Wednesday 15 July 2009


Praise be to God!

On Sunday we had a brazilian dance group called TRIBUS join us at our meeting. We were blessed to have them with us and be inspired to worship in dance. Tribus is leading an exciting dance-workshop from the 15th - 17th July at CZF from 9am - 4pm. You can find out more about these passionate worshippers here...

On Sunday we experienced great freedom in our worship and the Lord spoke to us about looking to Abraham as our example of a worshipper after God's own heart (Isaiah 51:1,2). Looking at Genesis 22:1-19, the Lord showed us that true worshippers are:

  • an obedient people. Gen. 22:3
  • a people of faith. Gen. 22:4
  • a sacrificing people. Gen. 22:10

Further, the Lord showed us that times of testing are an opportunity to receive an even deeper revelation of God! We praise God for His awesome revelation and for teaching us to be passionate worshippers.

Faith Camp '09 is approaching quickly and over 30 of us will be attending this exciting week of worship, teaching, community, revelation, encountering God, connecting with others from all over the world and loads of fun. Check here for more info...

After our Summer Break from 27 July - 10 August we will have pastors Les and Dot Mitchell with us to lead and train us in prayer at Treffpunkt Leben on the 21st and 22nd August. Check here for more info...

Quote of the week:

"Abraham believed God..." Romans 4:3


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