Monday 3 September 2007

Touching the Throne and touching the world

Glory to God!

This past week has been a week of touching the world and touching the throne of God! Hallelujah! A few of our people went onto the streets of inner city Frankfurt to "Risk for His Glory!" They simply made themselves available to be used of God to touch the lost. By offering prayer for the sick (both rich and poor!), and providing food and items of urgent need (like nappies for a 3 month old baby!) for the homeless, Kingdom Life is touching the world with God's presence, power and love - we are touching the kingdom of this world with the Kingdom of God!

Here is a short testimony:

"On Tuesday of this week Stephanie and Maureen, led by the Holy Spirit approached and spoke to several men and women with various obvious physical needs. Wheelchairs, amputations and walking sticks etc. All but a couple were happy to be prayed for when offered. They shared brief and pleasant times in conversation with them about their personal circumstances and how Jesus can and wants to answer all their needs. On Wednesday at NWZ (shopping mall) again they were led to pray with a lady in a wheelchair. There was ground claimed for Christ and much prayer and praise of God released into the streets of Frankfurt ...and in Starbuck's at NWZ!"

Yesterday's meeting was amazing! The Lord is teaching us about worship and the kind of worshippers He seeks. Looking at John 4, we saw that:

1. We can worship anywhere (vs 21)
2. We worship what we know and not just what we know about (vs 22)
3. We must worship in spirit and in truth (vs 23)
4. God is spirit and so we must worship by the Spirit (vs 24; 1 Cor. 3:9-14)

We also saw that man is made up of spirit, soul and body (1 Thess.5:23; Heb. 4:12) and that to worship in spirit we need to learn to distinguish between what is soul and what is spirit.

After some exciting testimonies and teaching, we spent the remainder of our meeting, worshipping the Lord. God is truly anointing our people to be led by His Spirit so that new songs are being written and spontaneous new songs are being sung during our worship. It's simply awesome!

We praise God for His favour upon us and for teaching us to move with Him. If revival is the breathing of life into the Body then it's happening! God is breathing and releasing His Spirit in us so that we experience spiritual life to touch the world. Freely we have received, freely we must give (Matt. 10:8).

Quote of the week:

"The book of Acts was written only because the apostles acted." Smith Wigglesworth

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