Monday 14 September 2009


Praise be to God!

We've had another brilliant week with God! The Lord has been speaking to us about Kingdom Culture and yesterday He revealed a Kingdom conviction to us that He wants us to have that will radically change our way of life if it truly becomes a Kingdom conviction - an unshakable, compelling and conquering belief based on God's truth.

The Kingdom conviction God spoke to us about is the fact that the believer is a Kingdom residence! This is what the Lord showed us:

  1. The believer is the temple of the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 3:16,17; 6:12-20; 2 Cor. 6:14-17
  2. The believer's body belongs to God. 1 Cor. 6:19,20
  3. God has made the believer's body a suitable dwelling place for His presence. In Christ, the believer is righteous, holy and perfect so that God can dwell in His house. 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 10:1-14
  4. The believer's body is God's house that He has prepared in order to make the believer His home! John 14:23
  5. The believer has been sealed with God's presence because he is righteous in Christ. Eph.1:13,14; 4:30
  6. When a believer sins, his relationship with God is not destroyed but fellowship with God is hindered. God still owns the house and has placed His name, as well as his "eyes and his heart" there. 1 Kings 9:3
  7. Since the believer is righteous, holy and perfect in Christ, he must live a holy life to maintain fellowship with God and to grow in intimacy with Him. Eph. 5:8; 2 Cor. 7:1
  8. The believer's relationship with God is based on God's grace and mercy in Christ Jesus. Rom. 5:1,2
  9. The believer's fellowship with God is based on the believer's obedience and desire for intimacy with God. James 4:7,8; John 15:10
  10. The believer is the temple of God, the habitation of the Lord, the home of God, the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit because of the relationship the believer has with God in Christ Jesus.
  11. It is the believer's repsonsibility to live a holy life in order not to grieve God's presence in His house. Eph. 4:30
  12. The believer is not a guest house that belongs to the believer, that God visits occasionally, and that needs to be prepared for God to visit.
The believer is God's home that God has prepared for Himself to live in.

We praise God for His awesome, liberating revelation to us!

Quote of the week:

"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Cor. 5:21


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