Monday 29 July 2019

Prayer Training

Glory to God!

Prayer is the key to transformation! God is calling His people to pray and to seek His face. In his message entitled "4D Prayer," Richard spoke to us about how wrong expectations can stop us from seizing God's Kingdom and how the believer can grow in prayer and learn to bring heaven on earth. 

Looking at Matthew 11:1-19, we noted how John the Baptist's expectations caused him to question whether Jesus was truly "the one who was to come" and how Jesus pointed to the evidence of the Kingdom; the healing of the sick, the raising of the dead and the preaching of the good news to prove that "the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing." Jesus uses the incident to speak to the people about their expectations concerning John the Baptist and Jesus, showing them that they are a generation that expects God to be and act according to their expectations, rather than trusting in the advancement of the kingdom and taking hold of it as God reveals it! Understanding that God wants us to learn to see and hear what He is doing and to take hold of it, Richard showed us how the believer can grow in prayer and learn to pray heaven on earth. Comparing prayer to running, Richard showed us that the believer will only grow in prayer as his or her prayer life moves from discipline, to desire, to dependency and to development. Prayer is to be more than just as regular activity or discipline but must become something the believer desires and depends on in his or her spiritual walk and relationship with God so that s/he can reach a place of communion with God where s/he is hearing and seeing what God is saying and doing. It is in that place of prayer that the believer can develop in prayer as s/he learns to "forcefully lay hold of" the Kingdom. Rather than becoming discouraged and doubtful because of wrong expectations and expecting God to dance to our tune, the believer learns to recognise how the Kingdom is forcefully advancing and how s/he can lay hold of it to bring heaven on earth. Finally, as we looked at Romans 8:18-21, we saw how all of creation is eagerly awaiting the revelation of the sons of God and how it is the responsibility of every believer to lead others into the glorious freedom of the children of God as we bring heaven on earth! Hallelujah!
We praise God for His revelation to us and for teaching us to pray.

Photo by Jeremy Lapak on Unsplash

Upcoming events

31.07: 19:30 KLF Prayer Meeting at the "Taubenschlag", Alt-Hausen 34.
29.09: KLF Summer Party in Niederrad

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Transforming Prayer

Glory to God!

As we continue on this exciting journey of transformation, God is speaking very clearly to us about being a people of prayer. Having spoken to us about rebuilding the wall of intercession, the Lord has continued to encourage us in the recent weeks to prevail in prayer, to stand our ground in prayer, to take the land in prayer and to see and hear correctly.

In his message entitled, "Prevailing in prayer," Alexander spoke to us from Genesis 18:16-33. We noted four key principles that Abraham demonstrated when he communed with God. Alex showed us that God initiated prayer and that the believe must begin with seeking to know God's will and heart before embarking on prayer. Secondly, we noted that the believer has a choice as to how s/he will respond to the revelation of God. Thirdly, the believer must have a clear idea of the outcome s/he expects when praying. Fourthly, the believer must be sensitive to God's timing and stop praying when God has "finished business."

Continuing with the theme of prayer, Alex shared a message a couple of weeks ago entitled, "Standing your ground" in which he showed us how the believer can defend and retrieve what rightfully belongs to him or her in prayer. Looking at 2 Sam 23:8-12, Alex showed us how we need to stand our ground in prayer to defend our inheritance in Christ. We were also encouraged to take hold of that which belongs to us in Christ and to not be passive but to engage in spiritual warfare to retrieve what has been taken by the enemy. With the faith and conviction of Abraham and in the authority of Christ, the believer must learn to exercise his or her authority over the enemy (Rom 4:20,21; Mt 8:26).

On Sunday, after a powerful time of worship and prophetic intercession, Holger Lorentz gave us an update of how their family is doing in South Africa as he shared his heart and the journey they are on as foster parents. As the Lorentz's sending church, it was great to see Holger and to hear what God is doing in the lives of these precious people who have sacrificed to provide a home for 4 little ones who have gone through terrible trauma and abuse. Together with their own two children, Holger and Kay are providing these four children with a safe, caring and healing environment where they are seeing God doing a deep and wonderful work in their lives. We praise God for these heroes in the Kingdom!

Richard then shared a message entitled, "What do you see?" in which he showed us from Jeremiah 1:4-13 that God wants the believer to learn to see what He sees and to hear what His interpretation is of what we see. The way God sees us and the way we see ourselves can be very different but God wants us to learn to see with His perspective and be sensitive to His "audio guide" to explain what we are seeing. It is one thing to see what God sees, but quite another to interpret what we see with God's wisdom. Both are necessary to speak truth over our own lives and the lives of others as we learn to see what God sees and hear what God has to say about what we are seeing.

Photo by Joshua Hanks on Unsplash

Upcoming events

31.07: 19:30 KLF Prayer Meeting at the "Taubenschlag", Alt-Hausen 34.
29.09: KLF Summerfest in Niederrad

Monday 1 July 2019

New Walls

Glory to God!

These past two weeks we moved into our new church office and have been getting it ready for our regular meetings during the week. The "Taubenschlag" (Dovecote), as the owners call it, is situated in Hausen (Alt-Hausen 34) and is a 3 minute walk from the station, Großer Nelkenstraße (U 6) with plenty possibilities for parking in the area. As we have consecrated our new premises with prayer, we have sensed God's presence very strongly and believe that the Lord is preparing a place for us to encounter Him and to release blessing in the area. Our prayer is that the Taubenschlag will be a habitation for the Holy Spirit where people encounter God and are transformed by His presence. Hallelujah!

Despite the extremely hot weather on Sunday, we had another wonderful time in God's presence at what turned out to be a pleasantly cool church at Haeberlinstr.3. We changed the location for our meeting because of the road blocks related to the annual Iron Man event that takes place in and around Frankfurt. In his message entitled, "Four Walls", Richard spoke to us from Ezekiel 22:30 where we read that God is looking for someone who would build the wall and stand in the gap for the land. Richard showed us that God is looking for people who will build a wall of covenant (Gen 31:43-53); a wall of identity (Rev 21:12-14), a wall of ownership (Neh 2:11-20; Ps 105:17-22) and a wall of intercession as they learn to stand in the gap for others and travail in the Spirit until the answer is birthed (Rom 8:22-27). In response we spent some time interceding for our city and asking the Lord to anoint the church with a new passion and spiritual fervour for prayer. Just as we were experiencing unusual temperatures in the natural, so we sensed God raising the temperature spiritually so that the Church will bring transformation in the land! Hallelujah!

Photo by Sunyu on Unsplash