Monday 29 September 2008

Sowing Spiritual Seed

Glory to God!

Last week the leaders of KLF attended a 3 day leaders conference at Kingdom Faith in Horsham, England. We are blessed to be in covenant relationship with Kingdom Faith and are excited about how God is saying the same things to us as He is saying to them! It is a privilege to be part of KF's apostolic anointing and to be a part of the work that the Lord is doing in them and through them. The leaders conference was a great opportunity to build new relationships as well as strengthen existent ones. The meetings were very powerful as we met with God in worship and through His Word to us. We are on an exciting journey with God and it's wonderful to walk together with KF and be one in spirit and purpose. Hallelujah!

As part of equipping our people to walk in the fullness of God's purposes for their lives, we are thrilled that two of our people will be attending Kingdom Faith's Faith College where they will encounter God in a dynamic and powerful way and be trained to know Him and make Him known!

Yesterday's meeting was awesome! The presence of God was evident the moment we began to "enter in" and the Holy Spirit led us deeper and deeper into the glory and holiness of God. We praise God for His favour upon us and the anointing that is on our worship. Glory to Him!

KLF supports a ministry in India called Hermon Living Water Ministries that is doing a mighty work in India planting new churches, raising up spiritual leaders, building and supporting orphanages and schools and reaching the lost with the Gospel. Yesterday we were privileged to be visited by members of the leaderhip team of HLWM and to have the opportunity to further establish our relationship with them and pray with them. Hallelujah.

The Lord is speaking to us about honouring Him and yesterday He showed the following:

  1. When we overflow with the grace that God has lavished upon us - the gift of Himself to us, we not only reveal Him and thereby honour Him (because we reveal in the natural what we believe we have received in the spiritual), but we sow spiritual seed.
  2. Every person sows seed with their lives that will either be of the flesh, the devil or spiritual seed. Gal. 6:7,8
  3. We reap what we sow. 2 Cor. 9:6-15
  4. When we sow spiritual seed we will receive an abundant harvest of righteousness. 2 Cor. 9:10
  5. When we sow spiritual seed we will receive God's abundance and newness. Prov. 3:9,10
  6. When we sow spiritual seed we live under an open heaven and release heaven on earth. Mal. 3:10-12
  7. When we sow spiritual seed into others, we release the Kingdom of God into their lives that will produce everlasting fruit!
  8. To sow spiritual seed we must die to self and overflow with the Life that the Father has sown into our lives. John 12:23-25

The Lord is saying this to His Body:

My children, because you are enthusiastic (possessed by God) and generous (of noble birth), take initiative and sow spiritual seed willingly, eagerly, sacrificially, suddenly, excellently, and despite the circumstances and receive the blessing that will flow into your life and into the lives of others, thereby honouring Me.

We praise God for His hand upon us and we give Him all the glory for what He is doing in us and through us! Hallelujah!

Quote of the week:

"I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life." John 12:24,25


Sunday 21 September 2008

Honouring God with a Spirit of Generosity

Thanks be to God for the riches of His grace that he has lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding!

This week has been another awesome time with God. He is truly anointing our meetings together whether on the streets of Frankfurt or our midweek meetings. The Lord is moving the Church inside out and yesterday we joined several hundred people to march through Frankfurt and proclaim the name of Jesus. We were privileged to be able to have our worship team kick off the march as they filled the inner city of Frankfurt with songs of proclamation and worship. Hallelujah! Click here for more details..

The Lord is revealing His glory to the world through His Body, the Church!

The Lord is continuing to show us what it means to honour Him and today we looked at 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 and the Lord showed us the following:

The Macedonian churches demonstrated a spirit of generosity by,

  1. Living out of the grace they had received. 8:1; Eph. 1:6-8
  2. Living according to the riches of God's spiritual blessings rather than their circumstances. 8:2
  3. Overflowing with joy and welling up in rich generosity because of God's favour and their identity in Christ (generous means "of noble birth"). 8:2
  4. Living sacrificially by going the extra mile. 8:3
  5. Taking initiative and not waiting for instructions. 8:3
  6. Being desperate to serve. 8:4
  7. By doing the unexpected. 8:5
  8. By completing the task. 8:6,11
  9. By excelling. 8:7
  10. By fixing their eyes on Jesus as their example of ultimate generosity. 8:9; Phil. 2:5-11

We honour God when our lives overflow with the riches of God's grace!

This coming week the KLF leaders will be attending the Kingdom Faith Leadership Conference in Horsham, England.

We are also excited about the upcoming EQUIP seminar on the 11 October when David Rowe will be teaching KLF and guests to encounter God in true worship.

Quote of the week:

"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich." 2 Cor. 8:9


Monday 15 September 2008

Honouring God with the Grace of Giving

Glory to God!

More and more people are attending our midweek meetings and being abundantly blessed! Our Tuesday prayer meeting was very powerful; the women are exploring FAITH on Thursdays; the men were encouraged at Men's Prayer Breakfast and IMPACT! went to a concert together on Friday and had a great time with their new youth leader, Alexander Blair.

Yesterday's meeting was very special and a lot of fun. The Lord is speaking to us about honouring Him and yesterday we looked at how we honour God with our finances. This is what He showed us:

  1. Many Christians live according to the Law or even the absence of the Law - they are legalistically motivated by what is and what is not permitted instead of living according to the Father's heart. John 5:39,40
  2. A legalistic and religious mind-set seeks to live according to what is and what isn't said in the Bible instead of finding out why it is said.
  3. People who treat God legalistically live according to the Letter rather than the Spirit or the heart of God. 2 Cor. 3.6
  4. Christians who ask the question, "Do I need to tithe and how much should I tithe?" reveal a legalistic approach to God! Their giving is motivated by what is and what isn't required in the Bible.
  5. The correct question to ask is, "How can I honour God with what He has given me and how do I reveal the heart of God with my giving?" This question reveals a giver who is motivated by the heart of God rather than the law or the absence of the law!

We honour God with the grace of giving as we reveal in the natural what we believe we have received in the spiritual. Rom. 15:27

  • The Lord then showed us that to live by the Spirit or the heart of God is to be enthusiastic (possessed by God) and to take initiative. 2 Cor. 8:3,4,16,17; 9:1,2

After God's Word to us, we collected money from young to old to bless one another with and to reveal the heart of the Father. There was much rejoicing as people received a blessing and as we celebrated God's abundant generosity towards us. Hallelujah. Our desire as God's people is to be a people after His own heart who know the heart of the Father and who make His heart known with a spirit of generosity!

In the evening we had the privilege of serving the needy as we blessed them with physical and spiritual food, love, worship in song and a spirit of generosity. Glory to God!

We are looking forward to this Saturday as people from all over Germany and other nations will gather together in Frankfurt for the Jesus March. Our worship team will be involved and we're excited to be part of an event that will lift the name of Jesus and exalt Him!

Quote of the week:

"But just as you excel in everything - in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us - see that you also excel in this grace of giving." 2 Cor. 8:7


Monday 8 September 2008

Honouring God with overflowing grace!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Hallelujah!

Last week was very exciting as we began meeting at the IBTC for our weekly prayer meeting and women's meeting. The Lord is establishing KLF and we now have meetings for everyone to know God and to be equipped to make Him known!

On Saturday a group of us met from different churches in Frankfurt to distribute a Gospel Brochure to every household in the suburb of Frankfurt-Hausen. In the next weeks we will return to the households and seek to speak to the people about what they have received. This project called Mission2Go was successfully used of the Lord in London where thousands of people were reached with the good news. The vision is to reach every home in Frankfurt with the Gospel!

Yesterday's meeting was awesome as God blessed us with His presence and a greater revelation of Himself through the worship and the word. The Lord is speaking to us about honouring Him and yesterday He showed us what it means to be a minister of the Spirit and how to honour Him by overflowing with His grace. Looking at 2 Cor. 3:1-18, the Lord revealed the following to us:

  • The Old Covenant is about following instructions to be like God.
  • The New Covenant is about being filled with God to reveal Him.
  • We have received the fullness of God in Christ to be ministers of His Spirit and not ministers of "instructions." (3:6)
  • We are adopted children of God who are filled with Him to reveal His glory! (3:18)
  • We are to be a revelation of the Living Word! (3:18)

The Lord then showed us that,

  • We honour God when we believe we have received and deny self to live for Him. Rom. 12:1
  • Ministers of the Spirit overflow with the gift of God. 2 Cor. 9:11-15
  • We can only overflow if we are filled with the revelation of what we have received in Christ from God! 2 Cor. 1:3-5; Eph.5:18

"By the grace of God I am what I am" 1 Cor. 15:10

We praise God for revealing Himself to us so that we can reveal Him as we deny self and overflow with Him.

Quote of the week (King David had a revelation of God's righteousness, faithfulness, salvation, love and truth and was determined not to veil Him but to reveal Him):

"I desire to do your will O my God; your law is within my heart. I proclaim righteousness in the great assembly; I do not seal my lips, as you know, O Lord. I do not hide your righteousness in my heart; I speak of your faithfulness and salvation. I do not conceal your love and your truth from the great assembly." Psalm 40:8-10 (emphasis mine)


Monday 1 September 2008

The Spirit of Faith

Glory to God!

The Lord is continuing to speak to us about living according to what we have received! On Friday, at the men's prayer breakfast, God spoke to the men about walking in their inheritance and yesterday He spoke to KLF about honouring Him by agreeing with what we have received. After an awesome time of worship led by the Holy Spirit, the Lord showed us the following:

  1. We honour God when we reflect in the natural what we believe we have received in the spiritual.
  2. We have received mercy, grace and favour. Therefore we must deny self and live our lives in agreement with what we have received to honour God. Rom.12:1
  3. The words we use reflect what we believe. Luke 6:45
  4. When we agree with God's will and what He has given us, we exercise the spirit of faith. 2 Cor. 4:13-15
  5. We are to be "living agreements"; the "Amen" of what God has spoken and done in Christ Jesus. 2 Cor. 1:20
  6. We are to speak the very words of God. 1 Peter 4:11
  7. Jesus spoke the will of the Father into being and healed the sick, raised the dead, stilled the storm and resisted the devil! Power was released as Jesus agreed with the already revealed will of the Father! John 5:19
  8. Speaking God's will is not a formula - it's not about the words we use. It's about revealing the heart of God as we speak in agreement with His will.
  9. Thanking God is the fruit of the spirit of faith as the believer thanks God for what he has received! Col. 3:15-17
  10. The spirit of faith is also exercised through prophecy.
  11. Prophecy is the revelation of God's heart.
  12. A prophetic people reveal the heart of God in word and deed. 1 Cor. 14:31

We then paired up and prophesied over one another as we simply agreed with the Father and spoke God's truth over one another. People were greatly encouraged and edified (1 Cor. 14:3)! God is showing us that we must begin with what we know in order to enter into the unknown. Hallelujah!

We praise God that we now have a room in which to have regular mid-week meetings in. We will therefore have our church prayer meeting on Tuesdays at the IBTC (International Bible Training Centre) at 8pm as well as our new meeting for women that will start at the same venue on Thursdays at 7.30pm!

We are also very excited about the special meetings we are arranging to help people know God and make Him known. These equipping seminars and workshops are called EQUIP and will take place as the Lord leads. Our next EQUIP meeting is on the 11th October and will be led by David Rowe who will teach God's people to encounter God. From the 5th to the 9th of November, Richard Maybery will be visiting Frankfurt and we are also planning another EQUIP meeting, that will be led by Alexander Blair, on Prophetic Evangelism.

We praise God that He is fulfilling His Word to us to establish us this year. We are growing spiritually and numerically and we're excited to be on this awesome journey with Him! Hallelujah!

Quote of the week:

"It is written, 'I believed, therefore I have spoken.' With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak.." 2 Cor. 4:13
