Tuesday 22 September 2015

Be Prepared!

Glory to God!

As the Church remains rooted and established in Jesus, she must prepare herself for persecution, revival and the return of Christ. On Sunday, Frances shared a message entitled "Be Prepared" which you can listen to here, in which she showed us how we can prepare properly before trials come our way and what hinders believers from preparing in advance. Frances explained how ignorance, denial, comfort and lethargy can hinder believers from preparing for difficult times and that believers must prepare themselves by growing in their awareness of God's presence; growing in their awareness of the Kingdom of Heaven; growing in their knowledge of the Word of God; taking hold of God's truth and promises and aligning their lives accordingly and by growing in their sensitivity to what the Holy Spirit desires.

Upcoming events

3 October: KLF Church Day at Salzschlirferstr.15 from 10:00 - 15:00
6 October: KLF Prayer Meeting at Leipziger Str. 60 from 19:30-21:00


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