Glory to God!
As the Lord continues to rebuild, restore and renew us, He is teaching us to be rooted in Him and to live in Him. Yesterday He spoke to us from Colossians 2:6,7 and showed us how, just as the believer received Christ by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8,9) so s/he is to continue to live in Christ by grace through faith. God's grace is given both for salvation and growth in Him. The believer must learn to live from this abundant grace that continuously proceeds from Jesus (John 1:16,17). Faith is dependence on God and it is as the believer depends on the Lord for salvation and growth that s/he will overflow with thankfulness (Col. 2:7).
The reason many believers don't grow is because they are not rooted in Christ, being either ignorant of God's truth, or they don't believe the truth or they are rooted in self, thereby setting aside the grace of God (Gal. 2:20,21)! Those who are rooted in Christ depend on His grace for life and godliness and are strengthened daily by His grace (2 Tim. 2:1; Heb. 13:9).
"It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace" Heb. 13:9
Last week we moved into our new office in Frankfurt-Bockenheim. We believe this is a significant step for KLF to influence this city as we are planted and rooted in the centre of Frankfurt. We are excited about sharing the building with TPLF church. God is bringing His people together to establish His Kingdom on earth! Hallelujah!
Yesterday we had another opportunity to minister to the homeless and needy in Frankfurt at our monthly soup kitchen. Around 60 - 80 people attend and are touched with the presence and love of God as they receive spiritual and physical nourishment. We praise God for the lives He is touching through us.
Upcoming events and important dates:
27 June: Mike Vickers - Crosswalk launch (Frankfurt - Berlin)
4 July: KLF meets at Baptist church in Eschersheim
31 July - 7 Aug: Faith Camp (click here for more info...)
10 - 13 Aug: Arts Festival (click here for more info...)
15 Aug: KLF meets at Baptist church in Eschersheim
28 Aug. : Summer celebration with TPLF in Bockenheim
Quote of the week:
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Col. 2:6,7
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