Tuesday 11 November 2014

Kingdom Relationships

 Image courtesy of bplanet at freedigitalphotos.net

Glory to God!

As an apostolic people, sent to birth and establish God's Kingdom wherever we are, Kingdom Life Frankfurt seeks to be a Kingdom influence locally, nationally and internationally. For this purpose God has connected us through significant relationships with other churches and ministries to colabour together to further His Kingdom. One of these significant relationships has been with Dr Richard Maybery, who was senior pastor of The Father's House Christian Fellowship in Cape Town, South Africa before his untimely death in June. In order to strengthen our relationship with FHCF and to explore God's purpose in connecting us with them, David and Alexander spent two weeks in Cape Town, serving the church in her various ministries and being part of the Father's House church life. On Sunday, Alexander gave a brief report about their trip and what God did in the two weeks they were there. We are excited to be part of the apostolic networking that was part of Richard Maybery's vision to see the nations touched with the Father's love and God's Kingdom birthed and established internationally.

Looking at Romans 8:28-39, David then shared a message on Reconciliation and showed us how God is able to redeem and reconcile any broken relationship. In response to God's Word many came forward for prayer and were ministered to. You can listen to David's message here.

This weekend we will have two special evenings entitled, Time for Revival - a time to seek God together, to worship, to pray and to learn the true meaning of revival. The meetings will take place in Salzschlirferstr.15 and begin at 19:30 on Friday and 19:00 on Saturday.
Upcoming events

14.11. (19:30) & 15.11. (19:00): KLF Revival Meetings at Salzschlirferstr.15
29.11. (11:00 - 17:00) Open House at Leipzigerstr.60
21.12. Christmas Musical

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