Monday 26 June 2017

Into the Harvest

 "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, 
therefore, to send out the workers into his harvest field." Matthew 9:37,38

In response to God's Word to us at the end of May, we began The Jonah Project - a journey for us to develop God's heart for the lost and to save our city. Consequently, some of us have been hitting the streets to pray, worship and reach the lost in our city and others have been used of God to heal the sick in the workplace and lead people to Jesus. We are also seeing God bring people to us who are being saved, healed and set free! Hallelujah!

As part of the Jonah Project we have invited several evangelists to preach God's Word to us, to equip us, to impart an evangelistic spirit to us and stir us to action. At the end of last month, Tobias spoke to us about Christ's command to come to Him and to go in His name. In his message entitled "Come and go!" Tobias showed us how Jesus calls us to Himself (Mt 14:25-33; Mk 10:21; Mt 16:24-26; Gal. 2:20) to be filled and empowered to be able to go (Mt 28:19,20; Mk 16:15-20; Acts 9:6), to see with His eyes (Is 33:17; Jn 12:45; Jn 5:19; Mt 14:14; Heb 12:2; Eph 1:8) and to have bold faith to reach the lost (Jn 11:40; Rom 12:12; 3 Jn 1:2). 

The following week Prem shared a message entitled, "The life of Christ, our Jubilee," in which he spoke to us about the significance of the Year of Jubilee (Lev 25:8-14, 20-22) pertaining to liberty, restoration and rest and how Jesus is our Jubilee (Luke 4:18-21)! Prem showed us that “Rest” represents God’s finished work – revealed through Christ (Heb 4:1-4) and that the blessings of Jubilee (liberty & restoration) are the extension of the life of Christ which He made available by His blood and perfect sacrifice (Heb 9:11,12). Lastly Prem encouraged us to be the trumpet of the Jubilee as we respond to the privilege of proclaiming Christ our Jubilee to others (Jn 7:38)!

In his message, entitled "God's minimum financial standard," Alexander challenged us to ask ourselves whether our lives in Christ correspond to the "fullness of life" (Jn 10:10) we have in Jesus. Taking a look at what fullness in Christ means, Alexander showed us what our lives in Christ should look like, in particular in the area of our finances. Understanding the internal and external causes of poverty helps believers overcome the mindset and influences that can rob them of God's best. Alexander showed us that it is God's will that His people have enough to meet all their needs and beyond in order to meet the urgent needs of others (Luke 15:17; Titus 3:14; 2 Cor 9:8).

It was great to have Bengt Wedemalm and Thomas Hantsche with us two Sundays ago. Bengt shared a powerful message entitled, "The wind and the fire," in which he spoke on the nature and work of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life. He showed us how true freedom is living according to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in any situation and at anytime. With many amazing testimonies, Bengt encouraged us to be a people filled with the Spirit, manifesting His nature like wind and fire to be an influence in our city and in the nations for God's Kingdom.

Everyday evangelism is what Wai-yee Schmidt is passionate about and yesterday she spoke to us in her message entitled, "Move if you want to see a movement,"about how God has chosen us and called us to reach the lost (Is 43:1). Wai-yee lives in Frankfurt and encouraged us with many powerful testimonies to be bold and to speak to people as the Holy Spirit leads. In a time, "when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman and the planter by the one treading grapes" (Amos 9:13), it is time for the Church to arise and rescue the unsaved, heal the sick and set the oppressed free!

Upcoming Meetings

Regular mid-week meetings will take a Summer break from 1 July - 13 Aug. (Sunday meetings will take place as usual)
09.07: Baptism service at the EFG in Haeberlin Str.3 from 15:00 - 17:00 (no meeting at Eastsite 15 on that day)
29.07: Men's Bike Ride
12,13.08: Experiencing the Holy Spirit with Edgar and Tatjana Mayer
Saturday 02.09, 02.12: Welcome Coffee at L60
01.11: Ed Traut - Prophetic Encounters