These are exciting times! God is reviving the Church to bring an awakening in our city, this country and the nations. The Lord is moving His people out to bring change and to establish His Kingdom rule and reign in every area of their lives. We are seeing God rebuild, restore and renew His people so that they are transformed to be ambassadors for the Kingdom in this world. Yesterday the Lord showed us how the believer must enter the New Life Cycle in order to be transformed and to walk in newness of life. These are the seven stages of the New Life Cycle that God revealed to us from Acts 2:

1. Position.
- The God-fearing Jews from all nations positioned themselves by meeting in Jerusalem to encounter God. Acts 2:5-14
- Likewise the believer must position himself to meet with God. James 4:8
- Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, brought revelation to the people of the fact that the One they crucified is "both Lord and Christ." Acts 2:22-36
- Likewise the believer must position himself to meet with God and expect to receive revelation from God of Himself and of the truth.
- The people who received the revelation as truth were "cut to the heart" and convicted.
- The Spirit and the Word enlighten our hearts and our minds with the truth to expose what is not in line with the truth. John 16:13; Heb. 4:12
- When the believer receives revelation as truth, it will expose sin and deception in his life.
- Those who received revelation as truth and were "cut to the heart" agreed with the Holy Spirit and consequently asked Peter, "what shall we do?" Acts 2:37
- Confession is agreement with the Holy Spirit that what we have believed, or thought or done is not in line with God's will or the truth.
- Peter told the people to repent. Acts 2:38
- To repent is to change one's mind according to the truth and consequently change one's actions.
- When the believer agrees with the Holy Spirit (confession) he must surrender his old attitude, thoughts and ways to make room for God to replace the old with the new.
- The old and cannot accompany the new. Mt 9:17
- Repentance is surrendering the old to embrace the new.
- Peter told the people to repent and to be baptised. Acts 2:38
- Baptism symbolises the believer's crucifying the old to be raised into the new. Rom. 6
- When the believer surrenders the old (repentance), God replaces it with the new. Is. 61:1-3; 2 Cor. 5:17
- The promise of God is that once the believer exchanges the old for the new, he will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
- When the believer repents (surrender) and is baptised (exchange), he can walk in newness of life and in the truth that has replaced the sin and deception of the old.
- The believer is transformed by the renewing of his mind so that he can walk in the truth and in fullness of life. Rom. 12:2
In order for the believer to walk in the "new way of the Spirit" (Rom. 7:6) and the new life (2 Cor. 5:17), he must follow through every one of the seven steps or he will not grow in Christ. Those who follow through the seven steps of the New Life Cycle learn to walk in fullness of life. Hallelujah!
We praise God for His amazing revelation to us to help us to walk the abundant life.
Quote of the week:
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10
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