Monday 8 September 2014

God's holy people

Glory to God!

Sunday's meeting was awesome as we spent an extended time of worship in song and communion, lifting up the name of our risen and victorious Lord Jesus. The presence of God was tangible and there was a wonderful sense of His majesty and authority in the room.

After blessing the school children as they enter the new school year this week, Sophie Rowe shared a message on holiness and how God sanctifies all those who believe in Jesus, making them holy, blameless and pure in His sight. Sophie spoke about how a holy God can only have a relationship with a holy people and therefore provided a way through the blood of Jesus for man to become holy in Christ. Having been made holy through our union with the Holy One, we no longer need to strive to become holy by doing good works but must learn to live as God's holy people. After Sophie's message, Richard Morschel spoke about God's purpose in making the believer holy in Christ. He showed us that God created man for His pleasure (Revelation 4:11) and that God set the Church apart as His holy people for His pleasure (1 Peter 2:9). Richard showed us that although God loves everyone unconditionally, the believer is called to find out God's will to please Him (Romans 12:1,2; 2 Corinthians 5:9; Ephesians 5:8-10). The Holy Spirit is at work in every believer to will and to act for God's pleasure (Philippians 2:12,13). God makes the believer holy so that s/he can be holy and reflect Him (1 Peter 1:15,16). You can listen to Sophie and Richard's messages here.

The true worshipper lives a life set apart for God's pleasure! 

We praise God for His revelation to us that causes us to worship Him as His holy people, set apart for His pleasure! Hallelujah!

 Upcoming events

21.09. Bengt Wedemalm will be our guest at KLF
28.09. Francois Botes will be our guest at KLF

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