Wednesday 5 June 2019

Moving with God

Bye-bye Bockenheim. Hello Hausen!

Glory to God!

In this year of transformation, the Lord is speaking to us about growth and what it means for each one of us and for the Church. In his message two weeks ago, Alex spoke to us from Psalm 132:13-17 in his sermon entitled, "Zion - it starts with choice," which you can listen to here. Alex showed us that God's desire and will for Zion is what He desires for the Church. Zion is God's chosen habitation, where He is enthroned, where there is abundant blessing, where there is salvation and joy, where there is victory and godly influence. For our lives to be transformed, we must recognise God's will for us, have revelation of who we are in Christ and what that means for us and walk in the reality of our new lives in Jesus, and align ourselves to God's truth. Alex then showed us that just as King David had to grow in three places before he was established as king, so the believer must realise his or her season of growth and the fruit God seeks to produce in us.

On Sunday we had another powerful time of worship after which we were ministered to by Eva and Simon in song. It was wonderful. After sharing communion together, Alex spoke to us about being a fruitful people in his message entitled, "A right mindset for personal growth" which you can listen to here. In his message, Alex spoke from John 15, showing us that it is God's will that His people be fruitful as they remain in Christ. Alex pointed out that for the believer to grow, s/he must have the right mindset. Unless we have a conviction that we are to grow and produce fruit, are committed to growing, are willing to go the lonely road of not conforming to the world but walking in secret obedience, are willing to take time for growth and identify any areas where we seem to be stuck and take responsibility for our lives, we will not grow. God wants us to be fruitful and we praise Him that as we remain in Christ, we will produce the fruit that glorifies Him. Hallelujah!

Last week we moved out of our office space in Bockenheim. We will be moving into our new office situated in Alt-Hausen 34, in June where we will continue to have regular Bible study, prayer meetings and other mid-week meetings. Sunday meetings will continue at Eastsite 15, Salzschlirferstr.15. We praise God for His faithfulness to us and for providing us with everything we need to build His Kingdom! Hallelujah!

Upcoming Events

15.06: 16:00/ 19:00 Conference with Edgar Mayer
16.06: Sunday service with guest speaker, Edgar Mayer
23.06: Eastsite Celebration - joint meeting with CZF and Quelle des Lebens at 10:30
followed by a Sumer party for everyone (no afternoon meeting)

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