Monday 30 January 2017

21 Days

 Used with permission from phasinphoto at
Glory to God!

We did it! 21 days of prayer, fasting, seeking God, spending time together in worship and in His Word. For many of us these 21 days have helped us refocus, reassess and prioritise our lives to live for God. Fasting challenges our affections and exposes what enslaves us. Consequently, the Lord has blessed these 21 days to help us get rid of the things that hinder us in our walk with Him; help us to restore lost ground and renew our hope in God's ability to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we can ask or imagine. Hallelujah!

A couple of weeks ago, Frances shared a message, entitled, "A new heart and mind," in which she addressed the truth that although we have received fullness in Christ, there is often a lot of stuff that gets in the way of our realising it and living in it. Frances showed us how fasting helps us to examine our lives holistically, not only reassessing our physical health but also the health of our mind, heart and will. Fasting helps to detoxify our whole lives as we recognise any thinking that is not Christ-minded, emotions that are not the fruit of the Spirit and any areas in our lives that are not submitted to the Lord. God's purpose in desiring His people to fast is ultimately to help His people and others to loose, untie, release and break every shackle in their lives (see Is 58).

On Sunday, Richard spoke to us about "The experience of sonship." In his message, he showed us that the believer is not only called a son but receives the Spirit of Jesus so that s/he can enjoy the same relationship to the Father as Jesus had, while He was here on earth. Looking at Gal 4:4-7 and John 17:1-26, we entered into the reality of Christ's sonship and participated in the revelation as we prayed God's truth. Richard emphasised our need to speak God's truth over our lives by faith before we try to fully understand what it means. It is by faith that we understand (Heb 11:3) and as we declared and thanked God for His truth concerning our relationship to Him as sons, we began to increasingly experience the reality of Christ's sonship. It was very powerful indeed!

On Sunday we also welcomed Moriah-Jane, who will be with us for the next 7 months as an intern at KLF. She will be doing various things inside and outside the church as well as helping out in our children's and youth ministries.

Upcoming Meetings

Tuesday from 19:00 - 21:00: Discipleship Group - Leipziger Str.60 (L60)
Friday from 7:00 - 8:00: Men's Prayer Breakfast
Saturday 04.03, 03.06, 02.09, 02.12: Welcome Coffee at L60
05-07.05.2017: KLF's 10th Anniversary Celebration

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