Tuesday 11 June 2019

No other Name!

Glory to God!

We had a full house on Sunday as we celebrated the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. After another powerful time of worship we dedicated two of our children and blessed their parents. Ngozi had made another stunning cake for Lainey and Hannah Marie that she based on the children's book, "Guess how much I love you!" by Sam McBratney and Anita Jeram. 

As part of celebrating Pentecost, Ulli had the idea of getting different people to read the account of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 in their own language and at the same time. It was quite an amazing experience to hear the different languages simultaneously and it gave us an idea of what it must have been like when the disciples all spoke in various languages at the same time at Pentecost.

Richard then share a message entitled, "No other Name" in which we looked at what happened after Pentecost in Acts 2 - 4. After Peter and John had healed a cripple in the name of Jesus, they were brought before the religious leaders to explain their actions. In his subsequent sermon, Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, made it known that the name of Jesus is powerful, that Jesus is the Cornerstone, that the name of Jesus is exclusive, unique, a gift and necessary to be saved (see Acts 4:8-22). Richard then explained that the name of Jesus to each one of us will only be as powerful as the revelation of Christ is to us (see Acts 4:13; Mt 16:13-19). In response to the message, words of knowledge and prophecy were given and many came forward for prayer! We praise God for the power of the Gospel and the gift of the Holy Spirit! Hallelujah!

Upcoming Events

15.06: 16:00/ 19:00 Conference with Edgar Mayer
16.06: Sunday service with guest speaker, Edgar Mayer
23.06: Eastsite Celebration - joint meeting with CZF and Quelle des Lebens at 10:30
followed by a Sumer party for everyone (no afternoon meeting)
30.06: KLF service at EFG Frankfurt Nordwest in Haeberlinstr.3 (no meeting at CZF)

Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

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