Monday 5 November 2018

Building God's House

Glory to God!

God is building His house! In his message entitled, "Living Bethels for God," Alexander spoke to us a couple of Sundays ago about Jacob's encounter with the Lord in Genesis 28:10-19. Looking at the account, Alexander showed us how God is building His house, the Church, to be a house of prayer, a house of encounter, a house of God's presence, a house of worship under an open heaven, a house established upon God's Word and a house that attracts angelic activity.

We are on an exciting journey of discovering our identity in Christ as God's house, His people, the Church, and what that means for each of us in our daily lives. As identity determines responsibility, we are seeing what God expects of us as we understand who He has created us to be in Christ!

As a growing church we are faced with the challenge of building community with a people from many different nationalities, cultures, backgrounds, and walks in life that congregate on a Sunday from far and near. In order to facilitate growth, connectivity, care, fellowship, use of gifts, strengthening of relationships, spiritual growth, discipleship, etc. we believe our people need to meet together in small groups during the week. For this purpose we are emphasising and establishing Life Groups across Frankfurt and surrounding region where people meet at someone's home in groups of 10 -15 people to encourage one another, care for one another, worship and pray together and explore God's Word together.  Life Groups are a wonderful way to become a significant part of the church and the fulfillment of God's vision for His people.

In order to give our people a taste of what Life Groups are like, we decided to surprise the church and have the entire worship service in the coffee area at KLF. We arranged the tables and chairs for people to sit in groups of 8 people; Antje and Cyrus led the worship as we sang from prepared song sheets, Richard shared a message, translated by Vicky and had sheets prepared for everyone to take notes. Every table was led by a table host who then led a time for discussion with questions relating to the sermon that was then followed by sharing the Lord's Supper together around each table. Alexander then wrapped everything up, explaining the importance of Life Groups and why we decided to surprise the church with a different form of meeting. Everyone was positively surprised and enjoyed our unusual church meeting very much.

In his message, entitled, "The Law of Christ," Richard spoke to us about why God expects us to love one another. Richard showed us 10 reasons why believers should love one another:

  1. Jesus commands us to love one another. Jn 13:34
  2. It is God's nature in whose image we are made. 1 Jn 4:8
  3. God loved us first. 1 Jn 4:19
  4. It proves that Jesus came and that the Father loves us. Jn 17:23
  5. It is the fruit of the Gospel - the evidence that we have been united to Christ. Col 1:3-6; Jn 13:35
  6. It assures us of our salvation. 1 Jn 4:16-18
  7. It reveals the fulfilment of God's reconciliatory purposes in Christ. Col 1:19,20
  8. It should be our highest goal. 1 Cor 14:1
  9. It benefits others. Gal 6:2
  10. It leads to maturity in Christ. Eph 4:1-16

As Alexander pointed out, God is shifting KLF from the inner sanctuary into the outer courts and beyond as we seek to reach up, reach in and reach out to fulfill God's vision for the church which is Christ! Hallelujah!


17.11 - Proverbs & Jazz from 19:00 at the Awake Café, Frankfurt
28.11 - KLF Prayer Meeting at 19:30 at Leipziger Str.60 (L60)
01.12 - Connect Café from 15:00 - 17:00 at L60 for the church and newcomers

16.01 - 17.01 - Joint prayer meetings as part of the Allianz Gebetswoche
01.02 - 03.02 - Prophetic Encounter with André Bronkhorst
14.06 - 16.06 - Experiencing the Holy Spirit with Edgar Mayer

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