Tuesday 28 April 2015


 Image courtesy of Simon Howden at FreeDigitalPhotos.Net

Glory to God!

On Sunday we literally entered His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise (Psalm 100:3) as we broke up into small prayer groups to share with one another what God is doing in our lives and to spend time thanking God for His faithfulness. After another powerful time of worship, Richard shared a message on being an Intentional Church which you can listen to here. This is what he showed us:

Our identity in Christ determines 
God's will for our lives.

  • In the world, people determine their identity by what they do or by their behaviour.
  • In the Kingdom, people determine their identity by how God has created them in Christ. Eph 2:10
  • In the world, what one does determines who one is whereas in the Kingdom, who one is in Christ determines what one does.
  • As God's workmanship, created in Christ to do good works, the believer receives a new identity as a citizen of God's Kingdom, a member of God's family and the dwelling place of God as His temple. Eph 2:10, 19, 21
  • Since the believer's identity in Christ determines God's will for his or her life, the believer needs to realise the truth of his or her identity in Christ and be intentional about making the faith adjustment.
  • Life in the Spirit is intentional (literally, stretches toward), leaving the natural, comfortable state and stretching toward living out the reality of one's new life in Christ.
  • As Kingdom citizens, the faith adjustment to God's authority will be obedience that requires an intentional life of submission.
  • As God's family, the faith adjustment to being made one with God's family will be love that requires an intentional investment in relationships.
  • As the temple of God, the faith adjustment to having God's presence dwelling within will be holiness that requires an intentional walk in purity and separateness. 2 Cor 6:16-7:1; Psalm 51:6
God calls us to be intentional about living out our new identity in Christ to do the good works He has prepared for us to do!

We praise God for His revelation to us and for our new lives in Christ as God's masterpieces!

Upcoming Events

14,21,28.04 @ 19:30 - Prayer Ministry Training @ Leipziger Str.60
05.05 - KLF Church Prayer Meeting @ Leipziger Str. 60
12,19,26.05 @ 19:30 - Introduction to Biblical Counseling @ Leipziger Str.60
17-19.07 - Hearing from Heaven with Francois Botes and Alexander Blair


Monday 20 April 2015

The Purpose of the Cross

Glory to God!

Yesterday we spent some time at the beginning of our meeting praying Psalm 36:7-9 with and over one another, feasting on the abundance of God's house and drinking from His river of delights. We then worshipped together as the Lord ministered to us, filling us afresh with His unfailing love and embracing us as we found refuge under the shadow of His wings.

Richard then spoke to us about what Jesus fulfilled through His death and resurrection, showing us that God's purpose was to reconcile man to be part of the Kingdom over which He rules, to be part of the family of God which He loves and to be the temple He desires to dwell in. You can listen to the message here. Looking at Isaiah 53:4-6; Ephesians 1:22,23 and 2:19-22, we noted the following:

The sin of man that deserves the punishment that Jesus took upon Himself is man's disobedience (disregard for God's authority), self-centredness (separation from one another) and independence (living apart from God's presence). Isaiah 43:4-6
Jesus went to the cross to restore God's authority over man, to restore man to one another and to restore God's presence with and in His people. Therefore God placed Jesus above all things to be the Head (authority) over His Body (union) and to fill the Church with His presence (fulllness). Eph. 1:22,23
Consequently, those who are in Christ, are a people under God's authority, are members of one household and are the dwelling place or habitation of God. Eph. 2:19-22
The enemy tries to distort authority, fatherhood and God's supernatural presence so that man won't value true godly authority, true godly fatherhood and God's real presence!
Jesus purchased man for God so that the Church would be governed by God's authority, would live in the unity Jesus bought with His blood and honour the presence of God within her. Rev. 5:9,10

We praise God for His revelation to us and for the glory of the Church, fulfilled through Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!

Upcoming Events

14,21,28.04 @ 19:30 - Prayer Ministry Training @ Leipziger Str.60
05.05 - KLF Church Prayer Meeting @ Leipziger Str. 60
12,19,26.05 @ 19:30 - Introduction to Biblical Counseling @ Leipziger Str.60
17-19.07 - Hearing from Heaven with Francois Botes and Alexander Blair

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Bengt Wedemalm

It was a great joy and encouragement to have Bengt Wedemalm with us on Sunday. We had a powerful time of worship and Bengt's message challenged and encouraged us as the Church to stand up against the spirit of this world since greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4). You can listen to Bengt's powerful message here.

Upcoming Events

14,21,28.04 @ 19:30 - Prayer Ministry Training @ Leipziger Str.60
12,19,26.05 @ 19:30 - Introduction to Biblical Counseling @ Leipziger Str.60

17-19.07 - Francois Botes

Monday 6 April 2015

Standing in the Truth

Glory to God!

The Lord is calling the Church to stand in the truth and to be "The conscience of the state" (Neil T. Anderson). In his very powerful and prophetic message two Sundays ago, Alexander shared what he believed to be God's message for the Church at our present time. It is a black and white call for the Church to stand up and take her place corporately as the people of God. Looking at the account of Elijah in 1 Kings 17, Alexander showed us how this prophet of God understood the times and heaven's perspective and how he applied the authority of God to influence the nation (James 5:17,18; Matthew 16:13-19). Similarly, Alexander helped us understand where we have come from historically, what is happening at present in this nation and how God is calling the church to respond. You can listen to the message, The Battle for the Gates, here. A more detailed outline of the sermon is attached here.

This long weekend we celebrated Christ's death and resurrection as we met on Good Friday at our KLF offices where we enjoyed a time of fellowship, reflected on the cross, worshipped, prayed and shared communion together. Richard shared a message on the spirit of Jesus that caused Him to be obedient to death, even death on the cross (Phil 2:8). Using the acronym C.R.O.S.S., we noted the following:

- the spirit of Jesus continuously persevered until the end. Heb 12:2,3
- the spirit of Jesus was determined to fulfill the purpose for which He was called. Luke 9:51
- the spirit of Jesus overcame the spirit of this world and conquered sin and death. John 16:33
- the spirit of Jesus faced suffering full of hope. Heb 12:2,3
- the spirit of Jesus lay down His life as a servant of all. 1 John 4:7-11

Likewise the believer, who has received the spirit of Jesus and is governed by His spirit will also continuously persevere, be resolute, overcome, face suffering full of hope and live a sacrifical life of love for others (see Phil 3:7-14; Eph 5:1,2; James 1:1-4; 1 John 5:4,5).

On Sunday we celebrated Christ's victory over sin and death as we rejoiced in worship and reflected on the significance of Christ's resurrection. Richard spoke to us about how important it is for the Church to communicate the true Gospel as it was shared by the New Testament witnesses and not to change the Gospel to make it more attractive or popular to try and draw people to Jesus. Richard shared what he called chocolate-coated gospels that contain some truth but do not relate the full message of the Gospel:

  • The Don't-worry-be-happy gospel. This message promises a problem-free life if you invite Jesus into your heart.
  • The Insurance-policy gospel. This message promises an entrance into heaven if you accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.
  • The Glory-now gospel. This message promises heaven on earth in its fullness if you give your life to Jesus.
  • The true Gospel is about Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27
  • At the heart of the Gospel is the resurrection of Jesus that is proof of life beyond the grave.      1 Cor 15:12-14, 32
  • At the heart of the Gospel is the truth that only Christ lived a righteous life and only He defeated sin and death. Christ is therefore the believer's Righteousness as He dwells in us and gives us the assurance of eternal life. 1 Cor 1:30
  • At the heart of the Gospel is the hope of glory - the assurance of a life beyond the grave that will dwell in the fullness of God's presence and goodness for eternity! Rom 8:22-26; 1 Cor 15:42-44
  • It is this hope of future glory that the believer rejoices in and lives a life of faith and love until Jesus comes again! 1 Peter 3-9
You can listen to Richard's message, "The Chocolate-coated Gospel" here.

Upcoming Events

07.04 @ 19:30 - KLF Prayer Meeting @ Leipziger Str. 60
12.04 - Bengt Wedemalm @ KLF Sunday Service
14,21,28.04 @ 19:30 - Prayer Ministry Training @ Leipziger Str.60
12,19,26.05 @ 19:30 - Introduction to Biblical Counseling @ Leipziger Str.60