Tuesday 2 September 2014

Entering God's Best

 (picture used with permission from freedigitalphotos.net)

Glory to God!

The Lord is continuing to speak to us about how true worship is our response to the revelation of God. On Sunday, Alexander spoke to us about the freedom we have in Christ to make right choices that will help us enter into all that God has for us. Alexander showed us the consequences of poor choices as well as the traps that the enemy sets that stop us from entering our inheritance. Using the analogy of remaining in an airport instead of just passing through to board one's plane, he showed us how we can remain in a spiritual wilderness if we don't move forward! The 3 traps the enemy sets are fear, staying in our comfort zone and resistance to change. In order to enter into our inheritance, Alexander showed us that we need to be intentional, bold and unattached to the past and the things that hinder us from moving forward. You can listen to Alexander's message entitled "I don't want to miss God's plane!" here.

Upcoming events

02.09. KLF prayer meeting at 19:00 at Leipzigerstr.60
21.09. Bengt Wedemalm will be our guest at KLF
28.09. Francois Botes will be our guest at KLF

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