Monday 5 April 2010

He is Risen!

Praise be to our victorious King!

Yesterday we had a great time celebrating the most significant event of all time - Christ's death, buriel and resurrection! Both the cross and the grave are empty but heaven is filled with Christ's glory! Hallelujah!

The Lord spoke to us about "letting go to gain."

  1. Jesus let go to gain by not holding on to His exalted position but humbling Himself as a servant even to the point of death on the cross so that He could gain life for all mankind. See Philippians 2:4-11.
  2. Jesus taught His disciples the same principle when He told them that unless they let go of their self-life they would not gain eternal life. See Matthew 16:24-26
  3. The apostle Paul practised the same principle and describes his attitude toward what he let go of as "dung" compared to what he gained in Christ. See Philippians 3:3-11
  4. God honours those who let go of self to gain the Kingdom! See John 12:25,26

The more we let go of our self-life,
the more we will gain Christ's life!

Quote of the week:

"...I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him..." Philippians 3:8,9


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