Monday, 26 November 2018

Dancing with God

Glory to God!

Just as Isaiah received revelation of God's holiness and glory, so the Lord ushered us into His presence as we worshipped Him yesterday. The Holy Spirit seemed to fill the room with His presence and holiness so that we continued in worship that led to approaching God's throne in repentance, commitment, and touching "the train of His robe" (see Isaiah 6:1-8). It was a very powerful time indeed!

The Lord is speaking to us about maturing in Christ. Following on from his sermon last week, Richard shared a message entitled, "Dancing with God." Looking at Galatians 5:16-25, we noted that in order to live in the Spirit and keep in step with Him, the believer must begin with the Spirit to overcome the flesh. Using the example of a couple dancing to demonstrate how God wants us to learn to keep in step with Him, Richard explained the principle of P.D.F. - position, deny and follow. Keeping in step with the Holy Spirit and dancing with Him, requires us to position ourselves in such a way as to be aware of Him; to deny ourselves in order to move with His will and to follow His leading as we trust Him. As we apply PDF to our daily lives, we learn to remain in the Lord and keep in step with Him so that He can lead us even into unknown "dances" or realms where we experience an even greater measure of His glory. Hallelujah!


28.11 - KLF Prayer Meeting 19:30 at Leipziger Str.60 (L60)
01.12 - Connect CafĂ© from 15:00 - 17:00 at L60 for the church and newcomers


16.01 - 17.01 - Joint prayer meetings as part of the Allianz Gebetswoche
01.02 - 03.02 - Prophetic Encounter with AndrĂ© Bronkhorst
14.06 - 16.06 - Experiencing the Holy Spirit with Edgar Mayer

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