Monday 10 September 2007

At the Source!

Glory to God!

The Lord is speaking to us about the River of Revival and He is showing us how to step into it! Beginning at the Source, the very presence of God, the Lord is revealing to us how we are to enter in and worship Him. Continuing our study in John 4, the Lord is teaching us that:
  1. We can worship anywhere at anytime (vs 21)
  2. We must worship what we know - not what we only know about (vs 22)
  3. We can only worship in spirit if we are saved and have received the Holy Spirit (vs 22)
  4. We must worship in spirit - songs that minister to the soul are not worship (vs 23)
  5. We must worship in spirit because God is spirit (vs 24; Phil.3:3)
  6. We must worship in truth - sincerely and God's way according to His Word (vs 24)
  7. We must understand that God is seeking true worshippers (vs 23)

We also looked at the difference between the spirit, the soul (mind, will and emotions) and the body (1 Thess. 5:23) and we saw that it is the Word of God that helps us to distinguish what is of us (the soul) and what is of the Spirit (Heb. 4:12) so that we learn to walk in the Spirit and worship in the Spirit.

"The Christian life is all about the soul being sanctified by the Spirit so that we reveal the Father's heart, the mind of Christ and the will of the Holy Spirit!"

We are also greatly encouraged by the amazing truth that through faith in Jesus, the veil has been removed so that we have access by the Spirit to behold and reflect the glory of God! (2 Cor. 3:16-18)

The Lord is continuously confirming what He is saying to KLF through other people. This past week a number of pastors and leaders from different churches and organisations met for prayer in an old water tower that overlooks Frankfurt. The Lord was speaking through different people about how it's time for the water to flow and how it is not to be only stored up for personal use. He is speaking to the churches about getting into the world and sharing the Living Water!

Yesterday evening we joined Treffpunkt Leben in providing spiritual and physical food for the poor and homeless. God is bringing more and more people but we need more space! We estimate that there must have been over 80 people present that we had to feed in shifts so that everyone could get a seat and be satisfied. We're praying for a larger location where people can come and find rest and have the opportunity to share their life stories and burdens with us so that we can minister God's presence, His power and His love to them.

Quote of the week:

"But thinking is not enough. Men are made to worship also, to bow down and adore in the presence of the mystery inexpressible. Man’s mind is not the top pea, of his nature. Higher than his mind is his spirit, that something within him which can engage the supernatural, which under the breath of the Spirit can come alive and enter into conscious communion with heaven, can receive the divine nature and hear and feel and see the eneffable wonder that is God…." A.W. Tozer


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