to glory.

We praise God for His grace and glory (Psalm 84:11) and that He has given us everything we need to grow in godliness (2 Peter 1:3) and are transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory! (2 Cor. 3:18)

Yesterday we also had another opportunity to feed the poor and homeless both spiritually and physically. The Lord made sure we had enough food to feed over 85 people so that everyone left satisfied and blessed. Our prayer is that the people we touch with Christ's love will not only meet with Him but that we will know how to help these precious souls to be discipled long-term in their various languages (the group we minister to includes Bulgarians, Hungarians, Romanians and others). We praise God for this precious opportunity to share His love with others!

Quote of the week:

"What is all God‘s effort with the world but to bring out the real man in the image of Christ, that real man with the knowledge of God. And when you stop to reason that to its proper conclusion, that is the only way that Jesus Christ Himself or God the eternal Father will have fellowship with man forever.

When one stops to analyze that fact, we see that God is trying to make us in all our nature and being and habits and thought, in all structure of our life, just as beautiful and just as real and just as clear-minded and just as strong as Jesus Himself.

Then we understand what Christ‘s redemption means. It is the bringing out of Christ in you, until Christ in you is the One manifest – manifest through your eyes just as God was manifest through the eyes of Jesus; manifest through your touch just as God was manifest through Jesus. It is not a power nor a life seperate from yourself but two lives made one, two natures co-joined, two minds operating as one. Christ in you." John G. Lake (emphasis mine)


Monday 2 July 2007

Fellowship with the Holy Spirit!

Thank you Holy Spirit!

Yesterday the Lord spoke to us about being a people of prayer and our need to pray for our natural and spiritual leaders. In particular He spoke to us about how He wants us to be:
  • A people who fellowship with the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 13:14)
  • A people who honour the Holy Spirit and value the anointing (Eph. 4:30; 1 Jn 2:20,27)
  • A people who pray the will of God as revealed by the Spirit of God (1 Jn 5:14,15; 1 Cor.212-14; Jn 16:13-16)
  • A people who pray for their spiritual and natural leaders (Heb. 13:7,17,18; 1 Tim. 2:1,2; Rom. 13:1-7; Titus 1:3)
  • A people who pray Heaven on earth (Mt. 6:9)

As a response to God's Word to us, I encouraged people to come forward to demonstrate their faith in the truth of God's Word that as children of God we are anointed (1 John 2:20,27) and to demonstrate a desire to fellowship with, and to honour and value the Holy Spirit.

As people stood in front and were anointed with oil, the Holy Spirit began to minister to His people in a most beautiful way. It was evident that people were being touched deeply but what was most wonderful to see, was the Lord touch our children (one 10-year old boy in particular was touched in a very powerful way as the Holy Spirit ministered to him).

Words cannot describe His precious presence. Thank you Holy Spirit!

Quote of the day:

"The Holy Spirit comes on foot but leaves on horseback!"
