Glory to God!
Yesterday was very special as the Lord invited us to have fellowship with Him in worship and Communion. We spent time simply enjoying God's presence, making room for Him to minister to us and realising our union with Him. Hallelujah!
The Lord spoke to us about living in faith and how it relates to living in the fear of the Lord. This is what He showed us:
Yesterday was very special as the Lord invited us to have fellowship with Him in worship and Communion. We spent time simply enjoying God's presence, making room for Him to minister to us and realising our union with Him. Hallelujah!
The Lord spoke to us about living in faith and how it relates to living in the fear of the Lord. This is what He showed us:
- Both living in the fear of the Lord and living in faith are the believer's response to God. Heb. 11:7
- The believer can believe that Jesus exists and is present but still not respond to Him in faith!
- To live in faith is to rely on the presence of Jesus. When the disciples were caught in a storm on the lake and Jesus slept in the boat, they were afraid even though Jesus was with them because the did not have faith and rely on Jesus. Mark 4:35-41
- To live in faith is to respond to the presence of Jesus. The woman who suffered from bleeding was the only one in the crowd that received healing from Jesus because in faith she responded to His presence. Mark 5:24-32
- To live in faith is to revere the presence of Jesus. When Jesus came to His hometown He could not do many miracles because the people became familiar with Him and did not honour and revere Him. Unbelief is opposite to the reverence that comes from faith! Mark 6:1-6
- Paul exhorts the Corinthians to test whether they are in the faith and to see whether their lives are a response to Jesus in them. 2 Cor. 13:5
We praise God for His revelation to us!
On Saturday, Alexander Blair led a one day seminar on Prophecy and many were blessed as they were taught, trained and equipped in the basics of prophecy. We are excited about what God is developing in KLF and for the school of prophecy that He is leading us to start to help the Body of Christ in Frankfurt to have a biblical and spiritual foundation in the prophetic.
Our small team from KLF is presently in India for a two week missionary trip to support and be part of the work and evangelistic meetings that Hermon Living Water Ministries is heading (more info here...). People are being saved and healed as they encounter the presence of God and hear the Good news. One man came to one of the evangelistic meetings dragging himself on his hands in the morning and in the evening he walked on stage! Yesterday the team baptised 126 people who had counted the cost to follow Jesus and decided to live their lives in response to Him! Glory to God!
Quote of the week:
"Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realise that Christ Jesus is in you - unless, of course, you fail the test?" 2 Cor. 13:5
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