Praise be to our Lord and King!
This past week Frankfurt was blessed to have a 4 day International Kingdom Power Conference with Bishop F. Wale Oke, Pastor E.A. Adeboye, Pastor Ingolf Ellsell, and Suzette Hattingh. The Lord is mobilising His people to get ready for revival in Germany and many Christians from other countries are sensing that God is doing something extraordinary in Frankfurt and Germany. Hallelujah!
On Sunday Pastor Eddy Dück, senior Pastor of Treffpunkt Leben, spoke to us about counting the cost of following Jesus. Looking at Luke 9:57-62 and Eph. 2:8-10, the Lord showed us how to keep our eyes fixed on the goal of finishing the works He has prepared in advance for His people to do, in His wisdom and power. We were greatly encouraged to make a decision to pursue the work God has given us to do and to trust the Lord to empower us to do it.
We are excited about KLF's relationship to TPLF and the spiritual significance of the unity between these two churches in Frankfurt. We believe that God is establishing the unity He purchased by His blood (see Eph. 2:14-22) so that the Church in Frankfurt and Germany will rise up and demonstrate God's wisdom, love and power not only to the world but also to the "rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Eph. 3:10-12). Our unity and desire to build God's Kingdom in Frankfurt together is expressed in various ways but in particular by our sharing office space, having joint men's prayer breakfasts and this Summer, on the 28th August, we will have a joint open air celebration in Bockenheim. Glory to God!
Upcoming events and important dates:
6 June: Homeless Mission
27 June: Mike Vickers - Crosswalk launch (Frankfurt - Berlin)
4 July: KLF meets at Baptist church in Eschersheim
31 July - 7 Aug: Faith Camp (click here for more info...)
10 - 13 Aug: Arts Festival (click here for more info...)
15 Aug: KLF meets at Baptist church in Eschersheim
28 Aug. : Summer celebration with TPLF in Bockenheim
Quote of the week:
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10
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