Saturday 18 July 2009

The power of the testimony

Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. Psalm 145:3

This has been another exciting week! The Brazilian dance group, Tribus, led an amazing 3-day dance workshop at CZF and many were blessed as they learned to worship in dance! Tribus will be performing at CZF on the 1st August. Check here for more details...

On Saturday a group of us hit the streets with Tribus to reach people with the Good News! As Tribus and others danced on the pedestrian zone in the middle of Frankfurt, we had opportunities to witness to interested people and reveal God's glory! We praise God for the spiritual impact we made and for the many lives that were touched with God's presence, power and love! Hallelujah!

The Lord is continuing to speak to us about revival and yesterday He showed us the following:
  1. Revival is when people are saturated with God and overflow with Him.
  2. To be saturated with God we need to see His glory - His presence, personality and power.
  3. When God reveals His glory to us, we become witnesses of that revelation of God.
  4. The revelation of God that we witness becomes our testimony.
  5. The testimony of God is the spirit of prophecy. Rev. 19:10
  6. Because God is unchanging, the testimony of God becomes a present reality when accompanied by faith. Heb. 4:2-6
  7. Every testimony of God's glory is powerful - whether it be the Old "Testimony", the New "Testimony" or present day testimonies!
  8. Faith takes hold of all the testimonies of God!
  • 3 things happen when we value and honour the testimony:
  1. The testimony will strengthen our faith. Psalm 77; Heb. 2:1
  2. The testimony stirs us to worship God. Psalm 145
  3. The testimony motivates us to testify and bear witness. Psalm 145
  • Faith in the testimony leads to an encounter with God. John 5:37-40
  • We are called to be witnesses of God who have encountered Him and not advocates who just know about Him!

We are called to seek God's glory and become witnesses of God's presence, personality and power so that we can reveal His glory through our testimony!

We praise God for continuing to reveal His presence and power in our meetings! People are being healed, saved and delivered as they witness the revelation of God's glory! Hallelujah!

Exciting upcoming events and important dates:

27th July - 10th August: No church meetings - most of KLF will be at Faith Camp in Peterborough, England. More details here...
15th August: Jesus March in Frankfurt. More details here...
21st - 23rd: Prayer Workshop with Les and Dot Mitchell, pastors of Kingdom Faith London @ Treffpunkt Leben. More details here...

Quote of the week:

"All you have made will praise you, O Lord; your saints will extol you. They will tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might, so that all men may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of your kingdom." Psalm 145:10-12 (emphasis mine)


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