Monday 9 June 2014

The Fruit of Pentecost

Our dear friend, mentor and spiritual father, Richard Maybery passed away on Tuesday morning after suffering from cerebral malaria. We are all still in shock at his sudden death and miss him very much. Richard has played a significant role in our lives and in the establishing of Kingdom Life Frankfurt. On Sunday we paid tribute to this wonderful man of God and spent time remembering his life and the things we learned from him. Richard Morschel showed us the characteristics of the work of the Holy Spirit and shared how Richard Maybery bore the fruit of Pentecost in his life. You can listen to the message here.
Looking at Acts 2 we noted the following evidence of the Holy Spirit's work:

The Holy Spirit convicts of sin and reveals the deep things of God which move the believer to repent of old attitudes, thoughts and behaviour in order to live in the revelation of God.

Those who are filled with the Spirit of God live their lives devoted to God, His Word and His people.

Naturally Supernatural
People who are filled with the Spirit live their everyday lives supernaturally in the consciousness of God's presence. 
Being spiritual is not put on but lived naturally out of constant communion with the Holy Spirit.

People who are filled with the Holy Spirit are selfless and are willing to share their lives with others.

Those who are filled with the Spirit have compassion for the lost and the broken and a genuine love for others.

Fear of God
The Holy Spirit makes God's presence real to the believer so that he or she lives in the awareness of God's awesome presence.
Those who are filled with the Spirit do not become familiar with God's presence and work but live in awe of Him and what He does.

People who are filled with the Spirit walk in dependence upon Him.

Those who are filled with the Spirit enjoy the favour of God and of people.

People who are filled with Spirit become more concerned with what God desires than with what people think about them.

Those who are filled with the Holy Spirit know how to keep on keeping on, out of their dependency on God, despite opposition, disappointment and negative circumstances.

We praise God for the testimony of Richard Maybery's life that inspires us to seek God's face and to be obedient to His call. What Richard has imparted to our lives will remain as lasting fruit for the glory of Abba, Father. We will miss Richard very much but God will make sure that His purpose for Richard's life will be fulfilled in his and our own generation. We are grateful to be part of that fulfillment.

"The Holy Spirit is the most important person on earth." Richard Maybery
Upcoming events

06.07: Baptismal service at 15:00 at Haeberlinstr.3 in F-Eschersheim.

13.07: Church meeting and BBQ at Salzschlirferstr.15, F-Fechenheim

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