From 28th July - 4th August many of us attended
Faith Camp, an exciting week of Spirit-filled worship, preaching, teaching and camping with approx. 5000 other crazy campers! This year's theme was
THE OVERCOMING KINGDOM and the Lord spoke to us about Christ being over us, in us and through us as we overcome the kingdom of darkness and further God's Kingdom. The messages all echoed what the Lord is speaking to Kingdom Life about and we

were even more encouraged when at the leader's meeting, the leaders of Kingdom Faith Church spoke to us about being what we call
the church as a force (see article by Jerry Cook on our website)! So for us it was not only an awesome time of meeting with God but also a wonderful time of confirmation for us as a people of God seeking to further His Kingdom. Our people were greatly blessed and there have been testimonies of salvation, healing, release in spiritual gifts, renewal, visions, and powerful prophecies for Kingdom Life. Thank you Lord!

Kingdom Life has entered into a covenant relationship with
Kingdom Faith as we jointly seek to further God's Kingdom. We are very excited to be part of God's powerful work in and through Kingdom Faith and we look forward to seeing how God will use us together to impact the nations for His glory!
God is clearly on the move and seeking a people who will obey Him, in dependence upon the Holy Spirit, to further His Kingdom and to glorify His name! There is a call for the Church to wake up from her religious, comfortable slumber and to rise up in her true identity, authority and power in Jesus!
"Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you!" Ephesians 5:14
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