Glory to God!
These are exciting times! The Lord has given us a wonderful vision for 2010 and yesterday He showed us what a vision is; what one does with a God-given vision; what God's vision is for KLF and how we are to respond to His vision for us. This is what He showed us:
What is a vision?
- A vision is a God-given promise that is a revelation of His heart.
- To truly understand God's vision for His people, believers must have a revelation of God's heart - not only understanding what God wants to do but also why He wants to do it!
- God's Word to us is always a revelation of His motivation.
- Jesus is the revelation of the Father's love so that man would know God's heart and ways and not only His works. John 3:16; Heb. 3:9,10
What does one do with a God-given vision?
- God's people take hold of the vision. Joshua 1:1-5; Heb. 12:2; Phil. 3:12
- God's people count the cost and the conditions for the vision to be fulfilled. Joshua 1:6-9
- God's people prepare themselves. Joshua 1:10,11
- God's people devote themselves. Joshua 1:12-18
- God's people scout the land and face the facts. Joshua 2:1; Rom. 4:19,20
- God's people cross over with God's presence. Joshua 3:1-4
- God's people watch God's vision unfold. Joshua 6:15,16,20
What is God's vision for KLF this year?
- Isaiah 61 and Acts 2:42-47. Rebuild. Restore. Renew.
- God wants to make us whole to bring wholeness to others for His glory.
- Isaiah 61:3 is the vision: To be "a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendour."
- For the vision to be fulfilled, God has given us Acts 2:42-47 so that as He rebuilds, restores and renews us, we become rebuilders, restorers and renewers as we devote ourselves to the Word, fellowship, communion, prayer and the sharing of our lives with one another.
Rebuild. Restore. Renew.
How are we to respond to God's vision for us?
- We need to take hold of it
- We need to count the cost
- We need to get ready
- We need to devote ourselves
- We need to scout the land
- We need to cross over
- We will see the vision unfold

We praise God for His awesome Word to us that is the vision He has for us this year. As we apply God's Word to us we will see the vision realised! Hallelujah! Since God is going to rebuild, restore and renew us individually and corporately we will be focusing on "Body building" by offering new Life Groups for people to connect with one another as well as seminars and events that will help us grow together for God's purposes and glory.
This Saturday KLF's worship team will be supporting another exciting Arise Shine meeting with Suzette Hattingh and Gayle Claxton of Voice in the City.
Quote of the week:
"They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendour." Isaiah 61:3
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