Monday 30 January 2017

21 Days

 Used with permission from phasinphoto at
Glory to God!

We did it! 21 days of prayer, fasting, seeking God, spending time together in worship and in His Word. For many of us these 21 days have helped us refocus, reassess and prioritise our lives to live for God. Fasting challenges our affections and exposes what enslaves us. Consequently, the Lord has blessed these 21 days to help us get rid of the things that hinder us in our walk with Him; help us to restore lost ground and renew our hope in God's ability to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we can ask or imagine. Hallelujah!

A couple of weeks ago, Frances shared a message, entitled, "A new heart and mind," in which she addressed the truth that although we have received fullness in Christ, there is often a lot of stuff that gets in the way of our realising it and living in it. Frances showed us how fasting helps us to examine our lives holistically, not only reassessing our physical health but also the health of our mind, heart and will. Fasting helps to detoxify our whole lives as we recognise any thinking that is not Christ-minded, emotions that are not the fruit of the Spirit and any areas in our lives that are not submitted to the Lord. God's purpose in desiring His people to fast is ultimately to help His people and others to loose, untie, release and break every shackle in their lives (see Is 58).

On Sunday, Richard spoke to us about "The experience of sonship." In his message, he showed us that the believer is not only called a son but receives the Spirit of Jesus so that s/he can enjoy the same relationship to the Father as Jesus had, while He was here on earth. Looking at Gal 4:4-7 and John 17:1-26, we entered into the reality of Christ's sonship and participated in the revelation as we prayed God's truth. Richard emphasised our need to speak God's truth over our lives by faith before we try to fully understand what it means. It is by faith that we understand (Heb 11:3) and as we declared and thanked God for His truth concerning our relationship to Him as sons, we began to increasingly experience the reality of Christ's sonship. It was very powerful indeed!

On Sunday we also welcomed Moriah-Jane, who will be with us for the next 7 months as an intern at KLF. She will be doing various things inside and outside the church as well as helping out in our children's and youth ministries.

Upcoming Meetings

Tuesday from 19:00 - 21:00: Discipleship Group - Leipziger Str.60 (L60)
Friday from 7:00 - 8:00: Men's Prayer Breakfast
Saturday 04.03, 03.06, 02.09, 02.12: Welcome Coffee at L60
05-07.05.2017: KLF's 10th Anniversary Celebration

Monday 16 January 2017

Orphans and Sonship

Glory to God!

It was a great joy and encouragement to have the Lorentz family with us two weekends ago. Holger and Kay with their 3 children, Moriah-Jane, Daniel and Jessica live in Cape Town, South Africa and serve as missionaries to the many HIV infected and affected children in the area. They live the Kingdom Life, revealing the Father's heart to many orphans and even making some of them part of their family. They live selfless lives providing children with healing, hope, love and security. They are the founders and cofounders of Resilient Kids and MercyAids. You can find our more about the Lorentz family and their ministry here. Kay shared a moving and powerful message, entitled, "Take Heart!", on how God wants us to do works of righteousness, not for salvation but because we have been saved and are filled with the Spirit of the Righteous One! Kay showed us how God wants us to reveal His Kingdom on earth as we reveal the love and compassion of Christ to others, particularly orphans (James 1:27). Kay challenged us to examine our lives to see whether we just do for God or whether we are doing the works of righteousness He has particularly called us to do (Rev 22:12). In her gentle, pastoral manner, Kay showed us that the very area of hurt and pain that God ministers to us and heals us may well be the area of minisry He has called us to! KLF is privileged to support this wonderful family and we are excited to have Moriah-Jane with us for a 7-month internship from next month.

On the 9th of January KLF began a 21-day journey of spiritual renewal, seeking God individually and corporately as we spend time fasting, praying and studying God's Word. Every day we have had special meetings to gather the church in prayer, Bible study and worship. On Friday we were part of an exciting joint prayer meeting with various churches in our area where people came together to worship and pray. It was a very powerful evening as the churches united with one spirit and one purpose to see God move in the areas of intercession.

The fruit of KLF's spiritual zeal could already be experienced after only one week. Sunday's meeting was buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Richard shared a message on "The Essence of Sonship" in which he showed us from Matthew 3:16-4:11 how the enemy tries to undermine the child of God's identity by tempting him or her to be satisfied by things of this world rather than God; to test God rather than trust Him and to worship created things rather than the Creator Himself. We saw that sons of God are satisfied in God (Ps 63:1-5), sons of God trust God (Ps 63:6-8) and sons of God worship and serve God alone. We praise God for the incredible love He has lavished upon us that we should be called and are children of God! Hallelujah!

Upcoming Meetings

09.01-29.01: 21-Day Spiritual Renewal
Tuesday from 19:00 - 21:00: Discipleship Group - Leipziger Str.60 (L60)
Wednesday from 19:30 - 21:00: Worship and prayer meeting
Friday from 7:30 - 8:30: Early morning prayer 
Saturday from 14:00 - 18:00: Prophecy Workshop with Alexander Blair
05-07.05.2017: KLF's 10th Anniversary Celebration

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Light in the darkness

Glory to God!

We praise God for His faithfulness this past year and for continually blessing our meetings and our lives with His presence and anointing. The last few weeks before the end of the year were very special and the Lord spoke to us about our being light in the darkness; responding to His manifest presence; and the significance of Christ's birth.

In her message, entitled "A light in the darkness," Frances reminded us that Jesus makes His followers light and that every disciple is called, not to avoid the darkness but to be light in the darkness in order to affect the darkness with God's presence and power (see Mt 5:14-16)! Just as Jesus entered the darkness with grace and truth, the Church is called to enter the darkness not with a judgmental attitude or isolated from the world but with the grace and truth of God. Christ does not take His disciples out of the world but places them in the world to be ambassadors of the light of God's Kingdom (see John 17:14-19). Hallelujah!

In Alexander's message, entitled "How do you respond when God shows up?", he showed us how people in the NT responded to God when He made His presence known. Looking at the lives of Joseph, Mary, John the Baptist, the chief priests and Herod and how each of them responded to God's manifest presence, Alexander challenged us to identify how each one of us will respond when God reveals His glory: whether discreetly, with joy, with indifference or unmoved.

The church gathered for a special Christmas Eve celebration in Bockenheim and spent time reflecting on the significance of Christ's birth and responding in worship. We reflected on how Jesus enjoyed such intimacy and glory as He dwellt with the Father in heaven prior to His entrance into the world. We considered what it must have meant for the Saviour to leave such a place of glory to dwell amongst those He created and yet be rejected by many of them (John 1:1-18).  We reflected on Christ's humanity and how He subjected himself to be fully human so as to be able to identify with us completely (see Hebrews 2:14-18). Finally we reflected on Christ's humility and how He chose to be completely obedient to the Father and rather serve than be served so that mankind could be saved (see Philippians 2:5-11). We therefore meditated on the truth that Jesus came to take us out of darkness and to take darkness out of us so that we would be placed in His light and have His light placed in us. Hallelujah! After our Christmas Eve service we enjoyed some food and fellowship.

2017 began on Sunday; a brilliant day to begin the year with, to make a fresh commitment to God and to seek His face anew! In his message entitled, "Blow the cover!", Richard spoke to us from 1 John 1:5-2:6 and challenged us to examine our lives to see whether our outward life truly reflects our inner or private life. Using the analogy of a book with its cover, we saw that all of us present ourselves to the outside world like the cover of a book but must ask ourselves whether what we show or claim to be to others is truly a reflection of what is inside the book of our lives. John challenges his readers to examine whether their lives are aligned with what they claim. Similarly, we looked at what it is we claim about our own lives. Richard then encouraged us to realise that our claim is C.L.A.I.M. = Christ's Life Abides In Me and that our lives must reflect the reality of His presence in our lives. God calls us to live authentic lives of integrity, free of hypocrisy where there is no difference between our inner and outer lives. God is calling us to blow the cover!

As part of our preparation for 2017, we are doing a 21-day spiritual renewal - a time for us individually and as a church to get refocused and refreshed by God's Spirit as we commit the 3 weeks to prayer, studying God's Word, worship and fasting. Day 1 begins on the 9th of January and we will end the 21 days on the 29th of January. These will be 3 exciting weeks of encounter and breakthrough as we seek God together for 2017!

Upcoming meetings and events 

Tuesdays from 19:00 - 21:00: Discipleship Group - Leipziger Str.60 (L60).
08.01.: Kay and Holger Lorentz at KLF church meeting
09.01-29.01: 21 Day Spiritual Renewal
21.01: Prophecy Workshop with Alexander Blair
05-07.05.2017: KLF's 10th Anniversary Celebration