Wednesday 24 April 2019

Perfect Good News!

Glory to God!

Easter is a celebration of the Gospel - the Good News of Christ's death, burial and resurrection! It is a wonderful occasion to reflect on the significance of our Lord's life, His death and His resurrection and to celebrate His finished, redemptive work on behalf of all mankind. Hallelujah!

On Palm Sunday, Alexander shared a message entitled, "Hosanna - Your prayers are being answered!" Looking at the account in Matthew 21:1-11 of Christ's entrance into Jerusalem, Alexander showed us how God definitely answers prayer but very often in a way that we may not expect. When God answers prayer, He potentially exposes faulty expectations and perceptions; puts history within the proper context of His prophetic purposes; and upsets any form of religious and traditional mindsets. Alexander encouraged us to trust God and to guard our hearts against disappointment, disillusionment,  and disassociation when God answers our prayers in a different way to what we expected!

On Good Friday, we met together in Leipziger Strasse to reflect on Christ's death on the cross. Richard shared a message on the perfection of the cross and reminded us from the letter to the Hebrews that Jesus is our perfect High Priest, our perfect Sacrifice, our perfect Mediator of a perfect new covenant and our perfect Union with God (see Heb 7:11-8:2; 10:1-14; 1 Tim 2:5; Heb 4:14-16; 1 Cor 6:17). Jesus is our perfect High Priest because His is a priest on the basis of an indestructible life; because God has sworn that He is a priest forever; because Jesus is blameless and because He lives to intercede for us from the heavenly sanctuary. Jesus is our perfect Sacrifice because He obeyed God completely, even to death on the cross and was without sin. Jesus is our perfect Mediator of a perfect new covenant because He is both the Son of Man and the Son of God who is able to identify both with the imperfect and the perfect and to reconcile them both by His blood. The new covenant is perfect because it no longer depends on man's work but on Christ's finished and perfect work. Christ is our perfect Union with God because in Him the believer is reconciled to God and made one with Him! Christ's finished work is God's perfection that enables the imperfect to be reconciled to the Perfect so that the believer can walk in God's perfection (Mt 5:48; 1 Pet 1:15; 2 Cor 13:11). Hallelujah!

On Sunday we celebrated Christ's victory over death and the power of His resurrection! Many experienced Christ's resurrection power as they were ministered to for healing. Hallelujah! In his message entitled, "Christ is risen - just as He said!", Alexander showed us that God is a promise-keeper whom we can depend on to fulfill what He has spoken! We saw how Jesus foretold what would happen to Him and how His prophetic words were completely fulfilled as He died, destroyed death, retrieved the keys to death and Hades and rose from the grave. Consequently, those who believe in Christ and in His finished work can live in the freedom of sonship and in His resurrection power! Hallelujah!

Upcoming Events
24.04: KLF Prayer 19:30 @ Leipzigerstr.60
05.05: KLF Anniversary
11.05: Seminar with Julius Regala and Richard Morschel @ L60
18.05: Praise and Worship Evening at KLF (Eastsite 15)

09.06: KLF Talent Night
14.06 - 16.06: Conference with Edgar Mayer

23.06: Eastsite Celebration - joint meeting with CZF at 10:30 

Monday 8 April 2019

Faith in Christ

Glory to God!

The Lord is speaking to us about true worship and showing us what it means to live from God, through God, to God and for God's glory forever (Rom 11:36). Yesterday, Richard shared a message entitled, "Living through God" in which we looked at what it means to depend on Jesus and live by faith in Him - the faith and dependence that glorify Him the most. Richard showed us from 1 Cor 1:30&31, that Christ is our Righteousness, Holiness and Redemption and that by faith in Him the believer can live a life of righteousness, holiness and redemption. We also noted that we are to continue to have faith in Christ to be right with God, to be set apart for Him and to live in the fullness of the blood with which Jesus paid the price to purchase us for God (see Col 1:21-23). Richard pointed out that the believer's purpose is not to live a righteous and holy life in order to become righteous and holy but that by having faith in Christ as our Righteousness, Holiness and Redemption, we are called to live as those who are already righteous and holy by faith in Christ. Having been purchased for God with the blood of Jesus and made righteous and holy in God's sight through our faith in Christ, we are called to reconcile the lost to God so that they too can live through Christ and live in the freedom of righteousness, holiness and redemption. Richard encouraged us take hold of this wonderful truth in order to get our eyes off ourselves and onto God's salvation purposes. Hallelujah!

"The greater our faith, the greater our humility!"

Upcoming Events

13.04: Proverbs & Jazz at the Awake Café
19.04: Good Friday service at 15:00 at Leipzigerstr.60
24.04: KLF Prayer @ L60
05.05: KLF Anniversary
11.05: Seminar with Julius Regala and Richard Morschel @ L60
18.05: Praise and Worship Evening
25.05: Proverbs & Jazz at the Awake Café
09.06: KLF Talent Night
14.06 - 16.06: Conference with Edgar Mayer

23.06: Eastsite Celebration - joint meeting with CZF at 10:30 

Monday 1 April 2019

Recognising God's Voice

Glory to God!

In this year of transformation, we are seeing how God is taking us back to the essentials of our faith. In the past weeks the Lord has been speaking to us about praise and worship and yesterday, Richard shared a message entitled, "Recognising God's voice." Looking at 1 Samuel 3, we noted that God speaks to us by His Spirit (1 Sam 3:1; 1 Cor 2:9,10); that everyone born of the Spirit is able to recognise the voice of God (1 Sam 3:15; Jn 16:12-14); that we learn to recognise God's voice as we get to know Him (1 Sam 3:7; Jn 10:14-16); that we learn to recognise God's voice when we learn the language of the Spirit (1 Sam 3:7; Jn 10:4,5; 1 Cor 2:1-14); that we learn to recognise God's voice when we position ourselves to listen (1 Sam 3:9; Jn 3:29); that we learn to recognise God's voice when we receive it as it is, unfiltered by human reasoning (1 Sam 3:11-14); and that we learn to recognise God's voice through His Word by His Spirit (1 Sam 3:21). Richard encouraged us to regularly spend time in God's Word  and to seek the Lord for spiritual understanding, knowledge and wisdom (Eph 1:17,18). We praise God for His Word and for helping us to recognise His voice so that we can be filled with joy!

"The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom waits and listens for him and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice." John 3:29

Upcoming Events

13.04: Proverbs & Jazz at the Awake Café
24.04: KLF Prayer @ Leipzigerstr.60
05.05: KLF Anniversary
11.05: Seminar with Julius Regala and Richard Morschel @ L60
18.05: Praise and Worship Evening
25.05: Proverbs & Jazz at the Awake Café
09.06: KLF Talent Night
14.06 - 16.06: Conference with Edgar Mayer

23.06: Eastsite Celebration - joint meeting with CZF at 10:30