Monday 24 May 2010

Foundation Building

Glory to God!

Yesterday the Lord spoke to us about what He is doing with KLF and why He is doing it. Looking at Haggai 1:1-2:19, the Lord showed us that He is rebuilding, restoring and renewing foundations so that we will see a greater glory!

"The future glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house." Haggai 2:9
  • The Lord is aligning our foundations with Christ our Cornerstone. 1 Peter 2:4-6
  • Our relationships are being aligned with Christ, our First Love. Rev. 2:1-4
  • Our identity is being aligned with the truth of who we are in Christ. Mark 1:11
  • Our dependency is being aligned to dependency on God and not ourselves. Mark 14:27-31, 48-51
  • Possessiveness is being exchanged for stewardship as we depend on God as our Provider. Phil. 4:10-13
The Church will only see the greater glory as she dies to self and trusts completely in God and aligns her foundation with the Cornerstone - Christ the Hope of Glory!

We praise God for rebuilding, restoring and renewing us so that we will see and experience the greater glory! Hallelujah!

From the 26 - 29 May the International Kingdom Power Conference will be held at CZF. Find out more about this exciting event here...

Quote of the week:

"What we must realise is that because there is so much self-life in us, the power of God cannot work in us as mightily as He desires. Do you realise that God is longing to double His blessing, to give ten-fold blessing through us? But there is something hindering Him, and that something is nothing but the self-life." Andrew Murray (Absolute Surrender)


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