Friday 27 November 2020

Finishing strong!

Our God is unstoppable and of the increase of His government and peace there is no end. These are challenging times and whilst the world is facing uncertainty, discouragement and conflict, God is steering His people in certainty, encouragement and unity. The Lord is building His Church and nothing will hinder the fulfilment of His purposes. As we fix our eyes on the Lord rather than on our circumstances, He builds us up and strengthens our faith so that we can co-labour with Him in His wisdom and power. Hallelujah!

Over these past weeks, the Lord has been speaking to us about the journey we are on as a church and how we can reach our destination as a community of love, equipped to be like Christ and do His works. In his message entitled, "The Big 5," Richard showed us in Luke 4:18,19 and Ephesians 4:11-16 how God gives some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers so that the Church can fulfil her purpose of being like Christ and doing His work as she learns to be apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral and able to teach. These five gifts or anointings are significant as they are seen in both the ministry of Jesus as well as the Holy Spirit. In conclusion, Richard then showed us how the anointing of God first of all touches the believer's speech and that as the Church is filled with the Holy Spirit, so her language will change and be aligned to God's purposes.



Just as Jesus was anointed to fulfil the Father's work, so the believer is anointed to be like Christ and do His works. In his message entitled, "Living in the anointing," Richard encouraged us to take hold of what we have received in Christ (1 John 2:27), to remain in Christ (1 John 2:28; John 15:4,5; John 6:57) and to release what God has deposited in our lives (1 Cor 11:23; 12 - 14) so that others are influenced and built up by the Anointing. 



In his message entitled, "Finish what you started," Alexander showed us how God anoints His people to fulfil the assignment He has given each one of us. In order to finish the work, God has given us, Alexander showed us 3 characteristics of those who are committed to fulfilling their assignment: those having a compelling purpose (Heb 12:2), a clear perspective (Mt 8:18-22) and courageous persistence (Jn 11:21,40). In conclusion, Alexander asked us 3 important questions: what do you need to finish, what are you committed to and who are you committed to?



On Sunday Richard encouraged us to hold onto our faith as we looked at 5 areas in which our faith can be challenged and how we can protect and strengthen our faith. In his message entitled, "Under attack!" Richard showed us the biblical answers: to our prayers not being answered (James 4:3; 1 Jn 3:22 and John 11:1-44); to God's apparent absence from our circumstances (Rom 8:28, 37-39), to things that conflict with our understanding of God (Prov 3:5; Phil 4:5-7; Heb 11:3), to not feeling God's presence (2 Cor 5:7; Eph 3:16,17), and to not seeing evidence of God in our lives (2 Tim 2:13; Hab 3:17-19; Job 19:25). Richard then encouraged us to remember what God has done for us and what He will do for us so that we have the faith to enter into what God has for us! Hallelujah!



In the words of the apostle Paul, our purpose is "that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Col 2:2,3). For this reason we have been sharing a weekly pep-talk with the following messages:

"Someone has walked in your shoes - part 1" - Natalie asks us whether we are willing to pay the price to get to where others have gone before us.

"Someone has walked in your shoes - part 2" - Natalie reminds us of the One who has walked in our shoes and truly understands what we go through in life.

"But God..." - Elizabeth encourages us to put our "but" into it whenever we face challenges in life.

"Recipe for the truth" - Frances shows us how important it is to take hold of all of God's Word to grow in Him.

"Encourage" - Captain Richard on the KLS Encourager invites us to join him on his mission to encourage others with the authority God has given us.

We praise God that despite the Covid-19 restrictions, we are still able to meet on Sundays to worship, pray and be encouraged by God's Word and one another. In this season, God is calling us to persevere and to continue to build each other up as we follow God's leading and align ourselves to His purposes. We therefore encourage you to make every effort to be connected to your brothers and sisters in Christ and to make use of the various platforms available online to do so as well as to attend our Sunday meetings as possible. 

Tuesday 20 October 2020

Preparing for Revival!

As the Lord continues to prepare us for revival, He is speaking to us about our identity and purpose in Christ as believers and as the Church. God is taking us on an exciting journey and He is helping us to understand our destination and how we can get there together.

In his message, entitled, "Sons or Servants," Alex spoke to us about the difference between an Old Testament mindset and a New Testament mindset concerning our relationship with God. Looking at Hebrews 3:1-6, we saw how faithfulness and commitment are key attitudes that reveal a Kingdom mindset but that our motivation is determined by how we see ourselves - whether as servants or sons in God's House. Alex explained the difference between the two, comparing employees to investors, a thermometer to a thermostat and the old covenant to the new covenant as they relate to our identity, status and work ethics in life.


Video summary

In her message, entitled, "Created for God's Purpose," Elizabeth spoke to us about God's purpose for our lives. Looking at Jeremiah's call to be a prophet in Jeremiah 1:4-13, we saw how God gave Jeremiah His approval, how God anointed him, how God gave Jeremiah authority and appointed him to fulfil his purpose as he was given access to God's promises and came into agreement with God's word over his life. Consequently, Jeremiah was able to step into God's position for him and was given the power to "Build up and tear down." Elizabeth challenged us and encouraged us to recognise that as we step into God's calling on our lives that there will be a time of preparation and practice but that God watches over us and His word so that what He has promised will be fulfilled.

Podcast: due to technical issues we do not have a recording of Elizabeth's message.

Video summary 

These past few Sundays, Richard has been speaking to us about the journey God is taking us on as a church. In his first message entitled, "Are we there yet?" we looked at Ephesians 4:1-16 and concluded that since Paul describes the church as a people in relationship, a people committed to one another and Christ's purposes, a people joined together as one body with a diversity of members, a people equipped to reach "fullness in Christ" and do the very works of Jesus, that our destination as a church is to be "a community of love, equipped to be like Christ and do His works." 


Video summary

Having spoken to us about our destination as a church, Richard then showed us how God wants us to reach it. In his message entitled, "The Anointing," Richard took us to 1 Corinthians 12:12 & 13 to explain how just as Jesus Christ, the Anointed One depended completely on the Holy Spirit to fulfil His purpose on earth, so believers are anointed by God to be like Christ and do His works. Looking at the significance of what it means to be anointed, we saw that God has set His seal of ownership on us, set us apart to live for Him and His purposes and empowered us by the Holy Spirit to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. Richard showed us, however, that unless we learn to drink and be filled with the Holy Spirit we will not make it to our destination.


Video summary

As we were not able to have our regular church meeting this Sunday, Richard and Frances produced a short video in which Richard shared a message entitled, "Think Church!" Using the analogy of a jigsaw puzzle, Richard showed us from Romans 12 that just as any scripture in the Bible can only really be understood in context, so our lives as believers only develop meaning in the context of the Body of Christ. Richard encouraged us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Rom 12:2) as we take hold of the truth that each one of us is a significant part of the church.

Video summary

It is important to our leadership, to help everyone who is part of Kingdom Life to continue to feel connected to our church family and be part of what God is saying to us and doing with us. For this purpose we have started several Connect Groups where people are meeting in small groups within the Corona regulations. These are vital for the life of the church and we praise God for what He is doing in these small groups as people discuss what God is saying to us, encourage one another and pray for another. In addition to meeting together, we are using our weekly pep-talks to not only encourage everyone in their walk with God but to also provide an opportunity for our members to use their gifts to encourage the church.

What is in your hand? Natalie encourages us to use what God has given us to serve Him and His purposes.

Pep-talk video

Bounce Back! In her pep-talk, Elizabeth encourages us to consider the palm tree to be encouraged to persevere through the storm.

Pep-talk video

Fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Uwe is passionate about the Holy Spirit and in his pep-talk, he encourages to draw closer to Him.

Pep-talk video

Peacemakers. In his pep-talk, Alexander explains how understanding the different roles in a conflict situation can help resolve conflict and strengthen relationships.

Pep-talk video

We praise God for this exciting journey God is taking us on and for the testimonies of breakthrough, salvation and healings we are receiving, despite these challenging times. God is faithful and of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end! Hallelujah!

Image by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Monday 14 September 2020

Foundations for Revival

Glory to God!

The Lord is continuing to prepare us for Revival and in these past weeks He has been speaking to us about foundational truth concerning our identity in Christ, our dependence on the Word of God and our need to love as He loves us.

In her message entitled, "The Pandemic Of The Lost Identity," Gayle spoke to us about how the present pandemic is challenging what people depend on for their identity and how we as believers need to depend on Christ for our true identity. As believers, we are to focus on God's vision for our lives and His revival purposes. To help us examine ourselves, Gayle asked us: what or who is the source of our vision; how is our vision strengthened; how are we supporting our vision; what strategy are we using to walk in the vision and what is the scope of our vision? Speaking from Ephesians 3:20, Gayle encouraged us to depend on God, who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine so that we find our identity, vision and destiny in Christ as He fulfils His revival purposes in our lives, the Church and our nation.


Summary video

A few Sundays ago, Alexander shared a message entitled, "It's Time To Settle It!" Alex encouraged us to have great confidence in God as we depend on God's truth to set us free. Every revelation of God's name in the Word of God is an invitation to experience God in His unchanging nature. As believers have faith in who God says He is, so we can have faith in who God says we are! Similarly, believers can have faith in what God says He is able to do and what He says we can do! Looking at a few key scriptures that reveal who we are Christ, we saw that we are significant (Mt 5:13,14); branches of the Vine (Jn 15:1,5); the temple of God (1 Cor 3:16); ministers of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:17-21); seated with Christ in heavenly places (Eph 2:6); God's workmanship (Eph 2:10); secure (Rom 8:1,2); assured that all things will work for good (Rom 8:28); citizens of heaven (Phil 3:20); hidden with Christ in God (Col 3:3); children of God (1 Jn 5:18); accepted (Jn1:12); holy (Eph 1:1) and complete in Christ (Col 2:10). We praise God that we can have confidence in who God is and who He says we are in Christ!


Summary video

Two Sundays ago, Richard spoke to us about our need to persevere in unconditional love as we hold onto our faith in these Last Days. Looking at Matthew 24, Jesus describes these Last Days as birth pains and that as creation, society and mankind increasingly deteriorate there is the danger that many will turn away from the faith and that the love of many will grow cold (Mt 24:10-12). Richard showed us the significance of love as it reveals the believer's faith in God (Gal 5:6); it reveals we are followers of Christ (Jn 13:34,35); it reveals that Jesus was sent and that we belong to God (Jn 17:23) and it assures us of our salvation (1 Jn 4:16,17). Understanding that in these Last Days we are tempted to focus on the trouble and increasing wickedness on earth rather than on Christ, the Church and the Lost, Richard challenged us to love as God loves us and to choose love in every situation and circumstance. Looking at John 21, we noted how Jesus wants us to demonstrate our love for Him by fulfilling His calling on our lives, counting the cost of following Him and choosing to follow Love regardless of the calling upon other believer's lives or how other believers live their Christian lives. 


Video summary

On Sunday we had the joy of performing and celebrating the marriage of Gina and Genaro. It was a very special afternoon as our KLF family worked hard to welcome the wedding party and serve our special guests. Richard shared a message entitled, "Three Crowns" in which he explained how just as Corona, which means crown, is affecting everyone, everywhere so there are three crowns that affect all of mankind: the crown of sin, the crown of Christ and the crown of love. Using the image of a black crown, a red crown and a white crown, Richard shared the Gospel and pointed out the significance of marriage in demonstrating God's longing to be joined to His bride through the covenant of Christ's blood. After inviting people to respond to the message, Richard then performed the wedding ceremony for Gina and Genaro, followed by cake and coffee outside in the courtyard. It was a very special afternoon indeed.


Video summary

After our Summer break we have resumed our weekly pep-talks with Richard's encouragement to sharpen our gifts so that everyone in the church can focus on the gifts and calling upon their lives and be an effective agent of influence in the Church and in the world we live in.

Video: Sharpen your gifts

As we face the challenge of social distancing and corona regulations, we recognise the pressing need to enable the church to continue to grow relationally and as a community of love. Consequently, we are encouraging our people to meet in weekly CONNECT GROUPS until the end of the year to make sure we stay connected to one another and that together we continue to respond to what the Lord is saying to us and encouraging us to put into practice.  

We praise God that He is preparing us as His people to be ready for His revival purposes in our city and nation and that we are already experiencing His quickening work among us! Hallelujah!

Photo by Mirko Blicke on Unsplash

Friday 28 August 2020

Journey of Revival


Glory to God!

God is preparing us for revival. We are already experiencing a fresh stirring of the Holy Spirit that is taking us deeper into God and His will for our lives. Some are moved to pray and fast; others are renewing their devotion to God and others are changing their ways and their thinking according to the convcition of the Holy Spirit. We are also seeing the Holy Spirit stir the Body of Christ to unite in prayer and to seek God until He comes and showers righteousness upon us (Hosea 10:12). 

Two weeks ago, we had another unusual Sunday meeting as the Lord took us even deeper in worship and drew us even closer to Him. Richard then spoke to us about some of the principles that are common to most revivals and that reflect why and how God wants to revive His people. In his message entitled, "Revival and Tiramisu" we looked at the book of Hosea, but in particular chapter 6:1-3 and noted the following 9 principles:

  1. First comes the Word. Hosea 5:1; Gen 1:1; Jn 1:1
  2. Conviction. Heb 4:12,13; Acts 2:37
  3. Repentance. Hosea 6:1; Acts 2:38; 3:19
  4. Forgiveness and healing. Hosea 6:1; Acts 3:19
  5. Refreshing. Hosea 6:2; Acts 3:19
  6. "Lift me up" (Tiramisu). Hosea 6:2
  7. Abiding. Hosea 6:2; Jn 15:4
  8. Pursuing God. Hosea 6:3; Phil 3:7-14
  9. Saturation. Hosea 6:3; Acts 2:4

God wants to saturate us with Himself so that we are filled with Him and become a powerful influence in the world we live in with His presence, power and love but we must go through His process of reviving us.

Video summary


Last Sunday, after another powerful time in worship, we prayed for and "sent out" Eszter as she returns to her home in Hungary. Natalie then shared a powerful message on the topic of joy. entitled, "Joyride" and showed us 5 reasons we must learn to rejoice always and in any circumstance. Here are the 5 gears to take us on God's joyride:

  1. God commands us to rejoice. Phil 4:4; Lev 23:40; Ps 32:11; 68:3; Mt 5:12
  2. Joy is a result of thankfulness. Ps 100:4
  3. Joy is the fruit of the Spirit. Gal 5:22; Rom 14:17
  4. We can be joyful in the face of adversity. Phil 4:4; Rom 5:3; Lk 6:20-23
  5. God gives us supernatural joy. 1 Thess 1:6; Rom 15:13

Joy is part of God's Kingdom power pack and "purposeful joy is a powerful weapon in every situation."

Video summary


We praise God for where He is taking us and for showing us why and how He wants us to get there! Hallelujah!

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Friday 14 August 2020

Unstopping The Wells of Revival

Glory to God!

The Lord is preparing us for revival. In these past weeks, God has been speaking to us about the Church's need to recognise the spirit of this world, her need for revival, the nature of true revival and the journey towards revival. 

In his message entitled "Babylon: Confront or Conform," Alex showed us how we need to recognise the spirit of this world if we are to overcome it and not conform to it. Looking at Daniel 1:1-6, Alex pointed out the principles the enemy uses to conform man to his kingdom as he targets leaders and potential leaders; entices influencers who are instrumental in shaping the future; changes the environment and spiritual atmosphere; makes Christians spiritually sterile and impotent; changes the language and information to "brain-wash" his subjects and changes people's identity and desires. Recognising the enemy's tactics helps believers overcome the spirit of this world and choose to align themselves to God and His Kingdom and not conform to the pattern of this world.                                  



As we prepare ourselves for revival, it is important for us to understand what revival is, why we need revival, how revival comes about, what revival looks like and what the fruit of revival is. In his message entitled, "Revival," Richard addressed each of these questions and showed us from Hosea 10:12 and 14:1-8 that it is time to seek the Lord until He comes and showers righteousness upon His people so that the Church is revived and our society is awakened to Christ. As God's people return to the Lord, He promises to heal their waywardness and revive them, causing them to depend on Him, to blossom, to be deeply rooted in Him, to grow and mature, to be full of splendour as they walk in authority and royalty, to be the aroma of Christ, to be a shelter and protection from the world, to multiply, to become known as the habitation of God's presence and to be a people living in the care and communion of God.



Two weeks ago, God moved us into a powerful and prolonged time of worship and intercession. The Lord was clearly stirring the gifts in the Body and as room was given for prophecy and intercession, we began to experience a definite shift and release in the Spirit. After Alex led us prophetically through a significant and powerful time of prayer and response to the Holy Spirit, Richard brought a short word of instruction in which he described what he sensed God was doing and how the present revival would come about. It was wonderful to see the Holy Spirit move among us and to witness the stirrings of revival as God began to unstop the wells of revival and release the gifts of the Spirit - the things of the Spirit that will quicken the Church and awaken the Lost to the reality of God's presence, love and power.



What the Lord had begun the previous week, he continued last week as we moved with the Holy Spirit in worship, intercession and prophetic declaration. The Lord is quickening and activating His people to release heaven on earth and to be aligned to His will and purposes. In his message entitled, "The Water has Broken," Alex spoke to us from Zechariah 4:1-10 and showed us how God's people must learn not to depend on human wisdom and strength but rather on God's Spirit to bring about the fulfillment of what He has spoken in His written and prophetic Word. As God's people begin to the signs of the fulfillment of God's prophetic Word, they must rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit and be obedient to Him. God is encouraging us to persevere and to continue seeking Him until He comes and showers righteousness upon us! We praise God for the evidence of revival among us as the waters are breaking and revival is being birthed!



Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

Friday 17 July 2020

Life in Christ

Glory to God!

Through the Sunday messages and short inspirational videos, the Lord is taking us back to the foundations of our faith and reminding us and taking us deeper into the essentials of our lives in Him.

The Mark and Worship
Continuing from Frances' message on True Worship, Alex spoke to us two weeks ago about "The Mark and Worship." In his message, Alex showed us that mankind is created to worship but that the enemy seeks the adoration reserved for God to gain man's allegiance and to take possession of him! Looking at Revelation 13:11-14:5, Alex explained the significance of the symbols described and showed us how the passage of Scripture is essentially about worship. After using Scripture to interpret Scripture, Alex showed us clearly what the mark of the beast relates to and helped to get rid of much of the confusion and speculation concerning the future of mankind. In response, Alex challenged us to  consider what "mark" we are carrying in the spirit realm as it relates to what is foremost in our thinking, how we spend our money and how we spend out time.
Video summary

Living by Faith
On Sunday Richard spoke to us about "Living by Faith." In his message he showed us that although we begin our lives in Christ by faith in Him, it is possible to shift from complete dependency on Jesus to dependency on self with regard to our relationship to God, to the Church and to the world. Using the images of a trowel to represent human effort and a gift to represent all the believer has received in Christ, Richard explained how our faith must inform and influence our ongoing relationship to God, the Church and the Lost or we run the risk of moving into human effort to reach our goal (see Gal 3:1-5)!
Video summary

Fullness of Life:
Last week, Richard encouraged us to see whether we are living in fullness of life. In his short message, he showed us from Ephesians chapter 1 and 2 Corinthians chapter 2, what it means to live in fullness of life and how we can walk in it by faith in the finished work of Jesus.

Sowing and Reaping:
This week, Prem reminded us of the powerful Kingdom principle of sowing and reaping and encouraged us to sow our lives for God's glory and to expect God to multiply and expand our lives abundantly.

Photo by Tomas KirvÄ—la on Unsplash

Friday 3 July 2020

News Update!

Glory to God!

It has been a while but here is the latest update on what has been going on in KLF. As we continue to navigate through these challenging times, we praise God for His Word to us and for helping us remain in Him, stay connected with one another and continue His work prepared for us.

Here is list of our Sunday messages which you can click on to listen to. We have also produced a short video containing a summary, application and relevant Scriptures for each message which you can find on our YouTube channel or simply click the link provided below each message.

Power in prayer (Part 4): 
In Richard's message, he spoke to us about the nature of God's Kingdom, how God's Kingdom comes and how we are involved in the coming of God's Kingdom.
Video summary

How to catch the miracle:
Elizabeth spoke to us about how we can prepare for a miracle through preparation, partnership, infrastructure and obedience and also looked at some of the success blockers that prevent us from stepping into the "more".
Video summary

The yeast of the Kingdom:
In his message, Richard showed us the connection between the Holy Spirit and the Kingdom of God and how Jesus' parable of the woman who mixed yeast into the dough, is a description of how God wants to influence and expand our lives so that His Kingdom is advanced through us in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Video summary

For God this matters:
Alexander spoke to us about racism and gave us insight into God's heart on the subject and how the Church should respond to injustice.
Video summary

Being reconciled to God's timing:
In her message, Vicky compared God's perspective to man's perspective on time and showed us how we need to trust in God as He is involved in our present, past and future.
Video summary

Do Christians need to tithe?
Richard showed us that asking whether Christians need to tithe is actually the wrong question to ask and that we should rather be asking how we can be good stewards of what God has entrusted us with for His glory, the benefit of the Church and the advancement of His salvation purposes.
Video summary

True worship:
In her message, Frances spoke to us about the nature of true worship and encouraged us to set apart time, purely to worship God and lay down our lives to glorify Him.
Video summary

We praise God that we are able to meet again even under the present restrictions and safety guidelines! Our Sunday meetings have been very powerful and God has been blessing us with an even deeper experience and revelation of His presence during our times of worship. It is such a joy to be able to worship God together and to see each other face to face. It seems like God is using this difficult season to remind us of the power of unity, corporate worship and our need for meaningful and significant relationships.

In addition to the video summaries of our Sunday messages, we are also producing a weekly pep-talk to encourage our people and to help us all feel connected, even if we are unable to attend the Sunday meetings. Here is a list of the messages so far which you can find on our YouTube channel or simply click the link provided.

Elizabeth demonstrates the power of truly honouring one another.

Look at the birds:
Natalie reminds us to be thankful for God's provision.

Your strong tower:
Alexander encourages us to remain in Christ as our refuge and strength.

Frances shows us how we can be content in all circumstances.

Prayer training:
Richard shows 4 stages of how we can develop our prayer life.

Elizabeth shows us how God uses testing to develop us.

You are beautiful:
Natalie encourages us to see ourselves as God sees us.

The grace to get up again:
Elizabeth shows us how God gives us the grace to go through a process of learning.

We praise God for speaking into our lives and encouraging us to see things from His perspective and to remain steadfast and firm. Hallelujah!