Tuesday 4 November 2014

Running the Race

Glory to God!

The manifestation of God's glory is the revelation of His holiness - His otherness. Jesus revealed the glory of the Father as He manifested God's presence, character and power. Now, as the Head of the Church, Jesus continues to glorify the Father as He empowers and enables the people of God through the Holy Spirit to reveal God's presence, character and power. Jesus calls His people to remain in Him and to be continuously filled with His Spirit so that the Church can glorify God.

A few weeks ago Alexander spoke to us about the Jubilee Anointing from Luke 4:18 and 19. He showed us how the same anointing that was upon Jesus is upon the Church to continue God's redemptive work of reconciling the lost, healing the sick and setting the captives free. The grace and anointing of God that is upon the Church is the ridiculous favour that takes God's people beyond the boundaries of the natural realm into the supernatural possibilities of God's otherness! You can listen to the message here.

The following week, Elizabeth shared a powerful message on the unity of God. She showed us how God wants to reveal the unity of the God-head through the Church as God's people receive revelation of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit - one God but three Persons. God's unity is manifested through the Church as His people live in unity and keep the unity through the bond of peace (Eph 4:3). Elizabeth shared how God's power is manifested through the spirit of reconciliation and unity within the Body and urged us to ensure that our relationships are in order and to live in the unity Christ purchased with His blood. You can listen to Elizabeth's message here.

On Sunday Richard spoke to us about Running the Race. Having completed the Frankfurt Marathon the previous weekend, Richard compared his preparation for the race and his experience of the marathon to the believer's journey with God and the race we are called to run. The apostle Paul writes that physical training is of some value but that spiritual training is very important (1 Tim 4:7,8). Richard then showed us some of the principles that apply both to physical training and spiritual training and what is required to run the race well. You can listen to the message here.

Unconditional commitment: anyone who decides to run a marathon or follow Jesus must first count the cost and then make an unconditional commitment to complete the race. Only then will the runner be willing to identify with what he or she is planning to do and the believer be willing to identify him or herself with Jesus. Our identification with something or someone is in direct proportion to the degree we are committed to that thing or person! 

Support: in order to keep going and not give up, the runner and the believer need people behind them who encourage, support and believe in them. The Holy Spirit runs alongside the believer to do just that whilst Jesus lives to intercede for the believer to keep him or her blameless to the end.

Focus: keeping one's eye on the goal is essential for both the runner and the believer. The runner must stay focused by being mindful of where s/he is headed and how s/he will get there. Likewise the believer must fix his or her mind on things above and train himself or herself in God-consciousness by reading the Bible, prayer, worship and meditating on the things of God. When the believer loses focus, s/he can become spiritually lazy!

Discipline: without discipline the runner or the believer will not be able to run the race well. Discipline is the outworking of one's unconditional commitment that is not dependent on circumstances or feelings. Discipline is the submission of one's will to sow proper seed (Gal 6:7-10).

Perseverance: the runner and the believer must learn to push through hardship in order to create a greater capacity to run better and for more of God. Perseverance is about patiently enduring hardship and continuing despite difficult circumstances. God commends those who persevere by faith because they see Him who is invisible and look forward to their final reward (see Hebrews 11).

Enjoyment: there is great joy in overcoming obstacles and beating one's own personal records. The small victories create joy and hope for even greater victories. Likewise, the believer can rejoice whenever he or she faces temptation and trials because s/he can overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit and enjoy the small victories in life (see James 1:2-4)!

Motivation: training for a marathon is hard work and requires continuous motivation. Reading the success stories of other runners, enjoying the small victories, keeping one's mind on the goal and receiving encouragement from others helps one stay motivated. As believers, we can stay motivated in the same way, by reading the testimonies of the saints, both in the past and the present, by enjoying the small victories over sin and temptation, by staying focused and by being encouraged by other believers.

These past two weeks, David and Alexander visited the Father's House in Cape Town, previously led by Richard Maybery, to connect with the church and establish what God's will is for our two churches in the future. As part of the apostolic call upon Kingdom Life, we recognise that God has orchestrated key relationships and connections with leaders, churches and ministries across the globe that the Father is using to further His Kingdom.

Our office space in Bockenheim is taking shape as we are now renting more space and renovating the rooms for our purposes. Having a meeting place centrally located at the heart of Frankfurt is a significant step for us as a church to increasingly influence the city with God's presence and Kingdom.

Upcoming events

04.11. KLF Prayer Meeting at Leipzigerstr.60

14 & 15.11 KLF Revival Meetings at Salzschlirferstr.15  
21.12. Christmas Musical

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