Monday 7 December 2015

Hoisting the Sails!

Glory to God!

We reached day 36 of our 42,195 day spiritual marathon on Sunday! One week to go and already so much is happening. God is so gracious to us and is taking us deeper and deeper into Him through spiritual revelation of His Word, through corporate prayer with one heart and one spirit, through powerful encounters with Him in worship and true communion with Him in our meetings. People are being saved, healed, set free and are experiencing personal revival. It is wonderful to witness the excitement, enthusiasm, devotion and breakthrough in people's lives! Kingdom Life is stepping into a new level of spiritual experience and growth in the Lord and we are convinced that this is just the beginning of God fulfilling His Word to us, given to us through our late friend and spiritual father, Richard Maybery concerning KLF's unstopping the wells of revival in Frankfurt. Hallelujah!

Yesterday's meeting was very powerful indeed. The presence of God was tangible during worship in song, the Lord's supper, the preaching of His Word and the ministry time in response to God's Word where people experienced the healing power of Jesus. In his message entitled, "Stop rowing and put up your sails!" which you can listen to here, Richard showed us that the believer's righteousness, holiness and the manifestation of power must be by faith in Christ. It is by dependence upon Jesus that the believer must approach God, walk in godliness and do the works of Jesus so that Christ is glorified. Looking at Galatians 3:1-5 and 2:20, we saw how the believer can slip back into trying to be righteous, holy and do the works of Jesus in his own strength for his own glory rather than completely depending on Christ in order to boast in Him alone. Rowing symbolises man's own effort to reach his goal rather than putting up his sails to be driven by the wind of God's enabling for the Lord's glory.

Faith loses itself in Christ so that Jesus is all in all!

We praise God for His revelation to us and for confiming His Word with the manifestation of His power!

Upcoming events

Tuesdays from 19:30 - 21:00: God's Reviving Word @ Leipziger Str.60
Fridays from 07:00 - 08:00: Praying in Power @ Leipziger Str.60

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