Monday 28 October 2013

Experiencing God's Love

Glory to God!

The Lord is speaking to us about His extravagant love and yesterday He showed us that to live in Him is to live in love. 

"God is love. Whoever lives in love, lives in God and God in him." 1 John 4:16

Looking at Luke 7:36-50 the Lord showed us the difference between a self-righteous attitude and God's extravagant love. He showed us that the self-righteous, who think they don't need much forgiveness, love little but those who receive much forgiveness will love much. The self-righteous Pharisee took one look at Jesus and the sinful woman, judged them and rejected them. Jesus, who lived in the Father's extravagant love, really saw the sinful woman, was compassionate toward her and lifted her up. The woman loved much because she was forgiven much - she had entered the realm beyond where she found God's mercy and grace in abundance. God's kindness led her to true repentance and love.   

True love sees the person and not just the sin.
True love feels with the person and is compassionate.
True loves builds the other person up and lifts him/her up.

It is God's will that the Church reveal His extravagant love - a love that reveals His nature and His extravagant mercy and grace. As those who live in God and therefore live in love, we are responsible to be the revelation of Divine love. It is this love that reveals that we are Jesus' disciples!

Upcoming events

08.12. - KLF Christmas Musical @ 15:00 at Eastsite 15
24.01. - 26.01. - Worship seminar with Francois Botes 

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Rebirth Dance Network

Glory to God!

On Sunday we had the privilege of having Daniel with us - an anointed dancer from Rebirth Dance Network ( After sharing his testimony with us, Daniel demonstrated part of his story with a very moving and powerful dance. As a church, our desire is to express our love for God with the gifts He has given us in a great variety of ways and creative forms. We are starting a creative arts ministry to encourage people to develop their gifts for God's glory. These include dance, photography, poetry, song-writing, painting and much more. As God's masterpieces created in Christ to do good works we want to see God glorified with the manifold gifts in the Church. We are excited to have been introduced to Daniel and his ministry in London and we are looking forward to seeing our relationship develop to particularly touch our young people.

The Lord is speaking to us about His extravagant love and on Sunday He spoke to us about His kindness. Looking at the account of Mephibosheth in 2 Samuel 9, the Lord showed us His heart toward us despite the things that have "crippled" us in life. The Lord is giving us greater revelation of His love that is beyond and above anything we can possibly ask for or imagine. Hallelujah!

Starting next week we will be running another 8-week KLF discipleship course. We have already run 3 courses and are aiming at taking the whole church through this foundational course on "Living from the Spirit." We are receiving wonderful testimonies of changed lives from those who have gone through the course! Praise God!

Upcoming events

08.12. - KLF Christmas Musical @ 15:00 at Eastsite 15
24.01. - 26.01. - Worship seminar with Francois Botes 

Quote of the week:

"Is there no one still alive from the house of Saul to whom I can show God's kindness?" 2 Samuel 9:3

Thursday 17 October 2013

Revealing the Kingdom

Glory to God!

God is speaking to Kingdom Life about His Kingdom and how He wants us to respond to the reality of His presence and Kingdom in our lives. We have seen how true worship is the response to the revelation of God and the grace of God, as believers live from the spiritual reality of who God is and who they are in Christ. As we depend on the Holy Spirit to reveal the Kingdom of God to us, we are called to align ourselves to God and His Kingdom on earth. You can listen to recent messages here:

The substance of servanthood - Aris Maniatis
Only with the Holy Spirit - Alexander Blair
Spiritual discernment - Frances Morschel
That's not my dog - Richard Morschel

One with Christ - one with one another.

On Sunday we had a powerful time in God's presence as we shared communion together. The Lord impressed upon us how the cross not only represents Christ's death for the purpose of reconciling man to God (vertical) but also to reconcile man to one another (horizontal). Christ's body was broken and His blood was shed so that man could be rightly related to the Father and to one another. For this reason Paul not only emphasises the believer's union with Christ but also the believer's union with the Body of Christ. Paul writes,

"Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation on the body of Christ? Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf." 1 Cor 10:16,17 (NIV)

God's extravagant love

The Lord then spoke to us about how He and His Kingdom are extravagant - beyond limitation. Understanding the nature of God and His Kingdom is vital if we are to reveal His nature and Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. The Lord showed us that His love is extravagant and that everything He does and everything pertaining to His Kingdom is governed by His extravagant love. Therefore, as "sons of the Kingdom" we are to be governed by God's extravagant love if we are to release the yeast of the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Jesus revealed the extravagant love of the Father with His life (His compassion, mercy and grace) and His death (unconditional, sacrificial love). Believers are called to love others as they are loved as evidence of their being followers of Christ (Jn 13:34,35; 1 Jn 4:7-21). The extravagant love of God will not be revealed if believers only love conditionally. It is only as believers receive God's extravagant love, rely on His love for them and release His unconditional love, that God's extravagant Kingdom is revealed (Mt 5:44-48).

Upcoming events

08.12. - KLF Christmas Musical @ 15:00 at Eastsite 15
24.01. - 26.01. - Worship seminar with Francois Botes 

Quote of the week:

"I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Eph 3:16-19 (NIV, emphasis mine)