Monday 19 February 2018

The Jerusalem Puzzle

Glory to God!

The Church is the foreshadowing of the new Jerusalem! 

In his message entitled, "The Jerusalem Puzzle", Richard gave us God's big picture for mankind, showing us how the puzzle pieces of Scripture all fit together to reveal what God has planned for His people for eternity. Looking at Revelation 21, we took note that the City of God, the new Jerusalem, is in fact the Bride of Christ, the Church and that it has always been God's intention to dwell in and among His people (see Rev 21:2,9&10).
Jesus came not only to reconcile Man to God, but to reveal perfect humanity as God intended from the beginning - Man living in perfect union with God as the Lord's dwelling place. In Christ, believers become the temple of God, both individually and corporately so that the Church becomes a prophetic sign of what God will do when Jesus comes again (see 1 Cor 6:19,20; 3:16,17; Eph 2:15-22). Having been reconciled to God and one another through Jesus, we have peace with God and one another.
Richard showed us that as the City of Peace, the new Jerusalem, we are called to "make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace," so that the manifestation of God's presence in us and with us will distinguish us from the world (see Ex 33:15,16; Ps 133; Eph 4:3). The urgency with which the apostle Paul writes to the church in Corinth, concerning not destroying God's temple by their divisive behaviour, reflects how he lived from an eternal perspective - the revelation of the new Jerusalem, the Church as the dwelling place of God (see 1 Cor 1:10; 3:16,17; 6:1-11).
Richard showed us that true revival is the manifestation of God's presence and power in and through the Church that convicts the sinner, humbles the saints and affects culture and society. For the Church to live in revival to see the lost saved, the sick healed, the oppressed set free and society affected, she must honour God's presence as she makes every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Hallelujah!

Upcoming Events

23.02 - Men's Prayer Breakfast at Leipziger Str.60 at 7:00
28.02 - Prayer meeting at L60 at 19:30
25.03 - Healing Service at KLF at 15:00
18 - 21.05 Deep calls to deep Conference with Steve Porter
22 - 24.06 Journey with the Holy Spirit with Edgar Mayer

Monday 12 February 2018

Crossing Over

Photo by Brandon Wong on Unsplash

Glory to God!

These past 2 weeks the Lord has been speaking to us about preparing, transitioning and crossing over into the fullness of what God has prepared for us. In his message entitled, "Preparing for your Mount Carmel," Alexander spoke to us about how God prepared Elijah for his destiny. Looking at the account in 1 Kings 17 and 18, Alexander showed us the following:
  1. Elijah had a standing with God. 1 Kings 17:1
  2. Elijah spoke God's word. 1 Kings 17:2
  3. God set Elijah apart and hid him until the time was right. 1 Kings 17:3
  4. Elijah learned to depend on God as His supernatural Provider. 1 Kings 17:4,6
  5. God cut away relationships and things that prevented Elijah from drawing closer to God. 1 Kings 17:5
  6. Before Elijah could get too comfortable, God moved him to the next level. 1 Kings 17:7 
  7. The fire that came down on Mount Carmel was the manifestation of the refining process Elijah had gone through! 1 Kings 18:36-38
On Sunday, Aris spoke to us about "Crossing over" and showed us how God takes His people through a process of crossing over in order to take us into the promised land which He has prepared for us. Using the example of the children of Israel and how God took them out of Egypt and led them into the promised land, Aris showed us 4 stages of transition or crossing over that the Lord wants to take us through. We noted that God wants His people to cross over,
  • from slavery and bondage to a place of God's communion, covenant and commands in the wilderness;
  • from a place of false comfort, wrong desires and preconceived ideas about God and His ways, to trusting God and allowing Him to do the unexpected in His way;
  • from looking at the natural and attempting to fulfil God's promises in our own strength, to trusting God despite the circumstances;
  • from trying to fight for victory in our promised land, to fighting from victory in the land God has possesed for us.
We praise God for taking us through His refining process in order to help us to cross over into His destiny for our lives! Hallelujah!

Upcoming Events

16.02 - Men's Prayer Breakfast at Leipziger Str.60 at 7:00
24.02 - Prayer meeting at L60 at 19:30
25.03 - Healing Service
18 - 21.05 Deep calls to deep Conference with Steve Porter
22 - 24.06 Journey with the Holy Spirit with Edgar Mayer