Tuesday 14 October 2014

The Holy Spirit's Fivefold Ministry

image courtesy of Keerati at freedigitalphotos.net
Glory to God!

As an international church, we are blessed to have people with us from many different nations in the world. On Sunday we had people attending either from or with backgrounds from Cameroon, Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Serbia, Russia, Armenia, Vietnam, India, West Indies, Germany, UK, Italy, Paraguay, and America! God is using KLF to touch the nations! Hallelujah!

This year we planted Kingdom Life Butuan in the Philippines. On Sunday, Frances gave us an exciting presentation of what God is doing through KLB, showing us pictures and giving us information about the senior leaders, pastors Julius and Roszel Regala and their ordination, the inauguration of this young, dynamic church, their meetings, their ministries and our networking with the local pastors, and government leaders, through pastor Berwyn Villadares. It is so exciting to be part of God's work locally, nationally and internationally!

Richard then spoke to us about the fivefold ministry of the Holy Spirit (click on the titel to listen to the message) and this is what he showed us:

The apostolic ministry of the Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit is sent by the Father to birth His life and Kingdom in the life of the believer. John 3:3-5
  • This sending out as an ambassador of God's Kingdom to establish the Lord's Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven is the Holy Spirit's apostolic ministry. John 15:26
  • As the habitation of the Holy Spirit, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, the Church is called to be an apostolic people. John 17:18; Acts 1:8
The prophetic ministry of the Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit makes God known to us and tells us what will happen in the future. John 16:14,15; Rev 1:9
  • The prophetic ministry is about receiving from God and passing it on to man. 1 Cor 11:23; 14:3
  • As the habitation of the Holy Spirit, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, the Church is called to be a prophetic people. 1 Cor 14:31
The evangelistic ministry of the Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit is given to testify about Jesus. John 15:26,27
  • The Holy Spirit convicts of guilt. John 16:8-11
  • The Holy Spirit reveals the Good News of God's grace. 1 Cor 2:12,13
  • As the habitation of the Holy Spirit, under the influence of His purposes, the Church is called to be an evangelistic people. Acts 1:8
The pastoral ministry of the Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit is sent as the Paraklete - intercessor, advocate, comforter, advisor, counselor - who walks alongside His people to guide them into all truth. John 14:16
  • As the habitation of the Holy Spirit, under the influence of the Paraklete, the Church is called to be a pastoral people. 
The teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit is sent to lead people into all truth. John 14:26; 16:13; 1 John 2:27
  • As the Habitation of the Spirit of Truth, the Church is called to be a people who teach the truth.
The Spirit-filled Church
  • If the Church is filled and moved by the Holy Spirit, she will pursue the fivefold ministry of the Holy Spirit. Phil 2:13
  • To help the Church mature and walk in the fullness of the Spirit, God gives apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Eph 4:11
  • These functions or offices in the Church are given to equip the Body of Christ to fulfull the ministry of the Holy Spirit so that the Church is apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral and a teacher of truth.
  • When the Church is filled with the Holy Spirit, she will be an influence locally, nationally and internationally. Acts 1:8
We are excited about God's revelation to us and for the gift of His Spirit who calls and enables us to fulfill His fivefold ministry

Upcoming events

04.11. KLF Prayer Meeting at Leipzigerstr.60

14 & 15.11 KLF Revival Meetings at Salzschlirferstr.15  
21.12. Christmas Musical

Tuesday 7 October 2014

In the roar of His waterfall

 Image from freedigitalphotos.net

 "Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls." Psalm 42:7

 Glory to God!

These past weeks have been very exciting, inspiring, challenging and encouraging. It was a great pleasure to have Bengt Wedemalm minister to us a few weeks ago with a message about how Jesus was indeed the One whom John the Baptist expected and whom we can expect today to heal the sick, to deliver those oppressed by the enemy and to save the lost! Bengt also emphasised that in Christ, the believer has received everything s/he needs! The Messiah has come and is at work today because He is the same yesterday, today and forever! You can listen to Bengt's message here.

A couple of Sundays ago, Francois Botes ministered to us and spoke to us about the End Times, looking at what the signs of Christ's return are. Francois ministered prophetically to us and together we responded to God's Word in song and proclamation. God's Word to us through Francois was clear: "Now is the time. No more waiting." You can listen to Francois' message here.

Last week our KLF leadership team spent two days away to pray and hear what is on God's heart for the church. As a team, we used the time to strengthen our relationships, seek God together, prophesy over one another and simply enjoy our fellowship together. We also spent time looking at God's purpose for KLF and how we are organising ourselves as a church to fulfill God's call. It was a very powerful time together and we sense God has taken us to a new level as a team and as a church to move with what God is doing through us locally, nationally and globally.

On Sunday we had an amazing meeting. Worship in song turned into a battle cry that broke down walls and removed obstacles in people's lives as we declared and ministered Christ's victory over each other. Richard then spoke to us about our need to depend on God both when we feel weak as well as when we feel strong. We looked at what it means to have fellowship with the Holy Spirit and how to be filled with Him to be like Jesus. The Lord showed us that He is the God who always proceeds because He is eternal. It became clear that God was calling us to go deeper with Him and so in response to His Word, we entered the waterfall of His ever-proceeding presence to be drenched with His Spirit. It was a very powerful time as we prayed for one another and the Father ministered to His children. It was as though the room was filled with liquid love! You can listen to Richard's message here.

We praise God for His faithfulness and that He is preparing us for Christ's return! Hallelujah!

Upcoming events

07.10. KLF Prayer Meeting at Leipzigerstr.60

14 & 15.11 KLF Revival Meetings at Salzschlirferstr.15  
21.12. Christmas Musical